.... Once upon a time

.... Once upon a time

05-18-2006, 07:52 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=60&msg=1147935130&rn=0

Post: #1
Title: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-18-2006, 07:52 AM


When faces look alike
When your redundant dreams tell the same
! It is sign, you miss her

When your eyes see through people
And existence seems vague

when heroes loss battles
Yet, chanting keeps rising
! It is a sign

when body and soul aren’t any more
The reason your head is above
and legs are beneath
just tell her
! How deep you love her

Post: #2
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: فيصل نوبي
Date: 05-18-2006, 07:56 AM
Parent: #1

Quote: when body and soul aren’t any more
The reason your head is above
and legs are beneath
just tell her
! How deep you love her

Once he told her
Close your eyes tide..
what you can see ???

Only Darkness ..

That's my life without you...

what was her reaction ??, i will be back to tell you Azaz.

سلام من القلب للقلب يا غالية..

Post: #4
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-18-2006, 08:09 AM
Parent: #2

,Dear Faisal
... To avoid code-switching, I'll reply in English

…It could be even worse
When you see it all
! But you feel nothing

, come back

… There are more to tell

Post: #3
Title: Uprising
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-18-2006, 08:02 AM
Parent: #1

? Aren't you tired
? Do you feel drained
,Come here baby
tell your birds
to soar up high
And return home safe

Post: #5
Title: 2 Uprising
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-18-2006, 08:17 AM
Parent: #3

Tell your story
of your "once upon a time" little dream
You snapped out it of
And you made it real

When colors look white
it ain't good
it aint' right
you need her guide
to hold you
and whisper
all night long
how is it like
to be loved

Post: #6
Title: Re: 2 Uprising
Author: Mustafa Mahmoud
Date: 05-18-2006, 08:42 AM
Parent: #5

When colors look white
it ain't good
it aint' right
wow this is a real uprising i hope it will not push me out as you know azzaz i am new here

this is a wonder piece of poetry coming from an unconditionally wonderful young sensitive lady
mustafa Mahmoud

Post: #7
Title: Re: 2 Uprising
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-18-2006, 08:55 AM
Parent: #6

,Dear Dr. Mustafa
Here, in this part of the world
Rebellion causes repentance
So, I learned to chew my words
… I only voice what could be digestible

Again, welcome on board
Fasten your seatbelt
! The journey might be a bit bumpy

Post: #8
Title: Re: 2 Uprising
Author: Mustafa Mahmoud
Date: 05-18-2006, 09:09 AM
Parent: #7

dear azzaz iam ready seat belt fastened just waiting to begin the journy but i do not know yet who is the lucky one to tarvel with me?

do you know?


Post: #9
Title: Re: 2 Uprising
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-18-2006, 09:17 AM
Parent: #8

Quote: ? is the luck one to tarvel with me

! One comes to this life solo, unless you are a twin
Most unforgettable journeys traveled alone
,Believe me
! Some company consumes your joy

Post: #10
Title: Re: 2 Uprising
Author: Mustafa Mahmoud
Date: 05-18-2006, 09:27 AM
Parent: #9

i do believe we all need company sometimes other wise life can not go
imagine you are always solo
how can mankind be preserved
one set of genes never give a healthy baby
you need two to tango sometimes

Post: #12
Title: Re: 2 Uprising
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-18-2006, 09:55 AM
Parent: #10

Quote: How can mankind be preserved
one set of genes never give a healthy baby

! Please doctor! Don't make me worry about the mankind's continuation

….I rely on others to do so

Quote: you need two to tango sometimes

Yes, I agree

! Actually, you ALWAYS need a pair to tango

! But, it is not mandatory in traveling

! As a matter of fact, I am a solo; as dancer and a voyageur

Post: #120
Title: Re: 2 Uprising
Author: abubakr
Date: 06-06-2006, 09:42 PM
Parent: #5


Mother only/always - loves unconditionally

Once the American Rock singer and actress Madonna said
.To be brave is to love someone unconditionally, without expecting anything in return. To just give. That takes courage, because we don't want to fall on our faces or leave ourselves open to hurt.


I believe as such only mothers have such courage and don't shy falling on their faces whatsoever !!

Post: #11
Title: Uprising 3
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-18-2006, 09:39 AM
Parent: #1

Close your eyes
Unleash your unspoken desire
, Hereafter
No secrets to hold
No rivers to sail
let go
all your burning sighs

hold her tight
she is there
under your skin

Post: #13
Title: Re: Uprising 3
Author: عصام عبد الحفيظ
Date: 05-18-2006, 01:15 PM
Parent: #11

Post: #15
Title: Re: Uprising 3
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-18-2006, 04:57 PM
Parent: #13

عصام عبدالحفيظ ...

يا سلام عليك!
في اللحظة دي بالذات، متمنية بحر ورمال بيضاء
وامشي حفيانه!
وارسل مع كل طير وعد
و أوشوش سري لآخر شعاع تبعثه لي الشمس

ابقى طيب ...

Post: #14
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: Adil Osman
Date: 05-18-2006, 01:48 PM
Parent: #1

Quote: let go

Post: #16
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-18-2006, 05:05 PM
Parent: #14

, Dear Adil

!! If I Could, I Would

Post: #18
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عبد الله عقيد
Date: 05-18-2006, 05:36 PM
Parent: #16

Quote: Close your eyes
Unleash your unspoken desire
, Hereafter
No secrets to hold
No rivers to sail
let go
all your burning sighs

hold her tight
she is there
under your skin

أغمض عينيك
حرر قيد التوق المكبوت
ليس هنالك سر بعد
ليس هنالك نهر بعد
أطلق لهب الآهات
دعها تخرج
فالمحبوبة أضحت
تسكنك الآن
وترقد بين مسامك..

Post: #20
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-18-2006, 06:36 PM
Parent: #18

"الناي" عبدالله عقيد
أعاني كثيرا من مشكلة الانتقال من جو اللغة العربية للانجليزية وبالعكس خاصة فيما اعبر به عن نفسي ...
ترجمتك للنص أعلاه "عربت" شعوري بشكل جميل وتخطت الترجمة الحرفية لدقة التعبير!

Post: #19
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: Yassir Tayfour
Date: 05-18-2006, 06:24 PM
Parent: #16

dear a'zaz

walking through this post reminds me Celine Dion
let's talk about love
let's talk about life
let's talk about trust
let's talk about love

The end of the post took me to Maria Cairy
we belong together
when you left, i lost a part of me
still so hard to believe
come back baby please

i always, love "love" through movies, music, and other people's experiences, but never
through my experieces and attempts
(crying face)

Post: #21
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-18-2006, 07:04 PM
Parent: #19

,Dear Tayfor
Quote: i always, love "love" through movies, music, and other people's experiences, but never
through my experieces and attempts
(crying face)

! Expect for the crying face. I am content

Longing for love never makes it happen, though
It comes upon you
Sweeps you off your feet and caught you off guard

If you are lucky, you would love once
…If you are really blessed, you will be loved

Years ago, the question of love was one of my puzzle to solve
…Reading a book titled "Anatomy of Love", I developed a better understanding of this fuzzy ball
Yet, understanding didn't make my life any easy

You know it when you love some one
And you better know if he/she loves you back

Alas, the agony is the course of this love

? Now, I'm in for answering the question: is it better to love regardless the end? Or go on calculation

!! Love is fate
!! If you believe in, it will come around

Post: #17
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: yasir Abdelgadir
Date: 05-18-2006, 05:15 PM
Parent: #14

Quote: Most unforgettable journeys traveled alone

in most of my of my journies, I was alone, but it was not so


Post: #22
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-18-2006, 07:11 PM
Parent: #17

, Dear Dr. Yasir

It is not watertight....
! There is always an exception

Unforgettable does not stand for good or bad … it is flexible
…Suit yourself

Post: #23
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: Yassir Tayfour
Date: 05-18-2006, 08:12 PM
Parent: #22

Dear A'zaz

Quote: ?is it better to love regardless the end? Or go on calculation

a "true" love is blind, and if someone is already there, he/she might NOT be able to calculate; i've seen so many people loved their partners so "much", however, their partners seemed not to care even a "little".. i feel sorry for them because they can NOT calculte.
calculation should take place a "way" before love attacks, and when someone loves someone for he/she is, calculation is already done, and loving this person is better"i think", regardless the consequences of the end

Post: #24
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: أيزابيلا
Date: 05-19-2006, 03:27 AM
Parent: #23

