عميل النظام دافيد هويل سوف يتحدث بجامعة Tuft. ببوسطن مع السفير.

عميل النظام دافيد هويل سوف يتحدث بجامعة Tuft. ببوسطن مع السفير.

03-13-2004, 06:52 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=8&msg=1079200326&rn=0

Post: #1
Title: عميل النظام دافيد هويل سوف يتحدث بجامعة Tuft. ببوسطن مع السفير.
Author: Deng
Date: 03-13-2004, 06:52 PM

Freedom Now News
March 12, 2004

When Tommy Calvert of the American Anti-Slavery Group heard that Sudan apologist David Hoile was going to speak at a conference at his former university, his immediate reaction was: "Not on my home turf!"

Though Tufts claims that it had to keep Hoile on the panel because the Ambassador for Sudan would not attend without him, Calvert and other members of the AASG diligently worked on an effective action plan that would turn this bad situation around for the good.

Over forty demonstrators including Abuk Bok, Tufts students, and AASG members, demonstrated for reparations for Sudan's former slaves before the conference. Students handed out fliers and information packets before and at the conference, which contained information on: Sudan's crisis, slavery, the need for reparations for Sudan's former slaves, and the negative work and background of David Hoile. (Calvert and Jeff Hipp of the AASG have put together the most comprehensive list to date on Hoile's sordid history.)

Word has it that Charles Jacobs and Calvert were brilliant during their presentations at the conference, and during the Q & A segment, Calvert and Jay Williams were superlative in exposing the fabrications, misrepresentations and inconsistencies of Hoile's work as a paid agent for the Government of Sudan.

Jacobs reports that it was a great day, "thanks to Tommy Calvert and his growing following."

Post: #2
Title: Re: عميل النظام دافيد هويل سوف يتحدث بجامعة Tuft. ببوسطن مع السفير.
Author: Hisham Amin
Date: 03-13-2004, 07:44 PM
Parent: #1

وانت عميل ياتوا نظام؟؟

Post: #3
Title: Re: عميل النظام دافيد هويل سوف يتحدث بجامعة Tuft. ببوسطن مع السفير.
Author: zumrawi
Date: 03-13-2004, 08:01 PM
Parent: #1

wolud like if you ellaborate more about Hoile , why he is an agent for the ingaz regime,since when what did he do and what his nationality

Post: #4
Title: Re: عميل النظام دافيد هويل سوف يتحدث بجامعة Tuft. ببوسطن مع السفير.
Author: Deng
Date: 03-13-2004, 08:02 PM
Parent: #1

Husham Amin.

I don’t know. Can you tell me please?


Post: #5
Title: Re: عميل النظام دافيد هويل سوف يتحدث بجامعة Tuft. ببوسطن مع السفير.
Author: Hisham Amin
Date: 03-13-2004, 08:19 PM
Parent: #1

why dont you just answer me

Post: #6
Title: Re: عميل النظام دافيد هويل سوف يتحدث بجامعة Tuft. ببوسطن مع السفير.
Author: Abureesh
Date: 03-13-2004, 08:49 PM
Parent: #5

دافيد هويل، يتعامل مـع موظفين صغــار فى الحكـومـة.. حتى عمـر البشيــر لم يعرف عنـه شيئـا.. فهـو عبارة عن شــركـة علاقـات عامـة، تعمل حسب هـذا النظـام المتعارف عليـه فى الغـرب.. يقـدم خـدمات يأخـذ عليهـا رســوم، يـدفـع عنهـا ضـرائب.
فيجب إذن التـركيــز على ما يقـولـه، وليس على من هـو، أو العمالـة وغيــرهـا.. فإذا كان ما يدافـع بـه عن الحكومـة صحيحـا، فهـذا لا يقلل من قيمتـه كونـه عميلا لهـا، وإذا كان كذبا وتلفيقـا، فحينهـا يمكن الإشــارة إلى عمالتـه لزيادة الإثبات، ولكن ليس بديلا عن فحص وتـدقيق ومناقشــة ما يقـول..
على أى حال الناس فى الغـرب، يسمعــون لكل من يتحـدث، لأن أى معلـومـة لهـا قيمـة عنـدهـم، بصـرف النظـر عن مصـدرهـا.. وهــذه هى الموضـوعيـة التى نحتاج إليهـا.

