The UN must investigate the 3rd of June human rights violations in Sudan by the Military Mo Suda

The UN must investigate the 3rd of June human rights violations in Sudan by the Military Mo Suda

06-04-2019, 06:16 AM


Post: #1
Title: The UN must investigate the 3rd of June human rights violations in Sudan by the Military Mo Suda
Author: Hassan Farah
Date: 06-04-2019, 06:16 AM

06:16 AM June, 04 2019

سودانيز اون لاين
Hassan Farah-جمهورية استونيا
رابط مختصر

The UN must investigate the 3rd of June human rights violations in Sudan by the Military

Mo Sudan started this petition to António Guterres the Secretary-General of the United Nations
On the 3 of June 2019, the Sudanese people's human right to peacefully protest was violated. At the sit in front of the Military headquarters in Sudan they were subject to an early morning raid by tens of heavily armed military vehicles and thousands of police and Military personnel. Life fire was used, tear gas attacks, lashings and also beatings. Reports say there is a number of unknown fatalities and many wounded. What happened must be investigated and the responsible parties brought to justice. We demand the United Nation establish an International commission of inquiry and investigate because the Sudanese people believe the Transitional Military Council is incapable of investigate itself.
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Post: #2
Title: Re: The UN must investigate the 3rd of June human rights violations in Sudan by
Author: Hassan Farah
Date: 06-04-2019, 06:22 AM
Parent: #1

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