الان على الهواء مباشرة .. اقتحام طائرة لمبنى مكون من 50 طابق فى نيويورك

الان على الهواء مباشرة .. اقتحام طائرة لمبنى مكون من 50 طابق فى نيويورك

10-11-2006, 02:58 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=60&msg=1160575118&rn=4

Post: #1
Title: الان على الهواء مباشرة .. اقتحام طائرة لمبنى مكون من 50 طابق فى نيويورك
Author: طيفور
Date: 10-11-2006, 02:58 PM
Parent: #0

لم يتم اطفاء الحرائق حتى الان
ولم يتم حصر الخسائر
او التعرف على عدد الضحايا
الخبر منقول الان وعلى الهواء مباشرة
فى كافة القنوات الاخبارية

Post: #2
Title: Re: الان على الهواء مباشرة .. اقتحام طائرة لمبنى مكون من 50 طابق فى نيويورك
Author: طيفور
Date: 10-11-2006, 03:04 PM
Parent: #1

مسؤلوا الدفاع المدني يؤكدون ان الحادث
بسبب اصطدام طائرة مروحية بالمبني
وان لا ادله على عمل ارهابي حتى الان

Post: #4
Title: Re: الان على الهواء مباشرة .. اقتحام طائرة لمبنى مكون من 50 طابق فى نيويورك
Author: طيفور
Date: 10-11-2006, 03:31 PM
Parent: #2

نعم عزيزي معز

ولكن هناك تاكيدات على ان هناك عدد
من الطائرات الحربية تقوم بطلعات تفقدية
احترازية فوق سماء عدد من المدن الرئيسة
تحسبا لاي خطر رغم ان البيت الابيض
لايستطيع تاكيد او نفي اي نظرية حول
الحادث وان درجة التأهب كما هي حتى الان

Post: #5
Title: Re: الان على الهواء مباشرة .. اقتحام طائرة لمبنى مكون من 50 طابق فى نيويورك
Author: طيفور
Date: 10-11-2006, 03:36 PM

قتل شخصان على الأقل في اصطدام طائرة صغيرة تعتقد الشرطة الأميركية أنها مروحية
ببناية سكنية في منهاتن بوسط نيويورك. وأعاد الحادث إلى الأذهان هجمات 11 سبتمبر/أيلول 2001
رغم استبعاد مسؤول أميركي فرضية العمل المقصود. ووقع الحادث قرب نهر إيست ريفر, حيث اصطدمت
الطائرة ببرج "ذو بيلير" الذي يضم 183 شقة سكنية, كلها من الشقق الفاخرة.
وذكرت شرطة نيويورك أن الطائرة اصطدمت بالطابق الـ20 من البناية, واندلعت نيران بطابقين على
الأقل حسب مراسل الجزيرة. وذكر مراسل الجزيرة أن الطائرة قد تكون لأحد المتدربين, خاصة أن
نيويورك تزخر بمدارس الطيران.

المصدر: الجزيرة + وكالات

Post: #3
Title: Re: الان على الهواء مباشرة .. اقتحام طائرة لمبنى مكون من 50 طابق فى نيويورك
Author: Elmuez
Date: 10-11-2006, 03:05 PM
Parent: #1

FBI saying all indications that crash is an accident

Post: #6
Title: Re: الان على الهواء مباشرة .. اقتحام طائرة لمبنى مكون من 50 طابق فى نيويورك
Author: طيفور
Date: 10-11-2006, 03:59 PM
Parent: #1

the news on CNN

Aircraft crashes into Manhattan high-rise
POSTED: 3:51 p.m. EDT, October 11, 2006

NEW YORK (CNN) -- A small airplane crashed into a 50-story residential building
on Manhattan's East Side on Wednesday, killing at least one person, the New York
City Fire Department said.

Flames were shooting out from several windows midway up the luxury highrise in a residential neighborhood.

The Federal Aviation Administration described the plane as a "general aviation" fixed-wing
aircraft flying under visual flight rules, meaning a pilot was flying by visual landmarks.

The plane hit the Belaire Condominiums, built in 1989 at 524 E. 72nd Street near the
East River. More than 150 firefighters are on scene of a four-alarm fire in the building.

There was no word on casualties. NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) said
it had put fighter aircraft into the air over numerous U.S. cities, though they said
they had no reason to believe the event in New York was anything more than an accident
sources told CNN's Barbara Starr. It did the same thing after the September 11, 2001
terrorist attacks.

"I have no idea where this thing (the plane) came from," said Steve Coleman,
a spokesman for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which runs
New York area airports.

"We haven't heard from any of our facilities that anything's missing." New York City government source told CNN there are "no indications of terrorism."

The FAA placed a one-mile flight restriction around the site of the crash, but
New York area airports were not affected.

It's unclear if the crash was a result of terrorism. A senior U.S. official in
Washington said the administration was waiting for more information.

"The fire was raging out of two windows," witness Sarah Steiner told CNN. "It looks like the plane just flew into someone's living room."

Steiner said fires were burning on the ground. "It looks like the plane just flew into someone's living room there." (Watch the orange flames ravage the apartment -- 1:50)

"It looks as if the aircraft didn't go into the building but fell down," she said. "It may be part of the debris burning on the ground."

Video from the scene shows at least three apartments in the high-rise fully engulfed in flames.


Post: #7
Title: Re: الان على الهواء مباشرة .. اقتحام طائرة لمبنى مكون من 50 طابق فى نيويورك
Author: طيفور
Date: 10-11-2006, 04:04 PM
Parent: #1

news on BBC

Aircraft hits New York building

Two people have been killed when a small aircraft crashed into a building in New York City's affluent Upper East Side, police say.
Flames and smoke are coming out of the 50-storey apartment building on Manhattan island.

The FBI says there is no indication that the crash is terrorism-related. A White House spokesman said they were not ruling out any theory.

As a precaution, fighter planes are now flying over a number of US cities.

The New York Fire Department said the aircraft struck the 20th floor of a building on East 72nd Street and York Avenue - identified as the Belaire, a prestigious 50-storey residential tower.

Witnesses told the Associated Press (AP) news agency the crash caused a loud noise, and burning and falling debris was seen.

Emergency workers have rushed to the scene, while firefighters shot streams of water at the flames from the lower floors.

A freelance journalist at the scene, David Cox, added there were "hundreds" of emergency workers on the ground.

"It's just next door to a hospital so there's a large amount of people wearing doctor's coats and various other nurses gear standing round the street," he said.

Another eyewitness told the BBC: ''The plane levelled out and then the next thing I knew it disappeared behind the building and was gone.

"I said I can't believe that this is what I just saw and they kept saying it was a helicopter but it was a plane.''

A woman who lives nearby, Chris Foege, said: "I just stood there in shock, I thought 'this can't be happening to us again'. It was like 9/11 all over again," she told the AFP news agency.

BBC correspondent Guto Harri in Manhattan says there are scenes of chaos on the streets, with fire engines, police cars and ambulances blocking nearby roads.


Post: #8
Title: Re: الان على الهواء مباشرة .. اقتحام طائرة لمبنى مكون من 50 طابق فى نيويورك
Author: طيفور
Date: 10-11-2006, 04:11 PM
Parent: #1

يمكن متابعة BBC فيديو للحدث من هنا
