دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو

دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو

06-18-2005, 10:12 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=80&msg=1119129163&rn=157

Post: #1
Title: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 06-18-2005, 10:12 PM
Parent: #0



Post: #2
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 06-18-2005, 10:40 PM
Parent: #1

"لماذا تذهب النساء فى دارفور الآن الى جلب الحطب لإيقاد النار؟" لماذا لا يذهب الرجال؟
"إذا خرج الرجال للاحتطاب فإنهم غالبا ما يتعرضون للقتل!"
" أما اذا ذهبت النساء فإنهن قد يتعرضن للإغتصاب فقط!"


Post: #3
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: ترهاقا
Date: 06-18-2005, 11:36 PM
Parent: #2

Quote: إذا خرج الرجال للاحتطاب فإنهم غالبا ما يتعرضون للقتل!"
" أما اذا ذهبت النساء فإنهن قد يتعرضن للإغتصاب فقط!"

إنها لقمة الوحشية والبربرية وفى القرن الواحد وعشرين.
اخ محمد
ستجد مثالا لذلك فى عصور مضت فى كتاب من تأليف إبراهيم فوزى باشا والذى عاصر
فتح المهدية للخرطوم وإسم الكتاب (السودان بين يدى غردون وكتشنر)الجزء الثانى

مع ودى

Post: #4
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed Suleiman
Date: 06-18-2005, 11:46 PM
Parent: #2

الأخ محمد عثمان دريج
لك التيحية و التجلة
صورة واحدة خير من الف مقال
و فيديو واحد خير من مليون مقال
هل هناك سوداني و سودانية بريئة من جريمة دارفور ؟
كالعادة ... يأتي أحدهم عبر المحيطات ليرينا خسة أعمالنا المشرورة في داخل الحوش .
و لعدم أستحيائنا من أفعالنا ... نرميه هو بالجرم المشهود . .. فهو متآمر .

عمل ممتاز يا دريج ... لعل هناك من يري و يسمع

Post: #5
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: banadieha
Date: 06-18-2005, 11:58 PM
Parent: #4

Post: #126
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: ombadda
Date: 07-13-2005, 04:39 AM
Parent: #2

"إذا خرج الرجال للاحتطاب فإنهم غالبا ما يتعرضون للقتل!"
" أما اذا ذهبت النساء فإنهن قد يتعرضن للإغتصاب فقط!"

Dear dareej.
It is well known to most people in Sudan and from early time that women in west sudan are workforce and the men usually stay at home idle.
Regarding rape and sexual abuse it is well known how sexual freedom is common in those areas even years ago before war.

Death is better choice for me than let my sister or mother raped!!!k

Post: #127
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: ombadda
Date: 07-13-2005, 04:43 AM
Parent: #126

By the way I have tribal origin from western sudan and am proud of that!!!!!!!k

Post: #6
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: حيدر حماد
Date: 06-19-2005, 02:07 AM
Parent: #1

شكرا الآخ محمد عثمان..............ولاهاى فى الإنتظار

Post: #7
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: محمد الامين احمد
Date: 06-19-2005, 05:09 AM
Parent: #1

تحية طيبة للجميع

و شكرا

Post: #8
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: محمدين محمد اسحق
Date: 06-19-2005, 05:18 AM
Parent: #7

احي محمد عثمان دريج ..
لك التحية ..........

الاخ محمد الامين احمد ما دخل هذا:

دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو...

بذاك :

تصفية (35) من عناصر حركة تحرير السودان

Post: #9
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: شدو
Date: 06-19-2005, 06:04 AM
Parent: #8

التحية لك محمد دريج

ويا اخى محمد الامين

هذه المصادر مشبوهة

في تصريح خاص لـ(smc)

Post: #10
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 06-19-2005, 06:52 AM
Parent: #9

الاخوة الاعزاء
محمد سليمان
حيدر حماد
محمدين محمد اسحق

شكراُ على دعمكم الصادق


Post: #11
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: محمد احمد النور
Date: 06-19-2005, 07:50 AM
Parent: #10

لعزيز / دريج
سلامات ..
تحية على المتابعة

العزيز / محمد الامين
سلامات ..

اولا: الموضوع ما هلال –مريخ وتذكرنى ببوست مقبولة التى حكت قصة اغتصابها(مولانا اسماعيل تاج الدين) ليظهر لؤى ويحكى قصة احمد – الموضوع اكبر من خلافات سياسية او اى كانت , هؤلاء ضحايا الابادة الجماعية والقتل خارج المحكمة والاغتصاب وهو موضوع حقوقى وانسانى بالدرجة الاولى .
ثانيا يجب ان تعى ان كل من يدعو الى وقف الانتهاكات فى دارفور و محاكمة مرتكبيها امام المحكمة الجنائية الدولية لا يعنى بالضرورة ان يكون مؤيدا او منتميا لحركة تحرير السودان ..

فلا ارى اى علاقة بين تعليقك ومسار البوست الا اذا قصدت ان يتحول موضوع البوست الى نقاش لا طائل منه فهذا يخصك .

تحية طيبة للجميع

تصفية (35) من عناصر حركة تحرير السودان

و شكرا

(عدل بواسطة محمد الامين احمد on 19-06-2005, 05:10 ص)

محمد النور

Post: #80
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: حيدر حماد
Date: 06-28-2005, 06:22 AM
Parent: #10


Post: #12
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: محمد الامين محمد
Date: 06-19-2005, 08:38 AM
Parent: #1

دريج -محمد الامين احمد -محمدين- سلامات مادم في رب في السماء حق المساكين مابضيع اي من الطرفين ارتكب جرم في حق دارفور لن يفلت من يد العداله الدوليه

Post: #13
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: محمد الامين احمد
Date: 06-19-2005, 08:52 AM
Parent: #1

تحية طيبة للجميع

كنت اود ان تكون مداخلتى القادمة تثبيتا لمبداء محاسبة المعتدى اى كان

بدلا من شرح علاقة ما كتبته بالموضوع.

الاخ محمدين ، يبداء عنوان الموضوع (دارفور : تصفية عرقية)

و الخبر الذى اوردته، فيه تصفية لـ35 سودانى، ولا ديل ما محسوبين ناس؟

الاخ شدو، طيب مصادر مشبوة لانها مع الحكومة، حركة تحرير السودان حاليا

داخله فى مفوضات مع الجهة التى تمثلها هذة الجهات المشبوهة، و لم نرى بيان

ينفى الخبر.

الاخ محمد احمد النور

يا ريت لو تكون النظرة تجاة هذة الموضوعات بنظرة غير هلال مريخ يا ريت،،،

لا معنى لان نرفع القلم عن البعض لاعتبارت قبلية ، اليس كذلك ؟

و هذا يا عزيز اعتراف بلسان القائد العام لجيش حركة تحرير السودان الحالى

السيد/ جمعة محمد حقار ،

بيان من القيادة الميدانية لجيش تحرير السودان حول تداعيات فصل رئيس الحركة

اتمنى ان ارى رآيك فيه فى هذا الموضوع

القائد العام لجيش تحرير السودان-الحركة قامت بارتكاب جرائم عنصرية

عبدالواحد محمد نور رئيس الحركة قال بانه على استعداد للمثول امام القانون حيال اى تهمة موجهة اليه فى سبيل احقاق الحق ، فمالكم تستنكرون حتى السؤال

و شكرا

Post: #14
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: محمد الامين محمد
Date: 06-19-2005, 09:00 AM
Parent: #13

محمد الامين احمد سلامات واحد فينا يعمل علامه مميزه طبعا مرات بشك فيك انت انا ياريت لو كنت افدر اخت صورتي بس ظروف عملي لاتسمح بذلك وعاشت ياسيدس الاسامي

Post: #15
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: محمد الامين محمد
Date: 06-19-2005, 09:20 AM
Parent: #14

وهذا لكم جمعا

The complexity of Darfour political economical and social problems that has been piling up for years could only be solved gradually and by stages.
The most pressing need today still the return of the refugees, less pressing but equally important is to make sure that the tragedy, which has taken place, will not happen again and this could best be done through inter-tribal dialogue which will concentrate on three issues;
1. Law & order.
2. Resettlement and development
3. Politics.
The resolution reached and agreed upon by all participants will be a model formula to be used for solving not only the problems of Darfour, which are our main concern, but for the whole region bearing in mind that the tribes in the rest of the region will be closely following and watching the out come of these conferences and we hope they will be ready to follow.
Darfour Tribal Unification initiation is facing various obstacles mainly:
1. The Khartoum government lacks the required vision and initiative.
2. The political parties opposing the Khartoum government are making use of the pressure exerted by the international community to topple it irrespective of the humanitarian consequences that might in sue.
3. The Darforian in places of authority do not welcome any peace agreement, and are exerting pressure on the government, for fear of losing their positions.
4. The international community is not giving enough attention to the importance of Inter-tribal dialogue and local peace management formulas.
We have succeeded in exposing the true nature of the conflict to the tribes of both African and Arab origins; it is a conflict with the State over the rights for a dignified existence and freedom of choice. The goal has been set and so the way to peace has been paved.
Those who are aware of the depth of the conflict realize that the patient and courageous support of the EU for a peaceful settlement engineered and implemented by Darforian is essential.
Your belief in the tribal heritage has been greatly appreciated by the people in Darfour and by us.
We are sure that the un will continue to play its supportive role by enhancing the development of the region through investments after a peace settlement.

Sincerely Yours
I.S. Mukhayer
Saving from hunger & fear organization

Post: #16
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 06-19-2005, 11:17 AM
Parent: #15

(...... ...... ......


Post: #17
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 06-19-2005, 08:19 PM
Parent: #16


Post: #18
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed Suleiman
Date: 06-19-2005, 10:41 PM
Parent: #17

محمد الأمين أحمد

أنت عايز تقول شنو بالضبط ؟
الفيديو ده ما عاجبك لأنه بينقل ليك بالصوت و الصورة كل الفظائع التي أرتكبت بحق أنسان دارفور ؟ و بيد من ؟ ألا تري رماد ذلك الحريق ؟ الم تسمع و تري صورة مقبولة ؟
فتلجأ و كأنك مبعوث من قبل هذه الحكومة المجرمة القذرة فتأتي بقصاصات و لنكات مختارة ليس بغرض أبراز الحقيقية بل لطمس ما يستجد من حقائق دامغة - صوت و صورة ؟
لماذا لا تأتي بلنكات الأخ حامد حجر و التي تذيب الحجر الأصم من فرط الأسي علي مآسي أطفال و نساء دارفور ؟ لماذا لا تأتي بلنكات هيومان رايتس ووتش و التي تصور بالفيديو طائرة أنتونوف و هي تقصف قرية كرنوي و أشتعال القطاطي ؟ لماذا لا تأتي بلنك أطباء بلا حدود و فيها ما يخزيكم ليوم الدين ؟ لماذا لا تأتي بلنك ال BBC و ذلك الفيديو الذي فيه من أقوال الشهود ما يشيب له الولدان ... و في ذلك الفيديو كيف كان علي عثمان محمد طه يتململ في كرسيه و كأنه جالس علي كوم جمر لأن المذيعة هيلاري زنقته بمشاهد الأبادة و أقوال ضحايا الأغتصاب ؟ لماذا لا تأتي بلنك ذلك الطيار و هو يوجه قائد الجنجويد علي الأرض بأن يحرق "أي حاجة " و يخبره قائد الجنجويد بأنه وجد أناس يقولون أنهم " مننا " فيرد عليه الطيار " ديل بيكضبو ... ما تخلو حاجة " ... و يعود اليه قائد الجنجويد بعد فترة ليعلمه أن كل شئ قضي عليه ... فيوجهه الطيار الي أنه يري خزان ماء .. تبع القرية .. و يوجهه بتدميره ... لماذا لا تأتي بلنك ذلك المارينز الذي شاهد بعينيه كيف يقتل الجيش السوداني و الجنجويد المواطنين العزل بلبدو و مارلا و صور تلك الهجمات البربرية ؟
محمد الأمين أحمد ...... هناك أطنان و أطنان من الأدلة ... من كل الأنواع .. صور ثابتة .. صور فيديو ... صور أقمار صناعية ... شهود عيان ... شهود ضحايا ... شهود منشقين يعرفون تماما تكتيكات القتلة من الحكومة و الجنجويد ....
دعك أنت من هذا الجدل الصبياني الذي تلجأ اليه كلما أفحمتك الأدلة ببشاعتها .
عبد الواحد محمد نور كان في غاية المسؤولية و الشجاعة ... و أعلن أستعداده بالتعاون مع محكمة الجنايات الدولية ...
هل يرتقي أي واحد من الجانب الآخر الي تلك المسؤولية و الشجاعة .. البشير .. علي عثمان محمد طه ... عوض الجاز ... موسي هلال ... مصطفي عثمان أسماعيل
هل يتقدم أحد من هؤلاء الجبناء و يعلن أنه ليس هناك ما يخاف منه و أنه علي أستعداد للتعاون مع هذه المحكمة لثقته ببراءته ؟
أذا لا يستطيع أحد من هؤلاء فعل ذلك فلا تحشر نفسك في قضية دارفور لأنه واضح أنك لا تريد لها أي صلاح و لتكف عن البرطعة في أي بوست يبرز سوءة أفعالكم فتأتي أنت لتطمس معالم الجريمة .
أخرج .

Post: #19
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: شدو
Date: 06-20-2005, 00:57 AM
Parent: #18

وهذه هدية لاولئك المدافعين عن القتلة والمغتصبين وحارقى الاطفال

ماذا تحاكمون وقد نفيتم وقلتم بان الاغتصاب الجماعى فى دارفور تجارة

المجتمع الغربى واللوبى الصهيونى ، ان المحاكمات يجب ان تكون صادقة مع اننا نشك تماما

ولا نصدق افعال هذه الحكومة لكن يجب ان يحاكم النظام الذين ارتكبوا الجرائم من صغار المجرمين

وتاتى محكمة لاهاى لتحاكم المجرمين الكبار ومن تبقى من الذين اصدروا الاوامر بالقتل او الاغتصاب

يحب ان لا يكون هذه المحكمة بديلة لمحكمة لاهاى ، يجب ان لايكون محكمة لطمس الحقائق وتصفية الشهود ، يجب ان لايكون محكمة لتصفية ومحاكمة المعارضين تحت مظلة محاربة السلطة ،
6/19/2005 9:49 م
الخرطوم (رويترز) - قال رئيس محكمة خاصة ان عشرة رجال مثلوا امام المحكمة في السودان لاتهامهم بالاغتصاب والسطو في منطقة دارفور المضطربة.
وقال محمود محمد سعيد أبكم لرويترز من نيالا عاصمة جنوب دارفور حيث بدأت المحكمة عملها يوم السبت ان المحاكمة تأجلت حتى يوم الثلاثاء استجابة لطلب الادعاء الذي طلب المزيد من الوقت لاستدعاء الشهود.

وقال ابكم ان المحكمة بدأت يوم الاحد النظر في قضية سطو واغتصاب. واضاف انه وفقا لما يقوله الادعاء فان المتهمين كانوا اعضاء في قوات الدفاع الشعبية.

وقال ان هناك عشرة رجال يمثلون امام المحكمة وان الجرائم ارتكبت من ستة اشهر.

وقتل عشرات الالاف كما نزح اكثر من مليونين من منازلهم الى مخيمات اعدت على عجل اثناء الصراع الذي وقع في دارفور على مدى العامين الاخيرين ونصف العام.

وتصف الحكومة قوات الدفاع الشعبية بانها احتياطي للجيش جرى استدعاؤها للخدمة الى جانب الجيش لإخماد التمرد في دارفور.

وتصف منظمات حقوق الانسان والمتمردين هذه القوات بانها "جنجويد" وهو لفظ مشتق من العربية يعني "شياطين على متون الخيل".

وهذه الميليشيا العربية المرهوبة الجانب متهمة على نطاق واسع بحملة واسعة النطاق من الاغتصاب والقتل واحراق القرى مما اثار سخطا دوليا.

وطلب مجلس الامن في وقت سابق من العام الجاري من المحكمة الجنائية الدولية التحقيق في جرائم الحرب المزعومة في دارفور وهي المرة الاولى التي يحيل فيها مجلس الامن مثل هذ القضايا الى المحكمة.

ويقول السودان ان محكمته الخاصة المتجولة لجرائم الحرب ستكون بديلا للمحكمة الجنائية الدولية. وتذكر معاهدة تشكيل محكمة جرائم الحرب الدولية ان اي مشتبه يحاكم وفقا لإجراءات وطنية عادلة ويمكن الوثوق بها لايمكن محاكمته في المحكمة الجنائية الدولية.

ولكن لجنة جرى تعيينها من قبل الامم المتحدة للتحقيق في دارفور استنتجت ان الهيئة القضائية السودانية غير قادرة على اجراء مثل تلك المحاكمات.

ورفض ابكم ذلك قائلا انه سيستقيل كرئيس لمحكمة مشكلة من ثلاثة قضاة اذا كان هناك اي تدخل للحكومة السودانية في الاجراءات.

وقال يوم الاحد ان محاكمة المتهمين بمهاجمة قافلة وكالة المعونة الامريكية التي اصيبت فيها عاملة معونة امريكية عندما تعرضت لاطلاق النار ستبدأ في 23 يونيو حزيران الجاري.

وحتى الان لم تحدد لجنة تحقيق حكومية سوى صغار المجرمين. ولكن ابرز مبعوثي الامم المتحدة في السودان يان برونك قال ان المحكمة ربما تنتقل في نهاية المطاف الى كبار المسؤولين.

والمحكمة الجنائية الدولية لديها قائمة بأسماء 51 من المتهمين بارتكاب جرائم حرب تشمل مسؤولين بارزين بالجيش والحكومة ومتمردين وقادة ميليشيات وضباط بجيوش اجنبية.

من أوفيرا مكدوم

Post: #20
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Yasir Elsharif
Date: 06-20-2005, 03:28 AM
Parent: #1

شكرا يا دريج...

الخزي والعار على المعتدين من حكومة وجنجويد...

ثوار دارفور لم يفعلوا أكثر من محاولة الدفاع عن أنفسهم وعن أهلهم، والحمد لله أن مجلس الأمن قد أخذ على عاتقه هذا الأمر وكفى الثوار شر القتال.. وقد أعجبتني إجابة ممثلي الثوار بأنهم مستعدون لتسليم أي متهم بانتهاك فظائع إذا طُلب منهم ذلك.. أعني إذا طلبته المحكمة الدولية وليس محاكم النظام الصورية..

Post: #21
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Yasir Elsharif
Date: 06-20-2005, 04:15 AM
Parent: #1

حالة غرب السودان عشية مقتل الأستاذ محمود بتلك الخسة والتآمر تشبه إلى حد كبير الحالة الحاضرة.. مجاعة ونزوح إلى العاصمة ليتم طرد أهل الغرب والمهمشين من الخرطوم إبان انتفاضة أبريل.. أرجو متابعة هذا البوست وقراءة ما جاء به:
وصف لتطبيق قوانين سبتمبر النميرية التي صفق لها الإسلاميون ولا يزالون

الآن أصبح دور المجتمع الدولي فاعلا إذ صارت الأمور بيد مجلس الأمن.. والحمد لله..

Post: #22
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: محمد الامين احمد
Date: 06-20-2005, 06:35 AM
Parent: #1

Quote: أنت عايز تقول شنو بالضبط ؟

يجب ان تتم ادانة كل الافعال دون غض النظر عن البعض بسبب انتمائتهم القبلية.

Quote: الفيديو ده ما عاجبك لأنه بينقل ليك بالصوت و الصورة كل الفظائع التي أرتكبت بحق أنسان دارفور ؟ و بيد من ؟ ألا تري رماد ذلك الحريق ؟ الم تسمع و تري صورة مقبولة ؟

بل الفديو هو دليل على مدى سوء الاوضاع التى تحدث فى تلك المنطقة، و التى سوف تتواصل ما دامنا نحكم على الناس بانتمائتهم القبلية

Quote: فتلجأ و كأنك مبعوث من قبل هذه الحكومة المجرمة القذرة فتأتي بقصاصات و لنكات مختارة ليس بغرض أبراز الحقيقية بل لطمس ما يستجد من حقائق دامغة - صوت و صورة

ما جلبته منشور على صفحات هذا الموقع، و بلسان حركة تحرير السودان

Quote: لماذا لا تأتي بلنكات الأخ حامد حجر و التي تذيب الحجر الأصم من فرط الأسي علي مآسي أطفال و نساء دارفور ؟ لماذا لا تأتي بلنكات هيومان رايتس ووتش و التي تصور بالفيديو طائرة أنتونوف و هي تقصف قرية كرنوي و أشتعال القطاطي ؟ لماذا لا تأتي بلنك أطباء بلا حدود و فيها ما يخزيكم ليوم الدين ؟ لماذا لا تأتي بلنك ال BBC و ذلك الفيديو الذي فيه من أقوال الشهود ما يشيب له الولدان ... و في ذلك الفيديو كيف كان علي عثمان محمد طه يتململ في كرسيه و كأنه جالس علي كوم جمر لأن المذيعة هيلاري زنقته بمشاهد الأبادة و أقوال ضحايا الأغتصاب ؟ لماذا لا تأتي بلنك ذلك الطيار و هو يوجه قائد الجنجويد علي الأرض بأن يحرق "أي حاجة " و يخبره قائد الجنجويد بأنه وجد أناس يقولون أنهم " مننا " فيرد عليه الطيار " ديل بيكضبو ... ما تخلو حاجة " ... و يعود اليه قائد الجنجويد بعد فترة ليعلمه أن كل شئ قضي عليه ... فيوجهه الطيار الي أنه يري خزان ماء .. تبع القرية .. و يوجهه بتدميره ... لماذا لا تأتي بلنك ذلك المارينز الذي شاهد بعينيه كيف يقتل الجيش السوداني و الجنجويد المواطنين العزل بلبدو و مارلا و صور تلك الهجمات البربرية ؟
محمد الأمين أحمد ...... هناك أطنان و أطنان من الأدلة ... من كل الأنواع .. صور ثابتة .. صور فيديو ... صور أقمار صناعية ... شهود عيان ... شهود ضحايا ... شهود منشقين يعرفون تماما تكتيكات القتلة من الحكومة و الجنجويد ....