Steps are stucki1ng
on the Way
my features are
let me have apicnic
through ur calm look
no words to say
no where to scape
and no reason to stay

u've left ashiny morning With me.Thanks

Post: #30
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-19-2006, 08:00 AM
Parent: #24

, Dear Isabella
Quote: no words to say
no where to scape
and no reason to stay
! What a corner
I've been there sister

Once upon a time
My only shelter was his arms
He was my heaven

When life turned it's back on me
I was like you
With no way to run to

He is my pain
And he is my remedy

have a wonderful day ***

Post: #29
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-19-2006, 07:25 AM
Parent: #23

, Dear Yassit Tayufor

I am glad how this thread is evolving …

?How many times you walk down the road and bumped into the wrong person
? How many times you ended up licking your wounds and promising your soul of "not doing that again", and the first thing, in the very next morning, you fall in the hands of the wrong love again
I hate calculations when it comes to feelings
!"ButI also hate to see my heart crying because of a "lost –wrong-love

Regarding "much" and "less", I have a trick. Mankind takes blessing for granted. I am not suggesting games. But, I suggest allowing the other person to contribute into the relation. Show your best. Share you feelings. Open up.
... Then, step back; see where that would take you
Lovers should be mirrors of each other.
Like tango. No one is the boss.
It is harmony

Post: #25
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: فيصل نوبي
Date: 05-19-2006, 05:01 AM
Parent: #1

Quote: It could be even worse
When you see it all
! But you feel nothing

, come back

… There are more to tell

Keep it Up to make the day better..

With each sun rise, and new day we have to find a new view for life.. otherwise it will go worth ..
keep it up

Post: #26
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: yasir Abdelgadir
Date: 05-19-2006, 05:58 AM
Parent: #25

Quote: If you are lucky, you would love once
…If you are really blessed, you will be loved

dear Azzaz:

according to your nice words up , no way for calculation and no one can suit himself

Post: #27
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: yasir Abdelgadir
Date: 05-19-2006, 05:58 AM
Parent: #25

Quote: If you are lucky, you would love once
…If you are really blessed, you will be loved

dear Azzaz:

according to your nice words up , no way for calculation and no one can suit himself

Post: #28
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: نجوان
Date: 05-19-2006, 06:33 AM
Parent: #27

Salam Uzaz and guests

Nice post, I see it's getting philopsophical

On the issue of going with your feelings or calculating, some people might "calculate" only because of the fear of getting hurt

Nice translation Ageed

Post: #33
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-19-2006, 08:21 AM
Parent: #28

, Dear Najwan
? isn't life
Quote: On the issue of going with your feelings or calculating, some people might "calculate" only because of the fear of getting hurt


But it also hurts if you let go of your genuine feelings for the sake of fear
And it hurts, if you foresee the end and still go on
? Man! What shall we do

Post: #35
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: نجوان
Date: 05-19-2006, 08:47 AM
Parent: #33

salam again Uzaz

Your thread is evolving nicely, thanks for a nice breeze in this place .. but please don't awaken the philosopher in me

I guess it's better to see life as philosophy than black comedy

I'm talking pure hypothetical discussion, which might be different than being in the situation: it becomes a different type of calculation..what would be more hurtful? to let go of feelings because of fear or, to keep going when knowing that hurt is inevitable? I guess if one can estimate where it would be least painful then things should tilt that way... the same old, basic survival mechanism would be operating then

Keep on writing Uzaz and guests, will keep reading with interest and respect

Post: #36
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-19-2006, 09:41 AM
Parent: #35

, Dear Najwan
You are one of a kind

! Sarcastically, my friends call on me to play the role of Hitch
! But Hitch needs a Hitch

When love is your fate, you walk on a minefield trussing your judgment

!! Then ooops! You are trapped
There is no moment of start that you can halt or prevent
! It just happens
You can suppress
But you cannot take the sparkle back
The flame would flicker, but it won't just die

, Come back sweetheart

! it is good to vent

Post: #37
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: نجوان
Date: 05-19-2006, 10:19 AM
Parent: #36

salam Uzaz

I can feel that philosopher slowly wake up from its deep trance, or rather...coma ... which is not necessarily good

Quote: It just happens
You can suppress
But you cannot take the sparkle back
The flame would flicker, but it won't just die

What I hypothesized about was all past the sparkle stage

Like you said Uzaz, one can't take that back.... I won't suggest to somehow practice deliberate mercy killing on that sparkle... that would be catastrophic at least to a ..would be learning experience

One can supress, deny, or run....very true. But also, one can try to prevent more damage... a flame (especially that of the heart) without nurturance and delicate caretaking ... is bound to dwindle and die... so, let it die gracefully and with the least amount of harm by perhaps calculating... its life expectancy and proceed accordingly

I know.. I know... easy said than done

Post: #40
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-21-2006, 11:57 AM
Parent: #37

: ): ): , My sweet philosopher

Sorry for delay
! I've been caught up with an urgent matter. I had to attend to

Quote: I know... I know... easy said than done

! As you know, it is impossible
If I were to be in such, I would run away
! But once I admit it. I am gone

They key is to hold on to your feelings
Keeping them to your own self
! Because once you voice them, you owe to your heart

Quote: let it die gracefully

!! Death is death

No mercury about it
You can only learn to let go
"And take "bygone" as "bygone

…… I wish you an endless love dear

Post: #32
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-19-2006, 08:12 AM
Parent: #27

, Dear Dr. Yasir
Apparently, calculation is inapplicable, at least in my own love misery
! but it hurts

Post: #31
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-19-2006, 08:07 AM
Parent: #25

, Dear Faisal
… Yes indeed
Life is worth it
Each day brings a different story
We've got to live to do our line in this play
And bow
!And leave the stage peacefully

Post: #34
Title: Uprising 4
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-19-2006, 08:37 AM
Parent: #1

! Peak is near
!don't clump
!stand up
Cliff is way behind
! You belong there
Where skies are blue
Clothed by endless rainbow
!stand up

Post: #38
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: Soumeta
Date: 05-19-2006, 10:31 AM
Parent: #1


The feel
of sorrow

Into The

Post: #39
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عصام عبد الحفيظ
Date: 05-19-2006, 01:47 PM
Parent: #38

red and green
to gether be seen
in the dark time of the year

it a song
searsh 4 it
and let me khnew

Post: #41
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: أسامة خلف الله مصطفى
Date: 05-21-2006, 12:05 PM
Parent: #39

أختى الكريمه عزاز

لى عظيم الشرف بالدخول فى هذ1 البوست ..
والتعرف عليك...

كما أن لى خاطره أريد أن أشركك فيها...

يعنى يا عزاز بوستك ده مقصود منه إنو أى زول قرأ فى مصر ما يدخله...
زى أخونا القردابى مثلا....

ول ممكن توفر لينا أنيس عبيد ومكرم لمساعدتنا فى الترجمه...

إحساسى بأن معانيه عميقه جدا للبفهم إنجليزى....

القردابى .....ممكن تتصل بى للترجمه...

ولكى منى كل تقدير،
أخوك أسامه خلف الله

Post: #46
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-21-2006, 12:33 PM
Parent: #41

أخوي أسامه خلف الله
مساءك شاي بالنعناع وسكره زياده

بوستاتي بتشيل كل الحبايب
وبترحب بالناطقين باللغة وما جاورها من اللغات
وان كان على الترجمة

مافي مسكلة!
انت في جيب نفر انت صديق وهو ترجم انت سوا سوا

وانيس عبيد ده ما برتاح ليهو لانو بيترجم كلمات كده بمزاجه، وانا الكلام ده تعبانه فيهو، ومراعاة لفروق التوقيت، تقرر تعيين أخونا عبدالله عقيد مترجما رسميا للقطع أعلاه

راضي يا سيدي؟

Post: #45
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-21-2006, 12:26 PM
Parent: #39

, Dear Isam
! I failed
? Could you please insert a like to it here

Post: #42
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-21-2006, 12:13 PM
Parent: #38

, Dear Soumeta

We learned it the tough way

When you love

! You shall welcome its agony

Post: #43
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عمر الفاروق
Date: 05-21-2006, 12:17 PM
Parent: #1


Post: #44
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-21-2006, 12:21 PM
Parent: #43

عمر الفاروق

الاجابة خطأ

الاجابة الصحيحة


حاول مرة أخرى....

