أكتر تمــانية بوستات غيــاظة وفقاعة مرارة

أكتر تمــانية بوستات غيــاظة وفقاعة مرارة

07-05-2006, 08:49 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=60&msg=1152085762&rn=9

Post: #1
Title: أكتر تمــانية بوستات غيــاظة وفقاعة مرارة
Author: Mohamed E. Seliaman
Date: 07-05-2006, 08:49 AM
Parent: #0

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
هوي أنا ما قاصد بوستات
قاصد موضوع :
أبحاث مثيرة للغيظ
نشرته مجلة بوبيولار ساينس

Post: #2
Title: Re: أكتر تمــانية بوستات غيــاظة وفقاعة مرارة
Author: Mohamed E. Seliaman
Date: 07-05-2006, 08:55 AM
Parent: #1

أحد هذه البحوث حمل عنوان:
التدخين يكلف مالا

Smoking Cigarettes Costs You Money

The Study:
“The wealth effects of smoking,” Tobacco Control, Dec. 2004

The Findings: One night during a conference, Ohio State
University social scientist Jay Zagorsky and his fellow researchers were
smoking, eating, and drinking beer: a moment ripe for inquiry. What effect, they
wondered, might those very cigarettes be having on their wallets? Zagorsky
crunched data culled from the U.S. Department of Labor’s National Longitudinal
Survey of Youth, which tracked financial information and other lifestyle
characteristics of 10,000 Americans over 15 years. Holding demographic factors
constant, Zagorsky calculated that heavy smokers in the sample had a net worth
of $8,400 less than nonsmokers—an amount roughly equal to how much the smokers
had spent on their habit.

Why Bother? “When my mother reads this paper, it seems
brilliantly obvious,” Zagorsky says. “Not so to me.” He suggests that
smoking-cessation programs could use the data to raise awareness that smoking
not only taxes health but hard-earned savings for critical things like
retirement, emergencies and, of course, medical bills

بقية البحوث تجدونهاهنا:

Post: #3
Title: Re: أكتر تمــانية بوستات غيــاظة وفقاعة مرارة
Author: Mohamed E. Seliaman
Date: 07-05-2006, 09:04 AM
Parent: #2

بحث آخر منشور في مجلة " راديولوجي":
العنوان: ابتلاع أكثر من مغنظيس واحد يشكل خطرا على الصحة

Swallowing More Than One Magnet is Dangerous

The Study: “Multiple magnet ingestion alert,”
, Nov. 2004

The Findings: In fall 2004, after conducting a clinical review
of multiple magnet ingestion, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital radiologist Alan
Oestreich was himself presented with a rare case. An abdominal x-ray of a
12-year-old patient who complained of bellyache and fever revealed a number of
small, dense objects lodged in his bowels. They were magnets, and the surgeons
who removed them said they had aligned in formation through opposing walls of
tissue, bounded off loops of guts, and caused swelling, necrosis and
perforation. After witnessing the dangers firsthand, Oestreich wrote an urgent,
all-doctor alert to the journal Radiology.

Why Bother? Eating metal intuitively sounds like a bad idea,
but 80 percent of swallowed foreign objects pass right through you. Magnets,
however, pose a serious danger. “Urgent surgical consideration is required,”
Oestreich wrote

Post: #4
Title: Re: أكتر تمــانية بوستات غيــاظة وفقاعة مرارة
Author: Mohamed E. Seliaman
Date: 07-05-2006, 09:53 AM
Parent: #3

بحث منشور في مجلة :Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Feb. 2005
أثبت أن الأشياء البعيدة تصعب رؤيتها
Faraway Objects Are Tougher to See

Post: #5
Title: Re: أكتر تمــانية بوستات غيــاظة وفقاعة مرارة
Author: abcde
Date: 07-05-2006, 10:09 AM
Parent: #1

والله جاي داخل فرحاااان وشايل لي كمية بوستات غياظه وحديثه

لكن صدمت بـ

هوي أنا ما قاصد بوستات



Post: #9
Title: Re: أكتر تمــانية بوستات غيــاظة وفقاعة مرارة
Author: Mohamed E. Seliaman
Date: 07-06-2006, 09:05 AM
Parent: #5

