بن سلمان في فتيل هل هي لعنة المنشار

بن سلمان في فتيل هل هي لعنة المنشار

08-11-2020, 00:43 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=510&msg=1597103010&rn=16

Post: #1
Title: بن سلمان في فتيل هل هي لعنة المنشار
Author: بدر الدين الأمير
Date: 08-11-2020, 00:43 AM
Parent: #0

00:43 AM August, 10 2020

سودانيز اون لاين
بدر الدين الأمير-دولة قطر
رابط مختصر

السعودية في عهد المراهق محمد بن سلمان
اضحت مسخرة ومضحكة

Post: #2
Title: Re: بن سلمان في فتيل هل هي لعنة المنشار
Author: بدر الدين الأمير
Date: 08-11-2020, 00:47 AM
Parent: #1

بن سلمان التانى بعد البشير
فى المنطقة يكون مطلوب للعدالة

Post: #3
Title: Re: بن سلمان في فتيل هل هي لعنة المنشار
Author: بدر الدين الأمير
Date: 08-11-2020, 00:55 AM
Parent: #2

من المعروف ان امريكا
هى من يحدد من هو الملك
القادم للسعودية لكن بن سلمان
صديق ترامب ونسيبه كوشنر
دخل امريكا في فتيل

Post: #4
Title: Re: بن سلمان في فتيل هل هي لعنة المنشار
Author: بدر الدين الأمير
Date: 08-11-2020, 01:38 AM
Parent: #3

منذ أن اوسست المملكة العربية السعودية
لم يمر عليها ولى عهد بمواصفات محمد بن سلمان
وقدرته المهولة على تدمير هيبتها ومكانتها ومكروه داخليا
صدق السعوديين حن وصفوه بالدب الداشر

Post: #5
Title: Re: بن سلمان في فتيل هل هي لعنة المنشار
Author: adil amin
Date: 08-11-2020, 03:18 AM
Parent: #4

المنشار بس ؟؟

والله حرب اليمن دي حتجيب قفا ترامب ذاتو لو دخلت حملة جو بايدين الانتخابية
المرة دي الانتخابات الامريكية حيشارك فيها كل شعوب العالم من الصين لحدي جذر القمر
بي التوتير والفيس واليو تيوب والفضائيات
والعالم مفضوح تماما
وكل المظلومين في العالم
وبن سلمان وبن زايد ديل حدهم بس يسقط ترامب الما جمهوري في الانتخابات

Post: #6
Title: Re: بن سلمان في فتيل هل هي لعنة المنشار
Author: صديق مهدى على
Date: 08-11-2020, 04:17 AM
Parent: #5

انت قريب ليهو أمشى امرقو منو والله ياود الامير شقيت الها خليت حميدتى وبقيت تناقر فى ود سلمان
فعلا دا مثل صاح كان قلبك حلها وسع قدها ههههها
يا امير

Post: #7
Title: Re: بن سلمان في فتيل هل هي لعنة المنشار
Author: يحي قباني
Date: 08-11-2020, 04:29 AM
Parent: #6

