قتل...قتل... و بأسمائهم...صبرا آل دارفور.

قتل...قتل... و بأسمائهم...صبرا آل دارفور.

05-04-2006, 12:53 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=50&msg=1146743588&rn=1

Post: #1
Title: قتل...قتل... و بأسمائهم...صبرا آل دارفور.
Author: Kostawi
Date: 05-04-2006, 12:53 PM
Parent: #0

Sudan Organisation Against Torture

Human Rights Alert: 04 May 2006
Darfur: Armed Militia attack on Karamagay village, North East Nyala

On 13 April 2006, armed militias on horses and camels, numbering more than five hundred attacked and looted Karamagay village in North East Nyala, Southern Darfur State. During the attack, the militias killed 15 people and wounded 11 others. The militias also looted over 517 cows, 850 sheep, 720 goats, 22 horses, 60 donkeys and 8 camels. According to the villagers, who belong largely to the Birgid tribe, the attackers originate from Niteaga, Shearia province, Southern Darfur state.

The details of the persons killed and wounded are as follows:

1. Adam Ibrahim Riyas, (43 yrs)
2. Ahmed Musa Hamdan, (32 yrs)
3. Alshaikh Adam Dood, (60 yrs)
4. Fatima Abdella Dam, (28 yrs), F
5. Hassan Adam, (30 yrs)
6. Ibrahim Alzain Ahmed, (40 yrs)
7. Ishag Abaker, (55 yrs)
8. Omer Abaker Osman, (60 yrs)
9. Osman Ali Musa, (45 yrs)
10. Rasha Mohamadain Adam, (15 yrs), F
11. Saif Aldean Abdel Rahman Hassan, (28 yrs)
12. Soulieman Abdella Tairab, (38 yrs)
13. Soulieman Musa Mohamed, (33 yrs)
14. Yagoub Ibrahim Hamdan, (35 yrs)
15. Yahya Mohamed Yahya, (28 yrs)

1. Abdella Ali Dawood, (32 yrs)
2. Adam Ali Adam, (60 yrs)
3. Adam Ishag Abaker, (30 yrs)
4. Adamo Adam Dood, (14 yrs)
5. Ahmed Abooh Tairab, (65 yrs)
6. Ashia Abdella Adam, (14 yrs), F
7. Fatima Osher Bourma, (25 yrs), F
8. Hawa Bakheet, (33 yrs), F
9. Mohamadain Adam Shoumo, (35 yrs)
10. Mohamed Alhadi Mohamed, (6 yrs)
11. Om Alhassan Mohamed Adam, (30 yrs), F


There has been armed militia, allegedly the Janjaweed militias’ presence in Shearia since November 2005, when the town emerged as the new front for confrontations between government forces and the rebel opposition groups in Darfur. The government strategy of shifting the war to the town began in early September 2005, following the Sudan Liberation Army, (SLA) attack in Shearia town during which the rebel forces looted approximately 1,000 camels and reportedly killed 18 civilians.

The government in response encouraged armed militias to amass in the area and to implicitly allow the Janjaweed militias to loot the local population property including their cows, sheep with impunity. In the first week of November 2005, the militias working with Government forces attacked and looted Shearia market. During the attack, shops belonging to persons from the Zaghawa tribe and persons from the Zaghawa tribe were specifically targeted. Following the attack and #####ng, persons belonging to the Zaghawa tribe fled Shearia town to El Fahal, Otash and Dereig Internally displaced Camps, adding to the already large IDP population in Southern Darfur. The remaining population, largely from the Birgid tribe set up camp near the African Union Camp in Shearia.

Reportedly, the Commander of the Armed Forces Commander in Shearia town is a Mr. Asim Torobora. Due to continuing fighting between government forces and the SLA and the continuing presence of armed militias, access for aid agencies to the area has been almost impossible. The population in the surrounding areas are in desperate need of food and water, shelter and medicine.

SOAT strongly condemns the continuing terrorisation and attacks on the civilian population in Shearia by both government forces and armed militias and prevention of access for aid organisations in the town to undertake their humanitarian activities.

SOAT stresses that the continued attacks on civilians in Darfur with impunity is a clear violation of the ceasefire agreement, UNSC resolutions, international laws protecting non-combatants and the spirit of the ongoing peace negotiations in Abuja.

In light of the seriousness and the ongoing nature of armed militias’ attacks on civilians, SOAT calls on the Government of Sudan to:

i. Investigate the attacks on Karamagay village and to ensure that the perpetrators are brought before an impartial tribunal and guaranteed procedural rights at all times;
ii. Investigate the situation in Shearia and the surrounding villages and to immediately disperse the Janjaweed militias and all other militias that are operating the area;
iii. End impunity for crimes committed by government forces and its proxy militias in Darfur;
iv. Ensure safe passage for aid organisations and humanitarian convoys to Shearia;
v. Immediately take all steps required to prevent attacks, threats, intimidations and any other form of violence against the people of Darfur;
vi. Guarantee respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms throughout the country in accordance with national laws and international human rights standards.