الأخ abcde
Quote: غايتو


على مسؤوليتك

Post: #6
Title: Re: أكتر تمــانية بوستات غيــاظة وفقاعة مرارة
Author: ombadda
Date: 07-05-2006, 01:07 PM
Parent: #1

الزول دة شغال فى جريدة الدار ولا شنو؟

على العموم دى أصبحت موضة

No Relationship between the title of certain post with the content

please put a title related to ur post content

By the way this post is wonderful but the title made many become disappoint

Post: #7
Title: Re: أكتر تمــانية بوستات غيــاظة وفقاعة مرارة
Author: عشة بت فاطنة
Date: 07-05-2006, 01:16 PM
Parent: #6

يا زول
انا فهمتك
واحسن حاجة
تخليها في سرك
حسي أنا حاخليها في سري

Post: #8
Title: Re: أكتر تمــانية بوستات غيــاظة وفقاعة مرارة
Author: gamal elsadig
Date: 07-06-2006, 03:49 AM
Parent: #7


قول واحد :

1/ أكتر تمــانية بوستات غيــاظة وفقاعة مرارة




Post: #13
Title: Re: أكتر تمــانية بوستات غيــاظة وفقاعة مرارة
Author: Mohamed E. Seliaman
Date: 07-24-2006, 09:11 AM
Parent: #8

الأخ gamal elsadig

نشكر لك الترشيح

Post: #11
Title: Re: أكتر تمــانية بوستات غيــاظة وفقاعة مرارة
Author: Mohamed E. Seliaman
Date: 07-23-2006, 04:52 AM
Parent: #7

أختنا عشة بت فاطنة
يا زول
انا فهمتك

تحية وشكر

Post: #10
Title: Re: أكتر تمــانية بوستات غيــاظة وفقاعة مرارة
Author: Mohamed E. Seliaman
Date: 07-08-2006, 00:37 AM
Parent: #6

أنا أحترم وجهة نظرك جدا.

Post: #12
Title: Re: أكتر تمــانية بوستات غيــاظة وفقاعة مرارة
Author: محمد علي يوسف
Date: 07-23-2006, 03:08 PM
Parent: #1

انتو يا اخواننا البوستات دي البيغيظ فيها شنو
انت الشمس مش بعيدة
وما تيب
سمحالتدخين بالتخميسة ده مش طريقة في التوفير
لكن والله التالتة دي ما لقيت ليها صرفه
المهم البحوث دي مبالغة
والا شنو؟

Post: #14
Title: Re: أكتر تمــانية بوستات غيــاظة وفقاعة مرارة
Author: Mohamed E. Seliaman
Date: 08-07-2006, 08:42 AM
Parent: #12

محمد علي يوسف
وعليك السلام
ها أنت تدحض نتائج البحوث بطرقية
Counter Example
مجهودك مقدر

Post: #15
Title: Re: أكتر تمــانية بوستات غيــاظة وفقاعة مرارة
Author: Mohamed E. Seliaman
Date: 08-07-2006, 08:54 AM
Parent: #14

بحث آخر: كثرة الاجتماعات تجعلك سيء الطباع

. Too Many Meetings Make You Grumpy

The Study: “The relationship between meeting load and . . . well-being of employees,” Group Dynamics, March 2005

The Findings: Ever get the feeling that you’d get more work done if you weren’t constantly attending meetings to discuss all the work to be done? Two social scientists from the universities of Minnesota and North Carolina hypothesized that meetings are analogous to “hassles,” defined in stress-research literature as “annoying episodes in which daily tasks become more difficult or demanding than anticipated.” The psychologists analyzed diary entries from 37 meeting-prone midlevel university workers over one week. They found that days chock-full of meetings left employees feeling stressed, exhausted and burned out.

Why Bother? Employers take heed: Since beleaguered workers may perform poorly, be tardy, or quit, the authors suggest that “organizations be sensitive to the number of meetings employees are required to attend.” Managers could create “formal guidelines” for meeting necessity (presumably not drafted at a meeting