زميلي الذي اغتالته طالبان

زميلي الذي اغتالته طالبان

06-06-2004, 02:32 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=95&msg=1086528733&rn=11

Post: #1
Title: زميلي الذي اغتالته طالبان
Author: aymen
Date: 06-06-2004, 02:32 PM
Parent: #0

آخر وردية لي في مستشفي حوادث بيرقن حيث اعمل احيانا لزيادة الدخل كانت قبل اسبوع تقريبا. عصرئذٍ سألت الممرضة (سيقني) عن والدها (ايقيل تينيس) الطبيب الذي يعمل في نفس المكان.. سالتها عن اخباره في افغانستان حيث سافر مع منظمة "اطباء بلا حدود".. قالت لي انه اتصل حديثا و أخبرهم انه راجع بعد حوالي الاسبوعين..اخبرتها انني مازحته قبل سفره بان افريقيا أامن من افغانستان.. وقد قال لي حينها اننا ربما سافرنا سويا الي افريقيا في المستقبل..
كان (ايقيل) رجلا متواضعا.. ورغم خبرته ومديد عمره في عالم الطب، الا انه لم يكن يتردد في مناقشتي بخصوص بعض المرضي، خاصة في الاشياء التي لها علاقة بمجالي..مما شجعني علي استشارته في كثير من الاشياء.. حتي ان لم تكن متعلقة بالطب... كان مرحا، محبوبا من الجميع.. وقد سافر كثيرا مع المنظمات الطبية المختلفة الي بلاد عديدة، فقط للمساعدة. سافر الي افغانستان لاعتقاده انه يستطيع خدمة الناس هنالك.
عند بداية الوردية بالامس- وكان خارج البرنامج- لاحظت كثرة الزهور في ممرات المستشفي.. وبعض الشموع..وكروت و قصاصات..بعدها سألت.. وكان الجواب مؤلما.. لقد مات ( ايقيل) في افغانستان قبل ثلاثة ايام..كان في طريقه من العمل الي معسكر السكن بعربة لاندكروزر، عليها علم الصليب الاحمر و علم السلام الابيض.. غير ان ذلك لم ينجيهم- وكانوا خمسة.. اوقفتهم كتبية طالبانية (اعلنت مسؤليتها فيما بعد)..واطلقت النار عليهم.. لم ينجَ منهم احد..
لقد اوفي (ايقيل) بوعده و سيعود الي اسرته..ولكن في نعش

ايمن بشري

Post: #2
Title: Re: زميلي الذي اغتالته طالبان
Author: aymen
Date: 06-08-2004, 03:19 PM
Parent: #1

Doctors Without Borders Shocked by Killing of
5 Staff in Afghanistan
Aid Activities Suspended Nationwide

Kabul/Amsterdam, June 3, 2004 – It is with great sadness that we confirm that five Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) staff were killed yesterday while traveling on the road between Khairkhana and Qala-I-Naw in Badghis province.

Their names, nationalities, and functions are as follows:

Hélène de Beir, Belgian national, Project Coordinator
Willem Kwint, Dutch national, Logistician
Egil Tynaes, Norwegian national, Medical Doctor
Fasil Ahmad, Afghan national, Translator
Besmillah, Afghan national, Driver

They departed from Khairkhana at 1500 hours in a Toyota Landcruiser. Radio contact should have been established at 1545 hours, but this contact was not established. Two cars were sent to check for the vehicle, one departing from Khairkhana, the second from Qala-I-Naw. The vehicle was located at approximately 1720, approximately 25 minutes from Khairkhana in the direction of Qala-I-Naw. Initial reports from local elders suggested a tragedy had occurred. Through the efforts of the local community the vehicle was brought back to the MSF compound in Khairkhana. The vehicle was back in the compound by 1945 hours and the remaining four expatriate team members and our national staff team confirmed the shooting of our five colleagues.

The condition of the vehicle was described as having been shot through the front windscreen, through the front passenger window, and through the back windscreen. There was also shrapnel embedded in the side of the vehicle, indicating a grenade had been detonated.

It is impossible for us to give any further details as we simply don’t know anything more about what happened. Nor do we know who is behind the killings or the motives for it.

We will miss Helene, Pim, Egil, Fasil Ahmad, and Besmillah very much and again extend our heartfelt sympathies to their families and friends.

Today our thoughts are with the families of those killed, but also with the people of Afghanistan whose ability to access healthcare and other humanitarian assistance is becoming increasingly compromised.

In the coming weeks we will analyze this event in depth, but for the moment our priority is to take care of those most affected by this tragedy. For the time being our activities will be suspended nationwide, except for life-saving activities. The expatriate teams of the Dutch section of MSF are currently moving to Kabul and national staff from Khairkhana are being moved to a safe location. They will all remain in these locations for the present time.

MSF has been working in Badghis province since 1999. We have been in Khairkhana since 2001, running an outpatient department. In the first four months of this year we had 6,500 consultations. MSF recently started a tuberculosis treatment program in Khairkhana and currently have 45 patients undergoing treatment for TB and expansion of the number of patients under treatment is in process. Two weeks ago the community and MSF celebrated the opening of a maternal and child health facility.

MSF has been active in Afghanistan since 1980, through the Soviet occupation, civil war, and the Taliban regime. The politicization of aid underway since the fall of the Taliban, condoned by the international community with the tacit acceptance of many non-governmental organizations, has proven dangerous for humanitarian organizations and has undercut Afghan’s access to assistance that is truly needs based. Security has deteriorated and humanitarian agencies have increasingly become targets of attacks aimed against Western presence. At the moment, MSF is working in 12 of the country's provinces. MSF's activities range from primary health care to supporting hospitals. MSF also provides specialized programs such as tuberculosis treatment and mental health projects.

