Terri Schiavo has died

Terri Schiavo has died

03-31-2005, 09:35 AM

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Post: #1
Title: Terri Schiavo has died
Author: Kostawi
Date: 03-31-2005, 09:35 AM
Parent: #0

Thursday, March 31, 2005 Posted: 10:07 AM EST (1507 GMT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Terri Schiavo, the 41-year-old brain-damaged woman who became the centerpiece of a national right-to-die battle, died Thursday morning, nearly two weeks after doctors removed the feeding tube that had sustained her for more than a decade.

Brother Paul O'Donnell, a spokesman for Bob and Mary Schindler, Schiavo's parents, said the couple was with their daughter's body and praying.

Wednesday, the Schindlers lost what their lawyer described as their "last meaningful legal appeal" in their desperate battle to have their brain-damaged daughter's feeding tube reinserted.

The U.S. Supreme Court late Wednesday refused once again to hear an emergency appeal from the Schindlers.

Their lawyer, David Gibbs, heard the high court had rejected the appeal during a news conference outside the Pinellas Park, Florida, hospice where Schiavo was receiving care.

"It appears that that will be the last meaningful legal appeal unless something comes up," Gibbs had said. "Fundamentally, the decision of the Florida courts will remain unchanged and the federal courts have declined to get involved."

Thursday morning, O' Donnell said that Schiavo was in her final hours of life, and police have prohibited her blood relatives from spending time with her.

O'Donnell, one of the family's spiritual advisers, said that her parents and siblings were "begging to be at her bedside...but are being denied."

Michael Schiavo was Terri's guardian and controlled who may visit her and when.

Pasco-Pinellas Circuit Judge George Greer in Clearwater, Florida, ordered the feeding tube removed March 18 at Michael Schiavo's request. He has said that his wife wouldn't have wanted to live in her condition -- what Florida courts have deemed a "persistent vegetative state."

The parents felt otherwise and had sought to take guardianship of their daughter from her husband. Their bitter court battles began in 1998.

"I don't understand why Michael Schiavo at some point didn't walk away," Gibbs said.

Justice Anthony Kennedy, who has jurisdiction over Florida, Georgia and Alabama, and could have ruled on the petition on his own, referred the appeal to the entire Supreme Court at 10:40 p.m. Wednesday.

There was no breakdown of the vote, and the high court issued no explanation for its decision. The petition had been filed earlier in the night.

It was the second time in a week the high court refused to hear the case, and the sixth time since 2001.

The Schindlers "can know they have done everything possible under the law in letting government know that they wanted to fight for the life of their daughter," Gibbs said.

In his Supreme Court filing, Gibbs and other lawyers for the parents wrote that removing the tube represented "an unconstitutional deprivation of Terri Schiavo's constitutional right to life."

Brother Paul O'Donnell, a spokesman for Bob and Mary Schindler, Schiavo's parents, said the couple was with their daughter's body and praying.

Wednesday, the Schindlers lost what their lawyer described as their "last meaningful legal appeal" in their desperate battle to have their brain-damaged daughter's feeding tube reinserted.

The Supreme Court's rejection came hours after the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta, Georgia, rejected the parents' petition 9-2. That court denied three similar requests from the parents last week.

In a concurring opinion of the Atlanta court's latest ruling, Judge Stanley Birch said Congress "chose to overstep constitutional boundaries" by passing a law to force the Schiavo case into federal courts.

Judges Gerald Tjoflat and Charles Wilson dissented, with Tjoflat writing that the Schindlers deserved a hearing on the merits of their argument.

On March 21, three days after Schiavo's feeding tube was removed, Congress passed a bill transferring jurisdiction of the case from Florida state court to a U.S. District Court, for a federal judge to review. President Bush signed it into law the next day. But federal courts refused to overturn the state courts' decision.

Post: #2
Title: Re: Terri Schiavo has died
Author: Elnasri Amin
Date: 03-31-2005, 09:38 AM
Parent: #1

سلام كوستاوى

المريضه التى تشغل الراى العام و الحكومه الامريكيه

Post: #3
Title: Re: Terri Schiavo has died
Author: Kostawi
Date: 03-31-2005, 11:57 AM
Parent: #2

شكرا الأخ نصري أمين:
طبعا الموضوع خلق مشكلة كبيرة في الأوساط السياسية
و القضائية....حتى المنظمات المدنية
و رجال الدين إختلفوا
على حكم المحكمة....