The above recommendations should be sent in appeals to the following addresses:

His Excellency Omar Hassan al-Bashir
President of the Republic of Sudan
President’s Palace
PO Box 281, Khartoum, Sudan
Fax: + 249 183 783223

His Excellency Salva Kiir Mayardit
First Vice-President
People's Palace
PO Box 281, Khartoum, Sudan
Fax: + 249 183 771025

His Excellency Ali Osman Mohamed Taha
People's Palace
PO Box 281, Khartoum, Sudan
Fax: + 249 183 771025

Mr. Lam Akol Ajawin
Minister of Foreign Affairs
PO Box 873, Khartoum, Sudan
Fax: + 249 183 779383

Mr. Al Zubeir Beshir Taha
Minister of Interior
PO Box 873, Khartoum, Sudan
Fax: + 249 183 779383

Dr. Abdelmuneim Osman Mohamed Taha
Advisory Council for Human Rights
PO Box 302
Khartoum, Sudan
Fax: + 249 183 770883

Permanent Representative:
His Excellency Mr. Mohamed Elhassan Ahmed Elhaj
Avenue Blanc 47
1202 Geneva
Tel: 022 731 26 63
Fax: 022 731 26 56
Email: [email protected]

SOAT is an international human rights organisation established in the UK in 1993. If you have any questions about this or any other SOAT information, please contact us:

Argo House
Kilburn Park Road
London NW6 5LF, UK
Tel: +44 (0)20 7625 8055
Fax: +44 (0)20 7372 2656
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.soatsudan.org


Post: #2
Title: Re: قتل...قتل... و بأسمائهم...صبرا آل دارفور.
Author: Kostawi
Date: 05-04-2006, 10:06 PM

قتل...قتل... و بأسمائهم...صبرا آل دارفور.

Post: #3
Title: Re: قتل...قتل... و بأسمائهم...صبرا آل دارفور.
Author: ابوالقاسم ابراهيم الحاج
Date: 05-04-2006, 10:20 PM
Parent: #2

نهدى صورة من هذا البيان الى:
الاستاذ الاديب الكبير: عثمان محمد صالح.
وكل الجوقة التابعة له علهم , يستدعون انسانيتهم التى انغمست فى الاعماق البعيدة حتى يراجعوا موالقفهم .

ان الحقد والغل ليعمى الانسان من ان يكون انسانيا لفترة ما ولكن لا اعتقد ان يكون لا انسانيا الى الابد صعب لان فى دواخل كل انسان نوع من خير الانسان؟!.
مجرد عشم.

تسلم يا كوساتاوى على هذا الاخبار .

Post: #4
Title: Re: قتل...قتل... و بأسمائهم...صبرا آل دارفور.
Author: Mannan
Date: 05-05-2006, 00:16 AM

Dear Kostawi
Only an international effort under UN could stop this genocide. The NIFers will continue killing the Darfuri people, burn their villages and loot their belongings despite the international condemnations. Save Darfur Coalition must continue pushing hard for a UN expedited action to save the lives of the Darfuris.


Post: #5
Title: Re: قتل...قتل... و بأسمائهم...صبرا آل دارفور.
Author: ابوالقاسم ابراهيم الحاج
Date: 05-05-2006, 00:43 AM
Parent: #4

تسلم الاستاذ: منان .
رأى ورؤية صائبة على الامم المتحدة ان تستعد لحماية وتحمل مسؤليتها فى موضوع دارفور وناس النظام مؤكد على استعداد فى الاستمرار فى حرق القرى المتبقية وطرد كل سكان دارفور فى الفترة القادمة خاصة ان الارهاصان الحاليةلعملية السلام غير مطمئنة فى ضوء لعب النظام او اختراقه للاتحاد الافريقى وتدجين القيادات السياسية العليا فيه والتنفيذيين منهم على الوجه الاخص.

وما مهزلة الورقة او الوثيقة المقدمة إلا اكبر مؤشر على تلك الاختراقات .

عجبنى كلامك قلت ارحب بك حتى يأتى صاحب البوست لك التحية

Post: #6
Title: Re: قتل...قتل... و بأسمائهم...صبرا آل دارفور.
Author: Mannan
Date: 05-05-2006, 01:07 AM

أخى ابوالقاسم
هذا اضعف الايمان.. حريق دارفور هو حريق الوطن.. والسكوت عن هذا الحريق ليس جريمة فقط بل انه انتحار للوطن.. يجب ان يتوقف هذا النزيف باى ثمن.. وتدخل الامم المتحدة الفورى اصبح ضرورة عاجلة وملحة ومن الغباء الانتظار والاستماع لطبول الجبهة .. الامم المتحدة ليست دولة اجنبية وقواتها ليست قوات اجنبية.. لقد خلقت لصيانة الاستقرار العالمى وحماية الشعوب من اى عدوان سواء من قوى اجنبية او قوى داخلية باطشة بشعوبها.. والجبهجية اكثر من بطشوا بالشعب السودانى.. لقد نكلوا باكثر من ثلاثة ملايين من البشر وهم اكثر ممن قتلوا فى حروب المهدية وكررى وحملات الدفتردار الانتقامية.. ماهو العدوان على الشعب ان لم يكن مثل هذا العدوان والمذابح الدائرة فى دارفور..

تسلم وتسلم دارفور..


Post: #7
Title: Re: قتل...قتل... و بأسمائهم...صبرا آل دارفور.
Author: saif massad ali
Date: 05-05-2006, 01:23 AM
Parent: #6

لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله

هل لهؤلاء دين او ايمان او انسانيه؟

ابادة بالجملة