Honorable Colin Powell رسالة من أجل دارفور للإدارة الأمريكية

Honorable Colin Powell رسالة من أجل دارفور للإدارة الأمريكية

02-28-2004, 03:09 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=8&msg=1077934142&rn=7

Post: #1
Title: Honorable Colin Powell رسالة من أجل دارفور للإدارة الأمريكية
Author: خالد الحاج
Date: 02-28-2004, 03:09 AM
Parent: #0

While U.S. Administration is doing a great and a noble job to put
an end to the decades long bloodshed in Sudan, the
Sudan government forces, the Popular Defense Forces (PDF) and the tribal
Arab militias (Janjaweed) are committing
massive human rights abuses in different parts of Darfur region of
western Sudan as carried by different international news
media and organization like Amnesty International and Human Rights

The attacks are carried out randomly, villages are burned,
civilians are butchered and hundreds of thousands of
Darfurians are displaced and forced to flee their villages to major
cities or to the neighboring country of Chad. The
government and its militias use Antonov bombers, regular forces and the
Janjaweed militias in their attacks.

The Sudan government after alienating the SPLA threat in the south
has got a free hand in dealing with the rebellion in
Darfur. Sources have informed that the Sudan government is planning to
crush the rebellion and wipe it out of Darfur as
General Omer Elbashir announced publicly several times. According to
sources from Sudan, the Sudan government has
deployed more than 6000 men from the army, supported by the Janjaweed
militia to crush the rebellion in Darfur. The
government has selected a secret task committee composed of:

1.Eltayeb Mohamed Khair (a.k.a. Seekha), Cabinet Minister.
2.Abdelrahim Mohamed Hussain (a.k.a. Abu Asaya), Minister of
3.Abdalla Elsafi Elnour, Minister at Cabinet Ministers Council,
former governor of Darfur and the director of the Military
Hardware Industry;
4.Ali Masar, the governor of the Nile State;
5.Yousif Tekna, the coordinator of Khartoum office;
6.Abdelhamid Musa Akasha, Minister of External Trade in Khartoum,
7.Jaafar Abdelhakam, governor of Wadi Salih in Darfur;
8.Mohamed Nihaidh, governor of Zalingey
9.Security and intelligence representatives…

About 110 representatives from Darfur in the National Council
(Parliament) have submitted a memorandum to discuss
Darfur problem but the Chairman of the Parliament refused to include
their memorandum in the agenda prompting the
representatives of Darfur to withdraw from the parliaments meeting.

The Sudan Federal Democratic Alliance (SFDA), while appealing to the
US Administration to use its leverage and exert
the utmost pressures on the Sudan government, believes that a
comprehensive peaceful solution for Sudan problems must
consider seriously the ongoing genocidal war and crimes committed by
Sudan government forces and the Janjaweed militias.
No peace can be achieved in the south, east or north while the Sudan
government is devastating the west (Darfur).

The Sudan Federal Democratic Alliance (SFDA)

USA chapter

Washington, D.C.

Post: #2
Title: Re: Honorable Colin Powell رسالة من أجل دارفور للإدارة الأمريكية
Author: الطيب بشير
Date: 02-28-2004, 04:35 AM
Parent: #1

إلى أهلنا في دارفور
أطيب تحية
لأنكم أهل القرآن
الدين الحق
ظننا أن {إنقاذكم} سيأتي على يد القوي الأمين
لكنه إختار أن {يجاهد} فيكم بالجنجويد و الأرزقية
فقد يجيء باول بلغة القوة التي يفهمها النظام

Post: #3
Title: Re: Honorable Colin Powell رسالة من أجل دارفور للإدارة الأمريكية
Author: Elmosley
Date: 02-28-2004, 04:54 AM
Parent: #1

قلوبنا مع الطيبين

Post: #4
Title: Re: Honorable Colin Powell رسالة من أجل دارفور للإدارة الأمريكية
Author: سارة منصور
Date: 02-28-2004, 07:16 AM
Parent: #1

تسلم ياخالد الحاج وياالطيب وياالموصلي تسلموا
في احساسكم بالنكبة وبالفاجعة وبالحارة واصلوا اهل الحارة ديل اهلي..
نحن الان في زمن الكلمة ياخالد فهي سلاحنا في وجه من لا يريدون الخير للسودان..

Post: #5
Title: Re: Honorable Colin Powell رسالة من أجل دارفور للإدارة الأمريكية
Author: Raja
Date: 02-28-2004, 04:44 PM
Parent: #1

من اجل اهلنا فى دارفور

Post: #6
Title: Re: Honorable Colin Powell رسالة من أجل دارفور للإدارة الأمريكية
Author: Deng
Date: 02-28-2004, 11:24 PM
Parent: #1


Post: #7
Title: Re: Honorable Colin Powell رسالة من أجل دارفور للإدارة الأمريكية
Author: Raja
Date: 02-29-2004, 04:31 PM
Parent: #1

من اجل اهلنا فى دارفور