looking for space medicine doctors in Sudan

looking for space medicine doctors in Sudan

10-05-2005, 03:50 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=80&msg=1128523835&rn=8

Post: #1
Title: looking for space medicine doctors in Sudan
Author: bakri
Date: 10-05-2005, 03:50 PM
Parent: #0

Good day Bakri,

Salam Alikom Bakri, and Ramadan Kareem. I'm doing a research about the aviation safety, in specific about the role of the space medicine in the aviation safety. I'm using Sudan as sample (Sudan Airways, and the Air force), I need to know the following info:

1\ If there is space medicine doctors in Sudan?

2\ If there is, do they work with the air force pilots only or with companies like Sudan air etc..?

3\ How long is this specialization being introduced to Sudan, and what is the added value of having space medicine doctors so far..?

4\ I came across one doctor name " Dr. Gafar Mohamed Hamed, a military doctor" believed to be the first doctor to specialized in this field, can anyone confirm this info, and if there is anyway, can get hold of him, by phone or email..etc

Probably this can be answered by medical doctors or people in the aviation business or air force pilots too.

Brother Bakri, I need your help in this matter by posting this in your board if you don't mind since it very hard to get such info from any government agency in Sudan, I think the people there are very resourceful, and will definitely be helpful in providing me with good information about my research.

Thank you in advance, and my regards to all.

Mohamed Omar Salem

Post: #2
Title: Re: looking for space medicine doctors in Sudan
Author: Kostawi
Date: 10-05-2005, 04:25 PM
Parent: #1

"particularly concerned about the use of the suit in tropical climates, Stubbs and his colleagues" tested it in a bomber flying out of Khartoum, Sudan. It was so hot that the plane couldn’t take off during the day because its jet engines needed cooler air; in fact, it could barely taxi. Stubbs noted that these tests demonstrated that ventilation suits were needed even on the ground, as temperatures could reach nearly 60˚C. He added that the plane was always welcomed by ground crews at the bases it visited because, after flying at 52,000 feet, it was nicely chilled. "They wanted to climb inside a cold airplane, so we got great treatment."

Exerted from this source


Post: #3
Title: Re: looking for space medicine doctors in Sudan
Author: Mohamed Omar Salem
Date: 10-06-2005, 07:31 PM
Parent: #2

Salam Alikom,

Thank you very much Brother Bakri for the membership, and really appreciate your effort in this matter. As I mentioned to Bakri, I'm looking for some answers about the space medicine in Sudan, since am doing a research about that.

1\ I need to know if there is a Sudanese person representing Sudan at IATA in Montreal?

2\ Also how often Sudanese pilots (Civilians and Air force pilots) get their medical check, and is that by space medicine doctor or just a general doctor?

Thanks again for all the help and my regards to all.

Mohamed Omar Salem

Post: #4
Title: Re: looking for space medicine doctors in Sudan
Author: Adil Osman
Date: 10-07-2005, 06:30 AM
Parent: #1

الاخ سالم.. تحية طيبة.
بحثت فى الانترنيت فوجدت المعلومة التالية:
د. أحمد حسب الرسول
متخصص فى طب الطيران
مركز كوقلى الطبى
شارع السيد عبد الرحمن
صندوق بريد 2506
772213 187 249

أرجو ان تكون معلومة مفيدة..

Post: #5
Title: Re: looking for space medicine doctors in Sudan
Author: Mohamed Omar Salem
Date: 10-07-2005, 08:57 AM
Parent: #4

الاخ عادل السلام عليكم,شكرا جزيلا للمساعده و انشاء الله ما نعدمك, هذا بحث شيق و لسوء الحظ قرروا كلو واحد يكتب عن بلدوا......و انت عارف توفر المعلومه في السودان إذا وجدت صحيحه....

لك الشكر و الٌٌُُُعرفان َِِ

Post: #6
Title: Re: looking for space medicine doctors in Sudan
Author: munswor almophtah
Date: 10-07-2005, 12:06 PM
Parent: #5

الاخ محمد عمر سالم لك التحايا والأمانى ورمضان كريم هذا الدكتور Gafar Mohamed Hamed, توفى إلى رحمة مولاه ربنا يوسع نزله ويبعثه مع الشهداء والصديقين وحسن أولئك رفيقا...إبن عمه وصهره خال أبنائه ألباشمهندس حالد الخضر المقيم بأتوا طلب منى أن أوضح تلك المعلومه أما أحمد حسب الرسول الجموعى المتصوف السمانى الطريقه يمكن أن يحل لك بعض ما تحتاج أو كله فهو أستاذ فى جامعة الخرطوم وله عياده قرب مستشفى الخرطوم..........


Post: #7
Title: Re: looking for space medicine doctors in Sudan
Author: Mohamed Omar Salem
Date: 10-07-2005, 03:20 PM
Parent: #6

الأخ منصور شكرا للإيضاح و رحم الله الدكتور جعفر محمد حامد و ادخله فسيح جناته. لقد عرفت اخيرا إنه من شرق الجزيرة و هو من اهالي رفاعه و عمل اخيرا في وزارة الصحه السعوديه. له المغفره و تبقي في الختام الذكره العطره.

Post: #8
Title: Re: looking for space medicine doctors in Sudan
Author: Summanism
Date: 10-09-2005, 06:44 PM
Parent: #7

Post: #9
Title: Re: looking for space medicine doctors in Sudan
Author: Summanism
Date: 10-10-2005, 10:57 PM

Post: #10
Title: Re: looking for space medicine doctors in Sudan
Author: Mohamed Omar Salem
Date: 10-16-2005, 09:10 PM
Parent: #9

السلام عليكم يا د. غانم و رمضان كريم. أخى الفاضل لك إعتزارى لعدم الرد فى الوقت المناسب نسبة لظروف إبنتى الصحيه و هى ما زالت طريحة الفراش, ارجوا لدعاء لها. د. نزار المعلومه عن الخطوط السودانيه مفيده و لكن ما هو حال طيارى سلاح الطيران و الشركات الخاصه.؟

اخى لك شكرى وإحترامى و تقديرى يا صاحب العرضه اليمنيه

Post: #11
Title: Re: looking for space medicine doctors in Sudan
Author: Ibrahim Adlan
Date: 10-16-2005, 09:30 PM
Parent: #1

حسب مقرارات اتفاقية شيكاغو و ملحقها الاول وتطبيقا لقانون الاجواء السوداني (sudan air laws) يتعين علي كل حامل طيران او مراقبة جويه او هندسة جويه الخضوع لكشف طبي تخصصي واذكر قبل 1990 ولعدم وجود طبيب جوي متخصص استعاضت هيئة الـطيران المدني بمجموعة اطباء في مختلف التخصصات علي ان تكون التوصية الأخيرة لطبيب واحد واذكر من الاطباء د.ابوالقاسم الهادي اخصائي الاذن والانف و الحنجره ود .سمير احمد ابارو اخصائي باطنيه و د.احمد حسب الرسول اخصائي القلب و د. سيده الدرديري باطنيه وقلب ود.معتصم اللبيب اخصائي الطب النفسي اما اختبارات الG .FORCE فلم تجري الا علي طياري سلاح الطيران بالسلاح الطبي