الحكومة السودانية تتمسك بالخيار العسكري في دارفور

الحكومة السودانية تتمسك بالخيار العسكري في دارفور

01-28-2004, 07:23 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=8&msg=1075271023&rn=6

Post: #1
Title: الحكومة السودانية تتمسك بالخيار العسكري في دارفور
Author: elsharief
Date: 01-28-2004, 07:23 AM
Parent: #0

اعلن محافظ ولاية دارفور الشمالية في السودان ان الحكومة لن تتخلى عن الخيار العسكري في هذه المنطقة التي تشهد تمردا. وقال يوسف كبير خلال مؤتمر صحافي «نحن مع الحل السلمي السياسي المسنود بالعمل العسكري من اجل تأمين حماية السكان». واتهم «اولئك الذين يؤكدون انهم حملوا السلاح من اجل مصلحة سكان دارفور» بأنهم «يحملون فقط الموت والدمار والخراب للمنطقة».

واضاف كبير أمس الأول ان المشكلة الرئيسية تتمثل في الاشخاص المهجرين ولكنه اوضح ان السلطات السودانية نجحت في اقناع 79 الف لاجيء من اصل ما مجموعه 240 الفا للعودة الى منازلهم. واشار الى ان حوالى خمسة الاف مهجر وصلوا خلال الايام الثلاثة الماضية الى مدينة كوتوم «بسبب التطورات» في اشارة الى المعارك التي تدور في المنطقة.

ومن ناحيته، اعلن محافظ ولاية دارفور الجنوبية سليمان ادم للاذاعة انه قرر تشكيل قوة مسلحة مشتركة «من الرعاة والسكان الرحل» وكذلك «مساعدة اللاجئين للعودة الى منازلهم».

واوضح ان «تشكيل هذه القوة سيتيح للجيش والقوات النظامية الاخرى التفرغ للدفاع عن الحدود وتأمين حماية المنطقة من هجمات المتمردين». وقال والي شمال دارفور ان الحكومة المركزية في الخرطوم تستعد لاعلان مبادرة لحل الصراع مع المتمردين في دارفور سلمياً.

وقال لرويترز امس في الخرطوم «حضرت الى العاصمة للاعداد لمبادرة سياسية سلمية لحسم الازمة. الحكومة السودانية متمسكة بالحل السلمي السياسي». وكالات

Post: #2
Title: Re: الحكومة السودانية تتمسك بالخيار العسكري في دارفور
Author: al7`rafi
Date: 01-28-2004, 08:12 AM
Parent: #1

The growing war between the Government in Khartoum and the rebels in Darfur is particularly worrisome because it comes as Sudan's other war, which has lasted nearly 20 years, is beginning to show signs of a resolution.

AS AFRICA'S longest-running civil war comes to a close in one corner of the vast country that is Sudan, a terrifying new theatre, fuelled by old ethnic divides and old-fashioned greed, opens in another.

The once bustling border town of Tine is empty, save for a smattering of guerrillas who peek out of the mud houses with satellite phones and Kalashnikovs in hand.

Peasants flee their homes, hiding in caves, crossing dry riverbeds under cover of night, seeking sanctuary across the border in Chad. According to estimates by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, 95,000 refugees have poured across the 600-km-long border in recent months to erect their cities of straw and desert twigs.

As many as 30,000 crossed in December alone from the sprawling western Sudanese region known as Darfur, and they are still coming.

The U.N. estimates that an additional 600,000 displaced people are in Darfur. Their conditions are impossible to determine; the Sudanese Government has denied access to aid agencies on security grounds.

The testimonies of the Darfur refugees, gathered from their makeshift camps in the barren savannahs of eastern Chad, reveal a chilling pattern to Sudan's latest conflict, this one pitting the country's Arab-dominated Government against Darfur's black African insurgents.

Their stories are likely to serve as a grim reminder to the Bush administration, for which peace in Sudan has emerged as a major foreign policy priority, that the job of quelling conflict in Africa's largest country may be far from finished.

A young man said he was tending his cattle one morning early this month when gunmen rode up on horses and camels, corralled his livestock and began shooting. His brother, he said, was killed. The young man, with a bullet wound in his left hip, travelled three days to reach a doctor in Birak, a Chadian border town.

