Research Scholarships

Research Scholarships

08-01-2005, 11:24 AM


Post: #1
Title: Research Scholarships
Author: Manal Mohamed Ali
Date: 08-01-2005, 11:24 AM

Dear all,,,
full of sorrow,,, but still we should go on to reach his goals,,, this is my present to his soul,, our great hero Dr, John Garang

please to all sudanese scholars,, see this post

10 Research Scholarships
in the Project "Governance and Social Action in Sudan
after the Peace Agreement of 2005: local, national, and regional dimensions"
Building up governance structures is increasingly considered as a means to counter state decay and deal constructively with internal conflicts. Sudan is a case in point where the government and the Sudanese People's Liberation Movement/Army have agreed on wealth and power sharing, institutionalised by an interim Government of South Sudan and transitional governments in the federal states. The aim is to build infrastructure and deliver social services while holding revenues subject to public accountability.
An actor-oriented perspective will be applied to investigate the dynamics of state-society relations and ways of establishing legitimacy of rule in areas which are shaped by complex conflict patterns. The research sites in Sudan will be in Upper Nile, Jonglei and Unity states and in South Kordofan. Regional dimensions will be covered by analyzing spill-over effects to Gambella across the Ethiopian border and influences on governance structures from the Sudanese diaspora in Kenya at sites in Turkana, settlements in the Rift Valley and some quarters in Nairobi. (details under
The project will be carried out in the framework of academic cooperation between the University of Bremen, the University of Khartoum, the Ahfad University of Women, the University of Juba, the Addis Ababa University and the University of Nairobi. Graduate and postgraduate students as well as young scholars from Sudan, Kenya and Ethiopia will have opportunities to get academic qualifications under inter-national guidance.
We offer
A 3 postgraduate research scholarships and 2 postgraduate research positions for social scientists (political sciences, sociology, social anthropology, human geography, public administration or development studies) for a duration of three years
B 1 postgraduate research scholarship for a political scientist with focus on International Relations for three years,
C 1 postgraduate research scholarship for an economist for three years,
D 3 graduate research scholarships for social scientists for one year.
Applicants should come from Sudan, Ethiopia or Kenya. Preference will go to Southern Sudanese women, if they have the required qualifications.

General Requirements for Application
Applicants must be university graduates. Those for the scholarships and positions in A, B and C need at least a class II M.A. or M.Sc. degree in one of the above subjects, applicants for D must have a B.A. or B.Sc. degree.
Own Research Proposals
Applicants have to submit their own research proposal which should be drafted within the framework of the general project the full text of which is accessible at
The proposal for groups A, B, C should comprise between 15 and 20 pages and include
- an abstract of not more than 150 words
- the aims of the particular research project
- a literature review
- the intended methodological approach
- previous expertise of the applicant.
The proposal for Group D should comprise 10 to 15 pages.
The applications should further includes
- a curriculum vitae
- certificates of university degrees and other qualifications
- (if applicable) list of publications.

Specific Requirements
Group A
3 postgraduate research scholarships for social scientists
(political sciences, sociology, social anthropology, human geography, public administration or development studies) for a duration of three years
Applicants must be university graduates with at least a class II M.A. or M.Sc. degree in one of the above subjects. They may either be already PhD students of the partner universities or apply externally with the option to be admitted as a PhD candidate by one of these universities.
Research proposals should be written on the basis of the general project and include an outline of the particular approach according to the scholarly background of the applicant.

2 postgraduate research positions for social scientists (political sciences, sociology, social anthropology, human geography, public administration or development studies) for a duration of three years

Applicants must be university graduates with at least a class II M.A. or in one of the above subjects. They must be employed in a Sudanese university and get permission for a three-year leave with the option to continue employment thereafter. Applicants who are PhD holders can apply, as well, if they intend to seek employment in a southern Sudanese university after the research project has ended.
Research proposals of Group A applicants should be written on the basis of the general project (see and include an outline of the particular approach according to the scholarly background of the applicant.
According to the general project plan, the first phase of research includes mapping of institutions and actors in the research sites and will last up to May 2006. After a period of data evaluation, the students will be invited to Bremen University from 1 September to 15 December 2006. The second research phase will be from January to June 2007 and concentrate on case studies. Another period of data evaluation and writing follows and in February 2008, the final phase will start during which an action research approach will be used. This phase will end in April 2008.
The PhD students are expected to finalize their PhD theses by August 2008. They will receive thorough supervision from the cooperation partners of the participating universities.
Group B
1 postgraduate research scholarship for a political scientist with focus on International Relations for three years
Applicants must be university graduates with at least a class II M.A. degree in political science and a specialisation in international relations.
The proposal to be submitted by applicants should focus on the regional dimensions of the transformations in Sudan. It will look into the political processes related to the mass return of refugees, changes in cross-border contacts and regional efforts to resolve the internationalised domestic conflicts. Steps towards and constraints of coordination and integration of national and international policies on resource use and conflict management in the Horn of Africa will have to be investigated. An analysis of local, national, regional and international governance structures and regional power relations should be part of this study.

Group C
1 postgraduate research scholarship for an economist for three years
Applicants must have an M.A. degree in economics or in international business with adequate components in institutional economics, microeconomics and macroeconomics.
The research proposal should particularly concentrate on the role of domestic and foreign investors in the process of building institutions and promoting development in the research sites. A review of the macroeconomic and institutional situation will be required. Further subjects to be investigated will be the initiation of private and public sector investment processes and policies and the identification of constraints to investment and financing at local and regional levels. The development of criteria and strategies for sustainable institution-building should also be considered in the proposal.

