Canadian Muslim leaders denounce violence

Canadian Muslim leaders denounce violence

07-21-2005, 08:11 PM


Post: #1
Title: Canadian Muslim leaders denounce violence
Author: murtada
Date: 07-21-2005, 08:11 PM
Parent: #0

Canadian Islamic leaders have issued a strong condemnation of Thursday's explosions in London, saying they are "united" in their efforts to confront religious extremism. In an unprecedented move, 120 imams from across the country gathered in Toronto and released a statement afterwards. Terrorism has been increasing and it is our religious duty to confront this evil," Ahmad Kutty, a Toronto imam, told reporters. "We must do so unitedly – as imams and religious leaders," he said. We must send out this one voice across to all Muslims that there is no justification whatsoever for targeting innocent people." The declaration, organized by the Canadian Council on American-Islamic Relations, was released at a downtown mosque following midday prayers.x

Post: #2
Title: Re: Canadian Muslim leaders denounce violence
Author: murtada
Date: 07-21-2005, 08:16 PM

Council on American-Islamic Relations CANADA P.O. Box 13219, Ottawa, ONT, K2K 1X4
Tel: 1-866-524-0004
Fax: 613-254-9810


(Ottawa, Canada - 21/07/05) - 120 Imams across Canada are joining together to issue a historic national statement to unequivocally denounce terrorism and call on all Canadian Muslims to challenge and confront extremism. o
The statement by Imams, or Islamic religious leaders, released at a downtown Toronto mosque today represents the first time that Imams from coast to coast have come together to issue a call to action on the issue. The statement mirrors what many Imams have already told their congregations in the past.

The statement reads in part:c

"Those who would use violence for their twisted acts betray the most basic value of the sanctity of human life. We have opposed, and will continue to oppose, all extremism, hate and terrorism.o

"Any one who claims to be a Muslim and participates in any way in the taking of innocent life is betraying the very spirit and letter of Islam. We categorically and unequivocally reject such acts. We will confront and challenge the extremist mindset that produces this perversion of our faith.o

"We remind Canadian Muslims that no injustice done to Muslims anywhere can ever justify the taking of innocent life. All life, whether here or abroad, is sacred."o

The full declaration can be read here:c

Riad Saloojee, the executive director of the Canadian Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-CAN), says he endorses the statement and that Canadian Muslims should echo its message in their lives.

"This is an important statement and its call must be heard by Canadian Muslims. We cannot shirk our responsibility to confront the betrayal of the values of our faith," he added.o