Questions for Muslims in the Sudan

Questions for Muslims in the Sudan

01-27-2004, 05:16 AM


Post: #1
Title: Questions for Muslims in the Sudan
Author: Muhib
Date: 01-27-2004, 05:16 AM

السلام عليكم وعزرا علي استخدام انجليزي ..ارجوا المشاركه بصدق ..

Many questions are in my mind, and I know the answer for most of them. I know that each one of you would have a different answer for each question I’m asking. This is very important, and I believe behind any question I’m asking below is a theme and great challenge at the same time. I have a great concern about the Sudan, and I just realized how not easy is going to be just to represent a new way of ruling and running our country. I think we need to talk openly and honestly to each other about in what way we are going to rule the Sudan. To find the answer for this (How) , I decided within myself to target the majority that we have got in our country. We are having a majority of Muslims, and no one would be challenging this fact. I notice that many Muslims in my country are relying on the fact that they are majority ,thus they should be the ultimate ruler ,and no body else should be allowed. Our majority lives mostly in the north and middle of the Sudan, where any governments have dominated and spoken on behalf of the northerners. Unfortunately, (Any northern governments) practiced many and bad practices. Minorities from other areas, and whose religion isn’t Islam felt they are singled out, and as time went on, nothing changed. Therefore, a great civil war started and many were killed, not to mention abductions, and all kind of war crimes. I would disregard the guilty party right now, because there wouldn’t be any winners in a war within one nation. To come to bottom line, I would insist that Muslims and I’m one of them need to address many issues openly I suggest. I think we need to recognize that we are not alone, and we need to admit the others are no less to be recognizable. Another bottom line is, Sudan is for all Sudanese.
Here are my questions

Why can’t the none_ Muslim be a leader in an Islamic country?
What is the definition of an Islamic country or government?
What the ruling on a Muslim person voted for none Muslim in any election?
What Islam says about democracy?
Could a majority of Muslims have a Christian leader knowing that both were born in the same country?
What is racism in Islam?
These amounts of questions are enough as for now, but I promise more questions are in the way, and I'm looking for outstanding answers.
Thanks in advance.

Post: #2
Title: Re: Questions for Muslims in the Sudan
Author: Muhib
Date: 01-27-2004, 06:54 AM
Parent: #1

I think the first question should look like this
Why can’t Muslims countries allow none- Muslim to be leader?