قشرتك أهم من السيرة الذاتية أم العكس؟

قشرتك أهم من السيرة الذاتية أم العكس؟

01-31-2006, 07:13 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=50&msg=1138687985&rn=2

Post: #1
Title: قشرتك أهم من السيرة الذاتية أم العكس؟
Author: Mahmoud Mustafa Mahmoud
Date: 01-31-2006, 07:13 AM
Parent: #0

الموضوع أدناه عجبني وسرّ بالي... قلنا تعميماً للفائدة نلصقه ليكم هنا... المصدر موقع msn.com والكاتبة موثقة تحت المقال ...عشان ما نجيب ليكم الهواء الصاااااقط...
لكن بالجد كدا نحن قاعدين نكون مكوعجين خلاص في المعاينات والمقابلات... ونحن هذه قاصد بيها نحن السودانيين دون غيرنا... يعني الواحد فينا تلقاهو قاعد في حتة كلها أمشاط وخلالات.. ويمشي المعاينة بدون ما يسرح كويس..... غايتو جنس حالة... أقشرو.. عشان القشرة مهمة والقلم ما بزيل بلم...

What matters most - your image or your CV
For the bottom line on how to dress for a job interview, you can't beat these words of advice published in a chat room. "Dress adequately, not looking like a hussy or a scruff", wrote the anonymous blogger.
She learned the hard way. But in these politically correct days, you may never get truthful feedback on your image. But if you're not getting the jobs or promotion you want, it could be that your image is getting in the way.
Image consultant Debbie Gray is often called in to troubleshoot when colleagues are too frightened to give feedback. "One female boss wanted me to sort out a junior colleague who 'looked like a tart', she recounts. With another male, senior executive, it was his forest of nasal hair that was the problem.
Visual, not vocal
At job interviews your image matters more than ever. Just seven percent of the impression you make at interview will be based on what you say. The rest - a staggering 93% - is down to how you behave, how you listen and how you look.
"We're becoming an increasingly visual world", says Gray. Plus, soft skills are counting for more in every job and profession. "Consider your image as another business tool", she recommends.
It's all in the detail
Never dress down to an interview. And when you have occasion to dress casually, remember you're still at work and don't do a David Cameron. "Removing your tie doesn't make a formal suit look casual, it looks sloppy", says Lesley Everett, personal image guru and author of Walking Tall points out.
Upwardly mobile dressers
For the career savvy, make sure you dress for the job you aspire to, not the job you're in at present. It's no use dressing like an admin assistant if you want to be the office manager.
Wear the right kit, and people will be able to picture you in the role. Bear in mind some of these clues from our image experts. And avoid the sartorial sins at all costs
For the girls...
It pays to make-up: women who wear subtle make-up earn 23% more than sisters who go without, according to the Hamermesh-Biddle project. Make-up emphasises eyes and mouth, the primary means of communication. Avoid any rock chick look
But not to reveal flesh: according to the Azziz Corporation, 88 per cent of people feel that it is unacceptable to display a bare midriff in the workplace, making it less acceptable than visible tattoos (77 per cent), body piercings (69 per cent) and low cut tops (64 per cent).
Suits you: women have so many choices that they shy away from the more formal suit and so come over as less powerful than their male colleagues.

For the boys...
Beardo blunders: facial hair is not taboo anymore - one in three bosses now view stubble as acceptable in business, says Azziz. But concealing lips and mouth is still a barrier to communication. If you're going for beard or stubble, you'll need to spend more, not less, time on grooming.
Don't be a schoolboy: don't wear badly fitting clothes, they'll look like hand-me-downs.
And all the rest: don't think you can get away with a stain on your tie, lunch in your teeth or smelling of cigarettes.

Helen Beckett

Post: #2
Title: Re: قشرتك أهم من السيرة الذاتية أم العكس؟
Author: Mahmoud Mustafa Mahmoud
Date: 02-04-2006, 02:50 AM
Parent: #1

تحرير بكا وكدا

Post: #3
Title: Re: قشرتك أهم من السيرة الذاتية أم العكس؟
Author: عبدالرحمن الحلاوي
Date: 02-04-2006, 04:43 AM

الموضوع مطروق سابقاً ولكن بطرق مختلفة واعتقد أن السودانين الغالب فيهم بفتكروا الهندمة والقشرة نوع من الميوعة وبعضهم بعتقد مجرد أنه فلتة زمانه فهذا كاف والبعض لا في العير ولا النفير ( ضفاري) زي ناس الخدمة المدنية والعسكريين ورجال الدولة وحتى وزير الخارجية الحالي أستاء جداً عندما يدخل أصبعه في منخاره فأظن أن الإجابة على الصحفيين ستخرج من أرنبة أنفه !! والمشكلة طوييييييييييييلة .
أحسن شي عندنا نظافة الفم يعني نادر تحصل واحد بخرة .