Saudi Crown Prince sent hit squad to Canada, exiled spy chief alleges
Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince dispatched a hit squad to Toronto in an attempt to murder a former high-ranking intelligence officer, an effort made shortly after the assassination of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Turkey, according to allegations contained in court documents filed in Washington.
The target was Saad Aljabri, 61, who held a senior intelligence post under deposed crown prince Mohammed bin Nayef. He has been keeping a low profile and under private security protection in Toronto since 2017.
Mr. Aljabri alleges in newly filed court documents that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman tracked him in both the United States, where he owns property, and later in Canada because he possessed “damning information,” including recordings he has made in case he is one day killed. The filings do not explain how Mr. Aljabri obtained the information on which his allegations are based.
“On or around October 15, 2018 – less than two weeks after the extrajudicial killing of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi ... another team of Saudi nationals traveled across the Atlantic Ocean from Saudi Arabia to Canada, where Dr. Saad lives in exile, with the intention of killing Dr. Saad,” the court documents allege.
Mr. Khashoggi, a columnist for the Washington Post, was an outspoken critic of Crown Prince bin Salman, the de facto leader of the oil-rich kingdom who’s known by the initials MBS. Mr. Khashoggi was strangled and dismembered by a 15-member team of Saudi assassins on October 2, 2018, during a visit to the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.
Mr. Aljabri alleges the Crown Prince, “deployed a network of Saudi agents” in the U.S. to hunt him while he was living in Boston in 2017. When he fled the United States to Canada later that year, he says the Saudis dispatched an assassination team known as the Tiger Squad to Toronto.
Members of the Tiger Squad, who are loyal to the Crown Prince, obtained Canadian tourist visas in May, 2018, five months before their trip, the documents say.
They carried two bags of forensic tools and had personnel experienced in the cleanup of crime scenes – including one who worked in the same department as the man who dismembered Mr. Khashoggi with a bone saw. They were intercepted at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport, where they tried to “avert the detection of Canadian border security by entering through separate kiosks.”
According to the court filing, Canadian border agents “quickly became suspicious” of the arrivals and quizzed the Saudis, who are named in the documents. They denied knowing one another, but the CBSA found a photo of some of the men together and refused to let them into the country, except for one who was allowed to enter with a diplomatic passport.
In the court filing, Mr. Aljabri accuses the Crown Prince of attempted extrajudicial killing in violation of the U.S. Torture Victim Protection Act and in breach of international law. Mr. Aljabri cites the United States’s Alien Tort Statute that protects foreign nationals from flagrant human-rights violations.
One of the lawyers acting for Mr. Aljabri in the filing is David Pressman, a former assistant secretary at the Department of Homeland Security who was once nominated by then-president Barack Obama to serve as ambassador for the United States at the United Nations Security Council. He has also previously served as director for war crimes and atrocities on the National Security Council at the White House.
Mr. Aljabri said in the court filing that he believes the Crown Prince has not given up on killing him, noting a recent fatwa issued by Saudi religious leaders urging followers to murder him.
“Following the failure of the October 2018 Tiger Squad plot in Canada, upon information and belief, Defendant bin Salman now plans to send agents directly through the United States to enter Canada by land and, once and for all eliminate Dr. Saad.”
Saudi Arabia presses Canada to end refuge for Saad Aljabri, ex-intelligence officer
Saudi family in Canada breaks silence as children seized in Riyadh
Turkish prosecutors file indictment against 20 Saudi nationals over 2018 killing of Jamal Khashoggi
Mr. Aljabri, who the filings say has been granted permanent-resident status in Canada, managed to get all but two of his eight children out of Saudi Arabia. In mid-March, authorities imprisoned Omar, 21, and Sara, 20, in what was widely considered an effort to force his return from exile.
Mr. Aljabri has vast counter-terrorism experience and deep knowledge of some of Saudi Arabia’s most sensitive information including the foreign bank accounts and financial assets of senior Saudi Royal Family members. This knowledge, he alleges, is why the Crown Prince wants him dead.
“Dr. Saad was privy to sensitive information about defendant bin Salman’s covert political scheming within the Royal Court, corrupt business dealings, and creation of a team of personal mercenaries that defendant bin Salman would later use to carry out the extrajudicial of Jamal Khashoggi, among others.”
The court documents say Mr. Aljabri has saved thousands of American lives, including providing key intelligence that prevented a terrorist plot targeting synagogues in Chicago. He alleges in the court filing that MBS believes Mr. Aljabri is responsible for the CIA’s conclusion that MBS ordered the killing of Mr. Khashoggi. The Crown Prince has denied that he ordered the killing.
The Globe and Mail reported in Julythat the Saudis tried to have Mr. Aljabri arrested through an Interpol warrant in late 2017 and later asked Canada to extradite him in the fall of 2019, even though Ottawa does not have an extradition treaty with Riyadh.
Mr. Aljabri intervened in 2012 on Canada’s behalf to commute the public beheading of Saudi-Canadian Mohamed Kohail, who was accused of murdering a man during a schoolyard brawl. A sentence of 200 lashes for his brother, Sultan, was also commuted.
Before he came to Canada, Mr. Aljabri had been teaching at Harvard University but decided to move to Toronto because he was worried President Donald Trump and his son-in-law Jared Kushner were too close to the Crown Prince and may not guarantee his safety, sources say.

