Loot of the day-Enjoy this trip with Sudan Airways

Loot of the day-Enjoy this trip with Sudan Airways

12-05-2006, 08:15 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=60&msg=1165302922&rn=3

Post: #1
Title: Loot of the day-Enjoy this trip with Sudan Airways
Author: إبراهيم عمر
Date: 12-05-2006, 08:15 AM
Parent: #0

Sudan Airways Al Salamu alaykoum.

This is your captain Al Moghira Dagash welcoming both seated and
standing passengers on board of Sudan Airways.

We apologize for the four-days delay in taking off, it was due to bad
weather and some overtime I had to put in selling milk from my cow
with my only means of transportation being a donkey.

This is flight 747 to Khartoum Airport. Landing there is not
guaranteed, but we will end up somewhere in Sudan. And, if luck is in
our favor, we may even be landing on your village! Sudan Airways has
an excellent safety-record.In fact, our safety standards are so high,
that even terrorists are afraid to fly with us! It is with pleasure; I
announce that, starting this year, over 30% of our passengers have
reached their destination.

If our engines are too noisy for you, on passenger request, we can
arrange to turn them off! We regret to inform you, that today's
in-flight movie will not be shown as we forgot to record it from the
television. However, for our movie buffs, we will be flying right next
to BMI Airlines,where their movie will be visible from the right side
of the cabin window.

There is no smoking allowed in this airplane. Any smoke you see in the
cabin is only the early warning system on the engines telling us to
slow down! In order to catch important landmarks, we try to fly as
close as possible for the best view.

If however, we go a little too close, do let us know. Our enthusiastic
co-pilot sometimes flies right through the landmark! Kindly be seated,
keep your seat in an upright position for take-off and fasten your
seat-belt. For those of you who can't find a seat-belt, kindly fasten
your own belt to the arm of your seat.

And, for those of you who can't find a seat, do not hesitate to get in
touch with a stewardess who will explain how to fasten yourself to
your suitcase. Thanking you all for choosing Sudan airways to fly for
the first and last time" Wish You a nice trip, Captain Al Moghira

Sorry for our national Airways..

you buddies..
it is justa JOKE

Post: #2
Title: Re: Loot of the day-Enjoy this trip with Sudan Airways
Author: سامى عبد الوهاب مكى
Date: 12-05-2006, 08:34 AM
Parent: #1

Quote: it is justa JOKE

Nice one

حا اغير حجزي اليوم ههههههههه

Post: #3
Title: Re: Loot of the day-Enjoy this trip with Sudan Airways
Author: Adil Al Badawi
Date: 12-05-2006, 09:15 AM
Parent: #2

سلامات يا ابراهيم،

تعرف، كان عندنا مدير كوري معتبر الاسم المختصر لسودانير SD اختصار لـ:

Super Delay, Sudden Departure, Sure Death

لكين، حكمة الله، المدير دا كان بِقول إنو سودانير آمنة من الاختطاف...في رايو: هو ياتو مختطف الحا يعذِّب نفسو جِنس العذاب البِتْعذّبوهو ركاب سودانير لحدّي ما تصل المرحلة الممكن يختطفوها فيها!

غايتو...علي العليها باعوها...لايوق (وألاّ هو طايوق) وودوهو السوق!

Quote: it is definitely a JOKE

Post: #4
Title: Re: Loot of the day-Enjoy this trip with Sudan Airways
Author: سامى عبد الوهاب مكى
Date: 12-05-2006, 09:33 AM
Parent: #1

سمعت انهم تحسنوا شوية.

قالو في وقت تفويجهم للحجاج واحد حاج قال للمضيفة عليك الله يابتي اديني موية ورورت ليه صباعا وقالت ليه هووووي ياحاج هوي ما تفتح لي باب مويات كمان.

Post: #5
Title: Re: Loot of the day-Enjoy this trip with Sudan Airways
Date: 12-05-2006, 10:14 AM
Parent: #4

Quote: هووووي ياحاج هوي ما تفتح لي باب مويات كمان

أنا سمعتا حاج قال الأكل ما شبعو قال للمضيفة يا بتى أدينى زياده..
قالت ليهو : يا حاج قالو ليك نحنا ضابحين؟؟