Post: #7
Title: Re: عميل النظام دافيد هويل سوف يتحدث بجامعة Tuft. ببوسطن مع السفير.
Author: Deng
Date: 03-13-2004, 09:42 PM
Parent: #1

الأخ/ زمراوي.

أفهم ما تقصد جيداً, وسوف أقوم بذلك.

الأخ أبو الريش.

أن شخصية المدعو دافيد هويل شخصية انتهازية يجب الوقوف عندها كثيراً. وهو عامل مهم جداً إذا أردنا أن نعرف لماذا يدافع الرجل على نظام مثل نظام الانقاذ الفاشي. حسب علمي يا أبو الريش, أن المدعو دافيد هويل يزور السودان بصورة تكاد تكون منتظمة ويقابل فيها مسئولين كبار بمن فيهم البشير.

هشام أمين.

ماذا تريد أن تعرف أنت بالضبط؟


Post: #8
Title: Re: عميل النظام دافيد هويل سوف يتحدث بجامعة Tuft. ببوسطن مع السفير.
Author: Deng
Date: 03-13-2004, 09:46 PM
Parent: #1

David Hoile of ESPAC
,Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2001

By: Eric Reeves

Just how nasty is the background of David Hoile, mouthpiece for the "European-Sudanese Public Affairs Council" (ESPAC)? Just how vicious is the company he chooses to keep? Here are but a few of the revealing excerpts from the British investigative publication "Searchlight" (December 2000). Of particular note are revelations about the South African regime's covert funding of Hoile's publications on apartheid, and about Hoile's relationship to the terrorist organization RENAMO in Mozambique (the latter was Hoile's "career segue" to his present Khartoum propaganda efforts).
---Eric Reeves
"Searchlight" (December 2000)
"The Democracy Movement" [article on "libertarian" politics in Britain]
by Nick Lowles and Steve Silver
[full text available at:

[Marc-Henri] Glendening's election represented the pinnacle of libertarian power in the FCS [Federation of Conservative Students]. Described as the "most outspoken and radical libertarian leader the organisation had ever seen", Glendening was certainly one of its most controversial personalities... In 1985 he was quoted as saying, "it is the right of any man to discriminate against blacks if he so wishes".

Although he was succeeded as FCS chairman by Mark McGregor, a former chairman of the Scottish FCS and representative of the "sound" faction, the libertarian influence did not end. As part of the right's electoral pact to retain control of the FCS, two libertarians, **David Hoile** and [Douglas] Smith, became McGregor's deputies. **Hoile**, a postgraduate at Warwick University with Glendening, was a former Rhodesian commando, while Smith had previously worked for the Adam Smith Institute, a prominent free-market think-tank.
The following month **Hoile** set up the Committee for a Free Nicaragua (CFN) with [Marc] Gordon, another FCS chairman from the West Midlands. Gordon was to gain an unenviable reputation at Birmingham University as a right-wing bully. He was accused of smashing up an anti-apartheid stall, forming the Birmingham University Anti-Queer Society and telling a Jewish student that he had given the pro-Khomeini Iranian students his name and address. One CFN conference in London was addressed by Contra leader Arturo Cruz. Also in 1985 **Hoile** published "Nicaragua for Beginners," a pro-Contra booklet.

Encouraged by their experience with the CFN, **Hoile** and Gordon started to broaden their international operations. In August 1987 they launched the UK section of the International Freedom Foundation (IFF), the stated aims of which were "promoting the development of free and open societies based on the principles of the free market system" advancing the cause of freedom fighters who struggle for liberty and democracy". Among the freedom fighters they supported were the Contras in Nicaragua, UNITA in Angola, RENAMO in Mozambique and the Mujahideen in Afghanistan. Also involved in the IFF (UK) was Glendening.

