Northern sudanese united against south sudan secession

Northern sudanese united against south sudan secession

10-14-2006, 10:29 AM


Post: #1
Title: Northern sudanese united against south sudan secession
Author: Deng
Date: 10-14-2006, 10:29 AM

Let us Speak Out


A repeat of 1977

Once again another round of national unification talks is currently taking place in Northern Sudan. Almost all the northern political parties and personalities are meeting. People who used not to talk to one another
are now meeting and having a good time. The ruling National Congress Party members who have been the jailers of members of the Popular Congress (PC) of Dr Hassan al-Turabi are now buddies, drinking tea and laughing together. The leader of the Communist Party, Mohamed Ibrahim Nugud has emerged from years of hiding to participate fully in the unity talks. What is this sudden commotion in the political front in Northern Sudan? What is the aim?

Before I answer that, I would like to go back to 1977. During that year, President Jaafar Mohamed Nimeiri met secretly with al-Sadig al-Mahdi in national reconciliation talks. Within two years, al-Mahdi and group were in government and then the shredding of the Addis Ababa Agreement of 1972 began. In 1983, the deal that brought some peace to South Sudan was no more, precipitating the formation of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army. The target of that reconciliation was the Addis Ababa Agreement.

The current unification of ranks amongst Northern political parties and politicians is ostensibly over Darfur and the United Nations. Former head of state, Sowar al-Dahab, a well known Islamic fundamentalist, has been brought out of retirement and hand picked by the Government to spearhead this reconciliation and unification bid. The idea is to save the Government from collapse as a result of international intervention in Darfur, but not to save Sudan from disintegration as the UN is trying to bring security and not disintegration to Sudan.

The northern opposition parties, seeing this as a sign of weakness on the side of the NCP, are exacting pound for flesh. The Umma party has called for the holding of a national constitutional conference and the revision of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), in its favour. The Popular Congress is also calling for a national unity government in which it would play a leading role.

Just as in 1977, the centralist northern political parties are congregating, to take even more power into their hands at the expense of the marginalised, in the south, west, east and far north. This new club headed by Sowar al-Dahab is not a problem solver but a life saver for the National Congress. It is also a back door entry point into the power structure in Khartoum for the northern opposition parties. The victims are once again, the marginalised.

Sowar al-Dahab’s elitist club is not an answer to Sudan’s problems, it will aggravate them. The CPA is the answer to the power struggle in Sudan. It calls for free and fair elections. Our duty is not to hold conspiratorial talks aimed at depriving some Sudanese of power but to ensure that the CPA is implemented in total as this will be to the benefit of all.

Post: #2
Title: Re: Northern sudanese united against south sudan secession
Author: صديق عبد الهادي
Date: 10-14-2006, 11:23 AM
Parent: #1

الاخ دينق
تحية و سلام

الشكر علي بسط هذا المقال التحليلي قي المنبر.

في البداية اود ان اشير الي انني اتفق تماماً مع هذا التحليل و نتائجه التي وصل اليها. ان الاحزاب السياسية السودانية في كثير من الاحيان تتعامل مع القضايا المهمة بالعقل الباطني و ليس بالعقل المجرد. مما لاشك فيه ان اتفاقية السلام الشامل لها نواقص و لكنها تمثل اكمل مشروع متاح اليوم، و قد مثلت خطوة جبارة في توفير امكانية لبناء سودان افضل من الحالي ... حكومة الجبهة الاسلامية تحاول التملص و الالتفاف عليها... و هذا امر يمكن فهمه إلا ان الشئ المحير هو الاستقبال الذي يرقى الي مستوى الاحتفاء بما يسمى بلجنة سوار الدهب ، و كأن الذاكرة قد اصابها الخرف ...سوار الدهب هو المسؤل عن تثبيت قوانين سبتمبر بدعوى انها قوانين الله !!!و هو لا يجرؤ على تجميدها او الغائها !!! و كل الاحزاب السياسية السودانية تعلم تلك الحقيقة!!! وها هو سوار الدهب يطل مرة اخرى لينقذ المشروع الاسلامي و دولته المتوهمة.... و لكأن احزابنا لا تتعلم!!! فليس هناك غير ان تتمسك القوى الوطنية و كل المهمشين في كل بقاع السودان بتنفيذ الاتفاقية و تطويرها.

لك مودتي،


Post: #3
Title: Re: Northern sudanese united against south sudan secession
Author: Deng
Date: 10-15-2006, 07:47 AM
Parent: #1

Brother Sediq

I will be back here soon


Post: #4
Title: Re: Northern sudanese united against south sudan secession
Author: Deng
Date: 10-17-2006, 06:58 PM
Parent: #1

الاخ صديق.

تقف الاحزاب السودانية اليوم موقف المتفرج. وواضح جدا أن هذا الاحزاب لن تستطيع أن تساهم بأي عمل مفيد لمصلحة البلاد. خصوصا في مثل هذا الوقت العصيب.
