صور من الإرهاب المسيحي : أربع ملائكة يطلقهم الرب فوق الفرات لتنظيم المذابح

صور من الإرهاب المسيحي : أربع ملائكة يطلقهم الرب فوق الفرات لتنظيم المذابح

08-14-2006, 06:10 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=60&msg=1155532228&rn=0

Post: #1
Title: صور من الإرهاب المسيحي : أربع ملائكة يطلقهم الرب فوق الفرات لتنظيم المذابح
Author: Mohamed E. Seliaman
Date: 08-14-2006, 06:10 AM

ما هي شروط عودة المسيح ؟

Quote: ______________________________
The Middle East indeed boils in oil anxieties while the world storms toward an uncertain future. But God is not worried. Neither does He want you to be worried: “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” (2 Tim. 1:7).

God knows the end from the beginning. He has reported, in advance, the conclusion of these matters in His Holy Word, the Bible. Study it and believe it to be absolutely true. Do this and you will find your frown of worry fading into a smile of anticipation. You will know His beloved son, Jesus, is about to return to take God’s children home with Him. (Read John 14:1-3.)

God knew from before the creation that oil would focus attention on the Middle East at the end of human history. He knew at the creation of the Garden of Eden that its lushness of life would bring about the end-time energy source the nations would covet.[/B

Post: #2
Title: Re: صور من الإرهاب المسيحي : أربع ملائكة يطلقهم الرب فوق الفرات لتنظيم المذابح
Author: Mohamed E. Seliaman
Date: 08-14-2006, 06:16 AM
Parent: #1

Quote: The rage in the Middle East today--the hateful conflict between Israel and her radical neighbors--points to the reality that things are aligned precisely as God foretold. Oil is certainly the ingredient that makes the great world powers look to that region with concern. So the present Mid-East problems involving war and peace that tug the world toward Armageddon again go back to the Garden of Eden and the fall of Adam through willful disobedience.

God did not cause this calamity. In His love and concern for us, He simply reported, through prophecy, the end of the matter. Is all of this about oil’s connection to the creation scientifically possible? I believe it is more than that.

Let us look closer at what the scientific study of petroleum says. Then let us look at what the Bible says about the catastrophic flood God used to judge sin and cleanse the earth of sin’s corruption.

Today’s scientists believe that crude oil was formed over millions of years from the remains of small plant and animal life in the ancient seas. As this life—primarily plankton and algae and other organisms—died, it sank to the sea floor where it was buried with sand and mud. Heat, pressure, and bacteria compressed and “cooked” the material until it formed a thick liquid we know as oil. Over time, the oil traveled upward through the earth’s crust until its path was blocked by dense rocks. It’s under these rocks, called caprocks, where we find most of our oil today.I suggest you read the following Scriptures to get an overview of what the Bible says happened, to produce the dynamics necessary to create the resource we call oil.

Post: #3
Title: Re: صور من الإرهاب المسيحي : أربع ملائكة يطلقهم الرب فوق الفرات لتنظيم المذابح
Author: Mohamed E. Seliaman
Date: 08-14-2006, 06:29 AM
Parent: #2

From Tent to High Rent

Quote: Jeremiah 17:3-4: "My mountain in the land and your wealth and all your treasures I will give away as plunder, together with your high places, because of sin throughout your country. Through your own fault you will lose the inheritance I gave you. I will enslave you to your enemies in a land you do not know…"

Much of the tremendous oil riches lie beneath land promised to Abraham’s seed in Genesis 17. Israel, however, refused to fully claim that Promised Land. Worse, God’s chosen people disobeyed God’s loving instructions on a number of occasions. When they did, they were put out of the portions of the original land grant territory they did occupy. Other peoples moved in and occupied the land. Intruders still hold on to the majority of Israel’s land today. But, their land grab was, is, and will always be illegal in God’s perfect sight.

Just as Jeremiah prophesied, the land has yielded its treasures and substance to those other than God’s disobedient people. Oil is the treasure and substance in our day. The mostly Islamic Arabs now have the riches, as foretold in that Jeremiah 17 passage.

With the second industrial revolution came an explosion of wealth for many of the tent-dwelling Arabs and others in that land of oil. The most powerful of those people suddenly found themselves among the richest on earth. This is because their petroleum was needed to run the motorized machinery of industry’s production lines. The sheiks and kings of the Middle East did literally go from rags to riches. From tent to high rent!

Post: #4
Title: Re: صور من الإرهاب المسيحي : أربع ملائكة يطلقهم الرب فوق الفرات لتنظيم المذابح
Author: Mohamed E. Seliaman
Date: 08-15-2006, 02:55 AM
Parent: #3

أربعة ملائكة يطلقهم الرب فوق الفرات لتنظيم المذابح

Post: #5
Title: Re: صور من الإرهاب المسيحي : أربع ملائكة يطلقهم الرب فوق الفرات لتنظيم المذابح
Author: Mohamed E. Seliaman
Date: 09-10-2006, 03:38 AM
Parent: #4

جاء في الإصحاح
الخامس عشر من سفر صموئيل الأول ما يلي:
اذهب واضرب عماليق - العرب - وحرموا كل مالهم، ولا تعف عنهم، بل اقتل الرجال
والنساء والصبيان والرضع والبقر والغنم والإبل والحمير
التوجه الوحشي تكفل الحاخام "كابليوك" بتفسيره بما يلي: (
اليوم الذي يطلب منا جميعا الانطلاق في هذه الحرب المقدسة لإبادة العمالقة - العرب
-، في هذه الحرب لن يكون هناك رأفة، فواجب القتل والإبادة يشمل حتى الرضع فالعماليق
يحاربون شعب الله



Post: #6
Title: Re: صور من الإرهاب المسيحي : أربع ملائكة يطلقهم الرب فوق الفرات لتنظيم المذابح
Author: Mohamed E. Seliaman
Date: 09-10-2006, 05:01 AM
Parent: #5

فقط نحتاج لمترجم

Post: #7
Title: Re: صور من الإرهاب المسيحي : أربع ملائكة يطلقهم الرب فوق الفرات لتنظيم المذابح
Author: Mohamed E. Seliaman
Date: 09-11-2006, 03:16 AM
Parent: #6


Post: #8
Title: Re: صور من الإرهاب المسيحي : أربع ملائكة يطلقهم الرب فوق الفرات لتنظيم المذابح
Author: Mohamed E. Seliaman
Date: 09-11-2006, 09:24 AM
Parent: #7


Post: #9
Title: Re: صور من الإرهاب المسيحي : أربع ملائكة يطلقهم الرب فوق الفرات لتنظيم المذابح
Author: Mohamed E. Seliaman
Date: 09-11-2006, 09:36 AM
Parent: #5

ولنتأمل معا قوله عليه الصلاة والسلام
للمجاهدين في سبيل الله: (انطلقوا باسم الله وعلى ملة رسول الله، ولا تقتلوا شيخا
فانيا ولا طفلا صغيرا ولا امرأة، ولا تغلوا، وأصلحوا وأحسنوا إن الله يحب المحسنين)

عليه الصلاة والسلام:(استوصوا بالأسرى خيرا)

Post: #10
Title: Re: صور من الإرهاب المسيحي : أربع ملائكة يطلقهم الرب فوق الفرات لتنظيم المذابح
Author: Mohamed E. Seliaman
Date: 09-20-2006, 02:06 AM
Parent: #9