Post: #47
Title: Rain
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-21-2006, 12:43 PM
Parent: #1


When I was a child
I loved rain
I watched it vainly
That live is so colorful
Had I no worries
No pain
.... Only joy and ease

I still watch rain
Rinsing sins
As it paves new roads
And showers dusty souls

The same
Smells different!!

Post: #48
Title: Re: Rain
Author: Adil Osman
Date: 05-21-2006, 01:43 PM
Parent: #47

Quote: I still watch rain
Rinsing sins
As it paves new roads
And showers dusty souls

Post: #49
Title: Re: Rain
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-21-2006, 02:33 PM
Parent: #48

, Dear Adil
As usual

When you come along

! Pictures tell most of the story

Post: #50
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: aosman
Date: 05-21-2006, 11:08 PM
Parent: #1

Dear Uzaz,

I dont think I will ever find a post in this board as interesting and grabbing for me as this one

Once I have started reading it, I couldn't stop it until the end and I didn't want it to end. It combines many emotions: love, hate, fear, trust, etc

Post: #52
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-22-2006, 11:23 AM
Parent: #50

, Dear Osman

Thanks for dropping by
All these emotions are "part and parcel" of this great Comedy called life
To acknowledge happiness, you must taste tears
To learn walking, you must stumble
We need all those feelings, the good and the bad
!!! Surprisingly, they make life worth living

Post: #51
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Date: 05-22-2006, 01:48 AM
Parent: #1

الأخت الكريمة عزاز
كل ما أشوف اسمك بتذكر حقيبة الفن
جدى العزاز الجيدا قزاز
ويا عزاز أنا نومى خزاز

و أنا أحب هذه الأغنية على الرغم أننى أنوم ملء جفونى( قلبى مييييت بعيد عنك)
عفوا للدخول بالعرض
الأخ أسامة خلف الله:
Quote: القردابى .....ممكن تتصل بى للترجمه...

يا خوى أنقليزيك بتاع غسيل الصحون و سواقة التاكسى ده عندنا راااااااقد!!!!!!
محبتى للجميع

Post: #53
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-22-2006, 11:31 AM
Parent: #51

سلام كبير بطعم الفاكهة الصيفية
يا سلام على أغنيتك!
ذكرتني خالتي كانت تصحيني بيها من النوم وياما خففت عني قرفة صباحات كثيرة!
ابقي طيب وخليك قريب

Post: #54
Title: Just the way it is !
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-22-2006, 11:43 AM
Parent: #1

Just the way it is !

!I don't fear dark

? Have I told you that my best vision is during dark

? Have I told that I learn through pain

I am a fast learner, only when I cry
Life ani't easy
It never was easy
Not when I was on my feet
Nor when I was down
It finds its way
To thump my chest when it is full of air
Then I exhale
Venting all my anger
And I carry on

Post: #55
Title: Re: Just the way it is !
Author: Omayma Alfargony
Date: 05-22-2006, 11:51 AM
Parent: #54

Hello Uzaz

I will be back


till the time comes

Keep it UP

Post: #56
Title: Re: Just the way it is !
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-22-2006, 02:51 PM
Parent: #55

, Dear Omaymah
I am hanging on
!! As if I have other choice any way
! I am stuck dear

Just be back

Post: #57
Title: Once upon a spring time
Author: Omayma Alfargony
Date: 05-23-2006, 02:25 PM
Parent: #56

Quote: ! I am stuck dear

ِAren't we all !

Dear Uzaz ,

Once upon a Spring time,

Two doves befriended a tree
Four wings hummed over, and among the branches.
“Peace be upon you”,
They sing in arrival and farewell.

Bewildered by their company
The stuck tree juiced with fevered love
“Take the soil, take the air,
But don’t take your songs away”
She lamented in languish.

Winter came,
The itinerant doves sang a last “Peace be upon you”
and flew in a clairvoyance cloud of separation.

Astray in her loneliness, the tree leaves are falling down
One followed by another, like tears from the sky.
!!!“Passion is stronger than insistence”
She mingled.
and so she whispered
“Add to my solitude of love solidarity
I love you with my all four,
Spirit, body,
and Soul.”
I will be waiting.

Post: #58
Title: Re: Once upon a spring time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-24-2006, 08:26 AM
Parent: #57

, Dear Omayma
Some Times in May
Some times in May
I’ve seen the sour truth
Yet, warped and twisted
?Had I any choice

I let go
Without gasping or weeping
I accepted it
I lived it
I hate it

Staring at the void
Growing little by little
Thinking how would it be
If we were somewhere
More free
No differences
No difficulties
It wouldn't be

We ought to let go
We ought to slip by
And go somewhere else
And fill the void
More of less
! On our own

Post: #59
Title: Re: Once upon a spring time
Author: Ahmed El Gasim
Date: 05-24-2006, 03:25 PM
Parent: #58

Quote: I let go
Without gasping or weeping
I accepted it
I lived it

To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die

Post: #61
Title: Re: Once upon a spring time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-25-2006, 04:18 AM
Parent: #59

, Dear Ahmed
" AS Maurice Sendak said :"There must be more to life than having everything
We've got to learn the art of "letting go" to enjoy life as it is

Post: #60
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: Adil Osman
Date: 05-24-2006, 04:26 PM
Parent: #1

Please have a look at this woman. This young and creative woman. Her name is Joss Stone.

Post: #62
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-25-2006, 04:27 AM
Parent: #60

, Dear Adil

!she is amazing

But they don't sell her records here. I'll get them through Amazon.com

! Thanks for leading me to this beauty

Post: #63
Title: ! Just the way it is
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-25-2006, 04:36 AM
Parent: #62

Just the way it is (2)!

I tell to myself: tomorrow is a new day
Wishfully, I go on
Dreaming of that day
When things don’t change
When I don't find myself out of space
?Would it come
?Would fears stray
! and Okay will mean Okay

Post: #64
Title: Re: ! Just the way it is
Author: khaleel
Date: 05-25-2006, 04:44 AM
Parent: #63



every time you go away

you take apeice of me

Post: #67
Title: Re: ! Just the way it is
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-25-2006, 07:07 AM
Parent: #64

, Dear Khalil


Honors are even, I am here and you are whole

Post: #65
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: إدريس محمد إبراهيم
Date: 05-25-2006, 04:46 AM
Parent: #62

عزاز أنيقة الحرف والمعنى ...

غني وارقصي فينا واطربينا من ألق هذا البوح الجميل ...

الأستاذ / عبد الله عقيد ...

ما أبهاك وأنت تترجم النص بلغتك الوريفه وتضيف عليه من روحك الشفيفه ...

Quote: أغمض عينيك
حرر قيد التوق المكبوت
ليس هنالك سر بعد
ليس هنالك نهر بعد
أطلق لهب الآهات
دعها تخرج
فالمحبوبة أضحت
تسكنك الآن
وترقد بين مسامك..

فالمحبوبة اضحت
تسكنك الآن ...
تتوهج ...
وترقد بين مسامك حانية ..
بين الروح وتحت الجلد ..
وتعبر كل خرافات الدنيا ..
وكل ضروب اللهفة والوجد ..
وترقص ترفل في أنحاءك أغنية ...
وتطوي الحزن وألم البعد ..
وتضحو وسماً في الوجدان ...
وفي أعماقك تتوحد ..

Post: #68
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-25-2006, 07:14 AM
Parent: #65

أخوي ادريس
مساءك جميل وهادي

يالله !
كم تحكمنا الخرافة
وتحشرنا في علب صغيرة مغلفة
لعناوين لا تعنينا
ولدروب ملتوية
تدير خطانا نحو شمس أخرى

تدثرنا هلاهل
نفردها في وجه الحقيقة
المختبئة هناك
تحت الجلد
والمختلطة فينا بالدم

أشكرك على المرور

كن بخير

Post: #66
Title: ! Just the way it is
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-25-2006, 07:01 AM
Parent: #1

!Just the way it is
Mighty will
Condolence words awaking the shock
!they never worked

Only her
Nodded slowly
Took my hands
And sighed
It is okay" she said"
She held my face
Tapped me gently
Gazed into my eyes
Then I cried, freely
With no fear of shame

?Why should I tiptoe
And dance giddily
Unendingly bow
For the wind to slid above me
Whistling in my ears
? It won't be you

Post: #69
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: Adil Osman
Date: 05-25-2006, 08:12 AM
Parent: #1

Quote: Thanks for leading me to this beauty

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder
And because you are beautiful in form and in essence, you manage to see beauty in life despite pain and agony
I like your perception and the way you express yourself both in Arabic and in English

I like more the confidence with which you stand firm against injustice, ugliness, depravation and meanness

I think I like you!!
And pray that I would be fortunate enough to meet you in person

Take care Azaz

by the way, how do manage to write on the left side of the page?

