سيناتور كلينتون تصف الانقاذ بالحكومة الارهابية و تطالب بمحاكمة مجرمي حرب دارفور

سيناتور كلينتون تصف الانقاذ بالحكومة الارهابية و تطالب بمحاكمة مجرمي حرب دارفور

05-31-2006, 09:55 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=60&msg=1149108932&rn=7

Post: #1
Title: سيناتور كلينتون تصف الانقاذ بالحكومة الارهابية و تطالب بمحاكمة مجرمي حرب دارفور
Author: Ibrahim Adlan
Date: 05-31-2006, 09:55 PM
Parent: #0


Post: #2
Title: Re: سيناتور كلينتون تصف الانقاذ بالحكومة الارهابية و تطالب بمحاكمة مجرمي حرب دارفور
Author: Ibrahim Adlan
Date: 05-31-2006, 09:59 PM
Parent: #1

on the Darfur Peace Agreement and the situation in Sudan

May 25, 2006

Mr. President,

For nearly three years, the Government of Sudan has conducted genocide in Darfur . The United Nations, the African Union, the U.S. State Department, and many other organizations possess detailed descriptions of these crimes against humanity. This enormous body of evidence demonstrates unequivocally that the Government of Sudan and its Janjaweed proxies have attacked, uprooted, raped, starved, enslaved, and killed millions of civilians.

In Congress, we have written letters, introduced and adopted legislation, and spoken out strongly. We have supported the African Union peacekeepers, the international relief workers, and the people of Darfur . In March, I sent a letter to President Bush detailing 13 steps that should be taken to address the crises in Sudan . I ask unanimous consent that my letter be included in the record, and I reiterate the steps that are suggested. These include appointment of a Presidential Envoy to Sudan; rapid preparation and deployment of additional, well-equipped, robustly-mandated international peacekeepers to Darfur; urgent assistance to the African Union, including by NATO; and multilateral enforcement of existing U.N. resolutions that establish a no-fly zone over Darfur and hold accountable those who have committed crimes.

Thousands of Americans, including many New Yorkers, have taken a strong and personal interest in the crisis in Darfur . I have heard their voices and frustration. The situation on the ground is still dire. As we lament this crisis today, four million people in Darfur and eastern Chad now depend on relief organizations for survival- one million more than a year ago.

The alarm issued on May 19 by the United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, Jan Egeland, is therefore especially distressing. Despite the hopeful signing of the Darfur Peace Agreement on May 5 by the Government of Sudan and one of the main Darfur rebel groups, the work of aid workers remains sharply constrained by violence, funding shortfalls, and restrictions being imposed by the Government of Sudan. Civilians continue to be attacked and sexually-brutalized by Sudanese armed forces, the Janjaweed, and rebel groups. On May 19, Mr. Egeland warned, "We can turn the corner towards reconciliation and reconstruction, or see an even worse collapse of our efforts to provide protection and relief to millions of people." In eastern Chad , Mr. Egeland said, "we are confronted with a very dangerous vacuum that is being filled by rebels, militia and others, leaving civilians, internally displaced persons, refugee camps and relief workers utterly exposed."

In the context of Sudan 's history, this post-peace agreement reality is not unique. Nor is it surprising. The genocide in Darfur, in the west, began just as the Government of Sudan concluded a horrific, twenty-year campaign of violence in the south-a campaign that laid waste to the institutions and infrastructure of southern Sudan . That conflict was brought to an end more than one year ago through the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA)-but conditions in southern Sudan remain grim. Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick said recently that the challenge in southern Sudan is not one of re- construction, but rather of basic construction; years of conflict have destroyed nearly everything.

Even so, the National Congress Party in Khartoum -the signatory to the CPA with the means and the mandate to implement many of its provisions-has moved ahead very slowly and selectively. Khartoum is failing to deliver on some of the most important provisions of the CPA, including those related to the resolution of disputed boundaries, the sharing of oil wealth, and the timely withdrawal of armed forces. Displaced and enslaved southerners are not being returned as promised to their homes. Incursions by the Lord's Resistance Army and other armed groups continue, often with impunity. Amidst these circumstances, the Government of Southern Sudan faces great challenges in providing basic goods to the people-basic goods such as roads, electricity, schools, hospitals, food, and clean water. By dragging its feet and turning a blind eye, Khartoum is abdicating its commitments under the CPA, and perpetuating the suffering of the southern Sudanese.

