if only he was a Sudanese,,, Only God knows

if only he was a Sudanese,,, Only God knows

10-01-2006, 04:03 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=60&msg=1159671791&rn=8

Post: #1
Title: if only he was a Sudanese,,, Only God knows
Author: Eman El Sayed Taha
Date: 10-01-2006, 04:03 AM
Parent: #0

Talking about press freedom of expression, please take a look at the following article
and let me know what you think !

Post: #2
Title: Re: if only he was a Sudanese,,, Only God knows
Author: Abd Alla Elhabib
Date: 10-01-2006, 04:24 AM
Parent: #1

لو كان بالسودان...لكان فى خبر كان!!
شكرا قنديل
شكرا إيمان
على هذه الحرّية

Post: #3
Title: Re: if only he was a Sudanese,,, Only God knows
Author: Tumadir
Date: 10-01-2006, 02:09 PM
Parent: #2

أعجبنى المقال يا ايمان وسأستعين به على "موقف" مضاد فقد تم استدعاء احد الصحفيين على حسب ما نشرت زميلتنا فى المنبر سلمى التيجانى

استدعاء على شاكلة: خرج ولم يعد

بعد اذنك

Post: #4
Title: Re: if only he was a Sudanese,,, Only God knows
Author: Eman El Sayed Taha
Date: 10-02-2006, 07:03 AM
Parent: #3

keep me posted Tamadur pls

Post: #5
Title: Re: if only he was a Sudanese,,, Only God knows
Author: Sudany Agouz
Date: 10-02-2006, 07:50 AM
Parent: #4

الاخت ايمان ..

ومن قال لك هنالك حرية للصحافة ..

اننى أعرف عن هذا الصحافى الهمام .. انه سجن ثم عذب ..
لأنه تظاهر مع من تظاهر مع حركة " كفاية " - بل انه عضو
بارز فى حزب مصر الأم المعارض لاتجاهات الحكومة ..
حيث أنها رفضت تسجيل الحزب رسميا ..

ثم حاولوا قتله فى طريق الهرم .. الا انهم تركوه بأعجوبة ..

ولكنه مازال صامدا كالطود الأشم - لا يهتهم بما سيحدث له..

ولكننا نسأل الله على سلامته .. لأنه بالفعل كاتب شجاع ..

وشكرا على المقال ..
العجوز ..

Post: #6
Title: Re: if only he was a Sudanese,,, Only God knows (Re: Tumadir)
Author: عبدالله شمس الدين مصطفى
Date: 10-02-2006, 07:57 AM
Parent: #1

Dear Eiman,
Despite what you read here, still Egypt is considered to be one of the worst countries regarding human rights abuse and press freedom of expression is totally banned, in fact Egyptian citizens are suffering not only poverty and political enslavement, they are limping from crisis to crisis in state of chronic stress and dilemma and the political situation is unstable, some parties are gathering themselves in a wide broad alliance hoping to reform, rebuild and rehabilitate the political texture.

Post: #7
Title: Re: Re: if only he was a Sudanese,,, Only God knows (Re: Tumadir)
Author: Eman El Sayed Taha
Date: 10-04-2006, 04:22 AM
Parent: #6

Dear Abdullah,

In fact I was quite sure that it wont be safe in his own country releasing such an article, even more as you have said Egypt has a very bad record in violating Human Rights. What to say if their judges are stepped over their ######### and the second election nominee candidate is in jail!!!
But what surprised me is the courage in such an atmosphere to still write such an article by the author and published by the publisher and they’re quite aware of the consequences.
I believe detestation, injustice and prejudice might lead a nation to lose hope and great expectations, the article I posted is an example of someone who really doesn’t bother being snipped in the high way!

Post: #8
Title: Re: if only he was a Sudanese,,, Only God knows
Author: عبد المنعم سليمان
Date: 10-04-2006, 09:56 AM
Parent: #1

الاخت ايمان ..

وبرغم الفارق الكبير والنسبي ..

من يتحدث مثل هذ الحديث عن البشير سيكون مصيره الموت ..

والعصابه هي التي تحكم ..

والموضوع جيد وشكرا