Post: #70
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-25-2006, 08:36 AM
Parent: #69

, Dear Adil
! wow
I must admit
! That I am caught off guard
Thanks for perceiving me this way
I am just someone who is simply simple
I am eager to figure it out
I am still holding the ladder
I haven't taken my very first step towards my very leap
You can call it a disparate battle to prove that there is "virtue" somewhere
Not perfection
Just fair
? Is that a lot to ask
!?Perhaps yes

You can adjust the alignment by using the popup command named "You may use Markup Codes" in the left side of your reply box

Post: #71
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: Adil Osman
Date: 05-25-2006, 09:11 AM
Parent: #70

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder
And because you are beautiful in form and in essence, you manage to see beauty in life despite pain and agony
I like your perception and the way you express yourself both in Arabic and in English

I like more the confidence with which you stand firm against injustice, ugliness, depravation and meanness

I think I like you!!
And pray that I would be fortunate enough to meet you in person

Take care Azaz[LEFT/]

Post: #72
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: Omayma Alfargony
Date: 05-25-2006, 10:18 AM
Parent: #71

Dear uzaz

The first sight of the seen was when

I saw the two doves cooing in harmony

I felt a huge conflagration blows the very reason out of my mind

there was nothing and no way for reconcilation

Then after a relevantly long time of mourning, came the stoicism period

When (Zenoon) himslef watched me with such envy

for perfecting his wisdom


agony is such an awful annoyance

that was when the third seen started, where can one hides from memories
No where

only out of one's head

curtains down


Lights on

Post: #73
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Date: 05-25-2006, 01:14 PM
Parent: #72

Dear azaz
I can tell that you are so sensetive sweet heart but honey you should better know that
breaking up is hard to do. We've all gone through it, we've all cried and thought it
would never end. But life does go on, and it actually gets much better
because It is better to have loved and lost than never to have lost at all

Quote: You wondered how you’d make it through.
I wondered what was wrong with you.
Because how could you give your love to someone else, yet share your dreams with me? Sometimes the only thing you’re looking for is the one thing you can’t see

Post: #76
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-26-2006, 02:38 PM
Parent: #73


! I am surprise how you summed it up simply

…Breaking up is not the case. The "end" has no starting point

… Out of the blue , things start to fall a part

and you eventually emerge through

Tomorrow is a new day, is a phrase embodies many folds

! New doesn't mean good or bad. It is just new

Post: #74
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-26-2006, 02:19 PM
Parent: #72

, Dear Omayma

? Your doves tell much about life, don't they

. Sometimes, we pretend that we can reconcile
! Pretend to be wise and understanding. But the truth is; we cannot
. Desires hunting your mind of places you would have been to, fizzle your soul
. Agony finds its way to fulfill its course to the end
. Draining our very founded believe of what we've been always capable of doing
, You know dear
.I always thought of life as a big poll and that everybody has a vote
.Sometimes your vote wins and sometimes it doesn’t
.Nevertheless, you had a say
! Now, seeing what I've seen and being where I've been, I say life is just fate
. There is nothing much to do about it. You just take it the way it is
. I thought fate is only what is forced upon you
Fate has many faces! Not all of them are pretty though

… Always keep your curtains open and lights one
! You never know who is next to perform

, love

Post: #75
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: Adil Osman
Date: 05-26-2006, 02:33 PM
Parent: #74

You taught me how to align my writing to the left.
But before that, you taught us how to reflect and ponder life and living.
You are such a wise guy!
Such an ancient woman who lived for hundred years of solitude.
Yet, you are so innocent and romantic and young at heart.
And this is what I admire about you. Your capacity to be involved in living, and contemplating it and thinking about it.
Not many people in planet earth got this gift.
Thank you Azaz
Thank you for being yourself
for being genuine and unpretentious

God bless you

Post: #77
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-26-2006, 03:08 PM
Parent: #75

,Dear Adil
… Thanks for categorizing me as a gifted person

! Just a while ago, I was told that I analyses too much
I don't live the moment
I over think
I over reason
I over worry
I look over my shoulder
It was against in court, metaphorically speaking

! To tell you the truth, it didn't make my life any easy though
! Ignorance is a blessing; I started to believe in this saying too
? what is the sue of reasoning the unreasonable

I believe in reincarnation, to some extend I must say
I always thought that I belong to an old time
Where dreams are still dreams
Calculations, tactics, games have no place
Where wooing is simple
Accepting is simple
! Rejection is nontoxic

! If the hand of time would go back, I would only choose to be ignorant

… Thanks again for seeing through those positive lenses

Post: #78
Title: ! Just the way it is
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-26-2006, 03:27 PM
Parent: #1

! Just the way it is

"There were days when I thought of "me
Just me
Out of the frame
Standing alone

! It didn't seem bad
? Isn't what life about
? Surviving
Finding your way
Hitting the ground
? and standing up again

! It is fun
It is more exciting
And thrilling
And enlightening

I'll take it
Just the way it is
And I'll live it to its extend
And I'll strife through it
Till my day comes
? Who knows
One day
... I'll find my way

Post: #79
Title: Re: ! Just the way it is
Author: إدريس محمد إبراهيم
Date: 05-27-2006, 09:24 AM
Parent: #78


Post: #82
Title: Re: ! Just the way it is
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-28-2006, 07:24 PM
Parent: #79

أخوي إدريس

تشكرات كثيرة مديدة عديدة لرفع البوست

(النقطة) تحمل أحيانا ما تعجز الكلمات عن قوله

أهديك (.....) مسبوقة بشكر ويليها شكر

Post: #80
Title: He who pays the Piper can callthe tune
Author: Omayma Alfargony
Date: 05-27-2006, 09:55 AM
Parent: #78

Quote: I believe in reincarnation, to some extend I must say
I always thought that I belong to an old time
Where dreams are still dreams
Calculations, tactics, games have no place
Where wooing is simple
Accepting is simple
! Rejection is nontoxic

Dear Uzaz

You are using my words don't you!!
You seem to describe me, or maybe it is the incarnated version of the two unknown souls that once upon a time, centuries ago, use to be soulmates.


you are so inviting, you know how to make me come back.

Oasis is this post i found

it quinshes some thirst of the soul.

I am here,
in flesh
yet there,
in whole.

I am an ocean, and
I dare not notion
I am forced to stream
to freeze it all

I catch fire, and
I dare not flame
and when I boil,
I dare not steam.
I am forced to show control

I grieve
For I am human
and made of clay
I dare not weep
or scream.

I dare just say
"From the wind
I gain strength
from the rain
the firmness,
from the dark
I gain lucidity
and sightfullness.

Revelation i will recall
Rectification won't let me fall."


Post: #81
Title: Re: He who pays the Piper can callthe tune
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-28-2006, 07:21 PM
Parent: #80

, Dear Omaymah
You provoke me to speak
To vent
! Maybe we've met before, in different lives, maybe
… Years ago
, Enjoying a warm sunlight, I talked for 3 hours with a 70 years old lady
!who I never met before
We were coming from different directions
Different believes
Different race
! Yet, we shared the same dreams
I was her young black version
! She was my best future scenario

Before I leave, she told me to "believe" and not to give up
,I told her
I rather to have a dream that might not come true though
than to watch others
trying to fulfill their dreams
and finding their way

I must say
I am impatient
? What can I do
! I wasn't given a choice

I spent most of my days on my knees
thinking how can I get on my feet again
some times I hop up
sometimes I just cannot find my feet

come back
your wrods are relief


Post: #83
Title: Seasons
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-28-2006, 07:37 PM
Parent: #1


People like seasons
come and go

some leave spring-like memory
some are like autumn, leave you gloomy

Some are cold
Fear emotions
! They warp you in your own skin

Some are hot
Boil your blood
It is hard to be close to them
and harder to be away from them

Experiences like seasons
some are pleasant
some you need to bypass
some seasons initially are joyful
Yet, leave bitterly

.... Hither and thither
You need to live seasons
To differentiate
To tell the thin line
Between dark and light

