إلى أحمد أمين

إلى أحمد أمين

02-21-2005, 07:02 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=6&msg=1109008930&rn=1

Post: #1
Title: إلى أحمد أمين
Author: zoul"ibn"zoul
Date: 02-21-2005, 07:02 PM
Parent: #0


زول بن زول
كوز ابن كوز

من أنت ؟

Mr. Amin

And exactly who the hell are you!!!x

Listen buck, you do not know me and I do not know you, and indubitably I have no interest in knowing you. You only see my writings here, and so do I, though for me, only when I decide to occupy my self with some junk on this board. Who the hell are you to question who is this and who is that!! I was neither addressing you nor giving a damn of your existence. But you know what, never mind, I am beaming that you asked. I am happy also to see you assigning me any label your quirked mind decided to come up with. Thank you for calling me KKK for the second time. I have no interest in alerting Bakri to the violation of this statement to the new board rules, though I could. But given the penchant you have thus shown I am free and at ease to call you any name whenever I feel like it, and for any reason or no reason. x

Since we do not know each other, but what we write on this board, it must be that my writings have made you going bananas to come jumping. Mr. Amin whose declared democractic, anti-racism, and multi-culturalism politics are well know, is the perfect example of the 21st century sudanese democrats, probably acquired listening to the colossal intellectuals of the New Sudan/SPLM Garang or else. But alas, he is the most unsurpassable disaster that could fall on what he calls for. As usual such insensates are the worst enemies not only of themselves, but to any good governance and change in sudan, though they so appear to be the great upholders of it. Instead of following your declared democratic politics and discuss any writings or provide counter arguments you resort to a wicked style of throwing labels and accusations as you like. It is the perfect weapon of those who are bankrupt and lack the slightest intellect to conduct a fruitful and respectable discussion or debate. As quarter intellectuals, sappies, moronic and retardees like you run out of esteem, get perplexed, and see they are going no where with there thinkings they resort to name calling and labeling people as their likes and dislikes. For such people, freedom of expression is only for those who match their opinions, should anyone be saying something very different, he is a KKK or BBB or whatever their twisted minds can bring. Do you really know what KKK stand for, what does it do, how did it originate etc. I doubt, six-pack headed, or more accurately, empty headed, obtuse thinking-they-are intellectuals as you, are likely to have heard it in a sudanese nightly social gathering and of course suddenly became experts in the subject jubilant with new phrases to add their already poor thesaurus. x

Amass yourself and others the burden of writing/reading your usual inanity. When you want to discuss political issues you are welcomed. But better be armed with some logic, rational and critical thinking. While I am sure you are seriously impaired in such currencies, I pray that you work hard to acquire some. When ready please feel free to join the chorus and bunch of respectable people who discuss things without surrogating to nonsense malarkey. x

In the old times they say that the wise man once said

A wise man learns more from a fool than a fool learns from the wise

Take it easy, and make no mistake, I have a keyboard too and can write as pleases
me. Au revoir mon ami