اضراب السودانيين بكندا

اضراب السودانيين بكندا

10-27-2005, 03:00 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=80&msg=1130421620&rn=1

Post: #1
Title: اضراب السودانيين بكندا
Author: Mohamed Elgadi
Date: 10-27-2005, 03:00 PM
Parent: #0

For the Third Week, Sudanese workers who are the majority of this Meat plant are continuing bravely their strike for justice and work rights.

Mohamed Elgadi

Tyson Foods has forced thousands of workers into the cold and onto picket lines at the company’s plant in Brooks, Alberta. About 2,300 UFCW Canada Local 401 workers at the Lakeside Packers plant had no other choice but to strike on Cctober 12, 2005, after the company rejected a provincial mediator’s contract agreement, which workers voted 90 percent to accept. Workers are asking for basic human rights and safety protection on the job, but have only been met with violence and racism on the picket line.

These workers, many of them refugees from Sudan and Somalia and immigrants from Nigeria, have been attacked on the picket line and subjected to racist jeers. Three were sent to the hospital after being beaten and left writhing in a ditch beside the road. The Local 401 president was also hospitalized when his car was run off the road by Tyson officials, who have since been charged with dangerous diving.

Tyson’s greed continues to come before the right of workers to have dignity, respect, and safe working conditions on the job.

read more: http://www.ufcw.org/tyson/

Post: #2
Title: Re: اضراب السودانيين بكندا
Author: Mohamed Adam
Date: 10-27-2005, 03:12 PM


Post: #3
Title: Re: اضراب السودانيين بكندا
Author: Kostawi
Date: 10-27-2005, 03:16 PM
Parent: #2

We stand with the Sudanese Workers in Canada and around the globe

Post: #4
Title: Re: اضراب السودانيين بكندا
Author: Tragie Mustafa
Date: 10-27-2005, 03:38 PM
Parent: #3

د. محمد القاضي سلام

واتمنى ان يواصوا صمودهم وينجحوا في تحريك النقابات الكنديه

هذه صيغة الخطاب الذى ارسلته لرئيس حزب الديمقراطيين الجدد

جال ليتون:
Quote: October 23, 2005

Jack Layton, MP

NDP Caucus Services

House of Commons

Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6

Subject: Tyson Foods Violent Attacks On Striking Canadian Workers

Dear Jack Layton:

I am writing this letter to direct your attention to the tragic situation of our Canadian workers at Tyson cattle slaughterhouse and processing plant in Brooks, Alberta, the majority of whom are originally Sudanese and Somali nationals, asking for your support to their legitimate rights.

More than 2,300 workers at a Tyson cattle slaughterhouse and processing plant in Brooks, Alberta have been forced to strike after U.S. based Tyson Foods threw out a proposal by a mediator appointed by the Alberta government to facilitate a first-contract agreement.

Three striking Sudanese workers, who escaped brutal repression in their own country by coming to work in the relative safety of a Canadian slaughterhouse, were taunted with racial jeers, beaten with metal pipes and left in a ditch near the plant. UFCW Local 401 President, Doug O’Halloran was hospitalized after his SUV was run off the road by three vehicles. Tyson managers have been charged with criminal activity in both incidents.

While Canadian law enforcement investigates the two violent incidents,

We urge you to support the workers demands in:

Tyson Foods should immediately take action to prevent further injury to workers and supporters

It should take action against any management employees who are instigating and carrying out dangerous attacks on striking workers.

It should start by coming back to the table and negotiate a contract that provides a safer working environment for its employees and compensates them fairly for the job they do for it. Thanks

Sincerely, Yours

Tragi Mustafa

Sudanese activist in Hamilton, ON

ولم اتلقى ردا بعد.

وسانشر الرد لكم لو تلقيته.


Post: #5
Title: Re: اضراب السودانيين بكندا
Author: Mohamed Elgadi
Date: 10-27-2005, 04:39 PM
Parent: #4

Thanks Ya Munadila (and Kostawi, too)... I appreciate sharing your letter with the trade union UFCW and here is the email address of the progressive unionist Mr. Gene Bruskin, who's following this here in the US
[email protected]

In solidarity

Mohamed Elgadi

Post: #6
Title: Re: اضراب السودانيين بكندا
Author: Mohamed Elgadi
Date: 10-29-2005, 08:02 PM
Parent: #3


Two members of the Darfur Alert Coalition expressed their wish to work with other Sudanese orgs and groups to issue a Press Release next week in solidarity of the strike.
Could you help in coordinating any efforts in DC? I could do this here in Philly.
Let me know


Mohamed Elgadi

Post: #7
Title: Re: اضراب السودانيين بكندا
Author: Tragie Mustafa
Date: 10-31-2005, 04:04 PM
Parent: #3


Post: #8
Title: Re: اضراب السودانيين بكندا
Author: Mohamed Elgadi
Date: 10-31-2005, 04:40 PM
Parent: #7

Thanks a lot and keep the good work
Mohamed Elgadi

Tyson Foods has forced thousands of workers into the cold and onto picket lines at the company’s plant in Brooks, Alberta. About 2,300 UFCW Canada Local 401 workers at the Lakeside Packers plant had no other choice but to strike on October 12, 2005, after the company rejected a provincial mediator’s contract agreement. Workers are asking for basic human rights and safety protection on the job, but have only been met with violence and racism on the picket line.

read more:

Post: #9
Title: Re: اضراب السودانيين بكندا
Author: Tragie Mustafa
Date: 11-02-2005, 12:08 PM
Parent: #8

