Final communique' of Rumbeik Meetings

Final communique' of Rumbeik Meetings

04-11-2006, 11:08 PM


Post: #1
Title: Final communique' of Rumbeik Meetings
Author: Deng
Date: 04-11-2006, 11:08 PM
Parent: #0


Between the 2nd and 5th April 2006, the Interim Political Bureau (IPB) of the Sudan Peoples’ Liberation Movement (SPLM) held its first meeting at Rumbek. The meeting was attended by all members of the Bureau and chaired by the SPLM Chairman Comrade Salva Kiir Mayardit. The meeting observed a minute of silence in the memory of SPLM/A martyrs and the late Great Leader, Dr. John Garang deMabior.

At the top of the IPB’s agenda was the transformation of the SPLM into a political organization and equipping it to face multiple transitions: the transitions from war to peace, from a liberation movement to a political party competing on level ground with other political forces in a multi-party democracy, from a party limited by the circumstances of war to operating in the “liberated areas” to one operating openly all over the country. In this connection, the IPB reaffirmed the national vocation of the SPLM and its commitment to continue the struggle, through political democratic means, to achieve its objective of creating a new Sudan.

To that end, the IPB endorsed the structures created, based on the 1994 SPLM National Convention, by the Chairman vide Resolution 4, dated 21st February 2006, and created organizational structures all over the country to enable it achieve the above objectives. It also adopted Basic Rules, Financial Regulations and codes of conduct to govern its activities as well as actions by its leaders and members. However, the first business to which the IPB and the General Secretariats shall give immediate attention to is the building of the Movement from the grass roots level leading to the Second SPLM Convention which shall take place at a time and in a place to be determined in the very near future

Furthermore, the IPB deliberated on progress made in the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) and endorsed actions taken, hitherto, by its Chairman, to ensure full implementation of the CPA and called upon him to continue his efforts in that regard so that the CPA is fully implemented in letter and in spirit. In particular, IPB deplores that the administration of Abyei Area is not yet put in place and calls upon the Presidency to urgently implement the Abyei Boundary Commission’s final decision as stipulated in the CPA. In this connection, the IPB reaffirms that there shall be no going back from the on-going peace process, while asserting that in order for that peace to be implemented fully, both parties to the CPA must internalize the demands of that Agreement and desist from the fantasy of believing that things can go as they used to do before the signing of the CPA.

Consequently, the IPB recommits itself to working seriously and transparently with the National Congress Party (NCP) in order to achieve full implementation of the CPA within the parameters and time-frame stipulated in that Agreement. Also, in the process of reviewing progress made in the implementation of the CPA, the IPB identified failures, gaps and shortcomings in that process, especially with regards to practices that derogate from, or are contrary to, the Interim National Constitution and the Bill of Rights enshrined in that Constitution. A checklist of those failures and shortcomings was made for discussion with the NCP at the appropriate level and thorough a mechanism established for that purpose.

However, the IPB is compelled to take exception to certain actions that were recently taken, purportedly in the name of the Government of the National Unity. Those actions, if continued, shall be detrimental to the peace process. For example, the recent dissemination of the language of war, including calls for Jihad, are divisive as they are detrimental to the environment of peace created by the CPA. Equally, the SPLM takes exception to the uncalled for attacks against the UN, the AU and their personnel given their role in the maintenance of peace, development and reconstruction in Sudan.

In addition, the IPB reviewed issues relating to security at the national and Southern Sudan levels. These issues covered a wide gamut ranging from foreign insurgencies and reorganization of the National Security Agency and other law enforcement agencies along the lines established by the CPA and Interim National Constitution, to war legacies such as presence of landmines, proliferation of small arms in civilian hands, tribal conflicts, poaching etc. The IPB took the appropriate resolutions regarding matters that fall within the purview of the authority of the Government of Southern Sudan and entrusted to its Chairman to take up the other issues with NCP and the Government of National Unity with a view to their resolution.

The IPB, moreover, deliberated on matters pertaining to relations with the NDA and other political forces and resolved to continue dialogue and cooperation with those forces, especially the NDA, based on political commonalities and commitment to the CPA. In particular, the IPB resolved that the SPLM should maintain close contacts and cooperation with those forces in order to realize genuine democratic transformation of the country as required by the CPA and the Interim National Constitution.

In this regard, the IPB welcomes the call by President Beshir to engage all Sudanese political forces in an effort to reach consensus on matters of national concern. However, it urges that this engagement should not only be limited to current topical issues, but should also cover all other issues whose resolution, within the bounds of the CPA, shall result in the creation of a healthy democratic environment. This shall be in line with para. 1.7 of the Power Sharing Protocol of the CPA which stipulates; “The Parties agree to initiate a comprehensive process of national reconciliation and healing throughout the country as part of the peace building process”.

Last, but not least, the IPB resolved that the peaceful resolution of the conflicts in Darfur and Eastern Sudan should be given priority over all other matters of State and, to that end, issued a specific resolution on that subject, which is attached hereto.

April, 5th, 2005
Rumbek, Lakes State
Southern Sudan

Post: #2
Title: Re: Final communique' of Rumbeik Meetings
Author: Deng
Date: 04-11-2006, 11:19 PM


Position on Darfur and Eastern Sudan

In its inaugural meeting in Rumbek, the Interim Political Bureau (IPB) of the Sudan Peoples’ Liberation Movement (SPLM) discussed the conflict in Darfur and the situation in Eastern Sudan and their internal and external ramifications. Conscious of its responsibilities as a major partner in the Government of National Unity (GoNU) and aware of the international and regional responsibilities of Sudan as a member of the UN and the AU, the SPLM IPB:

1. recognizes that the problems of Darfur and Eastern Sudan are essentially political and that the people of Darfur and Eastern Sudan have genuine grievances.

2. resolves that the GoNU should give urgent, immediate and undivided attention to the peaceful settlement of the conflicts in Darfur and Eastern Sudan, so that peace becomes comprehensive and all-embracing.

3. commits itself to continue working with National Congress Party (NCP) on a joint and common position on Darfur in order to achieve a just and sustainable peace in Darfur

4. believes that the resolution of the conflict in Darfur requires the unity of all Darfurian movements and undertakes to initiate open and direct dialogue with all those movements with the aim of achieving peace, reconciliation and unity.

5. endorses regional contacts undertaken by its Chairman with a view to engage regional players in the resolution of Sudanese conflicts and normalization of relations with neighbours. In that context it encourages the initiative of its Chairman to engage the Eritrean Government and the Eastern Front to set up a mutually acceptable negotiating forum in Asmara with the involvement of the Libyan Government.

6. supports and expresses appreciation of the decision taken on March 10th by the AU Peace and Security Council in giving the attainment of peace in Darfur the priority it deserves.

7. maintains that the CPA offers a reasonable framework for the resolution of the problem in Eastern Sudan.

8. calls on all parties to the conflict to refrain from the use of inflammatory, derisive or intimidating language that is prejudicial to peace and instead seek to build confidence based on mutual respect especially at the negotiations fora.

9. further calls on all parties to respect the humanitarian cease-fire agreements and protocols and provide a peaceful environment conducive to the effective delivery of humanitarian assistance and protection of civilian life.

10. urges all parties to commit themselves to cessation of hostilities and to conclude the Enhanced Ceasefire Modalities tabled by the mediators at Abuja Talks.

April, 5th, 2005
Rumbek, Lakes State
Southern Sudan.

Post: #3
Title: Re: Final communique' of Rumbeik Meetings
Author: doma
Date: 04-12-2006, 01:30 AM
Parent: #2