و كل الذى ذكرت موثق و الحمدالله على صفحات هذا الموقع و غيره، و لكن ما جلبته يبدو انه يقع ضمن دائرة (المسكوت عنه) ، لماذا لم تستنكر مقتل الطلاب الذى اعترف به القائد العام لجيش حركة تحرير السودان؟ فهذا ايضا سوف تسأل عنه يوم الدين.

Quote: دعك أنت من هذا الجدل الصبياني الذي تلجأ اليه كلما أفحمتك الأدلة ببشاعتها

و طالما انك تنظر للموضوع على انه هلال مريخ، فلا اعتقد انه يمكن ان تتقدم، فاين انكرت عليك الادلة؟ و لكن فقط كونى سألت عن ممارسات حركة تحرير السودان اصبحت من اصحاب الجدل الصبيانى! هل رفع عنهم القلم ام ماذا؟ ولا عندهم حصانه ؟

Quote: عبد الواحد محمد نور كان في غاية المسؤولية و الشجاعة ... و أعلن أستعداده بالتعاون مع محكمة الجنايات الدولية ...
هل يرتقي أي واحد من الجانب الآخر الي تلك المسؤولية و الشجاعة .. البشير .. علي عثمان محمد طه ... عوض الجاز ... موسي هلال ... مصطفي عثمان أسماعيل

و مادام هو كذلك لماذا تستنكرون السؤال؟ لم اراك انت بالذات تدين البيان الذى اصدره جمعة محمد حقار ؟ لماذا يا محمد سليمان ؟ ماالذى يمنعك من التعليق على التفاصيل الواردة فى ذلك البيان الذى اصدره معلنا فيه عزل رئيس الحركة؟

Quote: هل يتقدم أحد من هؤلاء الجبناء و يعلن أنه ليس هناك ما يخاف منه و أنه علي أستعداد للتعاون مع هذه المحكمة لثقته ببراءته ؟

تقدموا ام لم يتقدموا ، سوف يحاسبون ، القانون فوق الجميع

Quote: أذا لا يستطيع أحد من هؤلاء فعل ذلك فلا تحشر نفسك في قضية دارفور لأنه واضح أنك لا تريد لها أي صلاح و لتكف عن البرطعة في أي بوست يبرز سوءة أفعالكم فتأتي أنت لتطمس معالم الجريمة .
أخرج .

و لست انت من تخبرنى اين اكتب و ماذا اكتب و سوف اكتب ،

سوف اكتب لابين من هم المرتزقة المتاجرين، و سوف اكتب لابين ان الجمل ما بيشوف عوجة رقبتو

Post: #23
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 06-20-2005, 07:42 AM
Parent: #22

و بعيون الاطفال...

Post: #25
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: محمد احمد النور
Date: 06-20-2005, 08:42 AM
Parent: #23

الاخ محمد احمد النور

يا ريت لو تكون النظرة تجاة هذة الموضوعات بنظرة غير هلال مريخ يا ريت،،،

لا معنى لان نرفع القلم عن البعض لاعتبارت قبلية ، اليس كذلك ؟

و هذا يا عزيز اعتراف بلسان القائد العام لجيش حركة تحرير السودان الحالى

السيد/ جمعة محمد حقار ،

بيان من القيادة الميدانية لجيش تحرير السودان حول تداعيات فصل رئيس الحركة

اتمنى ان ارى رآيك فيه فى هذا الموضوع

القائد العام لجيش تحرير السودان-الحركة قامت بارتكاب جرائم عنصرية

عبدالواحد محمد نور رئيس الحركة قال بانه على استعداد للمثول امام القانون حيال اى تهمة موجهة اليه فى سبيل احقاق الحق ، فمالكم تستنكرون حتى السؤال

و شكرا

عزيزى / محمد الامين


لم ار من يتحدث عن اعتبارات قبلية الا انت وان ترفع القلم من اجلها فذلك يخصك وحدك.

اما موضوع حركة تحرير السودان وانتهاكاتها فلست مخولا بالدفاع عنها ولكنهم تحدثو عن امكانية المثول امام المحكمة وهم مسئولون عن تصريحاتهم ..

لست هنا للدفاع عن ممارسات الحركة او تاييدها .. ولكننى تحدثت عن مواطنين ابرياء مورست عليهم جرائم تطهير عرقى من قبل الدولة ومليشيياتها ؟

ما لا استطيع فهمه لماذا لم تدين هذه الجرائم التى ارتكبت فى دارفور .. ودعنى اسالك رايك بكل وضوح فى مثول المتهمين اذا كانو من الحكومة او هذه الحركات امام المحكمة الجنائية الدولية ؟؟؟

رأى الذى لن اتنازل عنه هو يجب ان يمثل كل متهم يثبت تورطه امام المحكمة الجنائية الدولية ..



Post: #24
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Tragie Mustafa
Date: 06-20-2005, 08:30 AM
Parent: #1

شكرا محمد عثمان

شكرا للصحفى الامريكى الذى اسال الدموع مدررا من عيونى

هى ضريبة لابد ان ندفعها طالما ننتمى لقطر مثل السودان.

عند رؤيتى لعيون مقبوله والحزن العميق الفين فى عينيها

انهرت تماما

وانا افكر فى حزنها

كانت امرأه وكانت لها اسره

والان هى حطام امرأه

قادمة اليك انا يا اختى

لابد ان اصلك و التقيك واضمك لصدرى

لاقول لك بانك اشرف النساء واحلاهن و اغلاهن عندى وعند شرفاء العالم

ستشفى جراحنا يا اختى

سنعلم صغيراتنا كيف تكون قوة النساء

سنغنى بلغاتنا المحليه اقوى الاشعار.

اجمل ما رايت الشعارات المرفوعه من ناس المخيمات

فالوعى الوعى الوعى ولاشئ سواه سيهزم عدونا ويثأر لنا

الوعى حدث فى دارفور فى كل الشرائح

وياناس الخرطوم (الترابه فى خشوكم).


Post: #26
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: معتز تروتسكى
Date: 06-20-2005, 08:43 AM
Parent: #24

خالص التحايا

Mohamed osman Deraij
شكرا لايرادك الخبر
لكن اللينك ابا يفتح معاى ياريت فيكم زول يحمل الفيديو هنا عشان نقدر ندلى بوضوح اكتر..
والغزى والعار لكل من اتكب اثم فى حق هذا الشعب ..
ولابد من القصاص ..

Post: #27
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: محمد الامين محمد
Date: 06-20-2005, 08:45 AM
Parent: #1

دارفور: عمال الإغاثة معرضون للخطر
على السلطات السودانية وحركات المتمردين ألا يعيقوا جهود الإغاثة
وقد اعترفت حركتا التمرد الناشطتان في جنوب دارفور (وهما جيش تحرير السودان SLA، وحركة العدالة والمساواة JEM) بمسؤوليتهما عن عدد من الحوادث التي قامتا فيها باحتجاز بعض عمال الإغاثة في شمال وغرب دارفور، ثم إطلاق سراحهم في وقت لاحق. كما أن الحركة الوطنية للإصلاح والتنمية NMRD، وهي جماعة منشقة عن حركة العدالة والمساواة، مسؤولة هي الأخرى عن بضعة حوادث تم خلالها احتجاز بعض عمال الإغاثة في غرب دارفور، ثم إطلاق سراحهم في وقت لاحق. .

أقرأ ايضا

السودان: يجب على باول الإصرار على حماية المدنيين

السودان: وثائق جديدة من دارفور .. إثبات وجود علاقات بين الحكومة وميليشيات الجنجويد


نيويورك، 5 أبريل/نيسان 2005
صرحت منظمة هيومن رايتس ووتش اليوم بأن الحكومة السودانية تعمل على ترويع وكالات الإغاثة الدولية في دارفور، حيث نفذت منذ ديسمبر/كانون الأول الماضي عمليات اعتقال أو حجز تعسفي لعشرين على الأقل من العاملين في تلك الوكالات. كما قامت حركات التمرد في دارفور بمهاجمة عمال الإغاثة في العديد من الحوادث.
ودعت هيومن رايتس ووتش جميع الجهات النزاع أو احتجاز لضمان سلامة عاملي الإغاثة وتسهيل وصولهم إلى المدنيين السودانيين الذين يحتاجون إلى المساعدة.

صرح بيتر تاكيرامبودي، المدير التنفيذي لقسم أفريقيا في منظمة هيومن رايتس ووتش بأن

"السلطات السودانية تستخدم مع عمال الإغاثة في دارفور نفس أسلوب القبضة الحديدية الذي استخدمته مع المدافعين عن حقوق الإنسان. ويجب على الحكومات المانحة أن تدين محاولات الخرطوم لترويع عمال الإغاثة وغيرهم من ممن يقدمون المساعدة للمدنيين في السودان"
وقامت منظمة هيومن رايتس ووتش، خلال الأشهر الأربعة الأخيرة، بتوثيق حوادث الاعتقال والحجز التعسفي لحوالي 20 من عمال الإغاثة السودانيين والأجانب، والذين ينتمون إلى سبعة منظمات غير حكومية على الأقل. وجرت جميع الحوادث المذكورة في نيالة عاصمة دارفور الجنوبية، على يد مسؤولي أمن سودانيين وممثلي المخابرات العسكرية السودانية. وفي عدد من الحالات، جرى احتجاز المعتقلين في مخافر الشرطة أو الأبنية الحكومية الأخرى لساعات وأحياناً لأيام.
ولم يقم سوى عدد قليل من المنظمات الإنسانية المعنية بالإعلان عن حالات الاعتقال والحجز المذكورة، خوفاً من قيام الحكومة السودانية بالمزيد من الأعمال الانتقامية ضد موظفي وأنشطة في تلك المنظمات، وضد الأشخاص المهجرين الذين يتلقون المساعدة.
وصرح تاكيرامبودي أن
"الاعتقالات الحكومية والتهم التهديدية تشكل رد فعل مبالغ فيه كثيراً على ما يسمى بالتجاوزات. وتمثل هذه الحوادث حملة لمضايقة وتهديد وكالات الإغاثة وكبح نشاطها"
وقد تبين أن معظم التجاوزات المزعومة التي قادت إلى حوادث اعتقال وحجز عمال الإغاثة ليس سوى خروقات طفيفة للإجراءات البيروقراطية، وليست أبداً بالخطورة الكافية لتوجيه تهم إجرامية. ومن هذه الاعتداءات المزعومة، خرق حظر التجول أو عدم الحصول على إذن رسمي بنقل المواد. كما تعرض بعض عمال الإغاثة للاعتقال والحجز نتيجة ما تسميه الحكومة "نشاطات مشبوهة" مثل حيازة تقارير منشورة حول أوضاع حقوق الإنسان في دارفور أو صور ولقطات لمهجرين تمت مقابلتهم في المعسكرات.
ورغم أن التهم الرسمية الموجهة في جميع الحالات المذكورة قليلة، فإن المسؤولين السودانيين هددوا عمال الإغاثة بتوجيه تهم خرق المواد 51، 52، 53 و 58 من قانون العقوبات السوداني لعام 1991، والتي تتضمن حالات التجسس و "شن الحرب على الدولة". وتصل عقوبة الجرائم المذكورة حد الإعدام أو السجن المؤبد. ويطالب قانون حقوق الإنسان الدولي بأن يجري الاعتقال وفق أحكام القانون، وأن لا يكون مبالغاً فيه أو ظالماً أو غير منطقي.
لقد دأب المسؤولون الحكوميون بشكل متزايد، وعبر وسائل الإعلام السودانية، على اتهام منظمات المساعدة الدولية بمختلف أنواع التهم بما فبها "النشاطات الاحتيالية"، وتهريب السلاح، ونشر الادعاءات المبالغ بها حول حوادث الاغتصاب التي تقوم بها القوات السودانية والميلشيات المدعومة من الحكومة.
في ديسمبر/كانون الأول حصل مسؤولون سودانيون على "اعترافات" العديد من عمال الإغاثة الذين اعتقلوا وهُدِّدوا بالسجن اللا محدود وبتوجيه تهم ضدهم بما فيها تلك التي عقوبتها الإعدام، إذا لم يقدموا اعتذارات أمام الكاميرا. وفي برنامج بثه التلفزيون السوداني التابع للحكومة، تم التلاعب ببعض لقطات الفيلم الوثائقي واستخدامها خارج سياقها، كجزء من برنامج اتهم عمال الإغاثة بتلفيق شهادات المهجرين في معسكرات دارفور.
بالإضافة إلى ما سبق، تعرض عمال الإغاثة، خلال الأشهر الستة الماضية، إلى حوادث اعتداء نظمت حركات التمرد بعضها على الطرق الرئيسية في دارفور. وتزايدت حالات إطلاق النار والسلب ضد سيارات المساعدة الإنسانية والشاحنات التجارية، ولاسيما على طريق قاسا-نيالة وطريق نيالة-الفاشر، رغم عدم إعلان أحد مسؤوليته عن العديد من الحوادث المذكورة.
ويؤكد تاكيرامبودي أن
"على الحكومة السودانية وحركات التمرد أن تلتزم بتعهداتها بحماية وتسهيل حركة عاملي الإغاثة وفق القانون الإنساني العالمي.

وقد اعترفت حركتا التمرد الناشطتان في جنوب دارفور (وهما جيش تحرير السودان SLA، وحركة العدالة والمساواة JEM) بمسؤوليتهما عن عدد من الحوادث التي قامتا فيها باحتجاز بعض عمال الإغاثة في شمال وغرب دارفور، ثم إطلاق سراحهم في وقت لاحق. كما أن الحركة الوطنية للإصلاح والتنمية NMRD، وهي جماعة منشقة عن حركة العدالة والمساواة، مسؤولة هي الأخرى عن بضعة حوادث تم خلالها احتجاز بعض عمال الإغاثة في غرب دارفور، ثم إطلاق سراحهم في وقت لاحق.

عن المنظمة

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البيانات الصحفية


قائمة الدول
ش أفريقيا والشرق الأوسط



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حقوق الطفل

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العدالة الدولية



مواثيق حقوق الإنسان

المهرجان السينمائي

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ليصلك كل تجديد

Post: #28
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: محمد الامين احمد
Date: 06-20-2005, 08:58 AM
Parent: #1

الاخ / محمد احمد النور

تحية طيبة

Quote: لم ار من يتحدث عن اعتبارات قبلية الا انت وان ترفع القلم من اجلها فذلك يخصك وحدك.

اكون شاكر لك جهدك و وقتك اذا بينت لى اين فعلت ذلك، حتى اقوم نفسى ، فالنفس امارة بالسوء كما تعلم.

Quote: اما موضوع حركة تحرير السودان وانتهاكاتها فلست مخولا بالدفاع عنها ولكنهم تحدثو عن امكانية المثول امام المحكمة وهم مسئولون عن تصريحاتهم ..

و انا لا اريد دفاعك عنهم، انا اريد ادانتك فقط !

Quote: لست هنا للدفاع عن ممارسات الحركة او تاييدها .. ولكننى تحدثت عن مواطنين ابرياء مورست عليهم جرائم تطهير عرقى من قبل الدولة ومليشيياتها ؟

و انا اتحدث عن حركة قامت بارتكاب جرائم عنصرية ضد طلاب ابرياء بمنطقة زالنجى( حادث إختطاف طلاب من بص سفرى وقتلهم )، و سطت على عربات إغاثة بين الفاشر وكبكابية، كما قامت باثارة عمليات عسكرية ضد مدنيين حول جبل مره.

Quote: ما لا استطيع فهمه لماذا لم تدين هذه الجرائم التى ارتكبت فى دارفور .. ودعنى اسالك رايك بكل وضوح فى مثول المتهمين اذا كانو من الحكومة او هذه الحركات امام المحكمة الجنائية الدولية ؟؟؟

بل ادين كل الجرائم التى ارتكبت فى دارفور و فى جميع انحاء السودان، و اؤيد مثول المتهمين سواء من الحكومة او من الحركات او جهات اخرى امام المحكمة الجنائية الدولية.

Quote: رأى الذى لن اتنازل عنه هو يجب ان يمثل كل متهم يثبت تورطه امام المحكمة الجنائية الدولية ..

اتمنى ذلك ، و خصوصا كون ان البيان صادر من القائد العام لحركة تحرير السودان، اريد

رآيك الواضح فيه


و شكرا

Post: #29
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 06-20-2005, 11:31 AM
Parent: #28

الاخوة/ت الاعزاء
شكرا مرة اخرى على مداخلاتكم الجيدة

محمد سليمان
Quote: عبد الواحد محمد نور كان في غاية المسؤولية و الشجاعة ... و أعلن أستعداده بالتعاون مع محكمة الجنايات الدولية ...
هل يرتقي أي واحد من الجانب الآخر الي تلك المسؤولية و الشجاعة .. البشير .. علي عثمان محمد طه ... عوض الجاز ... موسي هلال ... مصطفي عثمان أسماعيل

Quote: وهذه هدية لاولئك المدافعين عن القتلة والمغتصبين وحارقى الاطفال

ماذا تحاكمون وقد نفيتم وقلتم بان الاغتصاب الجماعى فى دارفور تجارة

المجتمع الغربى واللوبى الصهيونى

Quote: شكرا للصحفى الامريكى الذى اسال الدموع مدررا من عيونى

هى ضريبة لابد ان ندفعها طالما ننتمى لقطر مثل السودان.

عند رؤيتى لعيون مقبوله والحزن العميق الفين فى عينيها

انهرت تماما

وانا افكر فى حزنها

كانت امرأه وكانت لها اسره

والان هى حطام امرأه

قادمة اليك انا يا اختى

لابد ان اصلك و التقيك واضمك لصدرى

لاقول لك بانك اشرف النساء واحلاهن و اغلاهن عندى وعند شرفاء العالم

ستشفى جراحنا يا اختى

سنعلم صغيراتنا كيف تكون قوة النساء

سنغنى بلغاتنا المحليه اقوى الاشعار.

اجمل ما رايت الشعارات المرفوعه من ناس المخيمات

فالوعى الوعى الوعى ولاشئ سواه سيهزم عدونا ويثأر لنا

الوعى حدث فى دارفور فى كل الشرائح

وياناس الخرطوم (الترابه فى خشوكم).


ياسر الشريف
Quote: حالة غرب السودان عشية مقتل الأستاذ محمود بتلك الخسة والتآمر تشبه إلى حد كبير الحالة الحاضرة.. مجاعة ونزوح إلى العاصمة ليتم طرد أهل الغرب والمهمشين من الخرطوم إبان انتفاضة أبريل..

الاخ محمد الامين احمد
شكراُ على المداخلة

لا نختلف حول انه ستتم ادانة و محاكمة كل من اجرم
فى حق انسان دارفور‘ او ساعد المجرمين على نحو مباشر او
غير مباشر على اقتراف جرمهم‘او حاول ان يخفى ادلة من شأنها
ان تساعد على محاكمة هولاء
و هكذا...

الاخ معتز ترتسكى

فى الحقيقة حاولت تحميل الفيدو الا ان محاولتى باءت
بالفشل الذريع و ربما كان ذلك بسبب حجم الفيديو
لذلك لجأت الى وضع الرابط هنا بدلاُ عن ذلك.
و على كل سأحاول مرة
اخرى على امل ان تكلل المحاولة بالنجاح
و شكراُ على الاهتمام

حاولت مرة اخرى لكن للاسف فشلت المحاولة كانت الرسالة:
One or more files failed to upload. The reasons returned are:
Bad file type : htm

محمد عثمان دريج

Post: #30
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 06-20-2005, 07:50 PM
Parent: #29

A very little up-ward move!

Post: #31
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Tragie Mustafa
Date: 06-21-2005, 04:26 AM
Parent: #1

وفوق كمان عشان ناس مقبوله.


Post: #32
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 06-21-2005, 08:49 AM
Parent: #31

الشكر موصول لك أختى تراجى!

