البنك الدولي والملاريا والحصاحيصا...!

البنك الدولي والملاريا والحصاحيصا...!

04-28-2006, 12:02 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=50&msg=1146222136&rn=1

Post: #1
Title: البنك الدولي والملاريا والحصاحيصا...!
Author: Mohamed Elgadi
Date: 04-28-2006, 12:02 PM
Parent: #0

I hope if I could continue typing in Arabic... but this will take hours and not only my Lunch Hour....

Any, way this post is important not only for environmentalists but all those who know about the lies of the big world institutions ...

In an online discussion organized by number of concerned orgs about the malaria in Africa, the World Bank 'expert' said the following in response to a question on how to eradicate Malaria:

Quote: Dale Ward: How about using DDT to wipe-out malaria? This was successful in the
past, before the misplaced hysteria of DDT came around.
Suprotik Basu: Thanks for the question on DDT. I was hoping someone would ask
DDT is clearly a very effective tool against malaria, and the World Bank does,
where appropriate, support the use of DDT. But the issue is broader than DDT.
The issue is one of indoor spraying and indoor spraying can be done with many,
many different insecticides. It is not just about DDT. It is about a number of
different insecticides that can be used for indoor spraying. The choice of
insecticide depends on what are the resistance patterns inside that country. It
is not really so much do we or don\'t we use a particular insecticide. It is
what is the appropriate insecticide in that particular country.
On DDT itself, you are right to note that there has been no scientific evidence
that indoor spraying with DDT for malaria has resulted in negative health or
environmental consequences. So the Bank\'s position is very pragmatic on its
use. We will use insecticide, and that includes but is not limited to DDT. There
is no room for dogma on this issue and we take a country by country decision.

and here was my response on those experts:
I’m so concerned about such statement from the World Bank on the DDT:

DDT was banned in the US in 1972 because of “growing public and user concern over adverse environmental side effects” http://www.epa.gov/history/topics/ddt/01.htm

In Sudan, I was part of an investigative team on the increased cases of cancer and miscarriages in Hasahisa, Gezira (SUDAN) in 1991 in which we found that the secret pesticides dump in that area contained over 100 metric tons of DDT . My lab analysis for the soil of that area found that DDT (and its derivatives) were beyond the acceptable limit concentrates by 1200 times!!!

How can DDT, DDE, and DDD affect my health?
see this link http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/tfacts35.html

DDT affects the nervous system. People who accidentally swallowed large amounts of DDT became excitable and had tremors and seizures. These effects went away after the exposure stopped. No effects were seen in people who took small daily doses of DDT by capsule for 18 months.

A study in humans showed that women who had high amounts of a form of DDE in their breast milk were unable to breast feed their babies for as long as women who had little DDE in the breast milk. Another study in humans showed that women who had high amounts of DDE in breast milk had an increased chance of having premature babies.

In animals, short-term exposure to large amounts of DDT in food affected the nervous system, while long-term exposure to smaller amounts affected the liver. Also in animals, short-term oral exposure to small amounts of DDT or its breakdown products may also have harmful effects on reproduction.

The World Bank statement reminded me of President’s Bush’s continuing denial of the Global Warming phenomenon that has increased and resulted from the CO2 emission (26% caused by US industry)…

mohamed elgadi

Post: #2
Title: Re: البنك الدولي والملاريا والحصاحيصا...!
Author: Mohamed Elgadi
Date: 04-28-2006, 12:11 PM

here is the URL for the World Bank statment below:

World Bank Malaria Site

mohamed elgadi

Post: #3
Title: Re: البنك الدولي والملاريا والحصاحيصا...!
Author: Nasr
Date: 04-28-2006, 12:14 PM

Dear Mohamed
I am not an expert in the issue by any messure. But I am old enough to remember the happy old days when DDT helped wipe out Milarya in Sudan. Like u I am very curious of any stand taken by the World Bank. But if it comes to the point that DDT will wipe out Milarya with the side effects of more cases of other diseases "like the dreaded cancer" then we should give this issue a very thoughtful look. Tell you the truth, Milaraya is one of the reasons behind me staying away from my country this long. However, I wouldn't choose cancer over it. Knowing that every treatment might have a side effect, let us look at this matter more effectively. Thanks for reading
Have a nice weekend

Post: #4
Title: Re: البنك الدولي والملاريا والحصاحيصا...!
Author: Mohamed Elgadi
Date: 04-28-2006, 01:29 PM
Parent: #3

Thanks Ya Nasr for this thoughtful feedback... I will come back to you later...

mohamed elgadi