المـــرأه الحــديــقه

المـــرأه الحــديــقه

08-30-2005, 10:10 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=80&msg=1125393036&rn=13

Post: #1
Title: المـــرأه الحــديــقه
Author: hala alahmadi
Date: 08-30-2005, 10:10 AM
Parent: #0

نــدي عــلي

Post: #2
Title: Re: المـــرأه الحــديــقه
Author: hala alahmadi
Date: 08-30-2005, 10:18 AM
Parent: #1

Nada; I am not a poet; neither am I at the right place at the moment

So apologies my dear

this just in a tribute to you

with love

Post: #3
Title: Re: المـــرأه الحــديــقه
Author: خدر
Date: 08-30-2005, 10:20 AM
Parent: #2

هالة ...
تتخيلي .. سبقتيني

كنت عاوز اسأل من ندي

ندي ..
وينكـ مسجلة غياب انشاء الله خير

Post: #4
Title: Re: المـــرأه الحــديــقه
Author: Tragie Mustafa
Date: 08-30-2005, 10:40 AM
Parent: #3




والتجله للرائعه ندي

وندي اكيد غاطسه في مؤتمر ولا ورشة عمل.

اصلها باين ما بتعرف تقعد ساي.

وحقيقي نحن ننتمي لبلد لسه نسبة المتعلمين لم تتجاوز ال 30%

ومنها اكيد نسبة النساء لا تتجاوز ال 5%

يبقي كيف اي وحده مهمومه بقضايا المرأه و السودان عموما تقدر تقعد ساي؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

وانت يا هاله ايضا واحده منهن

(من المهمومات بالوطن)

تحياتي لكم جميعا الا ان نقرأ عن ندي


Post: #6
Title: Re: المـــرأه الحــديــقه
Author: hala alahmadi
Date: 08-30-2005, 11:49 AM
Parent: #4

Quote: وندي اكيد غاطسه في مؤتمر ولا ورشة عمل.

اصلها باين ما بتعرف تقعد ساي.

Dear Tragie

Nada is a restless fighter; a genuine believer in all what concerns gender issues
and the marginalized in Sudan

والتجله للرائعه ندي

indeed it should be

my regards to you

Post: #5
Title: Re: المـــرأه الحــديــقه
Author: hala alahmadi
Date: 08-30-2005, 10:43 AM
Parent: #3

Salam Khidir

Nada is a woman whose heart embraces the million square of Sudan. She is a woman that we are proud of

Post: #7
Title: Re: المـــرأه الحــديــقه
Author: Nour Kamil
Date: 08-30-2005, 02:04 PM
Parent: #1

الغاليه هاله

انا جيت البورد ده قايبه مكاوا لي ناصر ( المراءه الطماطم )

فعلا وين ندي


Post: #15
Title: Re: المـــرأه الحــديــقه
Author: nasiradin
Date: 08-31-2005, 00:12 AM
Parent: #7


نور ما تدفر ياخ
مالك أسع جايب سيرتى
انت ما شايف الحفره القدامى دى ياخ

ناصر البطل

Post: #8
Title: Re: المـــرأه الحــديــقه
Author: Adil Osman
Date: 08-30-2005, 02:34 PM
Parent: #1

الاخت هالة الاحمدى. سلام وتقدير.
يبدو انكما التقيتما. ندى وانتى. التقيتما قريبآ. فى فيينا مثلا؟
لو كان ذلك كذلك، يجب ان تحدثينا عن المؤتمر.
مؤتمر المرأة السودانية فى فيينا.
بالطبع كان مفروض يكون هذا المؤتمر فى جوبا، او الخرطوم. او معسكر النازحات فى دارفور. ولكن الظروف معروفة.
المهم. احكى لنا عن ندى وعن القضايا التى كرست ندى وغيرها من النساء حياتهن لها.
احكى وكلنا اذان.

Post: #9
Title: Re: المـــرأه الحــديــقه
Author: nada ali
Date: 08-30-2005, 05:25 PM
Parent: #1


فى شنو يا هالة؟

ما كنا كويسين؟

Post: #10
Title: Re: المـــرأه الحــديــقه
Author: nada ali
Date: 08-30-2005, 05:39 PM
Parent: #1

هالة يا ذات القلب البلورى،

دعينا نتحدث عن كل النساء الحدائق

الموجودات هنا

و هناك ايضا

دعينا نتحاور حول ان قوة الشلال

تكمن فى قطرات الماء الكثيرة

التى تعمل مجتمعة

The struggle continues

Post: #11
Title: Re: المـــرأه الحــديــقه
Author: nada ali
Date: 08-30-2005, 06:19 PM
Parent: #1