If things do not change quickly in southern Sudan , today's fragility may tomorrow become chaos, with grave and deadly consequences for millions of civilians. The United States can, and must, do more. We should support the continued development of the Government of Southern Sudan, and urgently assist its provision of food, health care, shelter, and security to the southern peoples. In addition, we should expedite the safe, voluntary return of displaced southerners to their homes and families.

More broadly, we should closely monitor security conditions, humanitarian access, and implementation of the peace agreements in both southern Sudan and Darfur . We must hold the signatories to their word and bring other groups on board. The Government of Sudan must fulfill its pledges to desist from military offensives; accept international peacekeepers; disarm the Janjaweed by mid-October, 2006; and take clear steps to share power and wealth with the south and west. Members and sponsors of the Janjaweed should be held accountable for their gruesome crimes, and not simply integrated into the national army. Relief workers and supplies must immediately be provided free and safe access to the peoples of Sudan -by the rebels, the Janjaweed, and the Government of Sudan. If the National Congress Party in Khartoum fails to uphold its commitments or its broader obligations under international law, it must face consequences-especially if its failure erodes the security of civilians or aid workers. The possible sanctions and no-fly zone that have been authorized by the U.N. Security Council can compel compliance. In the meantime, to transform the Darfur Peace Agreement into peace, we need to immediately strengthen the African Union's ability to protect civilians and aid workers.

Even with the commendable field work of the African Union, the United Nations, and many relief organizations, we must not lose focus on the current problems in Sudan . We must urgently support the work of these partners and together ensure that peace and justice prevail for the peoples of Sudan .


Sincerely yours,

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Post: #3
Title: Re: سيناتور كلينتون تصف الانقاذ بالحكومة الارهابية و تطالب بمحاكمة مجرمي حرب دارفور
Author: عصام أحمد
Date: 05-31-2006, 10:04 PM
Parent: #1


Post: #4
Title: Re: سيناتور كلينتون تصف الانقاذ بالحكومة الارهابية و تطالب بمحاكمة مجرمي حرب دارفور
Author: Kostawi
Date: 05-31-2006, 10:09 PM
Parent: #1

عفيت منها لو قالت كدى...
اللنك ما قدرت أفتحو

لكن لو قالت الكلام القلتو في هذا العنوان,أنا أول زول حا أصوت ليها للرئاسة ...و أشارك في حملتها.

و بالتالي نضرب عصفورين بحجر واحد.

Post: #5
Title: Re: سيناتور كلينتون تصف الانقاذ بالحكومة الارهابية و تطالب بمحاكمة مجرمي حرب دارفور
Author: Mohamed Suleiman
Date: 05-31-2006, 10:20 PM
Parent: #4

شكرا الأخوة إبراهيم عدلان , عصام أحمد , كوستاوي .
و السناتور هيلاري كلينتون لم تأتي الي مجلس السنيت بالتعيين ... بل أنتخبها شعب حر لتتنطق بإسمه .
و لنحاسب كل من اجرم بحق أهل دارفور .

Post: #6
Title: Re: سيناتور كلينتون تصف الانقاذ بالحكومة الارهابية و تطالب بمحاكمة مجرمي حرب دارفور
Author: Kostawi
Date: 06-01-2006, 12:58 PM
Parent: #5

رئيسة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

Post: #7
Title: Re: سيناتور كلينتون تصف الانقاذ بالحكومة الارهابية و تطالب بمحاكمة مجرمي حرب دارفور
Author: يحى الشريف
Date: 06-02-2006, 06:32 AM
Parent: #1

هم بعد الاطفال والنساء والرجال القتلوهم في العراق وافغانستان وفيتنام , لسه عندهم لسان يتكلمو عن الارهاب
الاختشو ماتو

Post: #8
Title: Re: سيناتور كلينتون تصف الانقاذ بالحكومة الارهابية و تطالب بمحاكمة مجرمي حرب دارفور
Author: سيد أحمد خليفة
Date: 06-02-2006, 06:34 PM

Quote: الاختشو ماتو

صدقت ياشريف

الان مرجعيتنا صارت رموز السلطة
العالمية الباطشة
ناس هنرى كلينتون
وعصابةقتل الاطفال فى العراق
سبحان الذى علم سيناتور كلينتون
ان هنالك بلد اسمه السودان
وفيه اقليم اسمه دارفور