السودان ينسحب من الترشيح لرئاسه الأتحاد الأفريقي

السودان ينسحب من الترشيح لرئاسه الأتحاد الأفريقي

01-23-2006, 11:53 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=50&msg=1138056795&rn=13

Post: #1
Title: السودان ينسحب من الترشيح لرئاسه الأتحاد الأفريقي
Author: hala alahmadi
Date: 01-23-2006, 11:53 PM
Parent: #0

السودان ينسحب من الترشيح لرئاسه الأتحاد الأفريقي بعد الأعتراض من منظمات حقوق الأنسان و العديد من الدول الأفريقيه


Sudan agrees to withdraw its candidacy for Africa’s chairmanship

Tuesday 24 January 2006 01:30

Jan 23, 2006 (KHARTOUM

Sudan agreed Monday to withdraw its candidacy for the chairmanship of African Union (AU) following protests by human rights groups and several African leaders.

An African diplomatic source told KUNA tonight that African leaders approved Sudan to be chairman of the coming AU session when a peace agreement in Darfur is reached.

Critics had warned that the continuing conflict in the western Sudan region of Darfur made it impossible for Sudan to hold the AU’s presidency.

The AU is acting as a mediator between the two sides of the conflict and has a peacekeeping force in the region.

Sudan has nominated itself to chair the 53-member AU, based on a tradition that the host of its summit becomes the organization’s next leader.

The AU’s rotating presidency is currently held by Nigeria.

The debate over Sudan’s chairing the AU overshadowed the summit of African leaders, who had gathered in the Sudanese capital Khartoum Monday under the theme "Education and Culture".

In the meantime, Seyom Mesfin, Ethiopian Foreign Minister urged for backing the AU troops operating the in war-torn Darfur region, in an attempt to maintain stability in the region.


Post: #2
Title: Re: السودان ينسحب من الترشيح لرئاسه الأتحاد الأفريقي
Author: Rashid Elhag
Date: 01-23-2006, 11:56 PM
Parent: #1

طبعآ هذا هو المتوقع.....كيف يمكن أن يكون الديكتاتور رقم واحد عالميآ رئيسآ لأكبر منظمة أفريقية?....شكرآ هالة للخبر الجميل.....

Post: #3
Title: Re: السودان ينسحب من الترشيح لرئاسه الأتحاد الأفريقي
Author: Khalid Kodi
Date: 01-24-2006, 00:03 AM
Parent: #1

التحية لكل الفاعلين فى كل بقاع الارض،
هؤلاء الذين انحازوا لضميرهم ولبوا نداء مسؤليتهم الاخلاقية والتاريخية.

السودان فى هذه الفترة من تاريخه لايستحق ان يعتد به كدوله،
فقد اجبر السودان نصف مواطنيه على الحياة الدون انسانية،
وحكامه مجرمين مطلوبين للمثول أمام المحكة الدولية الجنائية.

شكرا للاخت هاله.

Post: #4
Title: Re: السودان ينسحب من الترشيح لرئاسه الأتحاد الأفريقي
Author: hala alahmadi
Date: 01-24-2006, 05:44 AM
Parent: #3


Rashid Elhag

khalid Kodi

many thanks for your comments; indeed it is a victory for all human rights defenders

here is another news on who will take over the leadership; it should formally be declared

by the AU .. though


Congo to chair AU followed by Sudan

Tuesday 24 January 2006 09:01

Jan 24, 2006 - KHARTOUM

Congo is to be named to head the African Union this year
and Sudan will take the AU chair in 2007 under a compromise reached overnight at a summit here, a minister told AFP on Tuesday.

Denis Sassou Nguesso"It’s done," said the minister who asked not to be named, adding that an announcement would be made at the plenary session on the final day of the AU summit being held in Khartoum

Sudan’s bid to head the 53-nation body had failed to garner the full support of countries because of the conflict in Darfur, where the AU is mediating peace talks and has deployed a peacekeeping force

A Sudanese official confirmed that agreement had been reached

"By way of compromise, the leaders have reached a formula by which Sudan may take the chairmanship next year," said foreign ministry spokesman Gamal Ibrahim

In the meantime, another country would assume the chairmanship.

