باقان اموم يصب مزيد من الزيت على النار ويدعو الي تحقيق دولى

باقان اموم يصب مزيد من الزيت على النار ويدعو الي تحقيق دولى

08-03-2005, 10:13 AM

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Post: #1
Title: باقان اموم يصب مزيد من الزيت على النار ويدعو الي تحقيق دولى
Author: musadim
Date: 08-03-2005, 10:13 AM

Garang's Group Asks for Probe Into Death

Wednesday August 3, 2005 3:16 PM

AP Photo KHT1010


Associated Press Writer

KHARTOUM, Sudan (AP) - The political movement of a former rebel leader turned vice president has called for an international investigation into the helicopter crash that killed their leader and sparked deadly clashes in Sudan, a newspaper reported Wednesday.

Pagan Amum, a leading member of John Garang's Sudan People's Liberation Movement, said the group hoped the United Nations, Uganda, Kenya, the United States and Britain would take part in the probe, according to comments published in the Sudan Vision newspaper.

On Saturday, Garang's helicopter crashed into a southern mountain range in bad weather, only three weeks after he was named first vice president and joined the government that had long been his enemy. The move was part of a peace deal that southerners and northerners together celebrated as opening a new page in the conflict-torn country.

Garang's death ruptured the long coexistence in Khartoum between northerners and the nearly 2 million southerners who live in squatter neighborhoods in the city and in four massive camps for displaced people on its outskirts.

At least 49 people were killed in two days of violence, according to a U.N. official, though the number was not officially confirmed.

Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni said Tuesday he is creating a panel of three experts to investigate the crash. Garang was flying on one of Museveni's personal Russian-built Mi-72 helicopters when it crashed into a southern Sudan mountain near the border with Uganda in bad weather.

``We have also approached a certain foreign government to rule out any form of sabotage or terrorism,'' Museveni said in a statement. It said the helicopter's instruments had been upgraded in a recent overhaul of the craft.

The SPLM and the government have said they believe the crash was an accident due to poor weather. It was not clear whether the request for a probe was a change in that stance.

U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan urged calm, saying of the helicopter crash ``all indications as of now seem to indicate it was an accident.''

Amum also urged Sudanese to refrain from violence.

``We once again appeal to the people to avoid anything that would mar the climate of peace, albeit the great loss and suffering they feel,'' Amum told the English-language daily.

The government and SPLM have sought to reassure people that the fragile peace was not threatened by the death of the charismatic Garang. Amum stressed that the implementation of January's comprehensive peace agreement would continue as planned.

Amum said Salva Kiir Maydarit, who has been named as Garang's successor in the SPLM, would fly to Khartoum after the funeral on Saturday to be sworn in as first vice president.

Two State Department officials were expected in Sudan Wednesday ``to confer with the parties and encourage them to maintain momentum on the comprehensive peace agreement and on Darfur,'' department spokesman Tom Casey said.

The conflict in Darfur pits rebels from black African tribes against Arab militias know as the Janjaweed whom the government is accused of backing. Since the conflict began in February 2003, war-induced hunger and disease have killed more than 180,000 people and driven more than 2 million from their homes, according to U.N. estimates.

Clashes erupted Monday in Khartoum, when angry SPLA supporters reacted to the news of Garang's death by smashing and burning vehicles and #####ng stores. Some blamed the government for his death.

On Tuesday, frightened Sudanese in some neighborhoods carried clubs and bricks for protection as the violence turned ethnic and sectarian, pitting Muslim Arabs against Khartoum residents from the mostly Christian and animist south.

Armed gangs, said to be Arabs, broke into homes of southerners in several parts of the capital on Tuesday, and Garang supporters attacked Muslim neighborhoods.

Angry southerners from camps outside the capital entered the city and attacked and looted markets in Omdurman and killed a Muslim imam, a senior U.N. official in Khartoum said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to journalists.

A dusk-to-dawn curfew was declared for the second night in a row and armored vehicles patrolled the streets of downtown. In the outlying neighborhoods where the violence was focused, the military presence was even heavier.

Many of Khartoum's police forces trained to deal with riot situations are currently in Darfur to help with security in that troubled western region.