Post: #84
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: Adil Osman
Date: 05-29-2006, 04:17 AM
Parent: #1

once upon a time sang fayrouz this song
why does fayrouz awaken that anguish and angst?
that sense of loss
and melancholy
every time i read your comments, i become certain that you are a gifted person
not only gifted, but a woman of vision
a visionary
verging on prophecy
oh my god!
are we witnessing the birth of the first woman prophet?

fayrouz and anguish

Post: #85
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: Omayma Alfargony
Date: 05-29-2006, 06:36 AM
Parent: #84

Dear Uzaz

I am back

for I can not stay close enough

neither can I stay far

I never new why, did you


and now

let me go
let me flaw
like a dry straw
in a windy day
like a light cloud
in a rainy day

let me go
like a blown smoke
like someone's breath
in the cold
in a snowy day

let me go off hands
towards the sky
like a kid's kite
in a whirlwinded sight
in the bright

let me go
let me climb
mountains high
let me breeze
let the relentless

let me go spray the memories
let me fly
let me pray
let me breathe


Post: #87
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-29-2006, 02:45 PM
Parent: #85

, Dearest Omaymah

Distance is relative
!As we agreed, we've met before
In thoughts
In dreams
In a different life

Being "away" is relative
Being "here" is relative too

Away and near are not watertight
Away could make you nearer
Near could drive you away

… Yet, you will always be here, where you belong
In my prayers
...Your doves will coo till you cross the ocean and be safe

... Just be okay dear
, Love

Post: #86
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-29-2006, 02:26 PM
Parent: #84

, Dear Adil

! Fayroz
?! The voice of the Nay'
The voice that awakens your load of emotions
Spreads them on the table
And folds them again
? Neatly press them back in your soul
I only can listen to her in the rain
In winter time
When the sky is raged and loaded
Her voice taps the tips of my nerves and calms me down
Only when it gray
Only when I am down
And blue
Because I know, only her voice can cheer me up
! This woman makes me believe that I really can survive


Post: #88
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: Adil Osman
Date: 05-29-2006, 04:23 PM
Parent: #86

Quote: Your doves will coo till you cross the ocean and be safe

Post: #89
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-29-2006, 04:56 PM
Parent: #88

, Dear Adil,
Characteristically, you add a third dimension to words and meanings

Post: #90
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-29-2006, 05:12 PM
Parent: #1

Sweet and sour
, One sunny day
He came a long
Unfolded the unknown horizons
Paving the way to the instinct land

? Shall we dance
Hesitantly I stretched a hand
Guessing where my steps are

One two
One two

Step to the back
Steps to the side

I was to decide
? Where shall we go

! No where babe
! It isn't meant to be
We go on
... each on his own

Post: #91
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: Adil Osman
Date: 05-30-2006, 01:54 AM
Parent: #90

Quote: One sunny day
He came a long
Unfolded the unknown horizons
Paving the way to the instinct land

? Shall we dance
Hesitantly I stretched a hand
Guessing where my steps are

One two
One two

Step to the back
Steps to the side

I was to decide
? Where shall we go

Post: #92
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: Dafi
Date: 05-30-2006, 03:08 AM
Parent: #91

Your wishes, are my Commands

Post: #93
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: Dafi
Date: 05-30-2006, 03:15 AM
Parent: #92

Post: #94
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: Adil Osman
Date: 05-30-2006, 04:26 AM
Parent: #93

سلام عليك
هذه ترجمة لاغنية شاكرة:

احتاج اليك
اتحرق شوقآ اليك يا حبيبى
لا رغبة لى سوى ان اكون بقربك
لأننى افتقد ذلك الشعور الجميل
وإذ اصبحت جزءآ منى
احتاجك الان الى جانبى
فالحياة عدم غير ليمك

Post: #95
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: Omayma Alfargony
Date: 05-30-2006, 11:44 AM
Parent: #94

Dear Uzaz

You got me wrong

It was my illusion that broght the confusion.

You missunderstood me.


I am not going to leave your side

and as you said Distance is relative

you are right it is relative.

anf for that let it flaw.

I will be back Uzaz.

Post: #96
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-30-2006, 04:26 PM
Parent: #95

, Dearest Moaymah
I am glad you'll be back
Your existence is a reassurance

Speaking of distance, I've said so many goodbyes in my life to dear people
! Specially friends
They are all over the plant
Scattered throughout time zoons
! It is funny when they call me on my birthday, each one of them calls at 12 AM their time

with those who matter to you
distance is really relative
they live within you
regardless the miles between you and them
so, what really matters is that they are sound and happy

, Love

Post: #98
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-30-2006, 04:45 PM
Parent: #92

, Dear Dafi
… This lady has a song called "underneath your skin"
! That song is just what I need right now

Thanks for bringing this pensive rhythm to my morning

Post: #97
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-30-2006, 04:40 PM
Parent: #91

, Dear Adil
they were dancing
but they were divided
Into two worlds
only their hands were holding on to their fraught emotions
yet, eventually, they were to split in different pathways

… Thanks for incarnating my words

Post: #99
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: Bakry Eljack
Date: 05-30-2006, 05:19 PM
Parent: #97

استاذة عزاز

As the wind never stopped blowing
As the sea and its tide are always in dialogue
with the wind being a mediator
As the sun always shining
As the dark always has the black as a color
Our dreams never the same
They just come and go
The fact is we make these dreams
And we judge whether they are accomplished or not
We develop many ways of self deception and defence mechanisms
to see what's up there in the sky.
But the truth is, we never give up love and dream to be loved even if we imprisoned our
feelings , our ups and downs deep in our untouched hearts
It is there and it will always be there.
The funniest thing is that it always tastes different.

Just keep going as long as you know where is your destination
and if you are not so sure
Stop for a second and ask
What do I want to do?
Sooner or later you will see something inside you want to do
The difference is that positive thinkers take less time to adjust
that is why they achieve much outputs with less in puts
So be up to who you are
and will all come true


Post: #100
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-31-2006, 01:39 PM
Parent: #99

, Dear Bakri
Every new day brings a new goal to achieve
doing it the right way or not is not the question
the question is how to raise above minor obstacle lie in the way

However, I believe that accomplishment is subject to fate
! as well as your will to try to achieve

Thanks for coming by
... Your words are deep

I hope you come back

Post: #101
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: Dafi
Date: 05-31-2006, 02:00 PM
Parent: #100

You're a song
Written by the hands of god
Don't get me wrong cause
This might sound to you a bit odd
But you own the place
Where all my thoughts go hiding
And right under your clothes
Is where I find them
Underneath Your Clothes
There's an endless story
There's the man I chose
There's my territory
And all the things I deserve
For being such a good girl honey
Because of you
I forgot the smart ways to lie
Because of you
I'm running out of reasons to cry
When the friends are gone
When the party's over
We will still belong to each other
Underneath Your Clothes
There's an endless story
There's the man I chose
There's my territory
And all the things I deserve
For being such a good girl honey
I love you more than all that's on the planet
Movin' talkin' walkin' breathing
You know it's true
Oh baby it's so funny
You almost don't believe it
As every voice is hanging from the silence
Lamps are hanging from the celing
Like a lady to her good manners
I'm tied up to this feeling
Underneath Your Clothes

Your wishes, are my Commands

Post: #102
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-31-2006, 04:11 PM
Parent: #101

,Dear Dafi

? Would THANK YOU be sufficient

I am speechless

words are just not enough to express my appreciation

! Thenks

Correction was made to a spelling mistake
Gratitude remains

Post: #106
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عبدالكريم الامين احمد
Date: 06-02-2006, 01:22 AM
Parent: #100


Post: #112
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 06-03-2006, 05:06 PM
Parent: #106

, Dear A Kareem
! Thanks to you for observing my words through a positive mindset
… Be back
! You are always welcome

Post: #117
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: محمد خالد ابونورة
Date: 06-06-2006, 05:38 PM
Parent: #100


"الرقبة قزاز
وانا نومي خزاز
... الخ"

يعجبني جو هذا البوست كثيرا
كل ما فيه رائع مثل عطر "ايستي لودر"
او طيبة الذكر ، الكولونيا 555

لكني اود "تخريبه" بحرف اتجاهه نحو العربية
رغم يقيني بأن الانجليزية لغة مفعمة
تمكن المرء من التعبير عن نفسه بعمق مختلف

كما ... العربية ايضا.