However, special emphasis was placed on South Africa. While they continually claimed not to support apartheid, taking the libertarian line that the system was "racial socialism", they viewed its African National Congress opponents as worse. Portraying the ANC as under the control of the Communist Party, the IFF repeatedly claimed that it would impose a Marxist state if it ever gained power.

The IFF (UK) produced a series of texts on Southern Africa, including "Understanding Sanctions" by **Hoile**, who in the introduction wrote that the book "is the result of a number of years' interest in the South Africa sanctions debate, including two as a parliamentary researcher at Westminster". What he failed to mention was that this research work had been for John Carlisle, the pro-South African Tory MP for Luton North.

Working for apartheid

The IFF claimed to be "supported by voluntary donations" and "accepts no government funds and maintains its total independence from government entities". This was a blatant lie. The IFF was a South African military intelligence operation designed to smear opponents of the apartheid regime. Codenamed "Pacman", the IFF had as its objectives, according to the Kahn Commission that investigated South Africa's secret intelligence operations, "the combating of sanctions and support to constitutional initiatives through publications, lobbying, conferences etc. It specifically supported Mr Jonas Savimbi and UNITA." In the year 1991/92, the last to be funded by South African military intelligence, the IFF received 10 million Rand (أƒئ’أ¢â‚¬إ،أƒâ€ڑأ‚آ£900,000) of secret service money.
[on "the Mozambique Institute, a pro-RENAMO organisation launched by **Hoile**"]

**David Hoile's** political past seems to have had little effect on his political career. Despite cavorting with some of the world's most ruthless terrorist organisations he remains a member of the Conservative Party and is today a research assistant to the right-wing Conservative MP Andrew Hunter.

Even during his time in the Federation of Conservative Students, **Hoile** was always more interested in international issues, forming the Foreign Affairs Group of the FCS in 1985. Following an early grounding in the Committee for a Free Nicaragua he soon turned his attention to Southern Africa, the place of his birth.

After assisting Marc Gordon in the establishment of the International Freedom Foundation, **Hoile** launched the Mozambique Institute in 1991 with himself as Executive Director. Formed to "encourage an awareness of, and interest in, both Mozambique, and the Mozambican people, within the United Kingdom and European Community", it also sought "present alternative perspectives on the Mozambique issues". This gave **Hoile**, who had long been a supporter of the RENAMO terrorists, a forum to present a revisionist view to events in the country.

In "Mozambique: Propaganda, Myth and Reality and Mozambique: Resistance and Freedom---A Case for Reassessment," **Hoile** wrote a revisionist account of RENAMO, a terrorist group that virtually every nation in the world, including the anti-communist US government, shunned. According to one US State Department report into human rights abuses, produced during Reagan's administration, RENAMO was guilty of genocide in the killing of over 100,000 people.

By 1994, and with a peace deal agreed, **Hoile** turned his attention to other countries in Africa. Before long he was the British mouthpiece of the Sudanese government, itself with an appalling history of human rights abuses and described by the US as a "sponsor of terrorism".

In the course of his work for the Sudan government and its London embassy, both arranged through his company Westminster Associates, he wrote letters to leading Western politicians and international press. Sudanese affairs attracted another right-wing libertarian besides **Hoile**. Sean Gabb was Director of the Sudan Foundation, established in 1996 as a "commercial information service for the business communities in Britain and Sudan". Like Hoile, he sought to challenge the media perception of Sudan.

His links to these dubious African states did not go unnoticed by the Foreign Office, which, in the mid-1990s, expressed concern about **Hoile's** links to the Conservative Party. Despite this, Hoile remained an active party member. Previously a member of the party's National Committee he later became vice chairman of the Bethnal Green and Bow Association.