Mr. Aljabri has reason to fear the Crown Prince.
In the court filing, Mr. Aljabri said the Crown Prince has sought to eliminate anyone who had a “direct line to senior U.S. intelligence officials and a wealth of potential harmful knowledge about” him. He alleges MBS uses his personal charitable organization, the MiSK Foundation, to fund the Tiger Squad and other covert activities abroad.
The court filing lists the names of key figures in the foundation and alleges they cultivated a “network of covert agents whom he [MBS] has deployed to target individuals who undermine defendant bin Salman in the United States.”
Relations between Canada and Saudi Arabia have been strained since August, 2018, when then-foreign affairs minister Chrystia Freeland tweeted that Saudi Arabia should “immediately release” imprisoned rights activists.
The Saudis were enraged and recalled Ambassador Naif bin Bandar al-Sudairi, expelled Canadian ambassador Dennis Horak, halted the state-owned airline from flying to Toronto and ordered thousands of Saudi students studying in Canada to return home.
Sources say Canada’s refusal to send Mr. Aljabri back was a contributing factor to the Saudi diplomatic reaction, as well as the inability of Ambassador al-Sudairi to get any high-level meeting with Canadian foreign-affairs officials.

Post: #9
Title: Re: بن سلمان في فتيل هل هي لعنة المنشار
Author: بدر الدين الأمير
Date: 08-11-2020, 05:27 AM
Parent: #6

صديق يامهدى
سيدك الصادق المهدى
وهو فى التسعين من عمره
وسع قدها شديد تسعينى بلا
وقار ولا احترام وكمان داير يجى

Post: #8
Title: Re: بن سلمان في فتيل هل هي لعنة المنشار
Author: بدر الدين الأمير
Date: 08-11-2020, 05:14 AM
Parent: #5

عادل ياحوثى
عرفنا الضباحين وين السلاخين

Post: #10
Title: Re: بن سلمان في فتيل هل هي لعنة المنشار
Author: Yasir Elsharif
Date: 08-11-2020, 08:56 AM
Parent: #8

سلامات يا ود الأمير

قناة العربية واسكاي نيوز عاملين رايحين من الأخبار الزاحمة الفضاء

أما قناة الجزيرة فوجدت الهواء هابي وقاعدة تضري في العيش بتاعا. تعجبك غادة عويس!!!

Quote: ما وراء الخبر - كيف دمر بن سلمان صورة السعودية لدى الغرب؟
62.284 Aufrufe
Al Jazeera Channel قناة الجزيرة
6,88 Mio. Abonnenten
تابعت حلقة (2020/8/10) من برنامج “ما وراء الخبر” كيف تبدو صورة السعودية في الأوساط الحقوقية والسياسية في عهد محمد بن سلمان، وذلك بعد إصدار محكمة واشنطن الفدرالية أمر استدعاء قضائي بحقه و13 آخرين بينهم مقرّبون منه

Post: #11
Title: Re: بن سلمان في فتيل هل هي لعنة المنشار
Author: بدر الدين الأمير
Date: 08-11-2020, 09:31 AM
Parent: #10

فعلا قناة الجزيرة
لقت الهوى ومن حقها
تضرى عيشها
ومثلنا بقول البلقا الهوى بضرى عيشو

Post: #12
Title: Re: بن سلمان في فتيل هل هي لعنة المنشار
Author: Yasir Elsharif
Date: 08-11-2020, 09:50 AM
Parent: #11

Quote: Atif Omer Mohamed Ali
أما قناة الجزيرة فوجدت الهواء هابي وقاعدة تضري في العيش بتاعا. تعجبك غادة عويس!!!
وواحدين مسكوهم من بوستات السعودية
والله صحي!

يا زول ما تحلف ساكت. أنا مافي زول مسكني ولا في زول فكاني!!!

والسعودية دايرة تتفك لي رقبتها دي من الوهابية
والوهابية دايرة تتفك لي رقبتها أيضا من تهمة التكفير والإرهاب

شايف كيف؟

Post: #13
Title: Re: بن سلمان في فتيل هل هي لعنة المنشار
Author: Yasir Elsharif
Date: 08-11-2020, 09:57 AM
Parent: #12

Quote: هل مات الملك سلمان؟! وماذا سيحدث للمملكة بعد مقاضاة ولي العهد؟! شاهد رأي د. سعد الفقيه
84.210 Aufrufe
Mekameleen TV — قناة مكملين الفضائية
1,26 Mio. Abonnenten

Post: #14
Title: Re: بن سلمان في فتيل هل هي لعنة المنشار
Author: Yasir Elsharif
Date: 08-12-2020, 08:30 AM
Parent: #13

Quote: Atif Omer Mohamed Ali
المريب قال :
تعالووو امسكوني!