Post: #33
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: محمد الامين احمد
Date: 06-21-2005, 04:19 PM
Parent: #1

الاخ / محمد دريج

Quote: لا نختلف حول انه ستتم ادانة و محاكمة كل من اجرم
فى حق انسان دارفور‘ او ساعد المجرمين على نحو مباشر او
غير مباشر على اقتراف جرمهم‘او حاول ان يخفى ادلة من شأنها
ان تساعد على محاكمة هولاء
و هكذا...

شكرا على ردك ، و هذا هو المقصد، محاكمة كل من اجرم بحق انسان السودان ..


Post: #34
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 06-21-2005, 06:31 PM
Parent: #33

Quote: UN says rape is systematic weapon of war in Darfur
21 Jun 2005 22:42:38 GMT
Source: Reuters
By Claudia Parsons
UNITED NATIONS, June 21 (Reuters) - One medical charity has has treated 500 victims of sexual violence in Darfur in four months and this is just a fraction of such attacks in the Sudanese province, a senior U.N. official said on Tuesday.
Under-Secretary General Jan Egeland told the Security Council women and children were being systematically raped and assaulted in the ravaged region and urged Sudanese authorities to do more to protect civilians and end a culture of impunity.
Addressing the U.N. Security Council on the need for more international effort to protect civilians in armed conflicts, Egeland said Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo were among the countries where sexual violence was worst.
The Darfur conflict broke out two years ago when rebels took up arms against the Sudanese government, complaining of discrimination. Khartoum is accused of retaliating by arming militias who burned villages and killed and raped civilians.
At least 180,000 people have died from violence, hunger and disease and two million have been driven from their homes.
Egeland said medical charity Medicins Sans Frontieres had reported treating 500 survivors of sexual violence in Darfur in just four months.
"We believe this represents only a fraction of the total victims," he said, adding that the impact of the violence was compounded by Sudan's failure to acknowledge the scale of the problem and to act to stop it.
"Not only do the Sudanese authorities fail to provide effective physical protection, they inhibit access to treatment." He said in some cases unmarried women who became pregnant after being raped had been treated as criminals and subjected to further brutal treatment by police.
"This is an affront to all humanity," Egeland said.
The U.N. Security Council has asked the International Criminal Court to investigate alleged war crimes in Darfur. Earlier this month Sudan formed a special court to try alleged criminals in the western Darfur region.
"In Darfur ... rape is systematically used as a weapon of warfare," Egeland said.
France had organized the debate on civilian casualties around the world, an issue which has been before the council for several years and eventually resulted in a mandate for peacekeepers to protect civilians.
Egeland said that while he was concerned about the targeting of civilians in conflicts around the world, including Iraq where he said as many as 1,000 civilians may have been killed since April, his biggest concern was Africa.
"In North Kivu, in eastern Congo, one nongovernmental organization reported 2,000 cases of sexual abuse ... in one month," Egeland said. He said most of the cases were rape.
He said U.N. officials in the area estimated there were at least 25,000 cases a year of sexual violence against women and children in North Kivu, a situation partly attributable to the breakdown of discipline in the regular armed forces.
The United Nations has more than 16,000 peacekeepers in the Congo, where peace deals in 2003 officially ended a five-year war that killed nearly four million people, mostly from hunger and disease. Armed groups still operate in much of the east.
He picked out Ivory Coast, Liberia, northern Uganda and Nepal as areas where civilians were most endangered by conflicts.
"Today it is much more dangerous to be a civilian than to be a soldier in most of the armed conflicts," Egeland said.



Post: #35
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 06-21-2005, 11:07 PM
Parent: #34

Quote: Sudan: UN Says Banditry, #####ng Continues in Darfur

UN News Service (New York)
June 21, 2005
Posted to the web June 21, 2005
#####ng and banditry, including attacks by armed groups, continued to be reported in the troubled Darfur region of Sudan, the United Nations said today.
In an update on the situation in wider Sudan and the Darfur region, the UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) listed a number of incidents including a reported attack in eastern Sudan that was repelled by the Sudanese army. UN commercially rented trucks carrying food were in the area during the incident.
Due to the continued violence, UNMIS said that non-governmental organizations still continued to face difficulties in certain areas.
Earlier this month mission chief Jan Pronk called for an immediate end to violence in Darfur and expressed his concern that rebel factions were fighting in the war-torn region even as the African Union (AU) tried to keep upcoming peace negotiations on track.
Fighting in Darfur flared in early 2003 after rebels took up arms, partly in protest over the distribution of resources. Militias such as the Janjaweed joined in the battle against them, terrorizing the population. The UN says some 180,000 people have died as a result of the conflict, while another 1.8 million have been forced from their homes, including about 200,000 who fled across the border to neighbouring Chad.



Post: #36
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Tragie Mustafa
Date: 06-21-2005, 11:52 PM
Parent: #1

محمد عثمان


واهديك هذه الاغنيه التى اهديتها من قبل للاخ محمد سليمان

هى لك ولكل الشرفاء الصاحين و المرابطين لاجل دارفور.

(خلى السلاح صاحى ) لعبد الحليم حافظ :

خلى السلاح صاحى

صاحى صاحى

لو نامت الدنيا

صحت على سلاحى

سلاحى فى اديا

نهار و ليل صاحى

ينادى يا ثوار

عدونا جبار.

خلى السلاح

صاحى صاحى.

سلاحنا اقلامنا او (كى بوردنا )

وشكرا لك لانك صاحى دائما

تحياتى وتقديرى.


Post: #37
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: حيدر حماد
Date: 06-22-2005, 02:31 AM
Parent: #36


Post: #38
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: hamid hajer
Date: 06-22-2005, 02:55 AM
Parent: #37

Post: #39
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 06-22-2005, 08:52 AM
Parent: #38

عزيزتى تراج

Quote: سلاحنا اقلامنا او (كى بوردنا )

لك اجزل الشكر


Post: #40
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 06-22-2005, 08:54 AM
Parent: #39

حيدر حماد
Hamid hajer

شكراُ مرة اخرى على التضامن

Post: #41
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: حيدر حماد
Date: 06-22-2005, 09:39 AM
Parent: #40

ليكن هذا الفيديو فى الواجهة

Post: #42
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: حيدر حماد
Date: 06-22-2005, 10:57 AM
Parent: #41

لعناية " الصحافية " سلمى تيجانى

Post: #43
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: حيدر حماد
Date: 06-22-2005, 03:02 PM
Parent: #42

الأخ دريج ... هنالك الكثير من الصور و الأفلام الموثقة .... نرجو

إنزالها تباعا

Post: #44
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 06-22-2005, 03:41 PM
Parent: #43

التحية اليك اخى حيدر

نازحوا معسكر كالمة يهددون بالقيام باضراب عن الطعام احتجاجاُ على سؤ الاحوال بالمعسكر:

Quote: Darfur refugees threaten hunger strike
22 Jun 2005 18:11:14 GMT

Source: Reuters

By Opheera McDoom

KALMA CAMP, Sudan, June 22 (Reuters) - Darfur refugees on Wednesday threatened to go on hunger strike if conditions do not improve in camps in the remote region and expressed discontent with African Union forces monitoring a shaky ceasefire.

Tribal leaders in Darfur's largest camp, Kalma, said unless a commercial blockade on the camp, imposed by the government for almost a month, was lifted and conditions improved, they would fast for three days starting Friday and then go on hunger strike.

"We are being isolated from Sudanese society here," Sheikh Eissa Ahmed told a joint delegation from the government of Sudan, the United Nations and donor countries.

About a month ago, many of the more than 100,000 mostly non-Arabs, who fled their villages to Kalma camp, clashed with government police and the government Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC), burnt down their offices and have since refused to allow the authorities to return.

They distrust the Sudanese government, accusing it of bombing their villages during the more than 2-1/2 year revolt by non-Arab rebels and have often clashed with police in the overflowing and tense camp. Rebels accuse the government of marginalisation and of preferential treatment of Arab tribes.

Following the clashes the government imposed a ban on all commercial traffic to the camp outside the capital of South Darfur state, Nyala. The army has set up extra checkpoints along the road, and blocked off the other road leading to the camp from the airport. They say rebels are active in the camp.

Long lines of men, women and children laden down with heavy loads traipsed the long 12 km (7 mile) hike to Nyala from Kalma under the hot desert sun.

Aid workers and refugees told the delegation that prices had risen in the camp market, and some goods were not even available anymore. The sick could not get to the hospital in Nyala except by uncomfortable donkey cart.

Tens of thousands have been killed and more than 2 million have fled their homes during the fighting, which the United States called genocide. The International Criminal Court (ICC) earlier this month launched an inquiry into alleged war crimes in Darfur.

The tribal leaders said the African Union civilian police forces who had set up a 24-hour police presence in the camp since the troubles had not helped security.

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Post: #45
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: حيدر حماد
Date: 06-22-2005, 08:43 PM
Parent: #44


Post: #46
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 06-23-2005, 07:12 AM
Parent: #45



Post: #47
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 06-23-2005, 09:13 AM
Parent: #46



Post: #48
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: حيدر حماد
Date: 06-23-2005, 01:51 PM
Parent: #47

واصل يا دريج

Post: #49
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: عماد شمت
Date: 06-23-2005, 02:36 PM
Parent: #48

شكرا دريج... الخزي والعار لحكومة الجبهه الاسلاميه
وثقوا لجرائم هذا النظام الشيطاني
ان الله يمهل ولا يهمل ..

Post: #50
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: حيدر حماد
Date: 06-23-2005, 11:31 PM
Parent: #49

Post: #51
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Yasir Elsharif
Date: 06-24-2005, 02:01 AM
Parent: #1

شر البلية ما يضحك..

Post: #52
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: حيدر حماد
Date: 06-24-2005, 04:35 AM
Parent: #51

صدقت أخى ياسر الشريف

Post: #53
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: saif basheer
Date: 06-24-2005, 07:11 AM
Parent: #52

dear direj

thanks for this informing video...

i hope u do not mind putting this post in yours

أدعموا أطفال دارفور بدعمكم Francoise (فرانسواز) .............

Post: #54
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 06-24-2005, 01:39 PM
Parent: #53

حيدر حماد
عماد شمت
شكرا للدعم غير المحدود


Post: #55
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 06-24-2005, 01:42 PM
Parent: #54

اخى العزيز ياسر الشريف

كاريكاتير معبر بحق

Post: #56
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 06-24-2005, 01:55 PM
Parent: #55

اخى و صديقى سيف بشير
لك اجزل الشكر على هذا الاضافة الثرة
(سوف نتحدث قريبا)
الجفاف الشديد يهدد حياة المزيد من اطفال دارفور (شهادة ميدانية):
Quote: Quote: Serious Drought now threatens the lives of yet more children in Darfur
I returned from Sudan yesterday where I was shocked to find that, despite denials in Khartoum, serious drought - worse than that in 2001 when all surface water in North Darfur dried up - has caused a complete failure of crops in many parts. No proper crop assessment has been done, because of the ongoing violence, so that the international community has no way of knowing how to help. Livestock has been looted, the only other way children can get food, and even animals are dying from starvation, including 8000 donkeys in Abou Showk camp, outside the regional capital, El Fasher.

KIDS FOR KIDS has arranged with its partners for the surviving 1311 donkeys in the camp to get emergency food and veterinary care to them - but urgent action must be taken by the international community now to prevent a major disaster. Drought, linked with ongoing conflict, will lead to many deaths. This was confirmed by the British Ambassador to me last week. We visited the hospital in El Fasher where already there are children suffering from severe malnutrition.

But I also saw 100 of our goats, which arrived in Jugu Jugu, a village of 200 families, which were already giving milk to families. One lady told me she now had 4 cups of milk a day for her children.

This is direct help which we are doing now, despite the violence. If the international community cannot help, then every child in England can. One goat costs £12 in the market this week - the price of animals is rising because of the shortage - and a donkey costs £50, but is a life saver. Thanks to children here I was able to give the go ahead for goats for nine more villages - but many more are needed.

لمعرفة المزيــــــــــد اضغط الرابط ادناه


Post: #57
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 06-25-2005, 03:06 AM
Parent: #56

من اجل تحقيق العدل فى دارفور:--
Quote: Bringing justice to Darfur
By Joanne Mariner
FindLaw columnist
(FindLaw) -- Just two weeks ago, the International Criminal Court's prosecutor, Luis Moreno Ocampo, announced that he was opening an investigation into atrocities in Darfur. His decision to investigate comes after the March 31 resolution of the U.N. Security Council that referred the situation in Darfur to the ICC.
Darfur is typically spoken of as a humanitarian crisis, but the characterization is deceptive. Unlike the destruction wrought by tsunamis or hurricanes, Darfur's terrible human and material devastation was caused by men. The countless acts of rape, murder and forced displacement carried out in Darfur are not lamentable tragedies; they're crimes.
It is the job of the ICC prosecutor to identify the perpetrators of these crimes and bring them to justice.
The Sudanese stance
There is nothing easy about the prosecutor's task. At every step of the way, the Sudanese government can be expected to try to thwart his efforts and obstruct the progress of the case. In April, immediately after the Security Council decision to refer the Darfur case to the ICC, the government announced that it would never turn over Sudanese citizens for trial abroad.
The government's reasons for wanting to avoid cooperation are not hard to discern. Although officials in Khartoum like to describe the situation in Darfur as a tribal conflict that is beyond their control, the government's responsibility is well documented. Arab militias known as Janjaweed may have committed much of the violence in Darfur, but they were armed and funded by the government. And many attacks on civilians were carried out by Janjaweed and Sudanese military forces acting in concert.
High Sudanese officials responsible for formulating and implementing the government's Darfur strategy no doubt fear prosecution. Although a list compiled by a high-level U.N. commission of 51suspects to be potentially prosecuted for crimes in Darfur is secret, it likely includes at least a couple of senior officials in Khartoum. And with former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic on trial in The Hague, the prospect of high-level international prosecutions is quite real.
Principle of complementarity
With more than two million people displaced, and hundreds of villages burned and looted, it is impossible for the Sudanese government to deny the enormity of the crimes that have been committed in Darfur. But while it cannot pretend that trials are unwarranted, it can assert that the ICC's brand of justice is.
What officials in Khartoum can try to do to -- and what they appear to be doing -- is undermine the ICC's claim to jurisdiction. Importantly, unlike the ad hoc tribunals set up for Bosnia and Rwanda, the ICC does not take precedence over domestic courts. According to the principle of complementarity, a key component of the ICC statute, the court can only take jurisdiction over crimes when national courts are unwilling or unable to prosecute them.
Under the court's rules, a finding that a state is unwilling or unable to prosecute the crimes is a prerequisite to a formal decision to start an investigation. With regard to Darfur, therefore, the ICC prosecutor has indicated that this hurdle has been cleared.
But the ICC's rules give the Sudanese authorities the power to challenge the prosecutor's determination. By filing an admissibility challenge under the ICC statute, the government might hope to block the case or, at minimum, to slow its progress. (If such a challenge is filed, the ICC prosecutor must suspend his investigation until the court decides the challenge.)
Khartoum has yet to file an admissibility challenge, but it has been busy laying the groundwork for one. The basis of its claim would be that the crimes in Darfur are being investigated and prosecuted domestically.
Inability to dispense justice
In April, in response to the Security Council resolution, Sudanese officials said that the government was committed to prosecuting the perpetrators of Darfur's crimes. Sudanese Information Minister Abd-al-Basit Sabadrat declared, in a television interview about the resolution, that the government was "confident in the Sudanese judiciary's ability to dispense justice."
Given that the Sudanese courts had already had plenty of time to prosecute the crimes in Darfur, and had manifestly failed to do so, few took the government's statements seriously. As the high-level U.N. commission that investigated Darfur had found, the Sudanese government can point to "very few cases of individuals who have been prosecuted, or even disciplined, in the context of the current crisis."
Still, the prosecutor's announcement two weeks ago seems to have given additional impetus to Khartoum's effort to showcase a domestic alternative to the ICC. Just last week, the Sudanese government established a special court that it claims will try alleged war criminals from Darfur. And on Saturday, in a remarkable display of judicial dispatch, the head of the court announced that the first such trial had begun. The defendants are ten men accused of committing rape and robbery in Darfur.
Amnesty International and other human rights groups expressed skepticism at the government's belated display of interest in justice. "We fear that the establishment of the special court may just be a tactic by the Sudanese government to avoid prosecution by the International Criminal Court," an Amnesty spokesperson said bluntly.
As the U.N.'s high-level commission emphasized, the Sudanese justice system is simply not fit to try the crimes in Darfur. "Sudanese criminal laws do not adequately proscribe war crimes and crimes against humanity, such as those carried out in Darfur, and the Criminal Procedure Code contains provisions that prevent the effective prosecution of these acts," the commission noted.
And there is little doubt, given their lack of independence, that domestic Sudanese courts would be neither willing nor able to prosecute the senior officials implicated in Darfur's crimes.
What's next?
Sooner or later -- hopefully sooner -- any jurisdictional disputes regarding the ICC's work in Darfur will be put to rest. Sudan, as a member of the United Nations, will be bound to cooperate with the ICC by, among other things, allowing the prosecutor and his team admission to Sudanese territory and access to relevant Sudanese government documents. At some point, after arrest warrants are issued, the government will be asked to turn over suspects for trial.
Although a spokesman for the prosecutor has promised that the Darfur investigation will be "quick and judicious," few expect arrest warrants to be issued before the end of the year. In the meantime, it is crucial that witnesses and victims of human rights violations be protected from intimidation and that crime sites such as mass graves be protected from tampering.
Any effort by Khartoum to destroy evidence, intimidate witnesses, or unlawfully obstruct the ICC's investigation into Darfur should not be countenanced. It would be a direct challenge to the Security Council's authority in referring the Darfur case to the ICC, and would threaten the future of international justice.
The prosecutor's progress over the next year in investigating and prosecuting this case will be crucial both to the people of Darfur and to the credibility of the court. Bringing justice to Darfur will not be an easy task, but it is a supremely necessary one.
Joanne Mariner is a FindLaw columnist and human rights attorney. She has visited Darfur twice in the past year to document war crimes and crimes against humanity.


Post: #58
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: A.Razek Althalib
Date: 06-25-2005, 03:42 AM
Parent: #57

محمد عثمان دريج...
Quote: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو

وين نخوة وكرامة المصور...
ليه ما قام بمحاولة في أن ينجد الضحايا...
وينقذهم من براثن هؤلاء المفتري عليهم...
بدلاً من محاولة تصويره المفبركة...
والتفكير في التكسب من ورائها..
كما تحاول أنت الآن...
من يقف من وراءها...
Quote: "إذا خرج الرجال للاحتطاب فإنهم غالبا ما يتعرضون للقتل!"
" أما اذا ذهبت النساء فإنهن قد يتعرضن للإغتصاب فقط!"

إشانة سمعة بئيسة...
لمجتمع بسيط...
ليس بين يديه...
إلا أن يقول ...
اللهم رد كيد اللئام...

إلى نحورهم...

Post: #59
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: حيدر حماد
Date: 06-25-2005, 03:55 AM
Parent: #58

عبد الرازق

قصص الأطفال رغم بساطتها و عفويتها إلا أن معظمها تحوى الكثير

من العبر و الدروس ...................... طالب :ـ

هل سمعت بقصة { الغراب الأبيض } ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

Post: #60
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: حيدر حماد
Date: 06-25-2005, 04:24 AM
Parent: #59


Post: #61
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: A.Razek Althalib
Date: 06-25-2005, 05:47 AM
Parent: #60

حيدر حماد.
Quote: هل سمعت بقصة { الغراب الأبيض } ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

سمعت بقصة الكذاب والنمر..

والثعلب المكار..
الشال قطعة الجبنة..
وركه فوق الشدرة..



Post: #62
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 06-25-2005, 10:17 AM
Parent: #61

"يستخدم الاغتصاب و العنف الجنسى لارهاب و اجتثاث مجتمعات الريف فى دارفور.."

“Rape and sexual violence have been used to terrorize and uproot rural communities in Darfur,” said Peter Takirambudde, Africa director of Human Rights Watch. “Donors urgently need to set up programs to protect women and girls from sexual violence and address the needs of those who have been raped.”


Post: #63
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: حيدر حماد
Date: 06-25-2005, 12:39 PM
Parent: #61

و هنا أزمتك تكمن .................. فأنت إذا لم تقرأ

قصة { الغراب الأبيض } ....... أبحث عنها يا طالب فى كل

مكان ... أسأل عنها حتى نمل الأرض و ستجدها ..........