عربيتنا لغة "حمالة اوجه"
تشعر احيانا بأنها تزلزل ارجائك لفرط الاحمال المعنوية والروحية لمفرداتها
تمعني في احساس الكابلي برائعة ابوفراس الحمداني "معللتي"

(إذا الليل اضنناي
بسطت يد الهوى
وابللت دمعا من خلائقه كبر)

هل يمكن ان تحتمل الانجليزية مثل ذلك
حتى لو ترجمها عبد الله الطيب

هل "اعرض" خارج الحلقة
اعرف اني افعل ذلك
لكنه خروج بدائي عن النص

توازيه ضحكة من القلب لرد القردابي الحاسم والحازم

Quote: يا خوى أنقليزيك بتاع غسيل الصحون و سواقة التاكسى ده عندنا راااااااقد!!!!!!

اقعدي عافية انتي وضيوفك

Post: #123
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 06-09-2006, 01:01 PM
Parent: #117

راوي المدن

وسيرة الهلالية

أبو نورة

مساءك طيب وطازج بطعم النعناع

يسعدني ان يطيب جلوسك هنا بأي لغة تروق لك

وكما قلت، لغتنا الام حمالة اوجه وأسية!

غريب ان تحملك اللغة/اللهجة لجو معين وإحساس بعينه

الرطانة النوبية، دفء الحبوبات و ليالي نيلية طويلة راقبت فيها سعف النخل محتفلا بالنسائم وقصص عشق غالبا لا تنتهي نهاية سعيدة!

اللهجة السعودية، عبث الطفولة وبدايات مهارة تكوين الصداقات والتوائم مع الهلام

اللهجة المصرية، حضن ماما و ثورات أبي المتتالية والتي لا يزيد من حزمها إلا جملته (ايه هو ده! ده كلام فاضي) بلهجة مصرية عتيقة

اللهجة السودانية، مرحلة متقدمة من الوعي بعالم من المفترض أني انتمي إليه وأمامي درب طويل من فك طلاسم التواصل معه

الانجليزية، لغة تعلم، فضفضة، ضحك، وتواصل مع عالم يحتويني لأخمص قدمي واللغة الرسمية لأحلامي!

وعليه يا سيدي،

بات حواري اليومي سلسلة من switch coding بحسب الحالة الوجدانية

وإن سألت عن الهوى
أؤمن بكلام العيون
فهي تقول ما تعجز عنه الكلمات!

! with no fear of losing an expression in translation

it just sums it all !

Post: #118
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: محمد خالد ابونورة
Date: 06-06-2006, 05:38 PM
Parent: #100


"الرقبة قزاز
وانا نومي خزاز
... الخ"

يعجبني جو هذا البوست كثيرا
كل ما فيه رائع مثل عطر "ايستي لودر"
او طيبة الذكر ، الكولونيا 555

لكني اود "تخريبه" بحرف اتجاهه نحو العربية
رغم يقيني بأن الانجليزية لغة مفعمة
تمكن المرء من التعبير عن نفسه بعمق مختلف

كما ... العربية ايضا.

عربيتنا لغة "حمالة اوجه"
تشعر احيانا بأنها تزلزل ارجائك لفرط الاحمال المعنوية والروحية لمفرداتها
تمعني في احساس الكابلي برائعة ابوفراس الحمداني "معللتي"

(إذا الليل اضنناي
بسطت يد الهوى
وابللت دمعا من خلائقه كبر)

هل يمكن ان تحتمل الانجليزية مثل ذلك
حتى لو ترجمها عبد الله الطيب

هل "اعرض" خارج الحلقة
اعرف اني افعل ذلك
لكنه خروج بدائي عن النص

توازيه ضحكة من القلب لرد القردابي الحاسم والحازم

Quote: يا خوى أنقليزيك بتاع غسيل الصحون و سواقة التاكسى ده عندنا راااااااقد!!!!!!

اقعدي عافية انتي وضيوفك

Post: #119
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: محمد خالد ابونورة
Date: 06-06-2006, 05:43 PM
Parent: #100


"الرقبة قزاز
وانا نومي خزاز
... الخ"

يعجبني جو هذا البوست كثيرا
كل ما فيه رائع مثل عطر "ايستي لودر"
او طيبة الذكر ، الكولونيا 555

لكني اود "تخريبه" بحرف اتجاهه نحو العربية
رغم يقيني بأن الانجليزية لغة مفعمة
تمكن المرء من التعبير عن نفسه بعمق مختلف

كما ... العربية ايضا.

عربيتنا لغة "حمالة اوجه"
تشعر احيانا بأنها تزلزل ارجائك لفرط الاحمال المعنوية والروحية لمفرداتها
تمعني في احساس الكابلي برائعة ابوفراس الحمداني "معللتي"

(إذا الليل اضنناي
بسطت يد الهوى
وابللت دمعا من خلائقه كبر)

هل يمكن ان تحتمل الانجليزية مثل ذلك
حتى لو ترجمها عبد الله الطيب

هل "اعرض" خارج الحلقة
اعرف اني افعل ذلك
لكنه خروج بدائي عن النص

توازيه ضحكة من القلب لرد القردابي الحاسم والحازم

Quote: يا خوى أنقليزيك بتاع غسيل الصحون و سواقة التاكسى ده عندنا راااااااقد!!!!!!

اقعدي عافية انتي وضيوفك

Post: #103
Title: Just a thought
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 05-31-2006, 04:25 PM
Parent: #1

? Would please stay still
I have more to say
More to tell
About a heart
... Beats duly

Post: #104
Title: Re: Just a thought
Author: Adil Osman
Date: 05-31-2006, 05:39 PM
Parent: #103

Here are some songs by Shakira.
There is something very appealing about her music.
This mix of Arabic, pop, and hispanic influences.
And the youth. A youth that makes an old man, like myself, boil with envy!
And recognize his mortality!
What’s also enticing is the overwhelming beauty of the feminine form.
Why are you, women, so beautiful?
And charming?
And seducing?
Yet, you could be as remote
And detached as you wish.
Enjoy the videos.
And smile when you see me
In your mind’s eye
Staring at your pic!

Post: #105
Title: Re: Just a thought
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 06-01-2006, 11:48 AM
Parent: #104

, Dear Adil
! Thanks
Speaking of, us, women is a tangle discussion
Beauty's viewpoint is relative
, I strongly believe that every woman have got her own beauty
part of is proceed by the eye of the beholder
and there is this inner beauty that lies beyond the face and the skin
a tender soul
warm heart
and an understanding mind manages to accommodate the "hunter" within you men
this beauty remains infinite
over years
over trying times
shins as new with each passionate touch
and revive stronger in the eye of the "true" beholder

we are only remote when we don't relate
unless if we are playing the ancient game
but when we surrender
! we get close enough to count your breaths

we are not as simple as you are men
we think too much
analyze too much
dream too much
and ask too much
think loudly
share emotions
and believe what we hear more than what we see

you see us in two color
white and black

we see all the shads
all pigmentation
! See
! it ine't easy at all

Post: #107
Title: Re: Just a thought
Author: Ahmed El Gasim
Date: 06-02-2006, 03:32 AM
Parent: #105

(we think too much)
Dear Ozaz
The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your thoughts
See setback as opporunities for personal expansions and spritual growth

Ahmed Elgasim

Post: #108
Title: Re: Just a thought
Author: Adil Osman
Date: 06-02-2006, 04:21 AM
Parent: #107

Quote: we are only remote when we don't relate
unless if we are playing the ancient game
but when we surrender
! we get close enough to count your breaths

this is beautiful
this is unbelievable
touch wood
you need to wear a talisman to protect you from harm and envy

Quote: we are only remote when we don't relate
unless if we are playing the ancient game
but when we surrender
! we get close enough to count your breaths

this is beautiful
this is unbelievable
touch wood
you need to wear a talisman to protect you from harm and envy

Post: #109
Title: Re: Just a thought
Author: Adil Osman
Date: 06-02-2006, 07:01 AM
Parent: #108

My first girfriend bought me a jumper in the winter of 1994
The second girlfriend, in 1999, gave me some shirts as present
In 2003, my third girlfiend's gift was a T-shirt and a bottle of perfume

Now, in 2006, I am lonely and alone
This is why I wear the T-shirt
and a shirt and the jumper
After wearing the perfume

Hence, all my lovers
the three of them
my girlfriends touch my body
even though they are
conspicuous by their absence

Post: #111
Title: Re: Just a thought
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 06-03-2006, 05:02 PM
Parent: #109