Group D
3 graduate research scholarships for social scientists for one year.
Applicants must have a B.A. or B.Sc. degree and be in their final phase of studying. Participation in the project will offer an opportunity for field research on the basis of which the students should write their thesis. The selected students will have to attend the training course in methods and theory provided for all the researchers in Khartoum. They are expected to be fully involved in the first phase of the field research and work on stocktaking of institutions and actors in two research sites from November 2005 to February 2006. Then they will have five months time to evaluate their data and write their theses. After handing the thesis in, students will get further assignments so that the whole period of the scholarship will end in September 2006.
Research proposals should be written on the basis of the general project and include an outline of the thesis topic according to the applicant's subject of study.

General Terms and Procedures
Selection Procedure
The shortlisted applicants will be invited to a selection workshop at the University of Khartoum from 19 - 22 September 2005.
The applicants will present their proposals and relate them to the general project and answer questions of the scholarly selection commission.
The selected candidates are expected to participate in a training course in methods and theory for
two weeks at the Development Studies and Research Institute in Khartoum during October 2005.

Terms and Conditions of Award
The effective date of the research scholarship for newly registered full-time research students with at least M.A. or M.Sc. degrees will be 1 October 2005. The maximum period of the scholarship for this group will be until 31 August 2008. Graduate students will get the scholarship from 1 October 2005 to 30 September 2006.
The research scholarship will carry a monthly stipend of 400 € for three years for postgraduate students, 300 € for graduate students and a 500 € monthly salary for researchers. The students and researchers are expected to finance transport and accommodation during their stays in the research sites from the stipend or salary.
The award also includes a 15 weeks stay in Bremen / Germany for literature research for the postgraduates and researchers with adequate payment.
In addition, travel expenditure to various workshops in Sudan, Kenya and Ethiopia and to Bremen will be paid for.
There will be a probationary period of three months during which the students will participate in the training course and start the first phase of the field research. Quarterly reports about the progress of the research will have to be submitted to the supervisers.

Background information on the project, which is sponsored by the Volkswagen Foundation, is available at the homepage of the Institute of World Economics and International Management, University of Bremen, Germany:, or:
On request, we will fax the proposal to applicants who have no e-mail access.

Applications with research proposals should be sent to
Dr Elke Grawert, University of Bremen, Germany,
by e-mail: [email protected] or by fax: +49-421-218-4550
and arrive here not later than the 1st of September 2005.

Post: #2
Title: Re: Research Scholarships
Author: Manal Mohamed Ali
Date: 08-01-2005, 03:29 PM
Parent: #1

الحزن يقنلني ولكن يجب ان ننهي مابدأه قائدنا د. جون لذا ارسل لكم هذه المنح تحية لروحه الطاهرة

Post: #3
Title: Re: Research Scholarships
Author: الملك
Date: 08-01-2005, 03:38 PM
Parent: #2


كلمة صغيرة لهذا اليوم


منال تعازى الحارة فى كل هذا الفقد

فيبدو اننا سنفقد الوطن

Post: #4
Title: Re: Research Scholarships
Author: Manal Mohamed Ali
Date: 08-01-2005, 03:58 PM
Parent: #3

الملك ... احاول التماسك وانا هنا وحدي ...

Post: #5
Title: Re: Research Scholarships
Author: الملك
Date: 08-01-2005, 04:05 PM
Parent: #4

اعرف تماما ما تحسي به
فنحن الذين
فى بيوتنا


نحاول التماسك والتعلق باى أمل

Post: #6
Title: Re: Research Scholarships
Author: Prof
Date: 08-01-2005, 11:49 PM
Parent: #1

الاستاذة منال /أسعد الله صباحك
خالص التعازى لكل الشعب السودانى فى الفقد الجلل
وأتمنى أن نواصل مابدأه الفقيد الراحل .

جزيل الشكر لك.
أنا خريجة علوم سياسية /مرتبة الشرف الثانية القسم الأول جامعة الخرطوم 2000 ,وأود لو أحصل على بريدك الالكترونى او تلفونك -أذا تفضلتى- للحصول على المزيد من التفاصيل .

وأشكر PROF ,لسماحها لى بإستخدام حسابها فى سودانيز اونلاين .

وخالص المودة.

Post: #7
Title: Re: Research Scholarships
Author: Manal Mohamed Ali
Date: 08-02-2005, 02:52 AM
Parent: #6

Dear ,
sure i can give you my email but i need your email so to send you mine..
regarding the scholarship you should send your application direct to the address givien above...
i am also graduated from U of K.

Post: #8
Title: Re: Research Scholarships
Author: Prof
Date: 08-02-2005, 07:18 AM
Parent: #7

الاستاذة منال
خالص الشكر
وسوف اقوم بارسال الطلب على الموقع المذكور

والتقينا من قبل على مااذكر .

Post: #9
Title: Re: Research Scholarships
Author: Prof
Date: 08-03-2005, 00:25 AM
Parent: #1

الاستاذة منال
أسعد الله صباحك
يمكنك مراسلتى على العنوان :
[email protected]

وخالص الشكر

Post: #10
Title: Re: Research Scholarships
Author: أبو ساندرا
Date: 08-03-2005, 12:01 PM
Parent: #1

شكرآ جزيلآ يا دكتورة منال
وأرجو أن تتم الإستفادة من المنح الهامة

أدي حزنك للأشجار للطيور
أديهو البحر

وكفكفي دموعك يا رفيقة وقومي
كما فعلت الباسلة ربيكا قرنق

Post: #11
Title: Re: Research Scholarships
Author: Manal Mohamed Ali
Date: 08-09-2005, 12:58 PM
Parent: #1

dear, let us make use of this chances..manal