Post: #64
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: حيدر حماد
Date: 06-25-2005, 02:53 PM
Parent: #63


Post: #65
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: saif basheer
Date: 06-25-2005, 03:38 PM
Parent: #64


Post: #66
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: حيدر حماد
Date: 06-25-2005, 04:50 PM
Parent: #65


Post: #67
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 06-25-2005, 11:04 PM
Parent: #66

الاعزاء جداً جداً
سيف بشير
حيدر حماد
شكراً لتضامنكم غير المشروط
فى زمن افتقد الكثيرون "منا"
كل وازع اخلاقى او انسانى
بل اصبحوا "كالبوم"! يرددون هلوسات و هلوسات!
لا بل يرددون موتهم
(موتهم المستـــــــــــــــــــدام!
الامم المتحدة(السبت 25‘ يونيو‘ 2005)
النساء فى دارفور ما زلنا ضحايا الاغتصاب


القصة كاملة:

Post: #68
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: حيدر حماد
Date: 06-26-2005, 01:22 AM
Parent: #67

الأخ محمد عثمان


دعمنا واجب و لا نشكر عليه

بعض الأخوة أشاروا إلى أن الفيديو لا يفتح معهم ...

Post: #69
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: A.Razek Althalib
Date: 06-26-2005, 01:38 AM
Parent: #68

حيدر حماد...
ملاحظ إنو تاريخ تسجيلك...
في هذا البورد عمرو 19 يوم..
Quote: تاريخ التسجيل: 03-06-2005

وعدد مشاركاتك...
Quote: مجموع المشاركات: 155

حاجة غريبة...
شايل ليك جملة واحدة ولافي بيها...
نسخ ولصق..

يا أخي خليك مبدع...
وسيبك من الكسل...
وتعال أطبع..
ورينا عندك شنو...
أصلوا التنوع إبداع...

بعدين نصيحتي ليك ...
إنو ما تشيلك أم قشيط ساكت...
وتقع في دوامه الكضب اللا محدود....

وبالمناسبة كان قبلك هنا في البورد ده..
واحد إسمو المناضل إبراهيم بقال..
خلي بالك من حته المناضل دي..
أشاروا ليهو الجماعة...
إنو يتخفى بعد ما كترت مطاردتو من أجهزة النظام..
حسب شكوتو...
ممكن لو فتشت عليها تلاقيها... في الأرشفة..

ولغاية ما تلاقيها ...
وإلين داك الوقت...
زولك المناضل لقوهو ليك بالثابته...
في مقهي آراك هوتيل..
وسط البلد..
موش حاجة غريبة...

فتح عينك يا بلد...

وأوعاآآآآآآآك من قصة...
النضال الزائف دي...
عشان ممكن متعظ..
من قصة..
حماد... يا حيدر...

يا نبيه...

Post: #70
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: حيدر حماد
Date: 06-26-2005, 01:45 AM
Parent: #69

عبد الرازق

أها إنشاء الله تكون جمعت فى القصة ؟؟؟؟؟

نشكرك على رفع البوست

Post: #71
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 06-26-2005, 08:07 AM
Parent: #70

النازحون فى حاجة ماسة للامن و الرعاية.
شهادة من زيارة ميدانية قامت بها اريكا فيلار( كبيرة مسئولة اللاجئين بالامم المتحدة) الى دارفور:

Quote: Balanced, nuanced approach needed to protect Darfur's displaced people, says top UNHCR official
24 Jun 2005 14:42:33 GMT

Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees

GENEVA, June 24 (UNHCR) – The UN refugee agency's top official for international protection, Erika Feller, has returned from her mission to western Sudan's Darfur region with mixed reviews and a strong belief in the need for more coordinated and nuanced efforts to better protect displaced people in the troubled region.

UNHCR's Director of International Protection returned to Geneva today after a three-day visit to assess current protection efforts for some 700,000 displaced people in West Darfur province. Travelling with a team that included UNHCR's Operations Director for the Sudan situation Jean-Marie Fakhouri, Feller visited several small villages, camps and settlements, including areas of return. The mission discussed with local authorities and humanitarian agencies the need to improve coordination and boost efforts to protect displaced people from further violence and displacement.

"Although there are signs of increased stability in some areas, the situation in Darfur continues to be marred by unpredictability, violence and threats to the security of the affected populations," said Feller, summing up her findings from the visit.

Of particular concern, she said, is the situation of women who venture out of camps and villages to fetch water and firewood. Despite ongoing efforts to prevent sexual violence, rape incidents continue to occur. Other serious protection problems, including those affecting children, are not receiving as much attention, she added.

"Much lip service has been paid to all concerned to the importance of protection objectives, but a lot more needs to be done," Feller told a group of aid agencies based in the West Darfur province, El Geneina. "Those involved in protection efforts must be given the resources to expand their presence and activities. Protection also has its costs. There is a gap here between the rhetoric and the financial support protection activities tend to attract."

To date, UNHCR has received US$3.9 million out of the $31.3 million it needs for its Darfur operation.

On a more positive note, the UNHCR mission was advised about "pockets" in Darfur where improved conditions have led to some limited, spontaneous return movements. The refugee agency has identified several villages of return and is cautiously engaging in self-sufficiency activities to help the returnees re-establish themselves.

"This requires a carefully balanced approach, providing support to those who need it, while ensuring that these activities do not create any false impressions about the prevailing security situation and encourage additional movements in a situation not considered conducive to returns," said Feller.

"A nuanced and carefully considered response" is needed to manage the complex situation where joint protection efforts in Darfur are taking place.

"Issues relating to ethnic conflict are inter-connected with competition over scarce resources in an extremely fragile natural environment," explained Feller. "Tensions are further exacerbated by broken lines of contact between local communities and disrupted conflict resolution mechanisms. Conflicting political agendas of states add to the uncertainty with regards to the prospects for solutions to the conflict."

She added, "In this environment, reconciliation at all levels is a key element for any sustainable improvement in the protection situation. Furthermore, it is crucial that the natural resources in Darfur are preserved to avoid further displacement and conflict, both in the shorter and longer term. The continued joint effort by the international community, working with the Sudanese authorities to protect the Darfur population, must be based on a thorough understanding of this dynamic."

The UN refugee agency has three offices in Darfur – two in West Darfur and one in South Darfur – with more than 50 staff members, most of them focusing on protection work. Another seven field offices are planned.

Post: #72
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: حيدر حماد
Date: 06-26-2005, 02:59 PM
Parent: #71


Post: #73
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: حيدر حماد
Date: 06-26-2005, 11:52 PM
Parent: #72


Post: #74
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 06-26-2005, 11:53 PM
Parent: #72

Sat Jun 25, 4:03 PM ET

لا تزال المرأة فى معسكرات اللاجئين ضحية للاغتصاب

ذكر تقرير أمنى للامم المتحدة أن النازحات من النساء بمعسكرات اللاجئين بدارفور ما زلنا يتعرضن للاغتصاب الجنسى...

أقرأ الخبر كاملاً أدناه:


Post: #75
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: حيدر حماد
Date: 06-27-2005, 02:32 AM
Parent: #74

شكراًًُ الأخ دريج ........

واصل ..... فالنظام يكره هذا الفضح

Post: #81
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 06-28-2005, 06:18 PM
Parent: #74

...و هكذا!

Post: #150
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Ahmed Mohamedain
Date: 07-22-2005, 05:02 PM
Parent: #72

"In this environment, reconciliation at all levels is a key element for any sustainable improvement in the protection situation. Furthermore, it is crucial that the natural resources in Darfur are preserved to avoid further displacement and conflict, both in the shorter and longer term. The continued joint effort by the international community, working with the Sudanese authorities to protect the Darfur population, must be based on a thorough understanding of this dynamic."


The continued effort by the internationl community will eventually yield friutful results in the process of protecting Darfur population.

However, working with the Sudanese authority, particularly the elements of that have been the architects of the genocide in the area, will definately result otherwise.

Cooperation with the later group will be realizable when and only when justice has taken precedence.

Post: #76
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: nada ali
Date: 06-27-2005, 03:50 AM
Parent: #1

Thank you Mohamed Osman

Post: #77
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: حيدر حماد
Date: 06-27-2005, 04:28 AM
Parent: #76


Post: #78
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 06-27-2005, 07:00 PM
Parent: #77

عزيزتى ندى
شكراً للدعم و التضامن


Post: #79
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 06-27-2005, 07:06 PM
Parent: #78

الوكالة الدولية لللاجئين التابعة للامم المتحدة تبدى قلقها على مصير
الاطفال فى دارفور‘ حيث يُجبر البعض للانخراط فى المجموعات المسلحة و ابتعاد
البعض الأخر عن اسرهم


refugee agency fears for Darfur children
27 Jun 2005 17:36:57 GMT
Source: Reuters

GENEVA, June 27 (Reuters) - The world was not paying enough attention to the plight of children in Sudan's west Darfur, where many were forced to join armed groups or were separated from their families, the U.N. refugee agency said on Monday.
"The whole issue of child protection is one that deserves more focus," said Erika Feller, director of international protection at the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
She said that international awareness was high about the continuing problems of sexual violence and rape facing women and female children amongst the refugee populations forced to flee violence in the vast western region of Sudan.
But less was known about the other dangers facing children.
"I met mothers who told me that their children had been abducted and that they had not seen them for months," she told a news conference following her return from the region.
"Others told me of forced recruitment ... about problems associated with the traumas of children who had lost their families," she added.
International donors had been generous when it came to providing food or shelter for the some two million people in Darfur forced to flee their homes to escape civil war.
But the UNHCR's protection activities in west Darfur were seriously underfunded, with only some 10 percent raised of the $31 million sought for 2005, she said.
Without more cash, the UNHCR would be unable to carry out plans to send more staff into outlying areas where their very presence often acted as a deterrent to violence, she added.


Post: #82
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 06-28-2005, 06:21 PM
Parent: #79

...و هكذا!

Post: #83
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 06-28-2005, 06:25 PM
Parent: #82


Post: #84
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 06-28-2005, 06:31 PM
Parent: #83

Post: #85
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 06-29-2005, 03:26 AM
Parent: #84

المدعى العام للمحكمة الدولية يقول بأن نظام الخرطوم لن
يحاكم المتهمين الرئيسيين فى جرائم الحرب فى دارفور()
Quote: UNITED NATIONS, June 29 (Reuters) - Sudan has promised to prosecute murder and rape suspects in Darfur but the key perpetrators may not be among those Khartoum plans to put on trial, the prosecutor of a global court said on Wednesday.
Darfur is the first case the U.N. Security Council has referred to the new International Criminal Court but Sudan has said it would not extradite anyone. Instead Khartoum announced it would hold its own trials of 160 alleged suspects.
In a report ahead of his first appearance before the Security Council on Wednesday, prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo said any Sudanese trial probably would not conflict with an ICC probe aimed at "prosecuting persons most responsible for crimes."
He said that in Sudan there appeared to be an "absence of criminal proceedings relating to the cases on which the Office of the Prosecutor is likely to focus."
Moreno-Ocampo has received 2,500 items including documents, video footage and interview transcripts as well as a list of 51 suspects, including army and government officials, from a U.N-appointed International Commission of Inquiry.
An estimated 180,000 people have died in the Darfur, in Sudan's west, and 2 million have fled their homes to escape slaughter, pillaging and rape in what the United States has termed "acts of genocide."
The fledging ICC, the world's first permanent criminal court, was created to try perpetrators of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. It is a tribunal of last resort when local judicial systems are unable or unwilling to do so.
But Moreno-Ocampo said once he had completed his investigation, his office would determine whether any ICC cases were "the subject of genuine national" prosecutions in Sudan.
The Security Council decided that Sudan over the past two years had not brought suspects to justice and asked the ICC, based in The Hague, Netherlands, to do so instead.
The United States, which opposes the court, abstained in the resolution, adopted on March 31.
Moreno-Ocampo said he had met Sudanese officials in the Netherlands and received information about the country's legal system. He also met officials from the African Union, which has a monitoring force in Darfur.
But he said his investigation required "specific, full and unfettered cooperation of the Government of Sudan and other parties in the conflict."
While Moreno-Ocampo has set up an investigative team, he gave no indication when he would seek to visit Sudan or whether the Khartoum would issue a timely visa.
The ICC, unlike temporary tribunals, has no time limit for its work. Its indictments remain in force until the suspect is tried, dies or runs out of hiding places.
Moreno-Ocampo, 52, an Argentine, prosecuted generals in his country's "dirty war" in 1985, when wounds from the 1976-1983 dictatorship were still fresh. As many as 30,000 people were killed or disappeared

Post: #86
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: حيدر حماد
Date: 06-29-2005, 05:27 AM
Parent: #85

واصل يا دريج

Post: #87
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: saif basheer
Date: 06-29-2005, 08:59 AM
Parent: #86


Post: #88
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 06-29-2005, 02:57 PM
Parent: #87

صديقى العزيز سيف
التحايا و التشكرات موصولة


Post: #89
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 06-29-2005, 02:59 PM
Parent: #88

روميو دولير: الدور الكندى فى ايقاف انتهاكات حقوق الانسان فى دارفور

The solution for Darfur
Wednesday June 29th, 2005 01:30.
By Romeo Dallaire, The Ottawa Citizen
June 24, 2005 -- The debate surrounding the Canadian response to the situation in Darfur must not be cheapened by partisan bickering or personal disputes. The focus must remain on the people of Darfur and how Canada can best contribute to stopping the human-rights abuses and crimes against humanity there.
Based on my experience as commander of the United Nations Force in Rwanda in 1994, and everything I have learned since, I believe the best hope for Darfur right now is for the wealthy countries of the West, like Canada, to do all they can to support the African Union in its efforts to bring security and stability to Darfur.
As recently as three months ago, I called for an intervention force of up to 44,000 combat and support soldiers to be deployed to Darfur, a recommendation based on the many reports of mass killings, destruction of villages and concerted internal displacement as Darfuris fled for their lives en masse from the Janjaweed militias. Add to this the raping of women and young girls as they foraged for critical scraps of wood, the nightly raids on dispersed rural populations, the still unprotected camps and the despair and disease spreading due to lack of food and other vital supplies. The whole situation smacked of a repeat of the Rwandan genocide.
The militias, tribal extremists and common bandits essentially achieved with impunity the aims of the Janjaweed. They succeeded in creating the revolting scenes that we see throughout Darfur today: millions of innocent people packed into camps in Sudan and neighbouring Chad; a depleted rural population, villages burned and countryside ravaged, waiting for the onslaught of torrential rains.
All the while, what did the supposedly enlightened, just and human-rights-conscious developed world do about this situation as it unfolded over the last two years? What did we do when faced with these hard and verified facts, even as reminders of the Rwandan genocide a decade before flickered on the movie screens?
In fact, we did not do much.
Faced with cries for help from Darfuris, echoed by hundreds of humanitarian workers on the ground, we fiddled, prevaricated and watched from afar. We hoped, as was the case 11 years ago, that the problem would resolve itself, in as short a time as possible and with a minimum commitment on our part.
The situation in Darfur has changed dramatically over the past few months. Make no mistake, the situation continues be grave. The rapes and killings must stop and security must be improved to allow the millions of refugees and internally displaced persons to return to their homes, and for humanitarian aid to reach those desperately in need.
However, a changed situation calls for a changed response. We have to focus on this new state of affairs. The priority must be the protection of the nearly two million internally displaced persons and refugees who ultimately must return safely to their homes and start to rebuild their lives.
Having taken the decision not to intervene months ago while genocide was unfolding, we are now faced with different options. There is a conspicuously more defined and limited threat and consequent security requirement.
Instead of leading a Don Quixote cavalry charge into a desert that has absorbed legions of white colonial troops in previous decades, we may finally have realized that those who are the most immediately concerned, and who are the closest to this calamity, might be the best ones to intervene. We don't need a crusade by the professional armies of the north. We need a more humble and determined effort and an extended kinship.
When the world abandoned Rwanda in 1994 at the height of the genocide, the big powers told me that the genocide was an African problem and so it was up to the Africans to sort it out. But the Africans did not have the means to do so.
Eleven years later, Africans are once again being told to sort out their problems and there is some evidence they have learned some lessons from Rwanda.
The African Union soldiers currently stationed in Darfur have the fundamental skills necessary to do the job. They don't lack the experience or the motivation to accomplish their mission.
As United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan reported after his tour of the region a few weeks ago, in the areas where the African Union Mission (AMIS) is deployed the security situation is vastly improved -- reducing fear among the local populations and permitting humanitarian aid to get through. The AU force is extremely effective in the areas in which it is present; but they must be supported and reinforced so they are able to increase their presence across the region.
What the AU forces lack are the "force multipliers," tactical mobility, as well as the strategic airlift that would make them most effective. They require helicopters, and armored vehicles. And the commanders of this mission require the resources that would allow them to establish a proper headquarters with communications to improve their command and control function. The Darfur mission needs exactly what I needed in Rwanda -- but did not get.
This is exactly the support and reinforcement Canada is providing. We are reinforcing the African Union Mission with a significant force multiplier capability for the rapid reaction reserve forces in the form of armoured personnel carriers and helicopters, which are of great strategic importance to the force commander's ability to effectively achieve his mission. We are providing additional support in the form of equipment and material and are prepared to provide planning experts and other specialized staff to support AU operations.
In May I travelled, as a member of the prime minister's special advisory team, to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to take part in the AU Pledging Conference where Canada committed $170 million to AMIS, the largest single contribution made at the conference.
While in Addis I met with many people involved in the AU mission, including the deputy force commander from my mission in Rwanda, Maj.-Gen. Henry Anyidoho who is now the chief of staff of AMIS. These meetings strengthened my professional commitment and reinforced my belief that the support Canada is providing to AMIS is the full and right response to the situation in Darfur and for Africa in the long term.
Canada is prepared not only to offer its expertise and experience in dealing with these situations. We can also try to use our influence with others. We must facilitate and support the AU countries as they grapple with this situation and learn how to better serve their African brothers and sisters when the next catastrophe hits their region.
We must help Africans to sort out the evil in their midst that strangles development and drowns the fundamental rights of every human to be treated and respected equally.
Senator Romeo Dallaire is a member of the Canadian prime minister's special advisory team on Sudan and former commander of the United Nations Force in Rwanda.

Post: #90
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 06-30-2005, 00:37 AM
Parent: #89

"مع ذلك" تتواصل مسلسلات الاعتداءات و الاغتصاب....

June 29, 2005
Rape and attack in Darfur
A new SOAT press release, reprinted on Sudan Tribune...
On 14 June 2005, six armed men in military uniform attacked a passenger bus travelling between Mahagriya to Nyala town. The men robbed the passengers of money and beat the passengers including two elderly women and female child. Two of the armed men raped a 16 year old girl (name withheld) from the Zaghawa tribe who was travelling with her brother.
After the attack, the passengers carried on with their journey to Nyala. In Nyala, the 16 year old girl reported the rape to the police who sent her to the Police hospital for medical examination. The doctor who examined her concluded that no rape had taken place under Form 8.
Following the police refusal to file a case, the victim's brother took her to receive medical treatment at SOAT's partner organization in Nyala, the Amel Centre for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Victims. As part of its rape documentation, the Amel Centre referred the victim to a consultant Gynaecologist for medical examination. The medical report confirmed that the girl had been raped and had sustained physical injuries. The victim is currently receiving medical treatment at the Centre
SOAT strongly condemns the continual attack and sexual violence against women and girls in perpetrated by and under the control of government agents which the government is either unwilling or unable to disarm.
SOAT calls on the government of Sudan to:
Investigate all attacks and rapes of women and girls and ensure that the perpetrators are brought before an impartial tribunal and guaranteed procedural rights at all times;

Post: #101
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: حيدر حماد
Date: 07-03-2005, 04:59 AM
Parent: #89


Post: #91
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Tragie Mustafa
Date: 06-30-2005, 00:39 AM
Parent: #1

محمد عثمان


واصل التوثيق

له يوم.


Post: #92
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: saif basheer
Date: 06-30-2005, 02:51 AM
Parent: #91

واصل يا دريج

Post: #93
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 06-30-2005, 09:22 AM
Parent: #92




Post: #94
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 06-30-2005, 09:35 AM
Parent: #93

ضحايا التصفية العرقية فى دارفور ليسوا مجهولى الهوية

تمكنت منظمة العفو الدولية من تجميع أكثر من 3000 اسم فى هذا الفيديو...