A woman recalled looking up from her cucumber patch to see an army on horseback. The entire village — all women now, because the men fled months ago, fearing just such an attack — ran to the hills. When night came, with babies on their backs, they crossed into Chad.

Another newcomer described an attack on refugees camped out in a dry riverbed just inside Chad. Early on a Sunday morning, he recounted, gunmen descended, herded away the cattle the refugees had brought with them, and began firing. The man, Tamur Bura Idriss, 31, said he lost his uncle and grandfather. He heard the gunmen say: "You blacks, we're going to exterminate you." He fled deeper into Chad that night.

The U.N. refugee agency has begun moving the Sudanese to safer ground, at least 45 km from the border. The agency has appealed for $16 million for the project; the World Food Programme has called for $11 million for emergency relief.

The refugees described their attackers as Arab militias armed with grenades and machine guns, sometimes accompanied by soldiers in Sudanese military uniforms. They said their belongings were stolen, the men were killed or kidnapped and the women were raped. There are reports of villages being burned and bombed by Sudanese military planes.

It is impossible to travel in Darfur to verify these claims.

The black African rebels, who began the insurgency last February, accuse the Arab-dominated Government in Khartoum of giving carte blanche to the militias to push the people from their land, a charge the Government denies. Land has long been an axis of conflict between the black Africans and the Arabs, both herders in need of pastures.

The growing war between the Government in Khartoum and the rebels in Darfur is particularly worrisome because it comes as Sudan's other war, which has lasted nearly 20 years and killed an estimated 1.5 million people, is beginning to show signs of a resolution. Peace talks between the Islamist Government in the north and the Sudan People's Liberation Army, from the largely Christian and animist south, have steadily inched forward. Though unresolved issues remain, a final accord, which is to include a referendum on self-rule for the south, could come within weeks. That is likely to be followed by a substantial U.N. peacekeeping force for Sudan.

The Bush administration has lately turned its attention to the new war in Darfur, calling on both sides to negotiate, and dispatching a team of American officials this month to assess the refugees' situation on the border. Among their goals, they said, was to look into the possibility of sending aid to rebel-held areas in Darfur even if it meant going against Khartoum's wishes.

"Just as this peace process is coming to fruition, you have this burgeoning crisis in Darfur," said Roger P. Winter, an assistant administrator for the U.S. Agency for International Development, who was part of the delegation.

"It calls into question the sincerity of the Government. They can't be good guys in the south and do what they're doing in Darfur."

Rebel groups in Darfur have sought to leverage the north-south peace talks for their own cause, arguing that they, too, should be offered a slice of a power-sharing deal. Their chief complaint is that the government, dominated by the northern Arab elite, has ignored their needs.

"No peace will come in Sudan if we leave the marginalised areas in Sudan and make peace in the south," Abubakar Hamid Nour, general coordinator of the Justice and Equality Movement, one of two Darfur rebel groups, declared in an interview at his headquarters, a pitch-dark mud-brick house here in Tine (pronounced TEE-nay). "I want the marginalised states to be at the table, sharing, dividing, deciding."

He called the next day to report that Tine had been bombed.

Sudan's Interior Minister said in an interview with Reuters that Khartoum was open to negotiations with the rebels. But Government officials have also made it clear that the peace deal for the south, being drawn up in Naivasha, Kenya, cannot be applied to the west. Self-rule, in other words, is out of the question.

"What goes on in Darfur does not necessarily have anything to do with what's going on here in Naivasha," a Sudanese Vice-President, Osman Ali Taha, told reporters this month. "The Government is determined to come up with a resolution to the situation in Darfur."

Until then, the people of Darfur keep pouring across the border, huddling inside the rows upon rows of straw and twig huts as the temperatures drop to near freezing at night.

Life remains perilous. The camps have been raided by the militias. Sudanese Russian-built airplanes fly over Chadian territory. In late December, a bomb landed in Besa, a Chadian village, more than 15 km from the border. Not far away, a helicopter shot down in battle landed in Chad. Chadian soldiers said they saw Sudanese soldiers guarding it.

Villagers in the area reported that land mines had been laid around the camp's perimeter, a claim yet to be confirmed by a U.N. team working to remove mines in the region.

