Arbitrary arrest among students sympathizing with SLM & SPLM

Arbitrary arrest among students sympathizing with SLM & SPLM

05-29-2006, 07:23 AM


Post: #1
Title: Arbitrary arrest among students sympathizing with SLM & SPLM
Author: Ahmed Mohamedain
Date: 05-29-2006, 07:23 AM
Parent: #0

On May 27th, 2006, the security agents of Khartoum regime arbitrarily arrested and confined dozens of students while debating about the issues concerning the current peace and development issues. The students were accused of having links with Sudan Liberation Movement and Sudan Peoples Liberation Movements.

Some of the students were released while others are still in custody without any accusation against them, among whom Mr Abdelsam Mohamed Babikr.

All human rights organizations are requested to intervene and call for the release of Abdelsalam and his colleagues from suppressive security practices and constant molestation.

Post: #2
Title: Re: Arbitrary arrest among students sympathizing with SLM & SPLM
Author: Ahmed Mohamedain
Date: 05-30-2006, 08:48 AM
Parent: #1

Statement SLM South Darfur
Nyala May 29th, 2006

The inhabitants of Nyala from different backgrounds led a spontaneous peaceful demonstration on May 29th, 2006, denouncing the poor and incomplete Abuja deal closed between Haskanita group and the regime of the Sudan. The intension of the protestors was to hand over a letter of rejection of the deal to the relevant parties. The letter was signed by various social groups: refugees, women groups, students, lawyers, merchants.

While the protestors were heading to their destination, government security force and their aligned wing, the Janjaweed, attacked the protestors mercilessly. The attack left a huge number of casualties.

4 people were killed, namely:

- Ali Musa Eisa

- Ahmed Mohamed Adam

- Abdalla Ahmed Abdalla

- Ibrahim Ali

The wounded exceeded 70 people and above 150 people were unjustly detained.

SLM warned the Sudanese regime and its janjaweed militias of the consequences of continuing their genocidal method. Despite SLM's genuine commitment to the cease-fire agreement, SLM will not remain idle observing the atrocities being committed against the innocent population. SLM asks for the immediate release of all detainees.

May the souls of the deceased rest in peace

SLM Secretary of information


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Post: #3
Title: Re: Arbitrary arrest among students sympathizing with SLM & SPLM
Author: Ahmed Mohamedain
Date: 06-01-2006, 10:08 AM
Parent: #2


Post: #4
Title: Re: Arbitrary arrest among students sympathizing with SLM & SPLM
Author: Ahmed Mohamedain
Date: 06-03-2006, 05:01 AM
Parent: #3

قوي الأمن السوداني تعتقل مجموعة من طلاب دارفور الذين تظاهروا احتجاجأ علي اتفاقية ابوجا
Jun 3, 2006, 03:25

ارسل الموضوع لصديق
نسخة سهلة الطبع

قوي الأمن السوداني تعتقل مجموعة من طلاب دارفور الذين تظاهروا احتجاجأ علي اتفاقية ابوجا

قامت قوي الأمن السوداني يوم الثلاثاء الماضي 30 مايو 2006 باعتقال مجموعة من طلاب دارفور اثناء تظاهرات طلابية احتجاجأ علي اتفاقية ابوجا الموقعة مؤخرأ بين الحكومة السودانية و حركة تحرير السودان جناح مني أركوي مناوي و الطلاب الذين تمّ اعتقالهم هم الآتية اسماءهم :

1/ خالد يعقوب عبد الله – جامعة امدرمان الاسلامية – علوم كيمياء وجيولوجيا

2 / جبريل آدم موسي – جامعة القرآن الكريم – كلية الاقتصاد

3 / آدم الصادق – جامعة الجزيرة

4 / محمد آدم – جامعة النيلين – كلية التجارة وادارة الأعمال

5 / أدريس ابراهيم اسماعيل – جامعة السودان

و هناك عدد غير محدد من الطلاب قيد الاعتقال لدي سلطات الأمن السوداني .

وفي سياق متصل قامت سلطات الأمن باطلاق سراح الطالب عبد السلام محمد بابكر بعد ان احتجازه عندها لفترة من الوقت .

Post: #5
Title: Re: Arbitrary arrest among students sympathizing with SLM & SPLM
Author: محمدين محمد اسحق
Date: 06-04-2006, 03:52 AM

شكرأ أخي أحمد محمدين علي المتابعة
و نفس الخبر هنا ..

Arbitrary arrest among students originating from Darfur
03.06.06 - 11:58:56

Arbitrary arrest among students originating from Darfur

On May 30, 2006, the security force unjustly detained students from Darfur while protesting against the incomplete Abuja deal of May 05 th, 2006 signed between Minni Minnawi and the Sudanese regime. The following were unjustly arrested:

1) Khalid Yagoob Abdalla ( University of Umdurman)
2) Jibreel Adam Musa ( University of Koran)
3) Adam Assadig (University of Gazeera)
4) Mohamed Adam ( University of Nileen)
5) Idris Ibrahim Ismail ( university of Sudan)

In addition, many unreported students are in detention without any accusations against them.

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