Post: #95
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Shao Dorsheed
Date: 06-30-2005, 10:45 AM
Parent: #1

Dear Mohamed,

Thanks for the good work.
Keep it up

Post: #96
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: حيدر حماد
Date: 07-01-2005, 04:11 AM
Parent: #95


Post: #97
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-01-2005, 11:33 PM
Parent: #96

التحايا موصولة


Post: #98
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: حيدر حماد
Date: 07-02-2005, 11:47 AM
Parent: #97


Post: #99
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-02-2005, 12:02 PM
Parent: #98

عنان يدين سلبية العالم فى التعاطى مع احداث دارفور

يقول كفوفى عنان:
"قد يتفاقم الصراع فى دارفور و يتحول الوضع الى تصفية عرقية على غرار ما حدث فى رواندا‘ لكن يبدو ان العالم لم يتلعم شيئاً كما يتجلى فى استجابته البطيئة لتلك المأساة"



Annan condemns lack of action over Darfur
02 Jul 2005 12:56:21 GMT
Source: Reuters

LONDON, July 2 (Reuters) - The conflict in Sudan's Darfur region could grow into a repeat of the Rwandan genocide but the world seems to have learned nothing from its slow response to that tragedy, U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan has said.
"Are we going to repeat what happened in Rwanda?" Annan told a BBC Panorama documentary entitled "Never Again" to be aired on Sunday.
"Is it going to be another Rwanda? And can we ... if that is it, can we sit back and not act," he said, in some of the strongest language he has used about the crisis.
Asked how history would judge the international response, Annan said: "Quite likely that we were slow, hesitant, uncaring and that we have learned nothing from Rwanda."
An estimated 180,000 people have died from fighting, hunger and disease in Darfur, in Sudan's west, and 2 million people have fled their homes to escape slaughter, pillaging and rape in what the United States has termed "acts of genocide".
John Danforth, a former U.S. envoy to Sudan and Ambassador to the United Nations, told the programme America could not consider military intervention in Darfur following its involvement in Iraq.
"I think that one of the lessons of Iraq is that even if you think the military action is justified, it's difficult and it's not something that's completed quickly," he said.
"With respect to Sudan, this is a very large country and if there was to be a military invasion ... the question that I think is always going to be raised after Iraq (is) how long do you plan to stay there and what's your future obligation?"
The U.N. Security Council has referred Darfur to the International Criminal court to investigate the alleged crimes.
An African Union force of more than 2,300 soldiers and hundreds of civilian police are deployed in Darfur to monitor a ceasefire agreed in April last year between mostly non-Arab rebels and the Arab-dominated government in Khartoum.

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Post: #100
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: حيدر حماد
Date: 07-02-2005, 06:09 PM
Parent: #99


Post: #102
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-03-2005, 09:36 PM
Parent: #100

أي مستقبل ينتظر هؤلاء؟

Post: #103
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-03-2005, 09:44 PM
Parent: #102


Post: #104
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-03-2005, 09:49 PM
Parent: #103

Post: #105
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-03-2005, 09:51 PM
Parent: #104

Post: #106
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-03-2005, 09:55 PM
Parent: #105

Transcending Reality


Post: #107
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-04-2005, 03:57 AM
Parent: #106

حدائق الحيوانات فى كندا افضل عشر مرات من معسكرات اللاجئين فى دارفور!

Toronto Star
Jul. 3, 2005. 01:00 AM
`Canadian zoo 10 times better' than Darfur refugee camps

Canadian Friends of Sudan founder Justin Laku recently paid a four-day visit to three refugee camps outside of El Fasher, the capital of North Darfur.
"In comparison, the condition of a Canadian zoo is 10 times better," Ottawa resident Laku said of the camps. "There is no water, no sanitation, no toilets, nothing whatsoever."
The Sudanese-born Laku says he saw more than 20,000 people at each camp, primarily women and children, living in overcrowded conditions where waterborne bacteria cause rampant diarrhea.
"There is no shelter, no blankets — nothing. People are sleeping on sand."
Laku says women walk from four to five hours each morning to collect water and firewood from the closest available source, a task he says leaves them vulnerable to rape by janjaweed patrols in the area. He met with six women at one camp who spoke of being raped by 15 militiamen and says he heard reports of girls as young as 9 being victimized.
In May, two doctors from Médecins Sans Frontières were arrested and charged for crimes against the state after a March 8 MSF report said the group had treated 500 female rape victims between October 2004 and last February.
Last month, the International Criminal Court in The Hague launched an investigation of 51 potential war-crimes suspects.
Lauren La Rose

Post: #108
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: saif basheer
Date: 07-04-2005, 07:48 AM
Parent: #107


Post: #109
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: حيدر حماد
Date: 07-04-2005, 08:27 AM
Parent: #108

من أجل هؤلاء ....فووق

Post: #110
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-04-2005, 06:40 PM
Parent: #109

رواندا ترسل 12000 جندى الى دارفور منتصف يوليو الجارى

Rwanda to send 1,200 troops to Darfur in mid-July
04 Jul 2005 18:15:45 GMT
Source: Reuters

By Opheera McDoom
SIRTE, Libya, July 4 (Reuters) - Rwanda will send at least 1,200 troops to Darfur in mid-July to prevent further conflict in the troubled Sudanese region, Foreign Minister Charles Murigande said on Monday.
Tens of thousands have been killed and more than 2 million have fled their homes during a rebellion in its third year in Darfur. A 3,000-strong African Union force has been monitoring a shaky ceasefire in the arid western Sudanese region.
Murigande told Reuters in an interview that his country's troops would intervene to protect civilians if they saw them under attack, despite the limited monitoring mandate of the AU force there.
"Our troops will not stand by, watch civilians being attacked and do nothing," he said on the sidelines of an African leaders' summit that discussed Darfur.
"The mere fact that we are still needed there means that not enough is being done," he added. "The very day the world would have done enough it would mean that the situation would have become normal."
Rwanda, 11 years after a genocide that killed about 800,000 people, has been among the top contributors of troops to Darfur to stop the violence, which the United States has labelled genocide.
The International Criminal Court last month launched a probe into alleged war crimes in the region.
Murigande also said his country would send more troops if necessary, adding that they would stay as long as the AU force was making a positive difference on the ground.
"They are ready and they are starting the deployment on the 15th of this month," he said of the new batch of troops. "It is going to be around 1,200 troops," he said.
Rwanda already has about 400 troops on the ground.
Major conflict between government forces and rebels has subsided in recent weeks in Darfur, but the violence against civilians and clashes among armed militias has persisted, so the AU decided to increase its troops to more than 7,000 by October.
Murigande said Rwanda was surprised by a review of his country which an AU committee had conducted earlier this year that found the state lacking in democratic principles.
"Rwanda knows very well that it (Rwanda) is not a paradise, but we invited people and we put ourselves bare-necked to be assessed and to be told where our weaknesses lie," he said.
"But to have come up with such a criticism, it surprised us," he added.
So-called peer reviews are conducted by fellow African governments as part of an AU project to improve the quality of governance in Africa.
Murigande also said opposition groups, which are based abroad, were free to return and operate freely.
"Rwanda is open -- we have been inviting them," he said. "They are free to come back and work and do whatever pleases them."

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Post: #111
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: حيدر حماد
Date: 07-05-2005, 07:02 AM
Parent: #109


Post: #112
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-05-2005, 07:24 AM
Parent: #111

لويس مورينو مُدعى محكمة الجنايات الدولية يبدى قلقه على سلامة عمال الغوث و الشهود و الوثائق بالسودان!

The Washington Times | Estados Unidos, Washington
La ICC se ocupa de Darfur

ICC takes up Darfur

The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) gave Security Council members some unsettling information last week in his first public briefing on a three-week-old investigation into the situation at Darfur, western Sudan.

The Darfur probe is the court's third after those in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo and northern Uganda, and the first undertaken without an invitation from the government. Human rights advocates say it will be the first true test of the court's power.

Luis Moreno-Ocampo of Argentina told Security Council members that aid workers had been targeted in Darfur and that his office feared for the safety of witnesses and the security of documents in Sudan.

"The protection of victims and witnesses is a major challenge in any conflict situation, and it is a core responsibility shared by my office," he said. "The information currently available highlights the significant security risks facing civilians [and] local and international humanitarian personnel in Darfur. ...

These issues will present persistent challenges for any genuine investigations."
The African Union has been struggling to field a credible peacekeeping force in Darfur, where government-backed militias have dislocated a largely farming population.

"There is a significant amount of credible information disclosing the commission of grave crimes within the jurisdiction of [the ICC] ... in Darfur. These crimes include the killing of thousands of civilians, the widespread destruction and #####ng of villages, leading to the displacement of approximately 1.9 million civilians," Mr. Moreno-Ocampo told the council on Wednesday.

The Rome Statute creating the ICC stresses that the international court is to defer to national prosecutions.

But Mr. Moreno-Ocampo said in his formal report to the council that any trials in Khartoum, Sudan's capital, are unlikely to interfere with ICC proceedings against the people "most responsible" for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The ICC has not taken any formal steps toward the Sudanese government, nor has the court requested visas for international investigators. Legal specialists say the extradition of suspects, especially if they are high-ranking Sudanese government or military officials, is likely to be a difficult matter.

Sudanese Justice Minister Ali Mohamed Osman Yassin later told the British Broadcasting Corp. that the government has begun trials in southern Darfur against 10 suspects, accused of rape and other crimes.

"We are very transparent, we are cooperative, and we would like to use all the rational logic to convince the ICC that this matter can be retained locally," he said.

Post: #113
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: saif basheer
Date: 07-06-2005, 06:47 AM
Parent: #112


Post: #114
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-06-2005, 03:21 PM
Parent: #113

العفو الدولية:
الدستور الانتقالى الجديد يمنح رئيس الدولة و نائبه و اصحاب الوظائف العليا فى الدولة حصانات ضد اية محاكمات
حيث تجاهل ذكر جرائم الحرب و الجرائم ضد الانسانية...!!!!!!!؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

Sudan: New constitution provides sweeping immunity for high level officials
Press release, 07/06/2005
The new Interim Consitition for Sudan, ratified today, provides sweeping immunity for the highest levels of the Sudanese government and demonstrates that the government is not serious about combating impunity, said Amnesty International.

The organization added that this provides further evidence that the government of Sudan should not sideline the International Criminal Court in favour of national prosecutions of possible war crimes committed in the armed conflict in Darfur.

"It is extremely troubling that in the context of one of the most serious conflicts in the world, in which tens of thousands of Sudanese have been the victims of gross human rights violations, a new interim Constitution would be approved that neglects to cite international crimes such as war crimes and crimes against humanity as crimes that should never carry immunity -- no matter what level of government the alleged perpetrator might occupy," said Kolawole Olaniyan, Director of Amnesty International's Africa Programme.

“Although we welcome some of the human rights provisions in the new Constitution, particularly the greater emphasis placed on the rights of women and children, we have serious concerns that the Constitution grants high level immunity from prosecution for most crimes.”

Article 60 of the Interim Constitution grants immunity from prosecution to the President and First Vice President of the Republic of the Sudan for all crimes except those of high treason, gross misconduct in relation to State affairs, and gross violations of the Constitution. In these cases, action against alleged perpetrators can only to be undertaken with the approval of three quarters of National Legislature members. Article 92 grants similar immunity for members of the National Legislature. No reference is made to international legal standards in limiting immunity in either article.

"Even though no high-ranking officials have been named in connection with international crimes in Darfur, the provisions of the new Constitution call into serious question claims by the Sudanese government that the special national tribunals recently formed to deal with crimes in Darfur could be considered a suitable permanent substitute for the International Criminal Court," said Kolawole Olaniyan.

"In short, by not excluding immunity for international crimes, the Interim Constitution risks enshrining impunity for those at the highest levels of government -- limited only by crimes the Government chooses to recognise as worthy of exemption from such immunity."

Amnesty International also condemned the limiting of the Article 33 of the Interim Constitution to include a prohibition on cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment -- but not punishment. Previous drafts of the Constitution had prohibited "cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment", in line with international standards. The deletion of the word "punishment" from the final draft of the Constitution leaves the door open to punishments such as flogging and amputation, which now remain legal under Sudanese law. This omission constitutes a serious breach of Sudan’s obligations under Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), to which it is a party.

Amnesty International also expressed serious concern at today's failure to abolish the death penalty in Sudan -- particularly as it applies to those under the age of 18. The organization said that this failure is incompatible with Sudan's legal obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child.

Amnesty International issued a Memorandum to National Constitutional Review Commission regarding its recommendations on the draft Constitution in May 2005. For further details please see http://web.amnesty.org/pages/sdn-index-eng.

Post: #115
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: محمدين محمد اسحق
Date: 07-06-2005, 04:27 PM
Parent: #114

اخي محمد عثمان دريج ..
لك التحية والتقدير ...

Quote: الدستور الانتقالى الجديد يمنح رئيس الدولة و نائبه و اصحاب الوظائف العليا فى الدولة حصانات ضد اية محاكماتحيث تجاهل ذكر جرائم الحرب و الجرائم ضد الانسانية...!!!!!!!

محاولة الهروب الاخير ..

Post: #116
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Tragie Mustafa
Date: 07-06-2005, 11:09 PM
Parent: #1


Post: #117
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-07-2005, 06:08 PM
Parent: #116

اخى محمدين محمد اسحق
و لن يكفوا عن محاولات الهرب اليائسة ابداً
و لن تكف ابواقهم المجدبة عن التشكيك حتى فى
موت الاخرين و مآسيهم!

الشكر موصول


Post: #118
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: حيدر حماد
Date: 07-08-2005, 11:42 AM
Parent: #117


Post: #119
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-09-2005, 01:08 AM
Parent: #118

بعد تعرضهم للهجوم بالعصى و الحجارة‘ عمال الاغاثة الدولية ينسحبون عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور!!!!؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟


U.N. withdraws from Darfur camps
GENEVA, Switzerland, July 8 (UPI) -- International aid workers have been forced to withdraw from refugee camps in Darfur after being attacked by young men with sticks and stones.
Eight aid workers were injured, none seriously, in camps serving up to 70,000 internal refugees in the war-torn region of Sudan, a spokesman for the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees in Geneva. The attacks occurred at the start of a registration process for food distribution conducted by the U.N. World Food Program.
"Initial reports from UNHCR staff indicate that as people were lining up to be registered, some groups of young men armed with sticks and stones began attacking aid workers who were supervising the registration," said Ron Redmond, a spokesman for the refugee agency.
Workers with UNHCR, WFP, the U.N. Children's Fund and all non-governmental organizations withdrew from most camps in western Darfur and were escorted to safety by African Union forces, he said.
The attacks come two weeks after the United Nations had upgraded its estimate of how many people in Darfur would need food aid, from 2.8 million to 3.5 million.
Copyright 2005 by United Press International. All Rights Reserved

Post: #120
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Tumadir
Date: 07-09-2005, 04:31 AM
Parent: #119

Dear Darfur Supporters,

Below is an invitation from Tim Roeper who is hosting a meeting to raise awareness about genocide in Darfur. We hope you can come. If you have any questions, his email is: [email protected]
From: Tim Roeper, Tom Roeper, and Laura Holland

Please Come to an:
Sunday July 17
4-6:30 pm,
149 High St, Amherst

(near the Amherst Middle School, on right; for directions to our house, please call 413-256-0390)

We will hold a SAGE-cosponsored event at our house in Amherst (149 High Street) to raise awareness about the genocide in Darfur (where 15,000 people are being killed each month), and to raise funds for the Genocide Intervention Fund (GIF.)

Founded by Swarthmore College students and including student groups nationwide, GIF has been lobbying the U.S. government to take stronger action to prevent the genocide in Darfur, and also raising money to buy essential supplies for the woefully under-funded African Union (AU) Peacekeeping Force, which is at this point the only peacekeeping force in Darfur.
GIF has been covered in the Philadelphia Inquirer, Boston Globe, and many other major newspapers around the country. On April 6th, the GIF launched its "100 Days of Action Campaign" by bringing over 300 college students from around the country to meet with their congressmen and senators’ legislative aids and press them to support both the Darfur Genocide Accountability Act and Darfur Accountability Act. The GIF has been sponsored by several senators and congressmen from both sides of the aisle, as well as genocide expert Samantha Power and UN Special Advisor on Genocide Juan Mendes.
On July 17, a representative from GIF, John Boonstra, will be here to give information about the organization, and raise money for GIF's 100 Days of Action Campaign. The money we raise will go to buy the AU peacekeeping force non-lethal equipment (no guns) for their peacekeeping mission in Darfur. A few extra all-terrain vehicles and radios can allow the troops to cover a lot more ground and be much more effective in saving lives. In the areas where they have been present, the AU peacekeeping forces have been successful at reducing attacks.

Please come on July 17 to hear more about GIF and learn how you can help.
(For directions to our house, please call 413-256-0390.) The situation in
Darfur is a humanitarian crisis that requires immediate action.

For more information, go to www.genocideinterventionfund.org.

If you would like to support GIF but cannot attend the event, please make a contribution by writing out a check to "Center for American Progress" with "Genocide Intervention Fund" in the memo line. Send checks to our house in Amherst and we will send them together with the other checks to GIF. You may also donate online through the GIF website. We would appreciate it if you
could notify us of any donations made online. You can also help out by writing letters to Congressmen about Darfur legislation as part of GIF's letterwriting campaign, to learn more about that, go to: www.genocideinterventionfund.org/action/legislation.php or reply to this email with questions.

Tim Roeper, Tom Roeper, and Laura Holland\

هذه آخر اخبار تحالفنا فى المنطقة لا نقاذ دارفور

ساخصص يوما لتغطية هذا النشاط الذى امتد لمدة شهور وتمددت عضويته وصار فعالا ومؤثرا فى منطقة نيوانجلند ..."ماسيتشوستس وكونيكتكت"

Post: #121
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-10-2005, 08:02 PM
Parent: #120

شكراً اختى تماضر على هذه الاضافة
سننتظر تغطيتك لهذه الانشطة
لك مودتى


Post: #122
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-11-2005, 01:15 PM
Parent: #121

تستمر مليشيات الجنجويد فى قتل و اغتصاب الابرياء
-يحولون دون عودة النازحين الى قراهم و الانتقال الى معسكرات بديلة
-خلال اليومين الماضيين قتل خمس اشخاص و جرح اربعة اخرون بواسطة عشرة من عناصر هذه المليشيات

Fresh Killings By Militiamen in Darfur Alleged
Vanguard (Lagos)
July 10, 2005
Posted to the web July 11, 2005
Kingsley Omunobi
A NEW dimension to the factricidal war in Darfur, Sudan has emerged with thousands of internally displaced persons, who are taking refuge in overflowing relief camps being prevented from going back to their villages or alternative camps by unidentified gun men, with security and police sources saying they were being instigated by humanitarian agencies.
The allegation came just as the leader of the over 150,000 internally displaced persons IDPs Kalma camp, the largest IDP camp in Darfur, Sheik Ali, accused Sudanese government forces of killing and maiming Darfur people, their horses, donkeys and raping their women whenever they planned to return home.
In one of such attacks two days ago, five persons were killed and four injured when about 10 militiamen on horseback, wearing mask, opened fire on internally displaced persons who were on their way to the Al-Salam humanitarian camp, an alternative camp meant to decongest the Kalma camp, where there were threats of outbreak of disease and malnutrition.
Sunday Vanguard investigations in Darfur through visits to IDP camps located in Graida, Otash and Kalma, showed that both the humanitarian agencies and the government of Sudan were guilty of complicity in the matter.
While the humanitarian agencies would prefer that those displaced remained in the camps to ensure that they remained in business, the fact of inaccessibility and dangers inherent in moving relief materials through rebel held areas were cited as reasons for creating fear in the minds of the internally displaced persons not to leave.
On the part of government forces, the continued caging of the people of Darfur in IDP camps suited the policy of the government having fewer problems of agitations to deal with, while GOS forces concentrate on fighting the rebel forces of the Sudanese Liberation Army and JEM (Justice and Equality Movement).
According to Sheik Ali, who said he is an indigene of Nyalla, capital of South Darfur, "We are ready to move out of this camp because it is over stretched. But anytime our people make the move, along the road between here and Nyalla, the GOS forces (Government of Sudan) open fire killing the men, the houses, the donkeys and raping our women."
"As a result of these incidents, the IDP's are afraid to move out to their villages or other camps meant to decongest the Kalma camp."
However, the Force Commander of the mission, Maj-General Festus Okonkwo, has ordered civil police team of the A. U. mission to put in place modalities that would allow the protection forces to accompany humanitarian relief supplies or IDPs willing to relocate to alternate camps so that threats of disease outbreaks would be minimized.