"يسأل منك الخير"

انا موجودة حتى اقرأ بوست ابو امنة

تحياتى لبارعة

Marie Sklodowska Curie

Post: #12
Title: Re: المـــرأه الحــديــقه
Author: nada ali
Date: 08-30-2005, 06:39 PM
Parent: #1

و هاهى امرأة حديقة هنا،

الغالية تراجى

لك الشكر


و دمتى شعلة من النشاط و التجرد
فى سبيل قضايانا العادلة

اهديك هذه اللوحة منى و من خالد الذى سافر مساء الامس

Post: #13
Title: Re: المـــرأه الحــديــقه
Author: nada ali
Date: 08-30-2005, 06:43 PM
Parent: #1

و هذه للعزيزة هالة

Post: #14
Title: Re: المـــرأه الحــديــقه
Author: nada ali
Date: 08-30-2005, 06:55 PM
Parent: #1

العزيز عادل عثمان

سلامات و ارجو ان تكون بخير

هالة اعرفها منذ ايام الجامعة، درسنا فى نفس القسم

"نسوية" لا يشق لها غبار

تعمل ليصير العالم مكانا افضل للنساء و لكل المجموعات التى همشت تاريخيا

لم تسمح ظروفى بالمشاركة فى مؤتمر فيينا و لم تسمح ظروفها ايضا

لكننى متأكدة انه كان ناجحا بعد كل المجهود الذى بذلته اشراقة
و فى انتظار افادات الاخوات اللائى شاركن
و تقرير المؤتمر

Post: #16
Title: Re: المـــرأه الحــديــقه
Author: Tragie Mustafa
Date: 08-31-2005, 00:29 AM
Parent: #14



خساره انك غبت ايضا من مؤتمر فينا.

وحتى انت ياندي برضه غبت انا كنت قايلاك اقرب واحده مننا.

انا برضه لم اتمكن من الذهاب.

نتمني ان يكن اخواتنا هناك بقيادة اشراقه ما قصروا.

شكرا يا ندى على اللوحه الحلوه

والتي تمثل نساء مناضلات في نظري نضالهم من اجل لقمة العيش.

هل هي من رسومات خالد؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

والله عجبتني بلا مجامله.

تحياتي له

وان شاء الله يصل بالسلامه

وتصلينه بالسلامه.

وربنا يحفظكم ويعلى مراتبكم دائما.

ويقيكم من عيون حسادكم قولي امين يا ندى.

دعوة حبوبات مش كده.

هل انتو دفعه يا ندى

اقصد انت وهاله؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

لانه عندي زميل لكم واعتقد انتو دفعتي هل كان معكم من بنات بورتسودان

خديجه حسن او الهام حسن فتح الرحمن؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

محبتي لكم.


Post: #17
Title: Re: المـــرأه الحــديــقه
Author: nada ali
Date: 08-31-2005, 02:06 AM
Parent: #1

العزيزة تراجى
فعلا كنت اتمنى المشاركة لكن جاءت الظروف هكذا

سعيدة ان اللوحة اعجبتك. نعم هى من اعمال خالد، و كذلك اللوحة الثانية.
و شكرا على دعوات الحبوبات.

هالة امامى فى الجامعة بسنة، و كانت مقيمة هنا ايضا قبل ان تود للسودان، و بالمناسبة هى هنا هذه الايام. الغريبة لم اتذكر الهام و خديجة لكن اعتقد انهم ما فى دفعتنااو اذا رأيتهما ربما عرفتهما. ما اسم زميلناالذى تحدثت عنه؟

لك الياسمين يا تراجى

و صورة هذه المرأة الحديقة ايضا

SPLM Women's Commissioner Kezia Layinwa Nicodemus

Post: #18
Title: Re: المـــرأه الحــديــقه
Author: hala alahmadi
Date: 08-31-2005, 07:16 AM
Parent: #17

Salam dearest Nada and all friends

keep the post going and let be a tribute to all those great women

will be back

soon I hope

Post: #19
Title: Re: المـــرأه الحــديــقه
Author: nada ali
Date: 09-01-2005, 05:44 PM
Parent: #1

Widow of Sudan's Garang Steps In to Continue His Mission

By Emily Wax
JUBA, Sudan -- The women wept and wailed, making rhythmic, guttural
sounds. They collapsed over the coffin of John Garang, the Sudanese vice
president and former rebel leader killed in a helicopter crash.

Then, one by one, the women fainted. It was their formal role at
Garang's funeral in this southern city earlier this month, a rite of
collective female mourning in a patriarchal society where it is taboo for men
to cry, even for one of Africa's most revered icons.

