Leading Sudanese human rights group targeted by government

Leading Sudanese human rights group targeted by government

10-09-2005, 10:53 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=80&msg=1128894814&rn=0

Post: #1
Title: Leading Sudanese human rights group targeted by government
Author: Kostawi
Date: 10-09-2005, 10:53 PM

Leading Sudanese human rights group targeted by government

AI Index: AFR 54/160/2005
6 October 2005

Amnesty International has learnt today that the Sudanese Government has launched legal proceedings against one of the country's leading human rights groups Sudan Organisation Against Torture (SOAT) in apparent attempt to silence the organisation.

According to local press reports, Sudan's Bureau of Crimes Against the State began proceedings against SOAT for spreading false information at the end of August but did not inform the organisation. If found guilty, members of the organisation could face more than 5 years in prison.

"The Government seems intent upon silencing an organization which has done so much to raise awareness of the human rights situation in Sudan," said Kolawole Olaniyan, Director of Amnesty International's Africa programme. "This latest development must be seen in the wider context of continued harassment of and attacks on human rights activists in Sudan as well as severe restrictions on freedom of __expression, association and assembly."

SOAT, which has offices in Sudan and the UK as well members worldwide, is being charged under articles 59 (Disclosure of Military Information), 66 (Propagation of False news), 69 (Breach of Public Peace), 77 (Public Nuisance) of the 1991 Sudanese Penal Code.

The charges came after the publication of a press release by the organisation on the arrests that took place during riots on 1-3 August. The riots occurred in Khartoum and other major southern cities such as Juba and Malakal following the death of First Vice President Dr John Garang de Mabior in a helicopter crash.


Sudan Organisation Against Torture (SOAT) is an independent non-governmental human rights organisation. established in 1993 working in Sudan and UK and has members worldwide. SOAT primary objective is preventing torture and challenging impunity.

SOAT works to rehabilitate Sudanese survivors of torture; provides legal assistance to survivors and individuals threatened with inhumane and degrading punishments; human rights education; researches, documents and campaigns against human rights abuses in Sudan on a national and international level.

Post: #2
Title: Re: Leading Sudanese human rights group targeted by government
Author: Asim Sharief
Date: 10-09-2005, 11:19 PM
Parent: #1

العزيز نصر هجام


فيما يبدو ان الجبهة الاسلامية لا تستطيع العيش تحت الانوار التى تكشف عوراتها؟وهذا ما لاشك فيه..

اشهار سلاح المحاكمة تحت قوانين ما يسمى(بالجرائم الموجهة نحو الدولة)مجددا..يفشى عن الطبيعة الفاشية للنظام..

ولكن يجب ان يعلموا ان منظمات المجتمع المدنى ما عادت مجرد ديكورات للانظمة الحاكمة..

على غرار الاتحاد الاشتراكى ومنظمة شباب الوطن ومنظمة الشهيد وغيرها من المؤسسات الكرتونية للنظام..

عليه اقترح تنظيم حملة من خلال المنبر للتضامن والمؤازرة مع الاخوة فى(soat)..

للوقوف ضد هذا المخطط الذى يستهدف هؤلاء النشطاء وهذه المؤسسة العظيمة ..والتى كان لها الفضل فى توثيق جرائم النظام..وكشفه وتعريته للراى العم العالمى..مما دفع بمنظمات الامم المتحدة باتخاذ اجراءات سريعة لوقف ممارسات النظام البشعة تجاه الشعب السودانى..

خاصة وان بالمنبر اعضاء ينتمون لتلك المجموعة(soat)>>
1- الاستاذ اسماعيل التاج
2-الاستاذ عز الدين عثمان
3-الاستاذ على عجب


مع فائق ودى


Post: #3
Title: Re: Leading Sudanese human rights group targeted by government
Author: Kostawi
Date: 10-10-2005, 09:13 AM
Parent: #2

العزيز عاصم

أثني إقتراحك.
لقد لعبت SOAT دورا بارزا بكشف الكثير من الإ نتهاكات الإنسانية من قبل هذا النظام المشئوم و غيره.

فلنقف مع SOAT و تشجيعها لمواصلة عملها الإنساني.