قلتا في واحدين مسكوهم من السعودية وسيرتا
جاكم ناطي:
انا ما مسكوني!

الإستاتيستيكس دي شيالة حال!
نشوف قوالاتا ونسمع خباراتا!

يا سلام... إيه الشطارة دي؟؟!
ما إنت ليك مدة قاعد تكتب أني مسكوني من الكتابة عن السعودية.
وهسع قبل يومين تلاتة كتبت "فكوك؟"

المهم الكتابة مستمرة يا شاطر

Post: #15
Title: Re: بن سلمان في فتيل هل هي لعنة المنشار
Author: Yasir Elsharif
Date: 08-13-2020, 12:16 PM
Parent: #14

هذا التقرير يلقي الضوء على المسألة بصورة ممتازة

Post: #16
Title: Re: بن سلمان في فتيل هل هي لعنة المنشار
Author: Yasir Elsharif
Date: 08-13-2020, 12:19 PM
Parent: #15

عاطف عمر من الذباب الإلكتروني بشبهة سخريته من الثورة السودانية ودعمه لمحمد بن سلمان.

Post: #17
Title: Re: بن سلمان في فتيل هل هي لعنة المنشار
Author: Yasir Elsharif
Date: 08-13-2020, 12:26 PM

الخارجية الأميركية تساند الجبري ضد ولي العهد السعودي.. مؤشرات على تخلي ترامب عن بن سلمان


Post: #18
Title: Re: بن سلمان في فتيل هل هي لعنة المنشار
Author: بدر الدين الأمير
Date: 08-13-2020, 04:23 PM
Parent: #17

وعند جهينة...

Post: #19
Title: Re: بن سلمان في فتيل هل هي لعنة المنشار
Author: بدر الدين الأمير
Date: 08-13-2020, 05:17 PM
Parent: #18