It is unlikely that the refugee crisis will end anytime soon. To the contrary, some political analysts fear that a peace deal for the south will only free Khartoum to redirect its military might against the rebellion in Darfur. The prospect of peace in one war-weary corner of the country, in other words, could potentially deepen an already ugly conflict between Arabs and Africans here.

"Darfur is likely to plunge further into the horror of open ethnic warfare," warned John Prendergast, a special adviser with the International Crisis Group, a conflict prevention organisation, "if national and international action fail to arrest the current trend." — New York Times News Service

Post: #3
Title: Re: الحكومة السودانية تتمسك بالخيار العسكري في دارفور
Author: al7`rafi
Date: 01-28-2004, 08:40 AM
Parent: #2

Sudan committed to peace'

Sudan's Ambassador to India, Mr. Abdalmahmood Abdalhaleem Mohammad, writes:

Empty barrels make louder noise. That was typical of a big title of an article drawn from the New York Times Service, "Sudan's New War," that appeared in on 19th January, 2004, by Somini Sengupta. Not only misleading and riddled with fabrication and exaggeration, the article further shed crocodile tears with incorrect stories about the situation in the Sudanese State of Darfur, which has, for some time, been an arena for criminal acts by some armed bandits in five out of the 23 municipalities in Greater Darfur.

Rather than attempting to diagnose the root causes of the developments in the region, which are essentially the emergence of armed bandits terrorising the local people and robbing their properties and available resources following prolonged droughts in the area, and resultant dislocation among the population, the article, resorted to misleading language that the Sudanese people are tired of, like the reference to the so-called "Arab-dominated government and the African Blacks", ignoring the fact that by way of representation, the Ministers, Governors and high-level officials from Darfur States in the Federal and State Governments and in the Sudanese Parliament outnumber the size of any other group's representation, and ignoring also the basic facts of the nature of the Sudanese social fabric and mosaic in which the notion of so-called domination only exists in the minds of those who only see the unity in diversity of the African societies as a threat to their own interests.

And for decades, such voices which were dying hard to portray, for similar reasons, the unrest in the southern part of the country as a conflict between Muslims and Christians are now labelling the Darfur events as between Arabs and Africans... Is it a divide-and-rule old wine in new glasses?

Allegations that the Government is denying access to humanitarian activities are not true, as the Government assisted by national NGOs and U.N. agencies, has mounted an unprecedented campaign to access the needy and to provide food and shelter for the displaced.

Apart from its humanitarian responsibilities and its duty to safeguard its citizens and to maintain law and order, the Government has repeatedly declared its willingness and readiness to discuss any claims or grievances through peaceful means.

That is why it has fully adhered to the various home-grown peace initiatives along with the good offices of neighbouring Chad as manifested by the Abeche Agreement which was, sadly, violated by the armed groups.

The author of the article, who did not ask from where the bandits got the arms and ammunition, should advise them to accept negotiations.

The Government of the Sudan, which won the admiration of the international community for its peace initiatives to resolve the decades-long southern problem for which the Peace Accord is a matter of days to be signed, is of course ready to talk to whoever is committed to the language of peace and not to that of the gun.

Post: #4
Title: Re: الحكومة السودانية تتمسك بالخيار العسكري في دارفور
Author: al7`rafi
Date: 01-28-2004, 08:57 AM
Parent: #3

الي سيادة السفير المحترم
الي متي نظل نعيش في الظلمة، ان الاعتراف بالازمة في دارفور واحد من تداعيات الحل السلمي، وليس انكارها. ان معرفة العالم لحجم الازمة التي يعاني منها اهلنا في دارفور يمكن ان يخف الآم الآف من الاطفال والنساء الذين شردتهم الحرب،واصبحوا دون طعام ومأوئ.

Post: #5
Title: Re: الحكومة السودانية تتمسك بالخيار العسكري في دارفور
Author: Imad El amin
Date: 02-28-2004, 08:34 PM
Parent: #1

closely related

Post: #6
Title: Re: الحكومة السودانية تتمسك بالخيار العسكري في دارفور
Author: Raja
Date: 02-29-2004, 04:38 PM
Parent: #1

من اجل اهلنا فى دارفور