السـودان يتجسس على العـرب والمسلمين لصـالح الـ CIA

السـودان يتجسس على العـرب والمسلمين لصـالح الـ CIA

04-30-2005, 10:19 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=6&msg=1114895983&rn=1

Post: #1
Title: السـودان يتجسس على العـرب والمسلمين لصـالح الـ CIA
Author: Abureesh
Date: 04-30-2005, 10:19 PM
Parent: #0

بالصـوت من MPR

واليوم من القارديـان البريطانيـة:
Sudan becomes US ally in 'war on terror'

Suzanne Goldenberg in Washington
Saturday April 30, 2005


Sudan's Islamist regime, once shunned by Washington for providing a haven
for Osama bin Laden as well as for human rights abuses during decades of
civil war, has become an ally in the Bush administration's "war on terror".
Only months after the US accused Khartoum of carrying out genocide in
Darfur, Sudan has become a crucial intelligence asset to the CIA.

In the Middle East and Africa, Sudan's agents have penetrated networks that
would not normally be accessible to America, one former US intelligence
official told the Guardian. Some of that cooperation has spilled over into
the war in Iraq: Sudan is credited with detaining foreign militants on their
way to join anti-American fighters there.

Sudanese agents have also helped the CIA to monitor Islamist organisations
in Somalia.

"The intelligence relationship is the strongest thread between Washington
and Khartoum," the official said. "Khartoum is probably the only government
in the Arab League that has contributed in a major way to the protection of
US forces and citizens in Iraq."

News of the growing cooperation was first reported in yes terday's Los
Angeles Times. The paper traced the thaw in relations since 2001 to a
milestone last week: the visit to Washington by Sudan's intelligence chief,
Salah Abdallah Gosh. It reported that Sudan's secret police had begun to
crack down on suspected Islamists, had shared evidence with the FBI and
allowed US personnel to interrogate al-Qaida suspects.

In May 2003, Sudanese security forces raided a suspected terrorist training
camp and deported more than a dozen, mainly Saudi, militants to Arab states
which work closely with US intelligence services, the newspaper said.

Yet a decade ago Sudan was a haven to Bin Laden and other international
outlaws, such as Carlos the Jackal. In 1993, it was placed on the US state
department's list of terrorist regimes. Approaches from Khartoum were
rebuffed - even as it offered its services against an emerging al-Qaida in
the 1990s.

"Sudan tried to hand over two guys implicated in the 1998 bombing of the US
embassies in east Africa, and the response was to send cruise missiles to
hit the aspirin factory in Khartoum," the official said. "They offered up
Bin Laden in 1995, and we said we don't even have an indictment on him."

Officially, Washington's position towards Sudan remains unchanged. "Sudan is
still considered a state sponsor of terror," a state department spokesman
said yesterday.

News of General Gosh's visit to Washington caused consternation in human
rights circles. The general is among 51 Sudanese officials implicated in
human rights abuses by the international criminal court.

"I quite understand that the war on terrorism means dealing with bad actors,
but to fly in one of Sudan's chief committers of what Washington has
formally described as genocide is deeply disturbing," said an independent
Sudan analyst, Eric Reeves. He noted there had been signs of a slight thaw
towards Khartoum for some time - despite the state department's official

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