Saudi Crown Prince sent hit squad to Canada, exiled spy chief alleges
Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince dispatched a hit squad to Toronto in an attempt to murder a former high-ranking intelligence officer, an effort made shortly after the assassination of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Turkey, according to allegations contained in court documents filed in Washington.
The target was Saad Aljabri, 61, who held a senior intelligence post under deposed crown prince Mohammed bin Nayef. He has been keeping a low profile and under private security protection in Toronto since 2017.
Mr. Aljabri alleges in newly filed court documents that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman tracked him in both the United States, where he owns property, and later in Canada because he possessed “damning information,” including recordings he has made in case he is one day killed. The filings do not explain how Mr. Aljabri obtained the information on which his allegations are based.
“On or around October 15, 2018 – less than two weeks after the extrajudicial killing of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi ... another team of Saudi nationals traveled across the Atlantic Ocean from Saudi Arabia to Canada, where Dr. Saad lives in exile, with the intention of killing Dr. Saad,” the court documents allege.
Mr. Khashoggi, a columnist for the Washington Post, was an outspoken critic of Crown Prince bin Salman, the de facto leader of the oil-rich kingdom who’s known by the initials MBS. Mr. Khashoggi was strangled and dismembered by a 15-member team of Saudi assassins on October 2, 2018, during a visit to the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.
Mr. Aljabri alleges the Crown Prince, “deployed a network of Saudi agents” in the U.S. to hunt him while he was living in Boston in 2017. When he fled the United States to Canada later that year, he says the Saudis dispatched an assassination team known as the Tiger Squad to Toronto.
Members of the Tiger Squad, who are loyal to the Crown Prince, obtained Canadian tourist visas in May, 2018, five months before their trip, the documents say.
They carried two bags of forensic tools and had personnel experienced in the cleanup of crime scenes – including one who worked in the same department as the man who dismembered Mr. Khashoggi with a bone saw. They were intercepted at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport, where they tried to “avert the detection of Canadian border security by entering through separate kiosks.”
According to the court filing, Canadian border agents “quickly became suspicious” of the arrivals and quizzed the Saudis, who are named in the documents. They denied knowing one another, but the CBSA found a photo of some of the men together and refused to let them into the country, except for one who was allowed to enter with a diplomatic passport.
In the court filing, Mr. Aljabri accuses the Crown Prince of attempted extrajudicial killing in violation of the U.S. Torture Victim Protection Act and in breach of international law. Mr. Aljabri cites the United States’s Alien Tort Statute that protects foreign nationals from flagrant human-rights violations.
One of the lawyers acting for Mr. Aljabri in the filing is David Pressman, a former assistant secretary at the Department of Homeland Security who was once nominated by then-president Barack Obama to serve as ambassador for the United States at the United Nations Security Council. He has also previously served as director for war crimes and atrocities on the National Security Council at the White House.
Mr. Aljabri said in the court filing that he believes the Crown Prince has not given up on killing him, noting a recent fatwa issued by Saudi religious leaders urging followers to murder him.
“Following the failure of the October 2018 Tiger Squad plot in Canada, upon information and belief, Defendant bin Salman now plans to send agents directly through the United States to enter Canada by land and, once and for all eliminate Dr. Saad.”
Saudi Arabia presses Canada to end refuge for Saad Aljabri, ex-intelligence officer
Saudi family in Canada breaks silence as children seized in Riyadh
Turkish prosecutors file indictment against 20 Saudi nationals over 2018 killing of Jamal Khashoggi
Mr. Aljabri, who the filings say has been granted permanent-resident status in Canada, managed to get all but two of his eight children out of Saudi Arabia. In mid-March, authorities imprisoned Omar, 21, and Sara, 20, in what was widely considered an effort to force his return from exile.
Mr. Aljabri has vast counter-terrorism experience and deep knowledge of some of Saudi Arabia’s most sensitive information including the foreign bank accounts and financial assets of senior Saudi Royal Family members. This knowledge, he alleges, is why the Crown Prince wants him dead.
“Dr. Saad was privy to sensitive information about defendant bin Salman’s covert political scheming within the Royal Court, corrupt business dealings, and creation of a team of personal mercenaries that defendant bin Salman would later use to carry out the extrajudicial of Jamal Khashoggi, among others.”
The court documents say Mr. Aljabri has saved thousands of American lives, including providing key intelligence that prevented a terrorist plot targeting synagogues in Chicago. He alleges in the court filing that MBS believes Mr. Aljabri is responsible for the CIA’s conclusion that MBS ordered the killing of Mr. Khashoggi. The Crown Prince has denied that he ordered the killing.
The Globe and Mail reported in Julythat the Saudis tried to have Mr. Aljabri arrested through an Interpol warrant in late 2017 and later asked Canada to extradite him in the fall of 2019, even though Ottawa does not have an extradition treaty with Riyadh.
Mr. Aljabri intervened in 2012 on Canada’s behalf to commute the public beheading of Saudi-Canadian Mohamed Kohail, who was accused of murdering a man during a schoolyard brawl. A sentence of 200 lashes for his brother, Sultan, was also commuted.
Before he came to Canada, Mr. Aljabri had been teaching at Harvard University but decided to move to Toronto because he was worried President Donald Trump and his son-in-law Jared Kushner were too close to the Crown Prince and may not guarantee his safety, sources say.

Mr. Aljabri has reason to fear the Crown Prince.
In the court filing, Mr. Aljabri said the Crown Prince has sought to eliminate anyone who had a “direct line to senior U.S. intelligence officials and a wealth of potential harmful knowledge about” him. He alleges MBS uses his personal charitable organization, the MiSK Foundation, to fund the Tiger Squad and other covert activities abroad.
The court filing lists the names of key figures in the foundation and alleges they cultivated a “network of covert agents whom he [MBS] has deployed to target individuals who undermine defendant bin Salman in the United States.”
Relations between Canada and Saudi Arabia have been strained since August, 2018, when then-foreign affairs minister Chrystia Freeland tweeted that Saudi Arabia should “immediately release” imprisoned rights activists.
The Saudis were enraged and recalled Ambassador Naif bin Bandar al-Sudairi, expelled Canadian ambassador Dennis Horak, halted the state-owned airline from flying to Toronto and ordered thousands of Saudi students studying in Canada to return home.
Sources say Canada’s refusal to send Mr. Aljabri back was a contributing factor to the Saudi diplomatic reaction, as well as the inability of Ambassador al-Sudairi to get any high-level meeting with Canadian foreign-affairs officials.

ياقبانى الجبري اثبت انه رجل مخابرات من طراز فريد مش زى بن منشار الاحد مستشارينوا العوقة طه الدلاهه