Post: #3
Title: Re: زميلي الذي اغتالته طالبان
Author: aymen
Date: 06-08-2004, 03:21 PM
Parent: #2

Egil Tynaes (62) worked as a senior doctor at the Municipal Outdoor Clinic in Bergen, Norway. During his periods of special leave he frequently used his medical experience to help populations in need in other parts of the world. He worked for MSF in 2002 in Baharak, Afghanistan and later went on to work in Badghis in March 2004, where he worked on a tuberculosis project and trained local medical staff. Egil succeeded like nobody else in making real contact with the Afghan patients. He became very close to the people and managed to gain their confidence. His creative solutions and original ideas to improve the quality of work will be missed dearly. But even more so his warm heart and sensitive nature. Egil leaves behind his wife, five children and five grandchildren.

Post: #4
Title: Re: زميلي الذي اغتالته طالبان
Author: Ayman Gaafar
Date: 06-08-2004, 04:16 PM
Parent: #3

Dearest Aymen
I am really sorry to hear what had happened to your friend, but I think that there are many points we need to raise before blaming Taliban for his murder.
Taliban as I think do consider red cross and doctors without boarders organization as spies i.e. they do have many hidden agendas so their murder is halal.
Most of the people over there are illiterates and have salifi ideologies about Islam .Most of them hate America due you to the over power used by Americans to get them out of the country (B -52 army planes).
Many innocent people has been killed by Americans consequently they don’t differentiate between good and bad foreigners


Post: #5
Title: Re: زميلي الذي اغتالته طالبان
Author: aymen
Date: 06-08-2004, 10:27 PM
Parent: #4

الاخ ايمن
لك الشكر اجزله
بغض النظر عن دوافع طالبان، فقد قتلوا رجلا جاء ليساعد في مجال انساني مدني..
ومهما كانت المبررات، فلا اجد من الومه غيرهم قتله..
علي كل حال هذا الاغتيال لا مبرر له في الاسلام.. واعلم جيدا اصوليتهم، والتي افترض انها تلزمهم باتقيد الاعمي بالنصوص.. و استطيع ايراد العديد منها هنا
علي كل حال اقول
اللهم احمي الاسلام من المسلمين

Post: #6
Title: Re: زميلي الذي اغتالته طالبان
Author: حبيب نورة
Date: 06-08-2004, 10:37 PM
Parent: #5

يا أيمان يا بنت أمي
وديل يسووا ليهم شنو
هسة؟ يجيبوا ليهم أف
ستاشر واللا يمرقوهم
في غوانتانامو؟؟؟؟

Post: #7
Title: Re: زميلي الذي اغتالته طالبان
Author: aymen
Date: 06-09-2004, 01:39 PM
Parent: #6

ايمان دي منو يا حبيب نورة؟
وبعدين ديل ما في حاجة بتنفع معاهم، و افكارهم دي موجودة للاسف حتي في بوردنا دا
خالص التحايا
ايمن بشري

Post: #8
Title: Re: زميلي الذي اغتالته طالبان
Author: Yasir Elsharif
Date: 06-09-2004, 02:46 PM
Parent: #1

عزيزي الدكتور أيمن

قصة حزينة ومحزنة.. أسأل الله أن يرحم الدكتور إيقيل ويحسن إليه في أخراه.. بعض الناس في عالمنا الشرق أوسطي لا يصدقون أن هناك أناسا طيبين مثل الدكتور إيقيل.. طيبين بمعنى الكلمة.. ولكن الشر يعمم فيأخذ المحسن والمسيئ.. نسأل الله أن يزيل الشر والأشرار..

Post: #9
Title: Re: زميلي الذي اغتالته طالبان
Author: degna
Date: 06-09-2004, 03:06 PM
Parent: #8

العزيز الاستاذ ايمن تحية مودة

كم هي قصة مؤثرة وحزينة جدا

نتمني من الله ان يلهم اهله الصبر والسلوان

من لا قلب له ولا مشاعر لا شك لا يشعر بعظمة روح الانسان

وهو صديقك الطيب لا شك انسانا ونحن لموته لحزينون اي ان كانت ملته او عرقه او لونه او ثقافته

علي احمد

Post: #10
Title: Re: زميلي الذي اغتالته طالبان
Author: aymen
Date: 06-09-2004, 10:06 PM
Parent: #9

الاخوان ياسر الشريف و علي احمد (دقنة)..
لكما خالص الشكر
لقد عرفت الرجل جيدا، وقد كان فاضلا و محبوبا ممن عاشرهم
قبل يومين كان هنالك (ساعة وفاء) له بالعمل.. كم كانت المواقف التي حكاها الناس عنه الزملاء عظيمة..
اتمني ان يجازيه الله خيرا علي افعاله الخيرة
ولكما الود

ايمن بشري

Post: #11
Title: Re: زميلي الذي اغتالته طالبان
Author: Tumadir
Date: 06-09-2004, 10:19 PM
Parent: #10

ايمن وضيوفه الاعزاء ارجو ان استاذنكم فى الترويج لهذه الحملة فى مساحتكم المحترمة:

هنالك اقتراح بقيام حملة فى المنتدى ..بتسليط الضوء على ما يقع لاطفال دارفور من جوع وموت..

ارجو ان تمنحوهم قلبا...وموقفا..

الاطفال فى دارفور يموتون من الجوع