منبر منظمات المجتمع المدني (هولندا): مفاكرة " مستمرة" من أجل السلام العادل والتنمية المستدامة

منبر منظمات المجتمع المدني (هولندا): مفاكرة " مستمرة" من أجل السلام العادل والتنمية المستدامة

08-28-2006, 02:55 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=60&msg=1156773352&rn=1

Post: #1
Title: منبر منظمات المجتمع المدني (هولندا): مفاكرة " مستمرة" من أجل السلام العادل والتنمية المستدامة
Author: Ahmad Sanad
Date: 08-28-2006, 02:55 PM
Parent: #0

The Role of Sudanese Diaspora and Dutch NGOs
22 September 2006
10.30 - 19.00
ISS, The Hague, The Netherlands


Dear Dear all,
Herewith, we invite you kindly, to Sudan Forum Symposium, organised by the Sudan Civil Society Forum (SCSF) on the role of the Diaspora and the cooperation with like-minded organisations and people in the Netherlands. The SCSF is a platform composed of 42 Sudanese self organizations based in the Netherlands. They work on issues such as integration in the Netherlands, peace-building and sustainable development in Sudan.

Although the Comprehensive Peace Agreement between the Government of Sudan and the SPLM, and the Darfur Peace Agreement between the Government and rebels in Darfur have raised hope, reports from all over Sudan indicate that so far little progress has been made in the field of peace and development.

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights concluded two months after the signing of the DPA a deepening of the crisis in Darfur. Reports from South Sudan indicate some improvements and that some IDPs have returned to their places of origin, but overall progress is disappointing and discouraging. Also in Kordofan and other parts of the country insecurity has remained and economic prospects have remained the same.

Given these conditions, the member organisations of the SCSF remain aware of the necessity to remain active. Recently some of their members have been visiting Sudan. They have seen with their own eyes the condition and needs of their people.
This is motivating them to contribute extra to sustainable peace and development and to solicit as much support from committed organisations and individuals in the Netherlands for their country.

It is therefore that the SCSF organises a symposium on September 22nd, 2006 in ISS (Institute of Social Studies), Kortenaerkade 12, the Hague.
It is meant for Dutch NGOs and MFOs, Dutch civil and human rights organisations and activists, the Dutch Ministry of foreign Affairs and SCSF member organisations.

The goals of the one day symposium are:
§ to engage member organizations in discussions with Dutch organizations interested in the Sudan;
§ to introduce the Sudan Civil Society Forum to interested Dutch organisations and committed individuals;
§ to raise discussion on peace building and development in Sudan.
§ to strengthen the mutual cooperation between member organizations on one side and the SCSF on the other.

During the morning session the possibilities for peace and development in post-conflict countries will be highlighted.
In the afternoon session Sudanese self organisations and Dutch organisations and individuals discuss the possibilities for sharing and cooperation in several workgroups

Since this activity will be marked as an official start to the Sudan Civil Society Forum’s activities, we will add a celebratory aspect to it and offer a Sudanese music show, in addition to Sudanese food.

The discussions will be led by the journalist Jos van Beurden.

This activity is supported by Oxfam Novib.

We are looking forward to see you all, on 22nd of September at ISS, The Hague.

More details on this activity will come to you in due time.

Thank you in advance for your due co-operation

Truly yours,

The organizers of the Sudan Forum in The Netherlands,
-Deng Barac
-Santo L. Deng, and
-Mohd. Gamaleldin Hamid