Post: #9
Title: Re: عميل النظام دافيد هويل سوف يتحدث بجامعة Tuft. ببوسطن مع السفير.
Author: Deng
Date: 03-13-2004, 10:03 PM
Parent: #1

Hang Mandela? The Fletcher School's
by Tommy Calvert, Jr.
This is a picture of a sticker worn by Dr. David Hoile. When the British newspaper The Guardian exposed Hoile for promoting such beliefs, he never recanted, but fumbled over himself to deny the photographic proof about his hateful propaganda. The picture was taken while Hoile was a graduate student in England -- and was at the same time an agent of the apartheid government of South Africa's military intelligence operation, dedicated to smearing opponents of the apartheid regime (as revealed by the Kahn Commission that investigated South Africa's secret intelligence operations.)
Students practicing "conflict resolution" at the Fletcher School have given Hoile a platform to ply his trade of deception by inviting him to a conference entitled "Sudan at the Crossroads" to talk about "promoting democratic governance". Hoile will not identify himself as a racist, pro-Apartheid, pro-hanging Nelson Mandela, paid lobbyist of the Government of Sudan who cavorts with some of the world's most ruthless terrorist organizations. What is worse is that Tufts is allowing this deception.
Consequently, we must demand that the organizers of this conference make clear that he is a paid propagandist and cannot say anything the Sudanese government does not want him to, which is in fundamental conflict with academic principles. You deserve to know the "Hoile truth" about his background. In addition to Hoile's own personal record of bigoted acts, he has been friend to heartless terrorists and served ruthless regimes.
According to the anti-fascist magazine Searchlight, Hoile worked side-by-side with the drug trafficking Nicaraguan Contra guerrillas raising money for them and creating pro-Contra booklets. Hoile helped spin propaganda of RENAMO in Mozambique after they participated in the genocide of over 100,000 people. Hoile worked with the Mujahideen in Afghanistan and UNITA in Angola during a time when UNITA arbitrarily abducted, attacked and detained innocent civilians, conscripted children as soldiers, put in place the highest numbers of landmines in the world, and attacked the U.N. Observer Mission to Angola.
While a student, he was in the leadership of the Federation of Conservative Students, an organization that the Conservative Central Office pulled the plug on because of their extremism. It is hard to find evidence that Hoile has ever disassociated himself with the tactics of his fellow Federation of Conservative students like Marc Gordon, who formed the Birmingham University Anti-Queer Society and told a Jewish student that he had given the pro-Khomeini Iranian students his name and address to harass the student.
Organizers at the Fletcher School give the excuse that he was granted a speaking role on the program because the Sudanese ambassador would not come unless Hoile was invited to speak. As documented by Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, the UN, independent journalists and others, the Arab Islamic fundamentalist government of Sudan has bombed, starved, and enslaved its black Southern Sudanese Christian and animist populations with impunity in an effort to take the oil-rich land the blacks live on and subject them to Islamic rule.
As a result, over two million mostly Black Sudanese have been killed in what the U.S. Congress identified as genocide. Some five million Blacks have been driven off their land, and Colin Powell has said that there is "no greater tragedy on the face of the earth than the tragedy that is unfolding in the Sudan."
It is not hard to fathom why Sudan wants its publicist at the conference, but one has to think very hard to understand why conference organizers would invite someone who denies the genocide and enslavement in Sudan, who is a registered paid agent of the Government of Sudan, and then pass him off as a disinterested scholar seeking the truth.
Simple research could have told conference organizers who Hoile really is. Weeks before the conference, we warned them of this deception. I have risked my life fighting for the freedom of people, and I believe strongly in freedom of speech - even for Hoile. But in an academic setting, we can only serve the interests of freedom and the academic enterprise through the full disclosure of whose interests are where. Otherwise, we put extremists on the same moral and scholarly plane of those who really do seek to promote peace and justice.
Not to do so is an outrage and an affront to the academic tradition and Tufts University, particularly in light of Hoile manipulating studies and statements of scholars like Professor Fluehr-Lobban and her work on Sudanese society and organizations like the UN, and others, as pointed out by the Sudan Human Rights Organization in Cairo, Egypt.
In the context of a conference on peace, we must ask ourselves a very hard question: what has "conflict resolution" come to? Can we live by Tufts' motto of pax et lux by speaking with those who would hang those with whom they disagree?
Tommy Calvert, Jr. (LA'02) is the chief of external operations for the American Anti-Slavery Group.

