دارفـ(Religious leaders to pray for Darfur)ـور: نجحت في توحيد العالم وفشلت في توحيد السودانيين

دارفـ(Religious leaders to pray for Darfur)ـور: نجحت في توحيد العالم وفشلت في توحيد السودانيين

09-14-2006, 06:56 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=60&msg=1158213401&rn=1

Post: #1
Title: دارفـ(Religious leaders to pray for Darfur)ـور: نجحت في توحيد العالم وفشلت في توحيد السودانيين
Author: فتحي البحيري
Date: 09-14-2006, 06:56 AM
Parent: #0

Religious leaders to pray for Darfur

September 14, 2006, 37 minutes and 10 seconds ago.

By Mabutho Michael Ngcobo

Johannesburg (AND) As human rights violations continue in Darfur, religious leaders from Christian, Jewish and Muslim faiths will come together in Westminister, UK on Sunday, 17 September, to pray for peace in the war-ravaged region of Sudan.

Millions of churches, mosque and synagogue goers will be part of the vigil aimed at ending the humanitarian suffering in Darfur, Catholic news reported.

The vigil coincides with 'Day for Darfur' events happening in cities across the world to mark the one year anniversary of the UN pledge to provide security for all civilians.

Top religious leaders to participate in the event include Archbishop Desmond Tutu from South Africa, Shaykh Ibrahim Mogra, chairman of Interfaith Relations Committee at the Muslim Council of Britain and the Catholic Bishop of El Obeid, Anonia Megazzo, whose diocese covers war-torn Darfur.

The religious leaders are expected to meet with UK government officials to ask them to help resolve the ongoing crisis in Darfur.

Despite the signing of the peace agreement by all parties involved, the situation continues to be worsening in the area.

Hundreds of people have been killed with many others displaced, as the pro-government militias are reported to be continuing to violating human rights.

Johannesburg bureau, AND

* http://www.andnetwork.com/index?service=direct/0/Home/t....fullStory&sp=l51817