Post: #123
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-12-2005, 08:51 AM
Parent: #122

قمة الاتحاد الأفريقي: حماية المدنيين في دارفور مطلب عاجل

Quote: (نيويورك،1 يوليو/تموز 2005) ـ قالت منظمة هيومن رايتس ووتش اليوم أن على القادة الأفارقة وضع موضوع حماية المدنيين في دارفور على رأس جدول أعمالهم في قمة الاتحاد الأفريقي التي تنعقد الأسبوع القادم والتي ستجمع قادة دول المنظمة الخمس والثلاثين في مدينة سرت في ليبيا يومي الرابع والخامس من يوليو/تموز.
وقالت جورجيت غانيون، نائبة مدير قسم أفريقيا في هيومن رايتس ووتش: "يستحق الاتحاد الأفريقي الثناء لقيادته الجهود الهادفة إلى استعادة الأمن إلى دارفور التي مزقتها الحرب. ولا بد من نشر مزيد من قوات الاتحاد الأفريقي في أرجاء دارفور من أجل حماية المدنيين والمساعدة على منع التطهير العرقي".
كما ويبدأ الاتحاد الأفريقي اليوم المرحلة الثانية من نشر قواته في دارفور. وقد وضعت خطط لزيادة عدد هذه القوات من 2700 إلى 7700 بنهاية شهر سبتمبر/أيلول.
وتساهم كل من نيجيريا ورواندا والسنغال وجمهورية جنوب أفريقيا وكينيا في القوات الإضافية التي تتضمن 4000 جندي و1000 من أفراد الشرطة المدنية. أما الاتحاد الأوروبي وحلف الناتو والأمم المتحدة (إضافة إلى عدد من البلدان منها الولايات المتحدة وفرنسا وكندا وبريطانيا) فستقوم بتقديم الدعم الفني والمالي واللوجستي اللازم لنشر قوات الاتحاد الأفريقي.
وقالت غانيون: "لا مجال لإضاعة الوقت؛ فالعنف وانعدام الأمن مستمران في دارفور، وخاصةً في المناطق التي لا تتواجد فيها قوات الاتحاد الأفريقي".
ودعت هيومن رايتس ووتش الاتحاد الأفريقي إلى العمل على ضمان نشر قواته في دارفور على وجه السرعة في مزيد من القرى والبلدات الصغيرة في أنحاء ذلك الإقليم الذي يكاد يعادل فرنسا مساحةً.
وأكدت هيومن رايتس ووتش على ضرورة قيام قوات الاتحاد الأفريقي أن بحماية المدنيين بشكل فاعل، وحماية الطرق الرئيسية وتسيير دوريات تواظب على حماية مرور المدنيين وقوافل المعونات الإنسانية والحركة التجارية. كما يجب على هذه القوات أن تقوم بما يلزم لتأمين بيئة آمنة تسمح بالعودة الطوعية الآمنة للاجئين والمشردين داخلياً.
وبمجرد نشر قوة الاتحاد الأفريقي المؤلفة من 7700 شخصاً، يترتب على الاتحاد الأفريقي والناتو والأمم المتحدة، وغيرهم من المانحين، التحرك وبأقصى سرعة ممكنة للانتقال للمرحلة اللاحقة المخطط لها من نشر القوات، والتي من شأنها زيادة تعداد قوات الاتحاد الأفريقي إلى 12,300 شخصاً، بحسب الخطة الحالية.
وقالت غانيون: "إن الحالة الراهنة في دارفور غير مقبولة؛ إذ أن عدم قدرة مليوني شخص على العودة إلى ديارهم تشكل مصدراً أكيداً لاستمرار عدم الاستقرار. إن الوضع الحالي يمثل مكافأةً لمرتكبي التطهير العرقي وجرائم الحرب ".
ودعت هيومن رايتس ووتش الاتحاد الأفريقي، والأمم المتحدة، والناتو، والاتحاد الأوروبي، وغيرهم من أعضاء المجتمع الدولي المعنيين، إلى مواصلة مشاركتهم السابقة من أجل ضمان حماية التنقل وحريته في دارفور. ويجب أن تؤدي هذه الجهود إلى ضمان عودة مليوني مشرد دارفوري داخلي إلى ديارهم، والتمكن من فلاحة أرضهم بأمان في تلك المنطقة التي جعل النزاع الناشب فيها 3.5 مليونا من البشر يعتمدون على المساعدات الغذائية.
ويتعين على المانحين الاستمرار في تقديم العون اللوجستي والمالي الضروري لمهمة الاتحاد الأفريقي في السودان. و حثت هيومن رايتس ووتش الدول الأعضاء في الاتحاد الأوروبي، وخاصة نيجيريا وجمهورية جنوب أفريقية ورواندا والسنغال وكينيا، على إبقاء جاهزية الجنود ورجال الشرطة في أعلى مستوياتها إلى أن تنجلي أزمة دارفور.
وقالت غانيون: "لقد مارست كل من نيجيريا ورواندا وجنوب أفريقيا دوراً بارزاً في المساهمة في مهمة الاتحاد الأفريقي في دارفور. وعلى الدول الأفريقية الأخرى أن تحذو حذوها عن طريق إرسال القوات والمراقبين العسكريين ورجال الشرطة".

Post: #124
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: saif basheer
Date: 07-12-2005, 09:06 AM
Parent: #123

الأخت تراجي

التحية لك،،

والتحية عبرك لكل من ساهم ويساهم في إبراز القضية...

أستئذنك في إستضافة بوستك هذا في هذا البوست أيضاً

يقطعون المسافه من نيويورك الى اتوا على دراجات من اجل دارفور!!!!!!!

سيف بشير

Post: #125
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-12-2005, 11:48 PM
Parent: #124


Post: #128
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: حيدر حماد
Date: 07-14-2005, 02:05 PM
Parent: #125

هذه هى البوستات التى تؤرق مضاجع المدعو الطيب مصطفى حقيقة

و ما محسن خالد المسكين إلا شماعة يستخدمها ذلك المأفون

و لاهاى فى الإنتظار

Post: #129
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-15-2005, 09:17 AM
Parent: #128

الشكر موصول اخى حيدر

Quote: هذه هى البوستات التى تؤرق مضاجع المدعو الطيب مصطفى حقيقة

و ما محسن خالد المسكين إلا شماعة يستخدمها ذلك المأفون

و لاهاى فى الإنتظار

Post: #130
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-15-2005, 09:22 AM
Parent: #129

موسم المجاعة فى دارفور...

Sudan's Embattled Darfur Region Braces for `Hunger Season'
July 15 (Bloomberg) -- Haroon Adam Sharif kicks at the dirt outside his cousin's hut and complains that he doesn't know how he and his two wives and 11 children will survive the ``hunger season'' in Sudan's Darfur region, where a two-year conflict has killed 180,000 people and driven 2 million from their homes.
The Irish aid agency Goal is distributing seeds to people in the volcanic rock hills of the Jebel Marra region who fled their homes after a government crackdown against rebels. Sharif, 53, says nomadic herders and government-backed ``Janjaweed'' militias bring their animals to graze as soon as the green shoots appear.
``I used to earn money by gathering firewood with my two donkeys, but the Janjaweed stole my donkeys,'' Sharif, who is a sheikh, or village leader, said in an interview in Bardani, about 650 miles (1,040 kilometers) southwest of Khartoum, Sudan's capital. ``Now, I earn some money working as a casual laborer on road projects or other people's vegetable gardens.''
Aid agencies led by the United Nations World Food Program are accelerating food distributions in Darfur, a region the size of France, to prepare for the three-month period between planting and the harvest called the hunger season. As many as 3.5 million lives are at risk in Darfur, according to the UN, which is distributing $561 million of food in the region. Sudan, whose neighbors include Egypt and Libya, has a population of 40 million.
``We are at this moment at the beginning of the worst period: the `hunger season','' said Carlos Veloso, the World Food Program's emergency coordinator for Darfur. ``While all indicators of malnutrition in Darfur are far below those of last year and there is a decrease in violence, there is still insecurity.''
The crisis in Darfur started in 2003 when the government, responding to rebel attacks, organized nomadic herders and some Arabic tribal militias into a counterinsurgency force known as the Janjaweed, or ``bandits'' in the Western Sudanese dialect. While the nomads call themselves Arabs and the farmers Africans, both groups are black, Muslim and speak Arabic.
Sharif says his and 107 other families walked to Bardani last year after Janjaweed militiamen accused them of supporting the Sudan Liberation Army rebel movement, burned down their village of Osega and killed two of his neighbors.
``They came on their camels and with their rifles in the middle of the day, accused us of supporting the SLA, and ordered us leave,'' he says. ``We still don't feel safe here because the Janjaweed are just over the hill waiting for us to try to go to our fields and farm.''
U.S. Food Aid
The U.S., which is providing about half the money the World Food Program is spending to feed the people of Darfur, says it won't consider lifting its decade-old economic sanctions against Sudan unless there is a peace in Darfur.
Until sanctions are lifted, U.S. companies won't be able to invest in Sudan's booming oil industry, the third biggest in sub- Saharan Africa after Nigeria and Angola.
Sudan's government says oil output will rise to more than 500,000 barrels a day in August from about 340,000 barrels a day now. The increase will come from exploration plots in southern Sudan, where China National Petroleum Corp., China's largest oil company, has a stake. Oil from fields in Darfur should start flowing next year, according to the government.
Steve Langdon, Goal's field coordinator the village of Golo, about a mile from Bardani, said that besides threats by government- organized militias, other conflicts arise between the farmers and nomads.
``When the nomads get too close to the farmers, it creates a flashpoint,'' Langdon said. ``There used to be tribal mechanisms to work out this friction, but now there is a lack of trust and there is no civilian authority to mediate.''
`Terrible Situation'
U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick, whose government last year accused Sudan's government of carrying out ``genocide'' in Darfur, says violence has eased in recent months.
``It's still a very terrible situation,'' Zoellick told reporters in Khartoum on July 9 after a one-day visit to the Jebel Marra region. ``Right now the militias might not be in an active state of offensive action, but they are still threatening people.''
The African Union now has 3,320 troops in Darfur, including 450 observers and 815 police officers, and is set to double that number by October before increasing it to 12,000 in 2006. North Atlantic Treaty Organization members have started airlifting African troops into Darfur.
Unity Government
President Omar al-Bashir and the leader of Sudan's southern rebel movement, John Garang, who was sworn in on July 9 as Sudan's First Vice President, have said their unity government will work to end the Darfur violence as soon as possible.
Sudan on July 10 lifted a 16-year-old state of emergency, except in Darfur and the east, a day after approving a constitution that provides a bill a rights and guarantees freedom of religion and expression.
``My test for Darfur is whether there is a peace that will allow people to return home voluntarily,'' Zoellick said.
Sharif in Bardani says he wants to leave, but won't be able to do so unless the Janjaweed militias withdraw.
``Even though the people of Bardani allow us to come here, it's like living in someone else's house,'' he said. ``I have nothing here.''

To contact the reporter on this story:
Karl Maier in Khartoum, Sudan via the London newsroom 7171 or [email protected].
Last Updated: July 15, 2005 00:52 EDT

Post: #131
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: حيدر حماد
Date: 07-16-2005, 12:06 PM
Parent: #130


Post: #132
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-16-2005, 05:50 PM
Parent: #131

Quote: كتب الاخ امبده:

"إذا خرج الرجال للاحتطاب فإنهم غالبا ما يتعرضون للقتل!"
" أما اذا ذهبت النساء فإنهن قد يتعرضن للإغتصاب فقط!"


Dear dareej.
It is well known to most people in Sudan and from early time that women in west sudan are workforce and the men usually stay at home idle.
Regarding rape and sexual abuse it is well known how sexual freedom is common in those areas even years ago before war.

Death is better choice for me than let my sister or mother raped!!!k

By the way I have tribal origin from western sudan and am proud of that!!!!!!!k

الاخ امبده

فى هذا المقام يا صديق نحن لا نُنظّر (theorize) لماهية احتمالية الاوضاع الثقافية و المجتمعية لانسان دارفور و لكن نحاول ان نعطى لاصوات الضحايا حضوراً ممكناً. و قد قاولوا الذى يده فى النار ليس كالذى يده فى الماء. فالذى يحدث فى دارفور الآن (هذه اللحظة) هو حقيقى و ليس تنظيرى. والذين يتحدثون/ن هنا شخصيات حقيقة و ليست من "بنات" الخيال او التنظير!

ثانياً‘ روعنى ربطك غير الموفق للاغتصاب بالجنس (فى ادعائك من ان اهل دارفور تسود بينهم علاقات جنسية "حرة..."؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟— و هذا لعمرى امر جديد لم اعرف عنه شيئاً و انا المولود و الناشئ هناك)
اقول‘ الاغتصاب ليس جنساً و لكنه انتهاك قاسى للاتساق المادى (الجسدى) والروحى للانسان بعد ان
يتم تشيوءه (تحوليه/ها الى مجرد شئ تافه لا يملك اى وجود سياسى او تفرد).

اخيراً لم افهم فى هذا المقام قولك من انك تنحدر بجذورك القبلية من دارفور و انك فخور بذلك!

فى الختام لك تحياتى

Post: #133
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Esameldin Abdelrahman
Date: 07-16-2005, 06:18 PM
Parent: #132


Post: #134
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: nada ali
Date: 07-18-2005, 04:33 AM
Parent: #1

الاخ العزيز محمد عثمان

تحية طيبة

شكرا مرة اخري للتوثيق

Post: #135
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-18-2005, 03:11 PM
Parent: #134

اختى العزيزة ندى مصطفى
شكراً جزيلاً على التضامن "المستدام"


Post: #136
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: nada ali
Date: 07-19-2005, 03:50 AM
Parent: #1

مع تضامنى ال"مستدام" :-)

Post: #137
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-19-2005, 08:07 PM
Parent: #136

شكراً عزيزتى ندى

Post: #138
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-19-2005, 08:12 PM
Parent: #137

و بدراجاتهم يقفون مع دارفور...

Bicyclists riding against Darfur genocide cross Monroe today

Matthew Daneman
Staff writer

(July 19, 2005) — Elvir Camdzic has seen the ugly side of humanity close up\

Growing up in Bosnia, he witnessed aspects of the genocide in that war-torn European nation -- which helps explain why the Cornell University grad, now living in San Francisco, today is pedaling his way through western New York on his way to Canada, gathering petition signatures along the route to try to get people interested and governments motivated to do something to stop genocide going on now in the African nation of Sudan.
Ride Against Genocide, a 600-mile bicycle trek from Ithaca, Tompkins County, to Ottawa, the seat of the Canadian government, made its way through western Monroe County today. Cornell students organized the trip.
"There's been unprecedented outrage about the situation in Darfur," Camdzic said. "Yet despite of all this international outrage, today the genocide continues. We find this inaction ... to be unacceptable."
The petition, to be presented to both the U.S. and Canadian governments, asks that they monitor NATO support given to African peacekeeping troops being sent to the Darfur region of Sudan, and that they give troops deployed there the ability to protect civilians and aid workers.
According to United Nations estimates, as many as 10,000 people are dying each month in the Texas-sized Darfur region as part of the two-year revolt against the Sudanese government in Khartoum.
The ride began July 11, on the 10th anniversary of the massacre in Srebrenica, Bosnia.

"We're linking the two genocides," said Camdzic, 28, as he and a small cluster of bicyclers stood at the corner of Broad Street and Exchange Boulevard this morning, preparing to head off, continuing today's leg of the ride. "We're hoping to use that to get people to learn the lessons of Bosnia, not make the same mistakes in Darfur," he said.
Then with a left-hand turn onto Broad Street, the bicyclists headed west and were gone.

[email protected]

Post: #139
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: nada ali
Date: 07-20-2005, 02:52 AM
Parent: #1


Post: #140
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Khalid Kodi
Date: 07-20-2005, 09:29 AM
Parent: #1

U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
Committee on Conscience

Boots on the Ground: What can the African Union achieve in Darfur?
Wednesday, July 20, 3 p.m.
Rubinstein Auditorium

Join us for a roundtable discussion, held in cooperation with the Partnership for Effective Peacekeeping, with governmental and non-governmental experts as they address the role of the African Union monitoring force in responding to genocide in Darfur. What is the current status of the African Union monitoring force? How could this force be further supported? Who should support it? What can the force achieve on the

Speakers include:
Charles Snyder, Senior Representative on Sudan, U.S. Department of State
Victoria Holt, Senior Research Associate, Henry L. Stimson Center
Michael Larmas Smith, Independent Analyst
Lt. Col. Joseph Nzabamwita, Defense Attaché, Embassy of Rwanda, Washington,
Sarah Martin, Advocate, Refugees International

RSVP to [email protected]. This is free and open to the public it is held
at U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, 100 Raoul Wallenberg Pl, SW, Washington,
DC, 20024. Metro: Smithsonian.

This is the sixth event in the Museum’s series of summer programming
focusing on genocide in Darfur and other crimes against humanity. To view a
complete listing of events, visit www.committeeonconscience.org.

Post: #141
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-20-2005, 04:26 PM
Parent: #140

الاخ العزيز خالد كودى
شكراً جزيلاً على الاضافة الهامة

Post: #142
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-20-2005, 04:32 PM
Parent: #141

كونداليزا رايز تزور دارفور غداً و تتحدث عن إنهاء أزمة دارفور بالفعل و ليس بالكلام المجرد

Rice Speaks on Ending Violence in Darfur

Wednesday July 20, 2005 7:46 PM
AP Photo SVZ106
AP Diplomatic Writer
DAKAR, Senegal (AP) - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says there has been progress in Darfur but the world will not accept mere promises from Sudan's new government to halt the violence.
Rice planned to visit a Darfur refugee camp that houses more than 70,000 people on Thursday. She was to meet privately with female refugees to discuss their claims that they face violence and rape inside and outside the camp.
En route to Africa, Rice indicated it can be an awkward task for the Bush administration to both encourage the new Sudan government and hold it accountable for Darfur.
``I'll admit it's not the easiest thing to manage these two tracks,'' Rice told reporters aboard her plane.
Speaking after a trade conference in Senegal on Wednesday, Rice said the unified government in Sudan offers new hope to end the death and violence in that province nearly a year after the administration first called the crisis there genocide.
``We don't rely on words, we rely on action,'' Rice said. Still, she said the end of a separate civil war between Sudan's north and south and the formation of a reconciliation government offered a ``new day'' for Darfur.
War-induced hunger and disease have killed more than 180,000 people and driven more than 2 million from their homes since rebels from black African tribes took up arms in Darfur in February 2003, complaining of discrimination and oppression by Sudan's Arab-dominated government.
The Sudanese government was accused of responding by backing a counterinsurgency by Arab militia known as the Janjaweed. Sudan's leaders denied involvement in the violence.
Nearly 2 million people are housed in camps in Sudan, and additional refugees live in camps across the border in Chad.
Sudan formed a new reconciliation government this month, following a peace agreement to end a 21-year-year civil war between the Muslim north and mainly Christian and animist south that killed an estimated 2 million people.
The United States held the Arab-dominated former government at arms length, operating an embassy without a full ambassador and listing Sudan, Africa's largest country, among the nations sponsoring terrorism.
Still, the administration has made Sudan a focus of second-term diplomatic and humanitarian efforts. Rice's deputy, Robert Zoellick, has made three trips there this year.
The United States, the European Union and individual European countries are helping finance an African-led peacekeeping contingent. The African Union is building up the planned force of 7,700, but Rice has sounded frustrated with the pace of deployment.
At the airport in the Sudan capital of Khartoum, Rice was meeting some of a contingent of 1,200 Rwandan troops en route to Darfur.
Rice's two-day African trip, her first to the continent as secretary of state, was originally planned as a much longer trip. She cut it short to fly to the Middle East for a long weekend of shuttle diplomacy intended to calm tensions between Israelis and Palestinians ahead of Israel's planned withdrawal of troops and settlers from the Gaza Strip.
On Wednesday, Rice emphasized a need for worldwide economic aid to developing African nations, and she announced a modest increase in U.S. grants aimed at helping West African countries export more goods.
Rice told delegates at a U.S.-Africa trade conference that the additional $1 million in U.S. grants would help West African nations improve transportation safety and infrastructure to enhance international trade.
``Only the people of Africa can solve the problems of Africa,'' she said. ``But for these men and women to fulfill their dreams of democracy and security and prosperity, all developed nations have a responsibility to help.''
The United States is urging African producers to diversify the kinds of goods they sell abroad. The U.S. already buys large amounts of oil from Africa, but both places would benefit from increased trade in an array of other goods, especially farm products, U.S. officials at the trade conference said.

Post: #143
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-20-2005, 04:55 PM
Parent: #142

لا تزال حكومة الخرطوم تدفع رواتب قادة مليشيات الجنجويد!

"... من اسباب انخفاض عدد الوفيات بسبب الحرب خلال الشهور الماضية حقيقة ان جميع المستهدفين اما انهم قد قُتلوا بالفعل أو يعيشون بمعسكرات اللاجئين.."

الخبر الكامل و المصدر:

Post: #144
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: محمدين محمد اسحق
Date: 07-21-2005, 04:50 AM
Parent: #143

Osamning Quay
Wad eia ..donga tog arie afa ba ..

Jondigi na durul kiang ..inie deing

[email protected]

Post: #145
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-21-2005, 08:42 AM
Parent: #144

Mohamadain Quay
Afes Komowoo

I'm one of the victims of cultural alientaion!
Check your email

Post: #146
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-21-2005, 09:25 AM
Parent: #145

السلطات الحكومية تواصل مسلسل الاعتقالات و تعذيب المعتقلين فى دارفور:
نيــــالا و زالنجـــــــــى و مناطق جبل مرة...