Post: #10
Title: Re: عميل النظام دافيد هويل سوف يتحدث بجامعة Tuft. ببوسطن مع السفير.
Author: Deng
Date: 03-13-2004, 11:12 PM
Parent: #1

Ian Mayes
Saturday October 6, 2001
The Guardian

On Tuesday September 11, the day on which our priorities changed dramatically and complaints to my office dropped to practically nothing from the record level at which they had been running, we carried a correction that has proved to be unusually contentious. Indeed the question that subsequent developments have raised is: should the correction have been carried at all? Certainly had I known what I know now it would not have appeared.

The correction concerned Dr David Hoile, the director of the European-Sudanese Public Affairs Council (Espac). Dr Hoile had been the subject of three items in the Guardian Diary up to that time. A further item appeared in the Diary on the day that the correction appeared. At the time of writing, eight more have appeared - suggesting perhaps that corrections, far from suppressing inquiry, sometimes stimulate it.

The main question the Diary was asking was whether Dr Hoile had, in his student days in the 1980s, when he was associated with the Federation of Conservative Students, worn a "badge or T-shirt" (Diary, August 30) carrying the slogan "Hang Mandela". The Diary made several appeals to readers for photographic evidence that would prove the point.

On September 6, Dr Hoile complained by fax to the editor of the Diary, to the editor of the Guardian and to me about "misreporting" on several points and requesting "corrections and clarifications". Dr Hoile was adamant in his rebuttal of any suggestion that he had ever worn a T-shirt carrying the slogan "Hang Mandela" or anything like it.

In one of several telephone conversations I warned Dr Hoile against pursuing a correction that might subsequently be found to be false. Dr Hoile told me there was absolutely no chance of that happening and insisted that no such T-shirt had existed.

He advised me to talk to a journalist who had been closely following his activities and those of the Federation of Conservative Students at the time. I did that and the journalist told me, "I never saw him or anyone else wearing a [Hang] Nelson Mandela T-shirt."

After discussions with the Diary and others, I concluded that there were minor inaccuracies and that there was no convincing evidence that Dr Hoile had worn a Hang Mandela T-shirt.

This remained the position four days after Dr Hoile had made his original complaint to me and on September 11, the following correction appeared: "References to David Hoile in several recent Diary items have suggested that he is currently a researcher for the Conservative MP Andrew Hunter. Dr Hoile tells us categorically that he is not and we accept that. There is no evidence that Dr Hoile ever wore a 'Hang Mandela' T-shirt, or that he possessed or borrowed a rottweiler. Furthermore, Dr Hoile wishes to say equally categorically that at no time did he propose a motion at Warwick University that 'Nelson Mandela is a terrorist and should be hanged' nor would he have done so. The Guardian has no evidence for that either."

Immediately after the publication of this correction, the Diary was held out for a week because the page on which it normally appeared was accommodating more material relating to the terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon.

In the interim, the Diary did indeed obtain a photograph of Dr Hoile, the publication of which it began to trail in Diary items, referring now to his denial of ever having worn "Hang Mandela accoutrements" (September 20), or "paraphernalia" (September 25). It published on September 26 what it presented as a picture of Dr Hoile wearing his "Hang Mandela kit" - in the form of a sticker attached to his tie. I rang up Dr Hoile on the day of publication and suggested that he owed the Guardian an apology. Dr Hoile apologised profusely to me for any "embarrassment" he had caused me personally. He insisted, however, that word for word, the correction remained correct. He had absolutely no recollection of wearing anything of the kind shown in the photograph, but he had known beyond any doubt that he had not worn a Hang Mandela T-shirt.

There are several things to be said here. The first is to assert the principle that it is better to have conclusive evidence before rather than after serious allegations are made. Minor errors render serious arguments vulnerable to doubt. But the equally important point is that when a sentiment such as Hang Mandela is expressed, the precise nature of the vehicle on which it is carried is not the main thing.

Dr Hoile does not seem to be quite ready to concede the point. For my part, I am ready to say to the editor of the Diary and his colleagues, that on the main issue, you were right.

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