ترى ما هو رأى ناس البورد?

Sen. Daniel Webster, R-Winter Garden, reacts as the death of Teri Schiavo is announced during the Florida Senate session, Thursday, March 31, 2005, in Tallahassee, Fla. Webster was the Senate sponsor of a bill that would have re-connected Teri Schiavo's feeding tube. The bill was defeated. (AP Photo/Phil Coale)

A protester holds a sign in front of police at the Woodside Hospice after Terri Schiavo died on Thursday, March 31, 2005, in Pinellas Park, Fla. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Terri Schiavo's father Bob Schindler, left, is escorted into the Woodside Hospcie by Brother Paul O'Donnell after Terri had passed away Thursday morning March 31, 2005 in Pinellas Park, Fla. (AP Photo/Chris O'Meara)

Post: #5
Title: Re: Terri Schiavo has died
Author: Rakoba
Date: 03-31-2005, 12:07 PM

Quote: وفاة تيري شيافو المصابة بتلف في المخ
باينلاس بارك /فلوريدا/ - رويترز
قال متحدث باسم والدي تيري شيافو المصابة بتلف في المخ ان شيافو التي كانت محور نزاع مرير حول مصيرها تدخل فيه الكونجرس الامريكي والرئيس جورج بوش توفيت اليوم الخميس.
وقال المتحدث بول اودونيل وهو راهب فرانسيسكاني لقد ماتت للتو.
وخاض بوب وماري شيندلر معركة قضائية دامت سبع سنوات للابقاء على حياة ابنتهما.
واسلمت تيري البالغة من العمر 41 عاما الروح بعد 13 يوما من وقف تغذيتها بانبوب تغذية بامر المحكمة.
وكانت تيري مصابة بحالة وصفتها المحاكم بانها حالة خمول دائم منذ توقف قلبها لبرهة قصيرة عام 1990 مما اسفر عن حرمان مخها من الاكسجين.
وايدت المحاكم لفترة طويلة موقف زوجها والوصي الشرعي عليها مايكل شيافو الذي يقول انها ما كانت لتريد ان تعيش بهذه الحالة وانه يتعين السماح لها بالموت.
لكن والديها خاضا معارك في المحاكم لمد حياة ابنتهم في حملة حظت بدعم مجموعة من المسيحيين المحافظين ونشطاء ينادون بالحق في الحياة ومناهضة الاجهاض.
وسارع الكونجرس الذي يسيطر عليه الجمهوريون بعد توقف تغذية تيري في 18 مارس اذار باصدار قانون خاص يسمح للوالدين بنقل قضيتهما من محاكم الولاية الى المحاكم الاتحادية.
لكن هذا الجهد الذي اظهرت استطلاعات الرأي انه لا يحظى بشعبية لدى غالبية الامريكيين فشل حين رفض قضاة اتحاديون طلب الابوين اصدار امر باستئناف تغذية تيري. وصدر اخر رفض من المحكمة العليا الامريكية في ساعة متاخر من ليل الاربعاء.

Post: #4
Title: Re: Terri Schiavo has died
Author: Elnasri Amin
Date: 03-31-2005, 12:05 PM
Parent: #1

سلام كوستاوى
لمن عملت البوست بتاعى ده قبل اكثر من اسبوع مافى زول قال لى بتقول
فى شنو.

ناس البورد ديل لو مادخلت كلمه السودان مابشتغلو بيك الشغله.

نعم السودان اولا و اخيرا..

لكن احيانا فى قضايا تستحق الانتباه مثل قضيه حق الاطباء فى تطبيق
الموت الرحيم على المرضى الميؤوس من علاجهم

على الاقل من وجهه النظر الدينيه.

تدخل الاطباء منع حدوث الموت ..ماذا يعنى خروجهم من القضيه.