Associated Press

Post: #2
Title: Re: باقان اموم يصب مزيد من الزيت على النار ويدعو الي تحقيق دولى
Author: ابنوس
Date: 08-03-2005, 10:24 AM
Parent: #1

للذين يفسرون

إن الدعووة للتحقيق الدولي هي أكثر الدعوات عقلانية في هذه اللحظة .. فموت قرنق ليس موتاً عاديا ، هو موت نائب اول لرئيس الجمهورية ، وقائد إستثنائي في المنطقة برمتها ، وفي ظل كل التكهنات التي اثارت الوضع الراهن في الخرطوم ، وفي ظل إحتمالات كثيرة .. لابد أن يكون هنالك تحقيق دولي من أجل إجلاء الحقيقة كاملة .. فبدون ذلك لن يصدق أحد أن قرنق غستشهد لسؤء الاحوال الجوية .. لست من الذين يصدرون الاحكام المسبقة .. ولكن لابد من تحقيق لكي يكشف للشعب السوداني والعالم كيف أسشتهد قرنق .. والاسباب كلها بشكل علمي وما قاله القائد فاقان اموم لا يخرج من هذا الإطار ، وكذلك دعوة الحزب الشيوعي السوداني للتحقيق لا تخرج عن هذا الإطار .... فوحده التحقيق الدولي يؤكد كيف مات .. لأنه سيكون من خبراء في الطيران ومن جهة محايدة ...
لك الود
وارجوا القراءة السليمة لهذه الدعوة .

Post: #3
Title: Re: باقان اموم يصب مزيد من الزيت على النار ويدعو الي تحقيق دولى
Author: Omer Abdalla Omer
Date: 08-03-2005, 10:28 AM
Parent: #2

Thank you Abanoos
I think even Sudan government to clear itself should call for international invetigation
Omer Omer

Post: #4
Title: Re: باقان اموم يصب مزيد من الزيت على النار ويدعو الي تحقيق دولى
Author: عماد شمت
Date: 08-04-2005, 04:32 AM
Parent: #3

للذين يفسرون

إن الدعووة للتحقيق الدولي هي أكثر الدعوات عقلانية في هذه اللحظة .. فموت قرنق ليس موتاً عاديا ، هو موت نائب اول لرئيس الجمهورية ، وقائد إستثنائي في المنطقة برمتها ، وفي ظل كل التكهنات التي اثارت الوضع الراهن في الخرطوم ، وفي ظل إحتمالات كثيرة .. لابد أن يكون هنالك تحقيق دولي من أجل إجلاء الحقيقة كاملة .. فبدون ذلك لن يصدق أحد أن قرنق غستشهد لسؤء الاحوال الجوية .. لست من الذين يصدرون الاحكام المسبقة .. ولكن لابد من تحقيق لكي يكشف للشعب السوداني والعالم كيف أسشتهد قرنق .. والاسباب كلها بشكل علمي وما قاله القائد فاقان اموم لا يخرج من هذا الإطار ، وكذلك دعوة الحزب الشيوعي السوداني للتحقيق لا تخرج عن هذا الإطار .... فوحده التحقيق الدولي يؤكد كيف مات .. لأنه سيكون من خبراء في الطيران ومن جهة محايدة ...

اثمن علي قولك ايها الابنوس
لك التحايا

Post: #5
Title: Re: باقان اموم يصب مزيد من الزيت على النار ويدعو الي تحقيق دولى
Author: nadus2000
Date: 08-04-2005, 05:01 AM
Parent: #4

Quote: Amum also urged Sudanese to refrain from violence.

``We once again appeal to the people to avoid anything that would mar the climate of peace, albeit the great loss and suffering they feel,'' Amum told the English-language daily.

The government and SPLM have sought to reassure people that the fragile peace was not threatened by the death of the charismatic Garang. Amum stressed that the implementation of January's comprehensive peace agreement would continue as planned.

Amum said Salva Kiir Maydarit, who has been named as Garang's successor in the SPLM, would fly to Khartoum after the funeral on Saturday to be sworn in as first vice president

والله لعمري إنه من أكثر التصريحات توازناً وموضوعية، ويأتي ضمن الحكمة التي لازمت تصرفات وتصريحات قيادة الحركة الشعبية، منذ وفاة قائدها. وأعيد قراءة ال كوتيشن أعلاه.
أما مسألة المطالبة بتحقيق دولي فقد كفى ووفى الأخ أبنوس،
Quote: إن الدعووة للتحقيق الدولي هي أكثر الدعوات عقلانية في هذه اللحظة
وأضيف عليه أن هذا المطلب قد أعلنه بالأمس قائد الحركة سلفاكير، ودعا الأمم المتحدة والولايات المتحدة وبريطانيا ويوغندا للإشتراك فيها.