, Dear Adil
? Do bygone people live through their gifts
! An annoying question pokes my thoughts all the time
….Some people who enjoy rituals of burning memories and consider it the best closure
They wake up the next day fresh and new
! Demolishing every and each trace of a joy that once was thier inspiration for life
However, the sentimental memories remain forever
? What they do then
? Burn their heart

! I would just live the moment and cry when I should and laugh latter at myself

Post: #110
Title: Re: Just a thought
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 06-03-2006, 04:51 PM
Parent: #107

, Dear Ahmed
! This is so true

But do you know how much does it cost
! A whole a lot of your life's enjoyment

Setbacks teaches us life
Train us
Trim our unattainable dream
And just make you a better person to carry on with upcoming failure throughout your journey

I would confidently say that my very bitter setbacks made me the person I am, and whom I am content with the most. I am ready for the upcoming setbacks in my life, but certainly, they will take me to an advance era of grasp

... Thanks again for your wise words

Post: #113
Title: Re: Just a thought
Author: أسامة خلف الله مصطفى
Date: 06-04-2006, 01:42 AM
Parent: #110

أختى العزيزه عزاز

ممكن أقول ليك بوست دك فيه تهميش لغير الناطقين بال.........
وعلى النعمه يا عزاز أنا ما فاهم حاجه فى البوست ده....
لكن شاعر أنه فيه مشاعر دفاقه...وبرأه ...وصدق معانى...

ممكن أستريح معاك هنا وفى إنتظار

Quote: شاي بالنعناع وسكره زياده

لك كل الود،
أسامه خلف

Post: #114
Title: Re: Just a thought
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 06-06-2006, 04:55 PM
Parent: #113

أخوي أسامه خلف
سلامات كثيرة واعتذارت بالعربي والانجليزي
وحياتك لا تهميش ولا يحزنون
بس في كلام معين كده ما بيتقال إلا بلغة معينة
زي كلام الحب
يا يتقال بالعربي أو بالفرنسي
وكلام كده ما بيتقال إلا بالانجليزي
أوعدك ادبلجك لك البوست ده باللغة العربية قريب

Post: #115
Title: Moments
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 06-06-2006, 05:04 PM
Parent: #1


Traveling in time
Recalling all moments
That passed in daylight
And troubled my nights
I see my growth
between fine lines
telling the story
of a girl
enjoyed her life
and her soul still intact

Where I was showered with pleasure

Were I was dipped in melancholy

As days pass by
I step further
towards a light
Dimes sometimes
Shine at times
Ultimately, I touch the blaze

Faces pass by window of life
Leaving stamp
craved deep inside
gathered under skins and nails
I take them along
Lightly on my shoulder
not a burden
Just a reminder
! of where I've been

Post: #116
Title: Re: Moments
Author: Tumadir
Date: 06-06-2006, 05:29 PM
Parent: #115

I waited til I saw the sun
I dont know why I didnt come
I left you by the house of fun
I dont know why I didnt come
I dont know why I didnt come

When I saw the break of day
I wished that I could fly away
Instead of kneeling in the sand
Catching teardrops in my hand

My heart is drenched in wine
But youll be on my mind

Out across the endless sea
I would die in ecstasy
But Ill be a bag of bones
Driving down the road along

My heart is drenched in wine
But youll be on my mind

Something has to make you run
I dont know why I didnt come
I feel as empty as a drum
I dont know why I didnt come
I dont know why I didnt come
I dont know why I didnt come

Norah Jones

Post: #121
Title: Re: Moments
Author: Adil Osman
Date: 06-07-2006, 09:10 AM
Parent: #116

Post: #127
Title: Re: Moments
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 06-13-2006, 05:29 PM
Parent: #116

, Dear Tamdur
as usual
you shine in both languages

Quote: When I saw the break of day
I wished that I could fly away
Instead of kneeling in the sand
Catching teardrops in my hand

! Oh boy
? How many long nights I have spent wishing for what I haven't done at the time
…Regrets eat my soul every sun raise and burry my hopes every down
I am coward ! I must admit
! Too late I know
! I wish if I've known what I know now

be around
, love

Post: #122
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 06-08-2006, 08:38 PM
Parent: #1

, Dear Abubaker

Quote: That takes courage
! Yes indeed
That takes a lot of courage and unselfishness
To love for the sake of love and enjoy it to the maximum
Honesty, loving someone who deserve is a joy by itself

in some sad cases, you only want to be allowed to love
where you are asked not to have expectations
and you are forced to let go
to limit your dreams
so you only think of the flood of emotions within you and you just want to siege the moment
then you give up your rights by unleashing your feelings to extinguish your desperation
and you give a goodbye kiss to your dreams of a happy ending
!Alas, you surrender to your persisting agony

thanks for coming by
! You opened the doors of doubts

Post: #124
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: abubakr
Date: 06-09-2006, 02:18 PM
Parent: #122

Young Lady
Never abandon your dreams and love…NEVER

Here are few inspirational quotations on love and dream:

“To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance.”
“Life is a journey, and love is what makes that journey worthwhile.”
“Love is the beauty of the soul.”

“Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.”
“Dreams are like stars...you may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny.”
“Dreams are illustrations... from the book your soul is writing about you.”

Post: #125
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: Adil Osman
Date: 06-09-2006, 06:35 PM
Parent: #124

I saw him whisper in the phone: “mum?”.
His eyes were devoid of any expression.
In fact there was a slightly cunning expression, and a passing smile.
I didn’t know that this was the last time I would see him alive.
The next day a meeting of staff was called.
A woman spoke in anguish. “he took his life.” she said and continued talking, while resisting to cry,
“ to the town centre he went. He climbed to the 3rd floor in the shopping mall and jumped to his death”
Her face filled with tears.
It was one word. “mum”. only one word. Was it a farewell? Or a cry for help?
Apparently his mother didn’t take note.
Probably, he used to call her from time to time, and pronounce one syllable: “mum”.

Post: #126
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: Adil Osman
Date: 06-10-2006, 02:57 PM
Parent: #125

“ I am half Irish half Italian.” she told him in a matter-of-fact way. “ This is why you are so beautiful.” He said to her in a calculated tone. She smiled in gratitude, and blushed. “Want another drink?” He asked her, while pondering the spectacle of a half-drunk young woman on his sofa.
“ No, thank you. I don’t like to be a regular visitor of that place!” She said with a suppressed laugh. But he laughed his heart out. Because he was, also, fed up with going and coming. And struggling to unzip and target the white ceramic tiles. In a flash of time, the strong smell of urine running down the walls of the cinema house in Khartoum, filled his nostrils. Nostalgia grew a nose, he thought , while exhaling some ancient angst that resided for a long time in a remote corner of his soul.
“Let us go to my flat, and listen to some soul music.” He told her and stretched his hand towards her slender and white arm.

Post: #128
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 06-13-2006, 05:32 PM
Parent: #126

, Dear Adil,
! You are good in tempting me
Here a piece of reality
! Bitterness of discovering the truth a bit late

, Looking into her deep eyes, scrutinizing her transparent skin
He called his strength, rumpling his nerves
Says he is to share his life with another woman
It is okay, she mutters
Who am I then? She asks with her head leaning to the side
With wide open eyes
"He utters "you are the love of my life
؟Don't you see
Offering a smirking node
She stood up and walked away
two steps
she turns around
!and says: either you never loved before or you never were loved
!! Anyway, I can see that you'll learn through your oversight

Post: #129
Title: !Speechless
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 06-14-2006, 12:15 PM
Parent: #1

Words pearly spell
The mystery of
hidden feelings
they cannot portray
the thin line
between here and there
love and hate
! Away and near

Post: #130
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: sharnobi
Date: 06-14-2006, 12:33 PM
Parent: #1

Quote: [B]Love is fate
!! If you believe in, it will come around

وقفت على حد كده

وسلام يا عزاز

Post: #131
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 06-14-2006, 04:39 PM
Parent: #130

العزيز شرنوبي
ما بتوافقني؟

? What else we can do
No one knows what the untold brings
till it is revealed
... Believing keeps our sanity toned

Post: #132
Title: Time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 06-15-2006, 06:05 PM
Parent: #1

! Time time time

Time heals
Time deals
Time makes it easier
That damned time didn't do the job with me
It stands still when I want days to pass by
It entraps and takes me back to where I want to be
And drops back in a snap of a finger where I resent

Please have mercy on me
it is hard as it is
let go of me
? Will ya
! I've had it

Post: #133
Title: Re: Time
Author: عبدالرحمن عزّاز
Date: 06-15-2006, 07:27 PM
Parent: #132

ومن خط مية غرب نتابع....
التحية للأستاذة/عزاز شامى
و من رفدوا البوست...
و للأمام.......