7/14/2005 9:41am
Sudan Organisation Against Torture
Human Rights Alert: 14 July 2005
Arrests and Detention in Nyala and Zalingy
1. On 11 July 2005, security forces in Nyala arrested Azhari Ahmed Zakarea, (48 yrs), belonging to the Fur tribe on suspicion of supporting the rebel opposition group, Sudan Liberation Army (SLA). Mr. Azhari was arrested from his home in Nyala Shamal and taken to security offices in Nyala where he remains in detention. Mr. Azhari has been denied access to lawyers or to his family.
2. On 15 June 2005, security forces in Nyala arrested Mohamed Mohamed Arabi, (37 yrs), a teacher belonging to the Zaghawa tribe on suspicion of joining the SLA. Mr. Mohamed was arrested from his home in Hey Alkhartoum Billail and taken to the security offices in Nyala. Mr. Mohamed’s was initially allowed visits from his family, however from 20 June 2005; his family have been denied access. Mr. Mohamed remains in detention without any official charges.
There are serious concerns for the health of Mr. Mohamed. Before the arrest, Mr. Mohamed had undergone an operation in Khartoum and was due for a follow up appointment with his doctors in Khartoum on 20 June 2005. Mr. Mohammed uses artificial legs and it is believed that Mr. Mohammed is currently in great distress.
3. On 12 May, security forces in Nyala arrested six young men from a house in Nyala, Hey Alkhartoum Billail. The men who are recent university graduates were arrested on suspicion of joining a Student group that are allegedly supporting the armed movement in Darfur. The men were initially taken to security offices in Nyala where they were detained until 13 June 2005. The family of the detainees were denied access. On 14 June, the detainees were transferred to an unknown location in Khartoum. The whereabouts of the men are unknown. The details of the detainees are as follows:
1. Hasabella Hasab Alnabi Issaa, (28 yrs)
2. Mustafa Abdella Abaker, (27 yrs)
3. Ibrahim Mohamed Abdella, (28 yrs)
4. Mohamed Aljazouli Adam, (30 yrs)
5. Yaseen Yousif, (27 yrs)
6. Idrees
4. On 2 May 2005, officers from the military intelligence in Jabal Marra, Western Darfur State arrested five men on suspicion of joining the SLA. The men were arrested from their home in Golo village, Jabal Marra and taken to the military intelligence detention centre in Zalingy.
Whilst in military custody, the men were subjected to torture and all five men received serious injuries. The men were flogged on their backs, beaten with the butt of guns on their ######### and with sticks on their legs and knees. Due to the seriousness of injuries sustained, the men were taken to Zalingy hospital in June 2005 where they received medical treatment.
Following the treatment, the men were transferred in Zalingy prison where they remain in detention, and are not facing any official charges. It is believed the men are still suffering from the effects of torture. The details of the men are as follows:
1. Ali Mohamed Abdella, (65 yrs), Fur
2. Adam Ateam Altahir, (32 yrs), Fur, Merchant
3. Abaker Ibrahim Musa, (60 yrs), Fur
4. Moustafa Haroun Abdel Rahman, (26 yrs), Fur, Teacher
5. Awad Mohamed Is’hag, (27 yrs), Fur, Teacher
SOAT strongly condemns the arbitrary arrest of these men and expresses fears for the detainees and calls upon the government of Sudan (GoS) to give assurances that they will not be tortured or ill-treated.
SOAT strongly urges the ‘Government of Unity’ to:
Take all necessary measures to ensure the physical and psychological integrity of all the detainees
Investigate the arrests and torture of detainees and ensure that the perpetrators are brought before an impartial tribunal and guarantee procedural rights at all times
Immediately release all the detainees in the absence of valid legal charges, or if legitimate charges exist, bring them before an impartial tribunal and guarantee procedural rights at all times
Ensure that all the detainees have access to legal advice and to their families
Guarantee the respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms, including freedom of association throughout Sudan in accordance with national laws and international human rights standards.
The above recommendations should be sent in appeals to the following
His Excellency Lieutenant General Omar Hassan al-Bashir
President of the Republic of Sudan
President' s Palace
PO Box 281, Khartoum, Sudan
Fax: + 249 183 783223

Mr. Ali Mohamed Osman Yassin
Minister of Justice and Attorney General
Ministry of Justice
Khartoum, Sudan
Fax: + 249 183 788941

Mr. Mustafa Osman Ismail
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
PO Box 873, Khartoum, Sudan
Fax: + 249 183 779383
Dr. Abdelmuneim Osman Mohamed Taha
Advisory Council for Human Rights
PO Box 302
Khartoum, Sudan
Fax: + 249 183 770883
His Excellency Ambassador Mr. Ibrahim Mirghani Ibrahim,
Permanent Mission of the Republic of Sudan to the United Nations in Geneva,
PO Box 335,
1211 Geneva,
Fax: +4122 731 26 56,
E-mail: [email protected].

SOAT is international human rights organisation established in the UK in 1993. If you have any questions about this or any other SOAT information, please contact us:
Argo House
Kilburn Park Road
London NW6 5LF, UK
Tel: +44 (0)20 7625 8055
Fax: +44 (0)20 7372 2656
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.soatsudan.org

Post: #147
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-21-2005, 06:46 PM
Parent: #146

دارفور: هبطتْ معدلات العنف لكن لا زالت حوادث الاغتصاب مستمرةٌ...


Darfur Violence Drops but Rape Persists

Associated Press Writer

July 21, 2005, 4:20 PM EDT

UNITED NATIONS -- Rebels and government-backed militias in Sudan's Darfur region are still carrying out attacks, raping women and creating a climate of fear, although violence in the region has declined in the last year, Secretary-General Kofi Annan said Thursday.

While the number of civilians killed in Darfur has dropped from over 300 in January to less than 100 in June, people remain afraid to venture far from camps, Annan said in a report to the U.N. Security Council.

Additionally, the number of people affected by the Darfur conflict increased from just over one million in May 2004 to 2.9 million in June 2005, he said. This includes nearly 1.9 million refugees still in Sudan, over 200,000 refugees in Chad, and nomads and other drought-affected people.

"Darfur may be a less active war zone than it was a year ago, but violations of human rights continue to occur frequently and active combat has been replaced by a suffocating environment of intimidation and fear, perpetuated by ever-present militia," Annan said.

The report came as Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice went to a Darfur refugee camp for a first-hand view of conditions there. She met with humanitarian workers and women who described their fear of rape and violence by government forces.

"I think people have known this is a devastating crisis for so many people and the United States has called it by name, that is that a genocide was committed here," Rice said.

She also demanded -- and got -- an apology after security forces at the residence of Sudanese President Omar el-Bashir manhandled U.S. officials and reporters traveling with her.

Rebels from black African tribes took up arms in Darfur in February 2003, complaining of discrimination and oppression by Sudan's Arab-dominated government. The government is accused of unleashing Arab tribal militia known as the Janjaweed against civilians in a campaign of murder, rape and arson. At least 180,000 people have died -- many from hunger and disease.

Annan criticized the government's refusal to disarm militias as it promised a year ago and questioned whether the decrease in attacks on civilians was because so many villages were destroyed since the war began that there are now fewer locations for militias to strike.

"The threat of attack -- on villages or other concentrations of civilian populations -- persists," he said. "Displaced civilians living in camps continue to report attacks on them by militia or bandits when they leave the camps' surroundings."

On a positive note, he said, the humanitarian crisis has eased -- though the situation remains fragile and dependent on international aid.

In May 2004, the relief effort could only get food to 400,000 needy people. Today, over 1.9 million are being reached, Annan said.

Preliminary results from a year-long World Health Organization-led survey which ended in June indicate the mortality rate in Darfur has dropped below the international crisis threshold of 1 death per 10,000 persons per day, he said.

Nonetheless, Annan warned that "as the war drags on, it is certain that the ranks of the conflict-affected population will only continue to grow while the ability or willingness of the international community to maintain its current level of assistance may diminish."
Copyright 2005 Newsday Inc.

Post: #148
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-21-2005, 07:38 PM
Parent: #147

كونداليزا رايس: حكومة السودان تفتقر الى المصداقية فى قضية دارفور

Rice says Sudan has credibility problem on Darfur
Thu Jul 21, 4:57 PM ET
Sudanese security manhandled U.S. officials and temporarily barred them from a meeting where Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told Sudan's president his government had a "credibility problem."
Rice told Sudanese officials she wanted to see "actions not words" to quell violence in the western region of Darfur and that which was getting in the way of improved relations, a U.S. official said.
Sudanese guards shoved U.S. journalists away from the meeting and slammed palace doors in their faces. Some U.S. officials were also blocked for several minutes before the Sudanese allow them in.
"It makes me very angry to be sitting with their president and have this happen," Rice told reporters on her plane before leaving Khartoum for Darfur.
Sudan's foreign minister later telephoned Rice and apologized, a U.S. official said.
Rice told President Omar Hassan al-Bashir to stop violence in Darfur, especially against women.
"I said to the Sudanese government that they had a credibility problem with the international community ... I have said 'actions not words'," Rice told reporters at a Darfur refugee camp.
"On Darfur, her message was this is the obstacle to normalization," said a U.S. official, who declined to be named.
The official said Bashir's priority was for the United States to lift sanctions on Sudan, which Washington says is a state sponsor of terror.
On Wednesday, Rice held out the possibility of sending an ambassador to Sudan for the first time since 1997. It was a sign of improving ties after the installation of a new government on July 9 which included former rebels from the country's south.
A peace deal this year ended the southern civil war, which had lasted more than two decades and killed 2 million people.
"UNBELIEVABLE BUT TRUE" But in a separate conflict, rebels in Darfur took up arms against the government in 2003, accusing Khartoum of marginalizing the arid province and discriminating against non-Arab settled communities in favor of Arab nomads.
The violence has driven some 2 million people from their homes and killed tens of thousands.
Andrew Natsios, a top U.S. aid official with Rice, said he suspected the government was still giving material support to the Arab militia which has been accused of driving non-Arabs from their land. But he said the government no longer sent gunships to assist militia attacks.
Before arriving in Khartoum on Thursday, Rice said she would seek to strike a balance between helping consolidate the coalition peace government and holding Sudan accountable for the violence in Darfur.
Rice said she was particularly concerned women were still being raped in the conflict.
"Welcome, welcome Condoleezza," sang scores of children who greeted Rice when she visited the northern Darfur Abo Shouk camp, home to some 50,000 people.
After talking to women victims of abuse, Rice said: "The stories are unbelievable but true ... we have got to have a better response (from the Sudanese government)."
At the camp, Rice said the United States could loosen some of its sanctions after Sudanese officials told her the measures hindered efforts to move people and aid around the country.
"Obviously, if there is a case on the humanitarian side we would be willing to look at it," she said.
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Post: #149
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-22-2005, 04:41 PM
Parent: #148

مبعوث الامم المتحدة الخاص للسودان‘ السيد جان برونك‘ يطالب الخرطوم بنزع اسلحة مليشيات القبائل العربية و وضع حد لحوادث الاغتصاب

UN envoy to Sudan urges Khartoum to disarm Darfur's Arab militias
6 minutes ago
UN envoy Jan Pronk expressed cautious optimism about the situation in Sudan's western Darfur region, but urged the Khartoum government to take more forceful action to disarm Arab militias and stop rapes.
Pronk, the UN envoy to Sudan, told the UN Security Council that more money -- nearly two billion dollars (1.66 billion euros)-- was needed this year to facilitate the voluntary returns of displaced persons and refugees in the upcoming dry season in southern Sudan.
"The ceasefire seems to be kept by the parties," he told council members, adding the African Union force had helped bring more stability.
But the envoy made it clear that the situation remained delicate.
"(Government-armed) militias have not been disarmed. Arbitrary arrests and inhuman treatment of prisoners still take place," Pronk told a council debate on Sudan.
In his own report to the Security Council, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan called on Khartoum to do more "to address the disarmament of the Janjaweed (Arab militias) and other outlaw groups, which would also greatly facilitate the conclusion of a political agreement that settles the conflict in Darfur."
The UN chief also deplored the fact that recent clashes between the rebel factions "have exacerbated the difficulties faced by humanitarian organizations" in delivering aid to those who need it.
Turning to the issue of rape, Pronk said: "a new Government policy to help the victims of rape and to investigate the crimes of rape has been adopted, after long and intensive discussion with the UN, but its implementation is still deficient throughout Darfur."
The Annan report made the same point, noting that: "Sexual violence committed by soldiers, police, and Government-aligned militias remains a widespread feature of the Darfur conflict."
"Although the government has taken some action, it has not done enough to end the culture of impunity behind the widespread sexual abuse in Darfur," Annan said.
Pronk for his part urged Khartoum to "not only arrest foot soldiers who killed and raped, but also their commanders, and their leaders who instructed them to do so."
He also underscored the need to expand the AU force in Darfur soon.
The AU plans to more than double its Darfur monitoring force to more than 7,700 by September.
An estimated 180,000 to 300,000 people have died in Darfur, with some 2.6 million civilians left homeless, since February 2003 when fighting erupted between rebels and government forces backed by local Arab militia.
Local groups in Darfur had launched their rebellion in the name of the region's black African tribes against marginalization by Khartoum's Arab-dominated government.
The Annan report however said the overall situation in Darfur had "improved considerably" over the past year.
But it noted that efforts must be made to end the harassment of aid workers in south Darfur and "to ensure that the policies adopted at the national and state levels are implemented on the ground at the local level."
Pronk stressed that further confidence-measures were needed but added: "there's light at the end of the tunnel."
He also called on donors to increase their pledges, pointing out that the UN was expecting about 600,000 displaced persons and refugees to return.
"We need resources, many more. Our programs are under-funded," he said."Our revised work plan for 2005 amounts to nearly two billion dollars (up from the 1.5 billion dollars presented last year). So far, only 40 percent of this figure has been committed."
Last April, donors at a conference in Oslo pledged 4.5 billion dollars (3.5 billion euros) for the next three years to help rebuild Sudan's pacified southern and northern areas.
Pronk, who last week held talks in Eritrea aimed at resolving a burgeoning rebellion in eastern Sudan, said he was hopeful an agreement between the two sides there might be reached before the end of the year.

Post: #151
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-23-2005, 01:14 PM
Parent: #149

أخى احمد محمدين
شكراً على الاضافة

Post: #152
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-23-2005, 01:20 PM
Parent: #151

سليمان بالدو يكتب عن "خطة عمل جديدة"

Quote: خطة عمل جديدة للسودان
سليمان بالدو الحياة 2005/05/19
رغم القرارات الاخيرة التي اتخذها مجلس الأمن وإبرام اتفاق سلام يشمل الجنوب، لا تزال مناطق عدة في السودان في حال حرب أو مهددة باندلاع الحرب، ولا تزال الحال في دارفور تتدهور. وثمة حاجة إلى اتخاذ تدابير أكثر قوة لاستعادة الأمن ومنع حدوث أعداد أخرى هائلة من الوفيات. وفي دارفور تحديداً، حيث يموت مدنيون يبلغ عددهم 000 10 شخص أو أكثر شهرياً، يتعين اتخاذ عدد من الخطوات العاجلة.
يتعين على الأمم المتحدة ومنظمة حلف شمال الأطلسي (الناتو) والاتحاد الأوروبي أن تجتمع عاجلاً مع الاتحاد الأفريقي وتقرر أي الجهات بوسعها القيام بأي الأعمال أفضل من غيرها والشروع في ذلك العمل من دون التقيد بالاختصاصات المؤسسية أو المكانة الوطنية. إن كيفية تحقيق أكبر قدر ممكن من التعاون بين هذه المنظمات الأربع، وكيفية نشر الأعداد الإضافية اللازمة من القوات في المنطقة بالسرعة الكافية وتزويدها ما تحتاجه من المعدات والهياكل والتنظيم القيادي للقيام بدورها بفعالية، كل ذلك قد يكون المسألة الوحيدة الأكثر إلحاحاً وتعقيداً التي تواجه المجتمع الدولي في ما يتعلق بالملف السوداني بأكمله.
ومع ان قرارات مجلس الأمن المتخذة في أواخر آذار (مارس) 2005 جاءت متأخرة كثيراً إلا أنها شكلت خطوات مرحباً بها، ، اذ زاد بسببها احتمال أن يواجه مسؤولون كبار في الخرطوم المساءلة الجنائية عن سياساتهم في دارفور. بيد أن الحالة تظل خطيرة، ولا يزال يتعين القيام بالمزيد من الإجراءات الملحة:
أولاً، حماية المدنيين ووكالات الإغاثة في دارفور بتعزيز قوات حفظ السلام التابعة للاتحاد الأفريقي بتزويدها بولاية جديدة أقوى وبالمزيد من القوات - ليصل عددها الإجمالي إلى 000 10 جندي على الأقل - وتوفير موارد كافية لها؛ وإنفاذ حظر الأسلحة وحظر الطيران العسكري فوق دارفور؛ ووقف نشاط المليشيات التي تسيطر عليها الحكومة وتمكين المشردين داخلياً واللاجئين من العودة إلى بيوتهم.
ثانياً، تنفيذ تدابير مساءلة المسؤولين السودانيين بتشغيل لجنة الجزاءات المقترحة؛ وتوسيع نطاق الجزاءات المستهدفة؛ ومساعدة التحقيق الذي تقوم به المحكمة الجنائية الدولية تحت إشراف الأمم المتحدة.
ثالثاً، بناء عملية سلام في دارفور بتصميم مخطط أساسي للمفاوضات وتعيين وسيط رئيسي ليقودها ومبعوثين من كل من الولايات المتحدة والاتحاد الأوروبي والأمم المتحدة لتقديم الدعم.
رابعاً، تنفيذ اتفاق السلام القائم بشأن جنوب السودان بنشر بعثة الأمم المتحدة المقترحة بسرعة؛ وتوفير إدارة فعالة لقطاع النفط؛ والضغط من أجل إصلاح القطاع الأمني؛ وإنهاء قدرة العناصر المتشددة في الخرطوم على استخدام حركة التمرد اليوغندية، وهي جيش الرب للمقاومة، لتخريب الاستقرار في جنوب السودان.
خامساً، الحيلولة دون نشوب صراع جديد في الشرق، قبل أن يتحول إلى الحرب الأهلية الرئيسية المقبلة.
من الواضح أن عدم اتخاذ إجراءات أكثر شدة، يهدد استئناف الحرب في الجنوب، ويمكن أن يشتد القتال في الشرق، وستبلغ أعداد الوفيات أرقاماً هائلة في دارفور التي تتهدد المجاعة مناطق محددة فيها. إن مستقبل الدولة السودانية وسكانها في خطر، وسيتحدد مصيرهم بالإجراءات التي يتخذها المجتمع الدولي الآن، أو تلك التي يقصر عن اتخاذها، للتصدي للجرائم الفظيعة وتعزيز السلام في كل أرجاء البلد.
مدير برنامج أفريقيا في «المجموعة الدولية للأزمات» إنترناشونال كرايسز غروب

Post: #153
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: حيدر حماد
Date: 07-24-2005, 04:08 AM
Parent: #152


Post: #154
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: حيدر حماد
Date: 07-24-2005, 03:58 PM
Parent: #153

واصل يا دريج

Post: #155
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-25-2005, 04:06 PM
Parent: #154

الخرطوم تواصل مسلسل جريمة قتل الابرياء فى دارفور..

قامت القوات الحكومية تصحبها المروحيات بقتل سبعة اشخاص و جرح ما يزيد عن العشرة بمناطق ابو حمرة و شنقل طوباى..

Sudan forces kill 7 in Darfur attacks-rebels
Mon Jul 25, 2005 2:42 PM ET
KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Sudanese troops and helicopters killed seven civilians and wounded about 10 in attacks on villages in the western Darfur region, the rebel commander of the area told Reuters on Monday.
Sudanese officials were not available to comment.
An official from the African Union, which is monitoring a shakey ceasefire in the area, said a team had been sent to investigate but had not yet reported back.
The attacks took place at two separate sites along the road between Nyala and al-Fasher on Sunday, rebel commanders said.
"They (Sudanese forces) killed three civilians in Abu Hamra and four in Sheng al-Tobei," said Adam Yacoub, the rebel Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) commander of the area.
"About 10 people were wounded in total," he added.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was in Sudan last week and told Sudanese officials she wanted to see "actions not words" to quell violence in Darfur.
The government and the two main rebel groups in Darfur signed a declaration of principles in the Nigerian capital Abuja earlier this month.
The agreement deals with broad-based principles for talks, but leaves the main issues to be discussed in more detail on August 24 when African Union-sponsored negotiations resume.
United Nations officials have said killing in the area had decreased since January.
Troops attacked the Abu Hamra area on Sunday morning and Sheng al-Tobei area later the same day, the commanders said.
Both areas are south of al-Fasher, capital of Northern Darfur State, said Bosh Shag Umar, another local commander.
Around 40 trucks full of troops and around three helicopters razed three villages to the ground in the Abu Hamra area, around 120 km (75 miles) south of al-Fasher, Umar said.
Between 40 and 42 trucks, without helicopters, attacked Sheng al-Tobei village and 20 tents belonging to families forced out of their homes by earlier fighting, he added.
Umar said the government troops used rocket-propelled grenades in the attack, around 90 km (55 miles) south of al-Fasher.
Tens of thousands have been killed and around 2 million driven from their homes since rebels launched a rebellion in early 2003, accusing the government of neglect and arming militias to burn and loot villages.
The government denies the claim.

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Post: #156
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: saif basheer
Date: 07-26-2005, 04:58 AM
Parent: #155


Post: #157
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-26-2005, 03:30 PM
Parent: #156

الاخ سيف
التحية لك

Post: #158
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-26-2005, 03:37 PM

نتيجة لزيارة البشير المزمعة الى مدينة الفاشر بعد غد الخميس‘ القوات الحكومية تقوم بــ "تأمين" المنطقة و ذلك بإفتعال العنف و قتل الابرياء..