But Garang's widow, Rebecca, did not break down in tears. Instead, she
stiffened her resolve and rose to the larger occasion -- a tense and
confused moment for a country that had just lost a pivotal leader and was
threatening to erupt in violence. Garang, who commanded one side in
Sudan's 21-year civil war, was the key architect of a January peace accord
between north and south.

As soon as the news of his death reached her, Rebecca Garang, a tall
and imposing woman in her fifties, began making firm press statements
and vigorous speeches. She called for calm and urged people to continue
her husband's mission. Within days, she had emerged as an eloquent and
powerful force in a place where women rarely have a public role.

"I will not miss my husband as long as you people of Sudan are the
watchdogs," she said at the funeral, referring to the peace deal that set
up a national power-sharing arrangement. "In our culture we say, if you
kill the lion, you see what the lioness will do."

Although hundreds of rioters took to the streets after John Garang's
death in an angry spasm of #####ng and violence that left more than 100
dead in the capital, Khartoum, and this southern city, Rebecca Garang
set a tone that helped calm the nation's emotions. Over and over, she
told radio listeners that his death had been an accident caused by bad

"It's just his body which is gone," she said on the air. "His vision
of peace remains."

President Bush called from the White House to thank her, and even her
husband's former enemies in Khartoum recognized her contribution. She
was praised at the swearing-in of Salva Kiir Mayardit, the former senior
aide to her husband who replaced him as vice president of the new
unified government of Sudan.

"After he died, the words from Mama Rebecca's mouth have been like
milk," Abdel-Basit Sabdarat, the minister of information, told government
and rebel leaders who had gathered for the subdued ceremony. "We were
wounded. She was there to heal and became a symbol of the country."

Many Sudanese hope Rebecca Garang's new role will become permanent.
Her husband's personality was seen as a dominating force behind the peace
deal. Kiir, who was intelligence chief and military commander of John
Garang's Sudan People's Liberation Army, lacks his political stature.

Three weeks after her husband's death, Rebecca Garang visited Uganda
to demonstrate solidarity between that country and southern Sudan. It
was a politically meaningful visit, because her husband was killed in the
crash of a Ugandan military helicopter as he returned home from Ugandan
President Yoweri Museveni's ranch.

Many southerners believe the crash was a plot by the Khartoum
government or by rebel factions who wanted to steal power from the vice
president. Rebecca Garang has repeatedly disputed that theory, even saying she
had asked her husband not to fly because of inclement weather.
Diplomats involved in investigating the crash said there is so far no reason to
believe that it was anything other than an accident.

"Rebecca has been the one calming force," said William Ezekiel, an
editor at the Khartoum Monitor newspaper. "She's a symbol of her husband,
but she's also representing her own bravery and the hopes for peace
without her husband."

During her husband's career, Rebecca Garang often stood by his side at
public events, a striking figure with a crown of jet-black hair,
dressed in bold West African prints. After his political speeches were over,
she would make her own comments about the importance of girls'
education or women's rights.

In fact, people close to her described her as no less politically
savvy, determined and tough than her husband. She was a commander in the
rebel army and was known to push her female soldiers so hard that they
begged for breaks. She was also known to give rousing speeches to inspire
her troops.

"She would tell us that we have to stand on our own two feet and
fight," said Nunu Suwad, 28, a longtime friend and associate in the rebel
movement. "She respected you if you worked hard."

Like her husband, Rebecca Garang traveled frequently to the West. The
couple's six children were educated in the United States and Europe. In
recent years, she helped start schools for war orphans and promoted the
rights of female veterans of the rebel movement.

"She told us, 'I am with you. I will help you,' " Suwad said during
the funeral, surrounded by weeping women as she spoke. "Women don't
usually get much respect in our culture. But Rebecca has earned that for

Several months ago, Rebecca Garang visited Rumbek, the interim capital
of southern Sudan, to lead a workshop for female veterans and an effort
to retrain them for civil jobs.

"Rights are not given. You have to take them," she said in an
interview that day. "We fought in the bush, and now that we have come back, we
can't be treated the way we used to be. We can't make the mistakes we
made in the old Sudan."

Post: #20
Title: Re: المـــرأه الحــديــقه
Author: nada ali
Date: 09-01-2005, 05:48 PM
Parent: #1



عالية الهامة

تنام و تصحو على وطن

امرأة حديقة

ائتنا بصورة منك

Post: #21
Title: Re: المـــرأه الحــديــقه
Author: Sawsan Ahmed
Date: 09-02-2005, 04:53 AM
Parent: #20

هالـه سلام

ندي دي متفرده في كل حاجه... وبصراحه الكلام صعب عنها!
لك ولها حبي وتقديري!