ربنا يرحم تيرى فقد تعذبت كثيرا

Post: #6
Title: Re: Terri Schiavo has died
Author: غادة عبدالعزيز خالد
Date: 03-31-2005, 12:23 PM
Parent: #4

و ماتت تيري, يا للبؤس

كانت معركة حامية, ادخلوا الانبوب, اخرجوا الانبوب

لقد تعذبت المسكينة لمدة طويلة, و لكن هل من حقنا ان نحدد متي تنتهي حياة الانسان؟ ام ان هذا هو القضاء و القدر و لا نستطيع الا الصبر امام ارادة الله؟ انتهي عذابها, و لكنني كنت اتمني لو تعيش

يوما حزينا

Post: #7
Title: Re: Terri Schiavo has died
Author: أبوالريش
Date: 03-31-2005, 12:39 PM
Parent: #6

Very sad indeed
This is the same 'Assited suicide" that courts have ruled against, and now "Dr Death" is serving his time for assisting some patients to end their lives
This is even worse that assisted suicide because the patient here did not agree on the removal of the feeding tubes
science is changing everyday, and contradicted itself in many instances

Post: #8
Title: Re: Terri Schiavo has died
Author: Kostawi
Date: 03-31-2005, 12:53 PM
Parent: #7

شكرا الأخت غاده
و الأخوان
و أبو الريش

Here is what President Bush said:

President Bush said Thursday that he joins the millions of Americans saddened by the death of Terri Schiavo and urged the country to honor her memory by working to "build a culture of life."

"The essence of civilization is that the strong have a duty to protect the weak," Bush said. "In cases where there are serious doubts and questions, the presumption should be in favor of life."

Post: #9
Title: Re: Terri Schiavo has died
Author: Marouf Sanad
Date: 03-31-2005, 01:01 PM
Parent: #8

Quote: لكن احيانا فى قضايا تستحق الانتباه مثل قضيه حق الاطباء فى تطبيق
الموت الرحيم على المرضى الميؤوس من علاجه

لم يكن موتها رحيما بالمرة ,, ماتت جوعا وعطشا بعد 13 يوما

Post: #10
Title: Re: Terri Schiavo has died
Author: Kostawi
Date: 03-31-2005, 01:08 PM
Parent: #9

Here is the opinion of
Pope John Paul II

Pope declares feeding tubes a 'moral obligation'

By Cathy Lynn Grossman, USA TODAY
Pope John Paul II has stunned Catholic health care providers, ethicists and theologians by announcing emphatically that it is "morally obligatory" to continue artificial feeding and hydration for people in a persistent vegetative state, even if they remain so for years.

Post: #11
Title: Re: Terri Schiavo has died
Author: Kostawi
Date: 03-31-2005, 01:27 PM
Parent: #10

And here is Jesse Jackson:

"I feel so passionate about this injustice being done, how unnecessary it is to deny her a feeding tube, water, not even ice to be used for her parched lips," Jackson said. "This is a moral issue and it transcends politics and family disputes."

Post: #12
Title: Re: Terri Schiavo has died
Author: Murtada Gafar
Date: 03-31-2005, 02:42 PM
Parent: #11


كان موتا حزينا و حدثا كبيرا و جدلا واسعاتابعته بكل الشغف الأيام الفائتة، لكن هذه هي الحال في المجتمعات المدنية حياة الإنسان و صيانة كل حقوقه حتى عندما لا يكون قادرا على إدراكها هي واجب الجميع. لكم هو درس عظيم و مفيد.

و لكم الإحترام

مرتضى جعفر

Post: #13
Title: Re: Terri Schiavo has died
Author: Anwar Ahmed
Date: 03-31-2005, 02:46 PM
Parent: #1

فتاة سودانية مفقودة بالرياض

Post: #14
Title: Re: Terri Schiavo has died
Author: Mohamed A. Salih
Date: 03-31-2005, 02:53 PM
Parent: #13

تعليق معبر ياانور. نسأل الله ان يعيدها الي اهلها.

Post: #15
Title: Re: Terri Schiavo has died
Author: Walid Safwat
Date: 03-31-2005, 03:02 PM
Parent: #1

What a shame..and what guilt will these judges live with.. May they all rot in Hell for their murderous verdicts...