Violence Flares Up in Sudan's Darfur Region
By Raymond Thibodeaux
26 July 2005
There has been a sharp rise in armed attacks in Sudan's western Darfur region, less than a week after a visit by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and less than a month after the government and rebel groups agreed to enter another round of peace talks.
Rebels say government troops, backed by attack helicopters have raided four villages in Sudan's Darfur region since Friday. The attacks shattered a pledge by the government not to launch air attacks in the region.
Sudan's government says the violence was provoked when rebels attacked armed guards for a civilian convoy on a road that connects El Fasher and Nyala, Darfur's northern and southern capitals.
On Monday, at least seven civilians were killed and another 10 wounded in attacks by government forces. In a separate incident, a Sudanese M-17 helicopter crashed in southern Darfur, killing all 19 people on board, according to official Sudanese military statements.
A top official with Darfur's largest rebel group, the Sudan Liberation Movement says fighters in Darfur are on high alert. Adam Shogar says Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir plans to visit El Fasher, the capital of North Darfur state, later this week.
"Bashir is visiting next tomorrow [Thursday] El Fasher, so they are going to secure the area. Because of that, they are now maneuvering in the area to clear the area of any presence or the movement of troops," he said. "There is an attack on our positions in the Sheng al-Tobei area, an attack with about 100 vehicles from the government troops and mostly air force attacks."
But the latest violence ends several months of relative calm, as the Khartoum government and Darfur's two rebel groups, the Sudan Liberation Movement and the Justice and Equality Movement, are set to begin new peace talks in August.
Mr. Shogar says he hopes the talks yield a peace deal similar to the one signed in Naivasha, Kenya, between the Khartoum government and southern Sudan's main rebel group, which ended the country's 22-year civil war.
But the recent attacks have escalated tensions in Darfur and are dimming the prospects for a peace agreement anytime soon. Mr. Shogar, speaking by satellite phone from N'djamena in Chad, is more preoccupied with military developments.
"We are waiting to see what will happen in the coming 24 hours," he said. "If they never withdraw from that area, we will have to defend ourselves and retaliate."
Last week, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice met with President Bashir in Khartoum. She urged Sudan to stop what she sees as genocide in Darfur.
Since the conflict started more than two years ago, fighting between government forces and rebel troops has left tens of thousands of people dead and driven two million people from their villages.

Post: #159
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-27-2005, 08:10 AM
Parent: #158

الـ ورلد فيشن تطعم 25000 طفلاً بمعسكرات النازحين بدارفور...

Alerting Humanitarians to Emergencies

World Vision feeds 25,000 children in Darfur displacement camp
27 Jul 2005 07:12:00 GMT
Source: NGO latest
World Vision International

World Vision International (WVI)
Website: http://www.wvi.org
World Vision distributed food to nearly 25,000 children under five in a massive exercise in Darfur's Kalma displacement camp last week.
It was World Vision's first blanket feeding exercise in Darfur, aimed at curbing rising malnutrition rates among children in various displacement camps.
The children received a two-week ration of highly nutritious Corn Soya Blend (CSB) and sugar, plus vegetable oil. Every child received 3.6 kilograms. About 88 metric tones of the premix were distributed.
World Vision is implementing the program with the support of the World Food Programme (WFP). The program has a food value of US$337,977 (367,300 metric tonnes of food).
The food distribution was carried out in just three hours last Thursday, with World Vision staff handing out the supplies at various sites around the camp.
“The day went well. I was not expecting us finish before end of day since it was a new thing, but we picked up speed and finished in three hours,” said Francis Madonko, WV Commodity Officer.
Around 157,000 people are currently living in Kalma Camp, displaced from their homes by the crisis in Darfur. The camp, located 15km east of the town of Nyala, is the biggest in the region.
Food rations will be given to the children every two weeks for the next three months. The blanket feeding will run parallel with the monthly general food distributions that have been continuing since August 2004. Last month, World Vision WV distributed food to 250,000 people in 24 camps across South Darfur.
Report from John Kisimir - WV Sudan Communications
For more information on World Vision International visit http://www.wvi.org, or contact us at [email protected]

Post: #160
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-28-2005, 04:10 PM
Parent: #159


Post: #161
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-28-2005, 10:01 PM
Parent: #160

يفلت مرتكبوا جرائم الاغتصاب من عناصر الشرطة و الجيش من العقاب
حيث ينصب جل إهتمام السلطات على اعتقال ضحايا الاغتصاب و تجاهل مقترفى تلك الجرائم

UN official: Darfur authorities bully rape victims
28 Jul 2005 22:42:02 GMT
Source: Reuters

By Evelyn Leopold
UNITED NATIONS, July 28 (Reuters) - Gang rapes in Sudan's Darfur region, especially by soldiers and police, often go unpunished with authorities more willing to arrest the victims than the perpetrators, a U.N. official said on Thursday.
Louise Arbour, the Geneva-based high commissioner for human rights, told the U.N. Security Council that complaints against military and other law enforcement personnel were delayed indefinitely or dismissed outright.
"When rape is not established by the courts, rape victims risk facing criminal charges themselves," she told the council in a closed session before releasing her briefing notes.
Arbour, who intends to release a report on Friday on access to justice for Darfur rape victims, said "rape and gang rapes continue to be perpetrated by armed elements in Darfur, some of whom are members of law enforcement agencies and the armed forces."
"The government appears either unable or unwilling to hold them consistently accountable," Arbour said.
Victims and witnesses had faced arrest for "providing false information" after reporting sexual violence, she said.
At least 180,000 people in Darfur have died from violence, hunger and disease and 2 million have been driven out of their homes, most into squalid camps or neighboring Chad.
The Darfur conflict, in Sudan's west, broke out in February 2003 after rebels took up arms against the Arab-dominated government, complaining of discrimination. The government is accused of arming Arab militia, known as Janjaweed, who pillaged, killed and raped. It has denied the charge.
The Sudanese government in May formed a committee on gender-based violence in South Darfur to assist law enforcement agencies in investigations. Khartoum has also established a special criminal court on events in Darfur but Arbour said it was too early to judge its impact.
The actions by Khartoum were "signs that the government is starting to address the issue," she added.
Arbour's report on Friday is aimed at evaluating a year-old agreement with the United Nations in which the Sudan government pledged to investigate abuses in Darfur immediately and "to ensure that all individuals and groups accused of human rights violations are brought to justice without delay."

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Post: #162
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-29-2005, 10:26 AM
Parent: #161

الامم المتحدة تتهم السودان بجرائم الاغتصاب فى دارفور***

UN accuses Sudan over Darfur rape
A United Nations report has accused Sudanese authorities of taking no action against militiamen and soldiers accused of rape in the Darfur region.
Women in refugee camps risk being raped if they go in search of food, the UN's human rights commissioner says.
International charity Medecins Sans Frontieres said in June that 500 women had been raped in four months alone.
Sudan's authorities have threatened and arrested victims to make them withdraw the charges, the UN report says.
More than two million people have been forced from their homes and at least 180,000 have died during the Darfur conflict.
Sudanese authorities deny accusations that they back the Arab Janjaweed militias who are alleged to have committed widespread atrocities, such as mass killings and mass rape.
Government 'unwilling'
"Every week, more new cases of rape of women and girls are reported," the UN report said.
"The government of Sudan needs to acknowledge the scope of the problem and to take concrete action to end the climate of impunity in Darfur," it said.
The UN says charges are still not investigated thoroughly by the authorities.
Human Rights Commissioner Louise Arbour told the UN Security Council ahead of the report's release on Thursday that Khartoum's government appeared "either unable or unwilling to hold them consistently accountable".
Ms Arbour said that rape victims themselves could face criminal charges when courts ruled that they were unable to prove their cases - discouraging women from making accusations.
"Arrest, harassment and intimidation of victims of sexual violence and their supporters must end," the UN report said.
In June, Sudan set up a special court to try those accused of war crimes in the Darfur region but the report said it was too early to judge its impact.
"To date, most perpetrators have not been brought to justice, and it remains to be seen whether [the court] will effectively address the crime," the report said.
It urged the Sudanese government to remove all regulations granting immunity to state officials from prosecution and to give thorough training to police, prosecutors and judicial authorities in the investigation of sexual crimes.

Post: #163
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 07-30-2005, 04:19 PM
Parent: #162

قوات الشرطة و الجيش السودانية تستمر فى اغتصاب النساء فى دارفور. حيث يتعرض الضحايا
و الشهود الى تهديدات روتينبة او الى الاتهام بجرائم لم يرتكبوها اذا حاول هؤلاء التبليغ عن حالات الاغتصاب.
كذلك تقوم السلطات هناك بإرهاب مجموعات العمل الانسانى اذا حاولت التحقيق فى دعاوى الاغتصاب.
هذا‘ و قد ذكر التقرير بأن عددا كبيرا من النساء يحجمن عن التبليع عن حوادث الاغتصاب التى يتعرضن لها
خوفاً من الانتقام.


U.N.: Sudan Forces Commit Rape in Darfur
By NICK WADHAMS, Associated Press WriterSat Jul 30, 7:01 AM ET
Sudanese police and soldiers still rape helpless civilians in Darfur — and often are tacitly protected by authorities despite government promises to punish those responsible for sexual violence, the United Nations said Friday.
Victims and witnesses are routinely threatened and sometimes charged with crimes if they come forward with allegations of rape, according to the report. Authorities also intimidate humanitarian groups investigating the claims.
"Many women do not report incidents, out of fear of reprisals," the report said. "Some police stations refuse to register and investigate complaints of sexual violence."
The report was drawn up at the request of Louise Arbour, the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights. She wanted to assess Sudan's compliance with promises it made last year to punish those who commit sexual violence against civilians in Darfur.
It said the government has taken small steps — such as creating a committee on gender-based violence — but has not brought offenders to justice on a large scale.
"Basically we see extremely poor results in the investigation and successful prosecution of perpetrators of very serious sexual violence," Arbour told a news conference. "Rape, gang rape and so on continue to be very prevalent by all accounts."
The report said offenders include members of the law enforcement, security forces and pro-government militia. Suspects have been tried very rarely, Arbour said.
"We're talking a handful of cases where we've been able to document a successful prosecution," she said.
Sexual violence has been a key problem in Darfur since Sudan's government allegedly unleashed Arab tribal militia known as the Janjaweed to suppress rebels who took up arms in February 2003.
The campaign of murder, rape and arson has killed 180,000 people, many from hunger and disease, destroyed crops and ruined countless homes. Earlier this month, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice toured Darfur and said "a genocide was committed here." She met privately with female refugees, including rape victims.
The report called on the Sudanese government to end "the climate of impunity."
Even when women do report sexual offenses, authorities "generally deny the allegations of rape and sexual violence and intimidate the victims and witnesses into withdrawing their charges," the report noted.
Arbour said Friday that Sudan's government had been "extremely unreceptive" about recognizing the magnitude of the problem.
"The government has to acknowledge that this is not a fabrication by humanitarian workers and NGOs and so on," Arbour said, referring to non-governmental organizations who have reported on widespread rape in Darfur.
Women are "preyed upon continually by members of the armed forces, by militias, by soldiers, policemen, people who should be brought under control by the government," Arbour said.
On Thursday, she told the U.N. Security Council that Sudan either can't or won't hold rapists accountable.
Earlier this year, the Security Council referred cases of crimes against humanity in Darfur to the International Criminal Court, the world's first permanent war crimes tribunal. Lead prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo suggested in June that rape would be one crime he would pursue.

Post: #164
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 08-12-2005, 02:32 PM
Parent: #163

فى احدث تقرير للامم المتحدة:

تواصل قوات الشرطة و ضباط الجيش السودانى حملات الاغتصاب و العنف
ضد مواطنى اقيلم دارفور...

Violence Continues In Darfur

11 August 2005

A report issued by the United Nations says law enforcement officers and the Sudanese military are continuing their campaign of rape and violence against the people of the Darfur region of Sudan. The U-N says that in the past two-and-a-half years, at least one-hundred-eighty-thousand people have been killed and two-million others have been driven from their homes and live in refugee camps.
Civil war broke out in Darfur in 2003. Complaining of discrimination by Arab Sudanese, African rebels attacked government facilities. Sudanese Arab Janjaweed militia supported by the Sudanese government responded by attacking members of Darfur's African Fur, Masalit, and Zaghawa tribes. A peace agreement was signed this year by representatives from the Sudanese government and the rebel Sudan People's Liberation Movement.
In May, the Sudanese government established a committee to look into cases of violence against women. The government also set up a special criminal court in Darfur to prosecute those accused of sexual violence and other charges. But, as the U-N report says, it remains to be seen whether or not the Sudanese government's action will effectively address the crimes against the people of Darfur.
According to the U-N, "Many women do not report incidents out of fear of reprisals and are discouraged from reporting, given the lack of redress for sexual violence." U-N Human Rights Commissioner Louise Arbour says the Sudanese government shows "an extremely unreceptive attitude towards even recognizing the magnitude of the problem":
"The [Sudanese] government has to acknowledge that this is not a fabrication by humanitarian workers and N-G-O's [nongovernmental organizations]. This is the reality for the lives of many women...that they are preyed upon continuously by members of the armed forces, by militia, soldiers, policemen, people who should in fact be brought under control by the government."
The U.S. remains the world's leader in providing humanitarian assistance to Sudan, but is examining what type of focused effort it can put forth to help ameliorate the phenomenon of violence against women. In Sudan, says U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, "the stories are unbelievable, but they are true." Violence against women is a serious problem, she says, and "we have got to have a better response."
The preceding was an editorial reflecting the views of the United States Government.

Post: #165
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 08-14-2005, 12:11 PM
Parent: #164

مأزق الشباب فى دارفور
عطالة‘ تجاهل‘...الخ

SUDAN: Darfur youth idle, neglected

NYALA, 12 Aug 2005 (IRIN) - In their original villages, the young people of Darfur had many responsibilities; they cultivated the land, took care of cattle and produced charcoal, while some went to school.

In the sprawling expanse of makeshift tents that make up Kalma camp for internally displaced persons (IDPs), however, the story is different.

"Adolescents in the camp have nothing to do all day. They just sit idle," said Malik Elbadawi, a health officer for the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) in nearby Nyala, the capital of South Darfur State.

Kalma is the largest IDP camp in Darfur, although there is no reliable estimate of its total population. According to aid workers, between 150,000 and 160,000 people live in the camp, making Kalma one of the largest concentrations of people in western Sudan's war-torn region.

"What does an adolescent with a lot of energy do when he is confined to a camp?" a child protection worker in Kalma camp asked. "His energy gets used in the wrong direction."

Young adults can be seen moving around the camp. Some have a wheelbarrow and make a little money transporting bags of millet or jerry cans of water. Some make grass mats while others sell cigarettes.


According to aid workers in Kalma, some of the young adults, especially those who have nothing to do, have got involved in petty crime and commercial ####### work.

Other IDPs were however trying to discourage ####### work in the camp.

"Adolescent girls are not allowed in the market anymore and neither are the soldiers, who used to be their main clients," one aid worker said.

Despite efforts to discourage ####### workers, a health worker added, rape committed by other IDPs had become more common. Some of the incidents of rape could be blamed on young adults who had nothing to do, she noted.

"Because of the crowded situation in the camps, whole families share one tent so children see their parents having #######," she said. "Adolescents then start to replicate their parents' behaviour at an early age."


The UNICEF education officer in Nyala, Phuong Nguyen, said the needs of adolescents in Kalma - and in most other camps across Darfur - were not being met.

"UNICEF's emergency education programmes focus on children from seven to 13 years - [primary school] grade one to eight," she said.

In most IDP camps there were only a few students at secondary level, Nguyen explained, and secondary education was usually not seen as a priority in an emergency setting.

"In Kalma, they really need a secondary school, but there is not a single one at the moment," she added.

Ibrahim Issa Yusuf, area supervisor for child protection in Kalma for the Sudanese Popular Committee for Relief and Rehabilitation (SPCR), estimated that there were approximately 20,000 adolescents in Kalma, of whom 9,000 were attending primary school.

Nguyen estimated that there were currently 322 students in the eighth grade in Kalma, while about 160 were taking the eighth grade exam in order to continue with their secondary education.

"We do have quite a few over-age children in primary school classes," she noted.

She knew of 13-year-old girls sitting in a classroom with seven-year-olds, but said there was a limit to the extent young adults could join children's classes.

The only secondary school in the area was in Belil, a nearby settlement with a large number of IDPs who fled the war in southern Sudan. Some of them had been in the camp for over 15 years.

"This school has only been open since the beginning of July," Yusuf added. "Some adolescents from Kalma can go there, but most can't."

Adam Atom Adam, 19 years old, has been in Kalma for more than a year and is one of the lucky few who could attend Belil secondary school.

"Every morning, I leave early and walk - without breakfast - for more than an hour to go to school. I stay there until 1515 hours and then walk back; I eat after I come back," Adam said.

Adam's 16-year-old friend, Merghani Abdel Bari Mohamed, who also attends the secondary school, fears that the school fees of 15,000 Sudanese dinars [US $6] will soon drive most IDPs out of the recently opened school.

"I expect that, if not all of the IDPs will stop going to Belil, at least most of them will," Mohamed said.

Adam and Mohamed's friends did not manage to be admitted to Belil, and were staying at home.

"They just stay home; they go to the market, move around, go back to the house and then to the market again - they do nothing," Mohamed said.

Some teachers among the IDPs had started to teach some informal classes for adolescents, but students had to pay and only very few could afford it, Yusuf noted.


A group of adolescents had proposed to support the community by rebuilding the houses destroyed during the rainy season, Yusuf added, but there was no money to provide them with tools.

So-called "child-friendly" spaces where children can sing, dance, draw, and play games also cater to the needs of smaller children in particular.

"In some child-friendly spaces we have started to organise activities for older children, mostly sports, during the evening," Yusuf noted.

Hamida Abdel Shafi is 17 years old and goes to the seventh grade every day from 1500 to 1800 hours. The rest of the day, she stays at her parents' house.

"I went to a child-friendly centre to participate in the activities, but there were too many children already. I'm now on the waiting list," Hamida said.

Nguyen added that providing catch-up classes, accelerated learning and basic literacy programmes for young adults would fill a real needs gap within the camp, and UNICEF and some NGOs were discussing the issue.

Besides literacy, vocational training and life-skills lessons - on sanitation, food preservation and HIV/AIDS, for example - would also be a welcome addition to the educational services provided to young adults, she said.

With UNICEF's support, SPCR has organised some carpentry, tailoring and proposal writing training for young adults, but lacked the money and capacity to do this on a regular basis.

"Adolescents are a relatively small but very important group and if we don't do anything for them, it might become a large problem," Nguyen cautioned.

Post: #166
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: Mohamed osman Deraij
Date: 08-15-2005, 08:44 AM
Parent: #165

السيول و الامطار تشرد المقيمين بمعسكرات اللاجئين فى دارفور

Mon, Aug 15, 2005 14:25 UT
Floods render Darfuris homeless again
Monday 15 August 2005.
KHARTOUM, Aug 15 (Reuters) - About 13,000 refugees have been made homeless by floods in Sudan’s troubled Darfur region, in the worst rains for half a century, a government official said on Monday.
El-Fatih Abdel Aziz, the government’s manager of Abou Shouk camp in North Darfur, told Reuters the heaviest rains seen in decades had damaged a dam built to prevent flooding in the camp next to the state’s main town, el-Fasher.
"This dam... was damaged because of the heavy rain at night, and after that half of the camp was flooded," he told Reuters from Darfur. "The government intervened and gave every family blankets and corn."
He added non-governmental organisations working in the camp were to meet to decide whether to transfer the 13,000 displaced to another camp. Abou Shouk, just outside el-Fasher, houses about 50,000 Darfuris.
About 2 million Darfuris fled to makeshift camps in the remote region during more than 2-1/2 years of rebellion by non-Arab rebels against the Islamist central government.
Tens of thousands have been killed in the violence, and the International Criminal Court is investigating alleged war crimes committed during the uprising.
The rebels accuse the Arab-dominated Khartoum government of neglect and of arming Arab militias who now stand accused of a widespread campaign of rape, #####ng and burning of non-Arab villages. The conflict has been aggravated by competing herders and farmers over scarce resources due to desertification.
Abdel Aziz said the last time it rained like this in Darfur was more than 50 years ago. Last year, aid agencies were worried because the lack of rain meant much of the harvest in Darfur was lost.
"In one night we had 132 millimetres of rain...in the whole of last year we had 106 millimetres," he said. "It is impossible for a town like el-Fasher to absorb this water," he said. He added about 2,000 families were also homeless in the town.

Post: #167
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: nada ali
Date: 08-15-2005, 10:20 AM
Parent: #1


Post: #168
Title: Re: دارفـــــــــور: تصفية عرقية‘ إغتصاب‘ (...) فيديـــــــــــــــو
Author: حيدر حماد
Date: 08-16-2005, 12:17 PM
Parent: #167
