Statement by Senator Kerry on the Crisis in Darfur

Statement by Senator Kerry on the Crisis in Darfur

06-08-2004, 04:45 AM


Post: #1
Title: Statement by Senator Kerry on the Crisis in Darfur
Author: Deng
Date: 06-08-2004, 04:45 AM
Parent: #0

Statement by Senator Kerry on the Crisis in Darfur

WASHINGTON, Jun 7, 2004 (U.S. Newswire) -- Senator John Kerry released the following statement today on the crisis in Darfur: "The world did not act in Rwanda, to our eternal shame. Now we are at another crisis point this time in Sudan. The Sudan`s western Darfur region demands the world`s immediate attention and action. Rampages against defenseless civilians by government- sponsored militia have caused the deaths of an estimated 30,000 people, and more than one million have been made homeless. The Administrator of the US Agency for International Development estimated last week that at least 300,000 more will die and up to one million could die if the Sudanese government continues to terrorize civilians and impede humanitarian access. The United Nations and human rights experts agree that the government of Sudan is committing crimes against humanity and that the risk of genocide is real.

"I believe that the United States and the international community must act immediately to apply effective pressure on the Government of Sudan to rein in its militia proxies and to immediately provide unrestricted access for humanitarian aid and aid workers. We must also act swiftly to initiate negotiations aimed at securing a political settlement to the conflict. And because there is no guarantee that the Sudanese government will relent, we must also start planning now for the possibility that the international community, acting through the United Nations, will be forced to intervene urgently to save the lives of the innocent.

"The United States, working with the governments of the region and our allies in the United Kingdom and Norway has recently made significant progress towards a final peace agreement between the Sudanese government and its southern opposition. While this is a welcome development, the peace agreement will be fundamentally compromised if the world stands by while the government threatens the lives and livelihoods of other citizens of Sudan."

CONTACT: Allison Dobson of John Kerry for President, 202-464-280

Post: #2
Title: Re: Statement by Senator Kerry on the Crisis in Darfur
Author: Muhib
Date: 06-09-2004, 11:25 AM
Parent: #1

شكرا لنقل _ رؤيه _ جون كيري_ استاذ دينق
لقد قال الرجل الحقيقه الماثله في ارض الغرب السوداني _ اقليم دارفور _ ويتوجب التحرك من اجل مد يد العون . في ظني _ علينا التركيز بتحريك الرائ العام العالمي بفعل شئ لايقاف النزيف الانساني في دارفور _ لان من الواضح ان حكومه السودان لا تكترث بالمره_ لزا الضغط الخارجي مطلوب_

Post: #3
Title: Re: Statement by Senator Kerry on the Crisis in Darfur
Author: Tumadir
Date: 06-09-2004, 11:43 AM
Parent: #2

ضربت ليه يا دينق..سكرتيرته قالت حيرجع لى بعدين..

شكرا..على المقال

Post: #4
Title: Re: Statement by Senator Kerry on the Crisis in Darfur
Author: نجلاء التوم
Date: 06-09-2004, 01:11 PM
Parent: #1

. Thank you for this significant piece of information .The American political scene has become , someway or another, the master " Shot" in the international theater , we need to generate many sufficient techniques to maintain good knowledge of it. What is terrible about this issue is that the crimes in Darfour are partially concealed from the layman in Sudan , specially in the capital Khartoum ,while thousands of children are suffering a disastrous condition , many citizens believe that “ everything is quiet in the western front” . The words of the Senator hold so many serious further complications, he explicitly refer to an urgent intervene through United nations, I wonder if we are going on the same track of the Iraqi crisis ?

Post: #5
Title: Re: Statement by Senator Kerry on the Crisis in Darfur
Author: Adil Osman
Date: 06-09-2004, 01:38 PM
Parent: #1

بدأ الاطفال فى دارفور يموتون من الجوع والعطش والمرض. انظر أحدث تقرير من البى بى سى من هناك، من دارفور.
يجب أن يتدخل المجتمع الدولى لمنع حدوث كارثة مأساوية يموت فيها الملايين من السودانيين اللذين هربوا من الموت بالرصاص والقصف الجوى، الى جحيم النزوح واللجوء.
يجب عمل شيء الآن!

Post: #6
Title: Re: Statement by Senator Kerry on the Crisis in Darfur
Author: Kostawi
Date: 06-10-2004, 06:35 PM
Parent: #5


Post: #7
Title: Re: Statement by Senator Kerry on the Crisis in Darfur
Author: Kostawi
Date: 07-09-2004, 09:55 AM
Parent: #6


Post: #8
Title: Re: Statement by Senator Kerry on the Crisis in Darfur
Author: اميري باراكا
Date: 07-09-2004, 10:21 AM
Parent: #7

شكرا دينق على هذا الخبر

جون كيري ،، كلامو جميل ومنطقي ،، أتمنى أن يسير على هذا المنوال

العزيزة تماضر

وبقية الأخوة في أمريكا

أرجو أن تدعموا هذا الرجل في الحملة والانتخابات بأصواتكم ، فهو رجل طيب حتى هذه اللحظة ..

Post: #9
Title: Re: Statement by Senator Kerry on the Crisis in Darfur
Author: Kobista
Date: 07-09-2004, 10:57 AM
Parent: #1

Thanx Deng..
The whole agreed on Darfour except the Junta's and Janjaweeds
I will repeating ONE DAY they'll admit their crimes,but it will
be tooooooooooooooo late