Zidan Speaks

Zidan Speaks

07-12-2006, 01:16 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=60&msg=1152706562&rn=7

Post: #1
Title: Zidan Speaks
Author: Adil Isaac
Date: 07-12-2006, 01:16 PM
Parent: #0

is now talking to french TV about his incidence with Metaratzi, it is being translated in all news networks!

Post: #2
Title: Re: Zidan Speaks
Author: Adil Isaac
Date: 07-12-2006, 01:24 PM
Parent: #1

He pulled my shirts and I asked him to stop.He did not stop and said bad things about my sister and mother.He said it many times.First time I heard it and did nothings, secound and third time I reacted. I do not regret it as I was provoked, if I regret it it means Metaratzi is right to provoke me.The person responssible is the one who provoked.I apologize to all the childen and those 3 millions watching.I have childern and know how difficult it is!........

The interview is still going on......

Post: #3
Title: Re: Zidan Speaks
Author: Adil Isaac
Date: 07-12-2006, 01:29 PM
Parent: #2

Zidan said I am a man and I prefer to be punched in the face than to hear these words. Do you I would react like this 10 minutes before my retirements if it was not seriuos enough.He apologised to teachers in france for being a poor role model.

It seems the exact words were not said because they were very rude.FIFA will investigate the incidence

Post: #4
Title: Re: Zidan Speaks
Date: 07-12-2006, 03:58 PM
Parent: #3

شكرا لود الجيران عادل اسحق

Post: #5
Title: Re: Zidan Speaks
Author: Tragie Mustafa
Date: 07-12-2006, 04:04 PM
Parent: #4

تكفينا شجاعته في الاعتذار

Quote: He apologised to teachers in france for being a poor role model.


Post: #7
Title: Re: Zidan Speaks
Date: 07-12-2006, 05:49 PM
Parent: #3

Post: #6
Title: Re: Zidan Speaks
Author: Khalid Osman Jaafar
Date: 07-12-2006, 05:24 PM
Parent: #1

Salam ya Adil

Here is a translation provided by the BBC of the whole interview:

Zidane explains

France captain Zinedine Zidane was sent off in Sunday's World Cup final defeat for headbutting defender Marco Materazzi in the chest.
The midfield star, who has now retired from football, appeared on French television on Wednesday to explain his actions.

Here is a translation of what he told the TV channel Canal Plus about the Materazzi incident.


Interviewer: You know the Italian players well because you played in Italy for five years. Did you have any problem with any of them beforehand?

Zinedine Zidane: Not at all. You always have friction with certain players...that is the game, it has always been like that. But I never had any clashes with anyone.

Interviewer: Nor Materazzi?

Zinedine Zidane: No, never. There was nothing beforehand and nothing in the match until he started pulling my jersey.

He grabbed my shirt and I told him to stop. I told him if he wanted I'd swap it with him at the end of the match.

That is when he said some very hard words, which were harder than gestures. He repeated them several times. It all happened very quickly and he spoke about things which hurt me deep down.

Interviewer: Everyone wants to know exactly what he said...

Zinedine Zidane: They were very serious things, very personal things.

Interviewer: About your mother and your sister?

Zinedine Zidane: Yes. They were very hard words. You hear them once and you try to move away.

But then you hear them twice, and then a third time... I am a man and some words are harder to hear than actions. I would rather have taken a blow to the face than hear that.

Interviewer: He said these things about your mother and sister two or three times?

Zinedine Zidane: Yes. I reacted and of course it is not a gesture you should do. I must say that strongly.

It was seen by two or three billion people watching on television and millions and millions of children.

It was an inexcusable gesture and to them, and the people in education whose job it is to show children what they should and shouldn't do, I want to apologise.

Interviewer: You apologise to them but do you really regret having done it?

Zinedine Zidane: I can't regret it because if I do it would be like admitting that he was right to say all that. And above all, it was not right.

We always talk about the reaction, and inevitably it must be punished. But if there is no provocation, there is no reaction.

First of all you have to say there is provocation, and the guilty one is the one who does the provoking. The response is to always punish the reaction, but if I react, something has happened.

Do you imagine that in a World Cup final like that, with just 10 minutes to go to the end of my career, I am going to do something like that because it gives me pleasure?

Interviewer: No of course not. But at the moment you exploded...

Zinedine Zidane: There was provocation, and it was very serious, that is all. My action was inexcusable but you have to punish the real culprit, and the real culprit is the one who provoked it. Voila.

Post: #8
Title: Re: Zidan Speaks
Author: نجوان
Date: 07-13-2006, 01:23 AM
Parent: #6

Salam Adil & co

I watched with a great deal of sorrow and disappointment as Zidane made his grand entrance to professional sport Hall of Shame. What Zidane did was brutal and inexcusable no matter what Materazzi might have said to him. I felt terribly bad for the millions of fans, who admired his talent for various reasons, whom he disappointed …especially soccer children who idolized him

Professional sport –unfortunately- reeks with hostile and violent acts (both on and off the field). Zidane is just another name added to a long list of star athletes who failed their fans and couldn't live up to the expectations placed upon them

I think people are generally very tolerant and forgiving when it comes to their favorite athletes messing up, be it a small or a big blunder… which sends the wrong message to rookies and young athletes… that they will always remain popular and the money will keep on rolling…that all that is needed –if they ever trip- is a simple apology

Post: #9
Title: Re: Zidan Speaks
Author: Adil Isaac
Date: 07-13-2006, 04:36 AM
Parent: #8

Dear Tagie, garadabi and Khalid thank you.