Post: #134
Title: Re: Time
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 06-15-2006, 09:24 PM
Parent: #133

عبدالرحمن عزاز

سلامات وتحايا أين ما كنت
مرحبا بك في بوست أحلامي
وسائد كثيرة تملأ المكان
ونوافذ بطول الحائط وعرضه تشرف على كل أمنياتي
وارخي لجام خيلك
وكن بالجوار

Post: #135
Title: True feelings
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 06-15-2006, 09:33 PM
Parent: #1

I was told once

that true love never dies

it persists through different pitches

high and low

but never dies

as rooted trees

rest still facing wild winds

they sway but stand firm

Time cannot efface the glimmer of hope

!that flame just never dies

correction to text's alignment

Post: #136
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: sharnobi
Date: 06-16-2006, 00:34 AM
Parent: #1

اصلها ذى حبت

وانجرحت كمان

اريت يا دنيا

تعرف انا

Post: #137
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: sharnobi
Date: 06-16-2006, 00:47 AM
Parent: #1

ان منينا كلو وى ايتنقا جومنى

ايقون ايلن
فرفرا توقنى
ان اونا
ارتن برو ويرانى
نوبن بوريرنا

كانت لحظة
قررت ان انسج حولها احلى لحظات


املى كان اتهنى بيك

الا ربنا ما اراد


Post: #138
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: sharnobi
Date: 06-16-2006, 01:07 AM
Parent: #1

كان الكأس الاخير الحثالة

تداخلت الالوان
الخطوط تراخت
والنفس مولعة لخيالات
بين القبول لواقع

والحلم كان سكه ندية

وانت بين ايدى

وانتهت قصة غرام
ما كان لى ان احلم
انتهت قصة غرام

زكان الفنان على السقيد

وانتهت قصة غرامنا
واستمع اليه مستلبا
وكأنه يحكى لى
قصة الريدة الانتهت
وفى دروب الفرقة تهنا

فى طريق مسدود وقفنا

وحكى ما بى

ورفعت الجلسة

وانتهت قصة غرامنا
ومنى ضاع
اجمل حلم

Post: #139
Title: Love to Share
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 06-22-2006, 08:25 AM
Parent: #1

Love to Share
having said what I said
only love is left to give
it is growing
evolving day by day
end of days is around the corner
and this love got to be given away
it is more than I can have on my own
it is marvelous load I want to share
only with you
it is growing bigger than me
it wont fit within me babe
you've gota share it with me
Rise it up high
!where it can watch over us when we finally apart

Post: #140
Title: Goodbye
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 07-17-2006, 04:02 AM
Parent: #1

, Baby
All stars lit tonight
A bunny shape shade
Mama told
! Life could be so misleading

Here we are
Shaking hands
saying goodbye
eye to eye
heart to heart
walking down the road
picking all the memories we made
all laughters
all tears
gathered in our palms
for the last 100 times
! Time is up to say goodbye
Again, hands
Eye to eye
Heart to heart
! Walk away before I say it babe
! But wait
! Remember
I love you
And I will
! and I will never stop loving you
go on now
keep me in your eyes
keep my smile in your heart
remember my hand touch
my voice
! when i call your nam
go on babe
i need to sleep
! let me close my eyes and see my world the way i want
! Oh
? How deep I will miss you

Post: #141
Title: !! Still it rains
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 08-24-2006, 12:04 PM
Parent: #1

!! Still it rains
It is raining again
Washing all my pain
All the sorrow I kept inside
Things will change
We agreed so
Now we are apart
Waiting for real light to come along
?How have you been
?How do you treat life babe
?Are you content
?Are you at ease
Or like me
?Went num
I am okay
I am holding on
I am no longer fighting the wind
I am more into my shell
Shuffling memories
Swaying from end to end

O’ I love rain
It is so refreshing
It promises me of new beginnings and ends
More happiness to come
I believe
I should do so
Or else
I will linger in this ache endlessly
as you know me
! I love living life

Post: #142
Title: Re: !! Still it rains
Date: 08-24-2006, 02:05 PM
Parent: #141

عزوز والله انك لتطوعين اللغه على مزاجك وكأنها تزعن لاوامرك ممكن نكون أخوان

Post: #147
Title: Re: !! Still it rains
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 09-11-2006, 11:05 AM
Parent: #142


اعتبرنا أخوان!

Post: #143
Title: Re: .... Once upon a time
Author: Adil Osman
Date: 09-02-2006, 09:19 AM
Parent: #1

This song is so beautiful and soul- reviving
The singer is Sandi Thom, who is Scottish/British
Please read the lyrics and listen to the song

I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker (With Flowers In My Hair) Sandi Thom lyrics
Artist: Sandi Thom
Album: Smile... It Confuses People
Year: 2006
Title: I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker (With Flowers In My Hair)

Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair
In 77 and 69 revolution was in the air
I was born too late and to a world that doesn't care
Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair

When the head of state didn't play guitar,
Not everybody drove a car,
When music really mattered and when radio was king,
When accountants didn't have control
And the media couldn't buy your soul
And computers were still scary and we didn’t know everything


When popstars still remained a myth
And ignorance could still be bliss
And when God Saved the Queen she turned a whiter shade of pale
When my mom and dad were in their teens
and anarchy was still a dream
and the only way to stay in touch was a letter in the mail


When record shops were on top
and vinyl was all that they stocked
and the super info highway was still drifting out in space
kids were wearing hand me downs,
and playing games meant kick arounds
and footballers still had long hair and dirt across their face


I was born too late to a world that doesn't care
Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair

i wish i was a punk rocker

ساندى طوم

Post: #144
Title: Pain ...Just Pain
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 09-10-2006, 12:37 PM
Parent: #1

?What is beyond pain
?What is darker than black
?What's deeper than a whole in a wounded sole
as we once agreed, pain is just a phase
and better days to come… someday
have you got there yet
or your steps are misleading you more often
? me
I lost my legs
My strength to step
Up and down are just the same
Here and there are the same
It is colorless
It is just plain pain
days go backwards
Inviting ach on board
I miss being num
seeing through things
it is bad babe when feeling is just about pain
!and num is about running away

Post: #145
Title: Re: Pain ...Just Pain
Author: عماد محمود علي
Date: 09-11-2006, 01:36 AM
Parent: #144

Dear Ozaz

I Came here just for to say Hi, but

Quote: I lost my legs

Post: #146
Title: Re: Pain ...Just Pain
Author: Kostawi
Date: 09-11-2006, 09:13 AM
Parent: #145

Quote: ! I love living life

لو ما رجعتوا ورا و متوا ركن مافي لايف بتليفوها.

Post: #149
Title: Re: Pain ...Just Pain
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 11-12-2006, 03:07 PM
Parent: #146

الكرمبا !
ازيك بالجد ما مجرد سؤال نمطي!

اللايف دي حليفها بمزااااج، بس انت قول إن شاء الله!

زمنا ما زمن أزيار ولا أكواز مخرومة، زمن جاري سريع...
خطوة تقربك وخطوة ترميك للبعيد
وبين الوجوه الكثيرة
بتفضل وجوه معينة
بتشيلها معاك للزمن السمح الجاي
وبيجبها الزمن السمح مغلفة في ورق ذكرياتك!
بترطب أيامك زي الموية الدعاش
تصحي فيك كل خربشات عمرك الفات
وتجرجر الطفل الجوة داك وتخليه يجري يلحق الطيف!

Post: #148
Title: Re: Pain ...Just Pain
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 11-12-2006, 02:53 PM
Parent: #145

! Emad
! sorry to sadden you

… but sad days run are legless

Post: #150
Title: ? Why now
Author: عزاز شامي
Date: 11-12-2006, 03:17 PM
Parent: #1

! you
? what made you remember
!calling my name they way you used to do
did I pass your dream screen
? wearing my disappointment cloak
? what made you surrender
? is it my echo around you
! I hope you didn't miss me
! oh ya! it must be November

, then
we met accidentally
running through solid walls
!that we don't care

well, I don't really care
! anymore
… I am living through my days to get to my dreams
to paint my world with my colors
holding that memory
and kissing all my precious wounds
… waiting for a miracle to put pieces together

?am I getting there
! soon I will
as all up roads
this one ain't easy
! you know better
? since when I like it easy