what do you thin k about the Middle East Partnership Initiative

what do you thin k about the Middle East Partnership Initiative

03-04-2004, 05:18 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=8&msg=1078373885&rn=1

Post: #1
Title: what do you thin k about the Middle East Partnership Initiative
Author: omdurmani
Date: 03-04-2004, 05:18 AM
Parent: #0

The Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) is a Presidential initiative founded to support economic, political, and educational reform efforts in the Middle East and champion opportunity for all people of the region, especially women and youth. The initiative strives to link Arab, U.S., and global private sector businesses, non-governmental organizations, civil society elements, and governments together to develop innovative policies and programs that support reform in the region. As the President outlined in his Nov. 6, 2003 speech at the National Endowment for Democracy, the U.S. has adopted a new policy, a forward strategy of freedom in the Middle East. MEPI is the administration's primary diplomatic policy and development programmatic tool to support this new U.S. policy.

MEPI is structured in four reform areas. In the economic pillar, MEPI policy and programs support region-wide economic and employment growth driven by private sector expansion and entrepreneurship. In the political pillar, MEPI champions an expanded public space where democratic voices can be heard in the political process, the people have a choice in governance, and there is respect for the rule of law. In the education pillar, MEPI supports education systems that enable all people, including girls, to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to compete in today's economy and improve the quality of their lives. Finally, in the women's pillar, MEPI works toward economic, political, and educational systems where women enjoy full and equal opportunities.

Among the hallmark activities being conducted under the auspices of MEPI are the establishment of the Middle East Finance Corporation (economic pillar); a Regional Judicial Forum and Regional Campaign Schools (political pillar); "Partnership Schools" that offer creative, innovative alternatives for quality and relevant education for children and serve as models for governments as they build schools in the future (education pillar); and regional micro-enterprise and business internships for women (women's pillar).

To date, the administration has committed $129 million to MEPI ($29 million in FY 2002 supplemental and $100 million in FY 2003 supplemental). This MEPI funding is in addition to the bilateral economic assistance we provide annually to the Arab world.

The Deputy Secretary of State, Richard Armitage, is the Coordinator for MEPI. The Department of State's Near Eastern Affairs Bureau, Partnership Initiative Office manages the policy and programs under MEPI and works closely with agencies across the U.S. Government.

from :http://mepi.state.gov/

Post: #2
Title: Re: what do you thin k about the Middle East Partnership Initiative
Author: omdurmani
Date: 03-04-2004, 05:23 AM

i read it , i found that it is good ,are there reasons to reject this intiative??

Post: #3
Title: Re: what do you thin k about the Middle East Partnership Initiative
Author: Omer54
Date: 03-04-2004, 02:52 PM

Brother Oumdermani


This is the first time the Arab Leaders agreed to oppose USA in the last decade. So why? I guess they see the potential risk posing amid the clouds. Their own systems are on stake. Obviously, they fear democracy in particular; the Presidents as well as the Kings all are addicts to power. No matter the system, they sustain one fundamental philosophy: grasp power. We have different types of political systems however, their paramount common factor the inability on power sharing and rejection to change of power through democracy. Therefore, I believe nobody would be surprise as the leaders agreed to oppose the initiative. I am only surprise to their attempt to convince us that since the initiative come from USA so it has without any doubt other agenda.

This time I extend my full support to USA.


Post: #4
Title: Re: what do you thin k about the Middle East Partnership Initiative
Author: omdurmani
Date: 03-05-2004, 05:39 AM

brother omer,
salalm alikom
i completely agree with what you said