What Zidan did is wrong and he admitted that but he said he does not regret it!This means if someone else said the same he will head butt him or hit him again. It is interesting that the degree of condemnation and understanding varies very widely between those who support France and other nations-like Englans.In France opinion polls indicates that he is forgiven and people still like him. It seems that human being are always capable of doing outrageous things whoever they are!I like Zidan and will not judge him by this moment of madness

Personaly, I will miss Zidan very much every saturday or Sunday evening when I used to watch him for so many years-in La Liga- caressing the football with his velvet feet and bringing a great deal of pleasure to me

Thank you


Post: #10
Title: Re: Zidan Speaks
Author: yasir Abdelgadir
Date: 07-13-2006, 08:29 AM
Parent: #9

salam to all, that was one of illegal weapons that Italian team used during the match, becaus they know well they couldnot win the war sorry the match using legal weapons, so they choose the appropriate person and the suitable fighter, and finally they got what they want, and a simple sorry will solve the problem, so it was a real war.

Post: #11
Title: Re: Zidan Speaks
Author: Adil Osman
Date: 07-13-2006, 09:03 AM
Parent: #1

تييرى اونرى، زميل زيدان فى المنتخب الفرنسى، علق على "نطحة" زيدان بالقول:
you can take the man away from the tough neighbourhood
but you can not take the tough neighbourhood from the man
وهو يشير هنا الى ولادة زيدان وتربيته ونشوءه فى بيئة قاسية وفقيرة اقل ما فيها العنف اللفظى والرد عليه بالعنف اللفظى او البدنى.
رد فعل زيدان غريب ومفاجئ وليس هناك ما يبرره. هل لو تعرض لاعب اخر غير زيدان لهذه الحادثة كان رد فعله سيكون بالمثل؟
لاعب اسود فى منتخب فرنسا علق بالقول: (تعرف مرات تسمع كلام اثناء المبارة من الخصم، تقرّب تكتل الزول القال الكلام، لكنك تضبط نفسك).
والعنف اللفظى والمضايقات فى المباريات ليس جديدآ. وتعمد استفزاز احد اللاعبين ليس جديدآ. بل بالعكس يكون مقصود ومخطط له. باعتباره جزء من الحرب النفسية ضد الخصم. ومعرفة بنقاط ضعف الخصم ونقاط قوته.
وقوع زيدان فى فخ الاستفزاز كان حماقة منه كلفته وكلفت المنتخب الوطنى الفرنسى كثيرآ.

ولو رجعنا الى شريط المباراة نرى ماتيرازى يضايق زيدان بقرصه من حلمة ثديه الشمال. والصاق جسمه بزيدان على نحو جنسى، تحرش جنسى، فى رسالة لزيدان انه يؤتى من الخلف!
وهذا استفزاز وتحرش شخصى بزيدان. ولكنه ثار وغضب عندما شتمت امه واخته.
لماذا غضب زيدان هذه الغضبة المضرية؟
إما ان تكون والدته واخته فعلا كما وصفهما ماتيرازى. ويكون هذا تقرير واقع. ليس لزيدان ان يغضب على هذا النحو. او ان تكون الاساءة محض اختلاق واساءة وفى هذه الحالة ليس هناك ما يغضب زيدان، العارف عزه مستريح.

بعدين هذا النوع من النبذ فى البيئة الثقافية الاوروبية والامريكية ليس نبذآ شخصيآ. ليس مقصودآ به افراد العائلة.
فعبارات (ماظر فكر)
و( سن اوف ا بتش)
و( فك اوف)
و(فك يور سيلف)
هى عبارات من النبذ الدارج فى المجتمع والبيئة الثقافية. والغريبة زيدان مولود فى فرنسا واتربى هناك. مفروض يكون عارف طبيعة هذه البيئة الثقافية.

Post: #12
Title: Re: Zidan Speaks
Author: Adil Isaac
Date: 07-13-2006, 10:48 AM
Parent: #11

Dear Adil Osman

Yes, one guess Zidan should know better!But it is always easy to be wise in retrospect!!I think his presence may have changed the rsult but the mere fact that France got to e finals this year was an unexpected achievement, and I think that is why the french are not angry with Zidan and happy to have reached the final



Post: #13
Title: Re: Zidan Speaks
Author: Adil Isaac
Date: 07-13-2006, 06:05 PM
Parent: #12

Dear Yasir

You are rights the Italians footballers like dirty tricks


Post: #14
Title: Re: Zidan Speaks
Author: ali elhassan
Date: 07-14-2006, 04:10 AM
Parent: #13

الاخ عادل
الاخوة المتداخلين

على الرغم من الشتائم التى تلقاها
زبدان والتى لم يفصح عنها تحديدا
هل ردة فعل زيدان مبررة .
بوضع كافة الاحتملات بشان ماقالة
الاعب الايطالى.

Post: #15
Title: Re: Zidan Speaks
Author: Adil Isaac
Date: 07-14-2006, 05:28 AM
Parent: #14

Quote: هل ردة فعل زيدان مبررة .

Dear Ali

Off course not but so are almost all reactions by human being!The real challenge is to be wise at the time of the incidence and this is just not humanly possible all the time.So, I like Zidan because he is just a human being making mistakes like the rest of us and learning from them



Post: #16
Title: Re: Zidan Speaks
Author: نجوان
Date: 07-16-2006, 00:20 AM
Parent: #15

Salam again Adil & everyone

I agree, the reactions to Zidane's act are highly politicized and far from objective. Forgiveness, too, isn't as pure as we would like to think. Admiring Zidane's football magic might pave the way for forgiveness and forgetfulness of Zidane's past aggressive acts ... popular people get away with murder...perhaps literally at times

Well, all will eventually be forgotten, too bad it cost France so much

The Italian mafia has surely evolved, they're no longer wasting bullets to terminate opponents