مفاجأة ! ماهو أول قرار سيصدره الرئيس بايدن حين دخوله للبيت الأبيض ؟ لن تصدق!

مفاجأة ! ماهو أول قرار سيصدره الرئيس بايدن حين دخوله للبيت الأبيض ؟ لن تصدق!

11-08-2020, 03:24 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=510&msg=1604845455&rn=0

Post: #1
Title: مفاجأة ! ماهو أول قرار سيصدره الرئيس بايدن حين دخوله للبيت الأبيض ؟ لن تصدق!
Author: كمال عباس
Date: 11-08-2020, 03:24 PM

02:24 PM November, 08 2020

سودانيز اون لاين
كمال عباس-usa
رابط مختصر

أعلن ملتزما بأن أول قرارته هو إلغاء قرار ترامب القاضي بحظر المسلمين دخول أمريكا .. Muslim travel ban

Biden pledges to end Trump’s ‘Muslim ban’ on his first day in office
WASHINGTON — Former Vice President Joe Biden on Monday pledged that if he is elected president, he will end President Donald Trump’s so-called Muslim travel ban on his first day in office.

“I will end the Muslim ban on day one. Day one. And I will work with Congress to pass hate crimes legislation like the Jabara-Heyer No Hate Act and the End Racial and Religious Profiling Act,” Biden said to attendees of the Million Muslim Votes Summit, an online conference hosted by Emgage Action, the nation’s largest Muslim-American political group.

One of Trump’s first actions as president in 2017 was to suspend entry to the United States of travelers from seven majority Muslim nations: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen, for 90 days. The executive order created chaos at airports around the world, and lawsuits against the ban quickly followed.

After federal judges barred the first ban’s implementation, Trump issued a second ban that was also quickly tied up in federal courts.

A third version of the ban was issued by the White House in the fall of 2017, and this one applied to six majority Muslim countries and two non-majority Muslim countries. The following year, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the third ban, which remains in place today.

Speaking on Monday, Biden said Muslim communities “were the first to feel Donald Trump’s assault on black and brown people with his vile Muslim ban. That fight was the opening barrage in what has been nearly four years of constant pressure, insults and attacks” by Trump against minorities.

Post: #2
Title: Re: مفاجأة ! ماهو أول قرار سيصدره الرئيس بايد�
Author: جلالدونا
Date: 11-08-2020, 03:37 PM
Parent: #1

اظن الاعلان الاول هو الاعلان الرسمي لمكتب الاثنى عشر الخاض بالجائحة
و اعتقد ان فاوتشى هو احد اعضائه ان لم يكن رئيسه
و التانى العودة لاتفاقية المناخ
التالت انهاء خطر دخول المسلمين
الرابع الاتفاق النووي الايراني
و ده ليهو ترتيبات قبل اصداره
لكن الاشارة ليهو مخمة فى اليوم الاول
عموما ح يكون من ضمن قرارات اليوم الاول

Post: #3
Title: Re: مفاجأة ! ماهو أول قرار سيصدره الرئيس بايد�
Author: muntasir
Date: 11-08-2020, 06:23 PM
Parent: #2

أنا أعتقد أول قرار حيكون عودة الولايات المتحدة لمعاهدة باريس للمناخ