الرئيس النيجيري: تطهير عرقي في دارفور!!!!

الرئيس النيجيري: تطهير عرقي في دارفور!!!!

10-10-2006, 08:42 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=60&msg=1160466141&rn=2

Post: #1
Title: الرئيس النيجيري: تطهير عرقي في دارفور!!!!
Author: Wasil Ali
Date: 10-10-2006, 08:42 AM
Parent: #0

وشهد شاهد من اهله!!

Genocide 'developing' in Darfur
10/10/2006 13:41 - (SA)

Addis Ababa - Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo on Tuesday urged Sudan to accept a United Nations role in its troubled western Darfur region, where he said "genocide" was developing and African peacekeepers were overwhelmed.

In some of the strongest comments made by an African leader to date about the situation in Darfur, Obasanjo said the African Union mission must be handed over to the UN, but retained its African character.

He said: "It is not in the interest of Sudan, it is not in the interest of Africa or the interest of the world to stand by and see genocide develop in Darfur."

The United States and some relief agencies had characterised the Darfur situation as "genocide" in the past, but Obasanjo was believed to be the first African leader to use the word.

At least 200 000 people had died from fighting, famine and disease, and more than two million had fled their homes in Darfur since fighting began between local rebels and pro-government militia in February 2003.

The cash-strapped African Union had a force, known as AMIS, on the ground in the region, but it was hampered by a limited mandate, shortage of troops and transportation.

Sudan had refused repeated calls to transfer the mission to the UN despite a security council resolutions authorising a force and Obasanjo said Khartoum must drop its opposition to alleviate suffering there.

He said: "I would like to commend the efforts of our partners for their unrelenting efforts to support the AMIS in Sudan until the transition to the UN mission with the support of Sudan and retaining its African character."

Post: #2
Title: Re: الرئيس النيجيري: تطهير عرقي في دارفور!!!!
Author: هشام هباني
Date: 10-10-2006, 09:33 AM
Parent: #1


صباح الخير

عارف كلام الجنرال ( ابوبسانغو) المفاجيء ده البغتس حجر الجماعة ديل.. واخلي البشير الليلة اشرب موية البحر ما اروى!! ديل عندهم اعتقاد كبير في نيجيريا ودورها المحوري في ملف دارفور وتفهمها لموقف الحكومة وبالذات عمنا الجنرال اوباسانغو...عند ناس الانقاذ فكي عديل اروب الموية!! لكن السياسة الدولية فيها العصر كتير تحت تحت.. ويبدو الجماعة العصرة الختوها لاوبسانغو اكون التمساح مجذوب الخليفة اداهو ربع الشغلانية الكان مفروض تمشي ليهو..عشان كده الجنرال الملياردير حرد الحكاية واكون لقا ليهو الليلة عصرة كبيرةمن ناس العصر الجد جد.....غايتو الليلة البشير بقول الروب!!

شكرا واصل علي الخبر الهام جدا جدا