"As far as I know only Congo-Brazzaville is a candidate," said Ibrahim.


Post: #5
Title: Re: السودان ينسحب من الترشيح لرئاسه الأتحاد الأفريقي
Author: hala alahmadi
Date: 01-24-2006, 05:58 AM
Parent: #4

and apparently it is confirmed


Congo named to head African Union, Sudan in 2007

Tuesday 24 January 2006 11:16

Jan 24, 2006 - KHARTOUM

Africa’s leaders on Tuesday named Congo to head the African Union
and agreed that Sudan would take over the leadership next year, ending a row sparked by Khartoum’s bid to lead the 53-nation body.

Liberia’s President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf arrives at the sixth African Union Summit in Sudan’s capital Khartoum January 24, 2006. (AP).President Denis Sassou-Nguessou, who ruled Congo from 1979 to 1992 and returned to power in 1997 in a coup, took over the chair from Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo on the final day of the AU summit in Khartoum.

Sudan’s bid to head the continental body had failed to win unanimous support because of the conflict in Darfur, where the AU is mediating peace talks and has deployed a 7,000-strong peacekeeping force.

A seven-nation committee set up to resolve the dispute drew up the compromise deal that was endorsed by the leaders at the session following days of dissent over Khartoum’s bid.

"Sudan shall assume the presidency of the African Union for the year 2007," said the text adopted by the leaders.

The bid by President Omar el-Beshir, who seized power in a 1989 coup, caused unease as the AU is the main peace broker in its western region of Darfur, where 300,000 people have died over the past three years.

But a solution appeared within sight when Sudan announced on Monday that it was ready to withdraw its candidacy to avoid divisions within the AU, set up only four years ago with a new commitment to peace.

Human rights groups had warned that giving Sudan the AU chair would be tantamount to rewarding a regime accused by the United States of genocide in Darfur and would damage the AU’s credibility.

"It’s a half-step in the right direction," commented Reed Brody, spokesman for US-based Human Rights Watch, noting that it was the first time that Africa had denied the presidency of a continental body to a country.

But he added: "If Sudan’s atrocities make al-Beshir unsuitable to lead Africa this year, it’s hard to see how he’ll be suitable next year."

"Denis Sassou-Nguessou’s human rights record is nothing to celebrate but it is certainly leagues better than al-Beshir," he said.

Sudan, which last year signed an historic agreement ending 21 years of war in the south, had won support from Egypt and Libya for its bid but west African and southern African governments were reluctant to give Khartoum the high-profile position.

US President George W. Bush expressed concern on Monday at the prospect of a Sudan-led AU, citing the situation in Darfur.

"It is a concern to us, and it should be a concern to the AU nations," Bush said at a public meeting in Kansas, noting that if Sudan takes over the bloc’s leadership it would "put them the titular head of the troops on the ground."

The AU deployed a peacekeeping force to the zone in 2004 but it has been unable to put a stop to the bloodshed between rebels and militias backed by government troops.

Darfur rebels taking part in AU-sponsored peace talks in Abuja had warned they would pull out of the negotiations if Sudan was given the presidency of the AU.

The flap over Sudan’s AU bid dominated talks at the summit, which officially was to tackle issues of culture and education and touch on the conflicts in Ivory Coast and Chad’s border clashes with Sudan, among other problems.

Aid officials and Western diplomats complained that vital peace and security issues had been brushed aside as the summit was consumed with the leadership tussle.

"The situation in Darfur is as bad as it was this time last year. Access to assistance is being denied," said one aid official, who asked not to be named. "The AU needs to respond accordingly."

Leaders also decided that Obasanjo would continue leading peace efforts in Darfur, one of the worst humanitarian crises on the continent.


Post: #7
Title: Re: السودان ينسحب من الترشيح لرئاسه الأتحاد الأفريقي
Author: بشير حسـن بشـير
Date: 01-24-2006, 06:02 AM
Parent: #5

الأخت هاله ، تحياتى

هذا هو عين الصاح ن انسحاب السودان من الترشيح لرئاسة الأتحاد الأفريقى
أنشاء الله ده يكون الحصل بالفعل .......

Post: #6
Title: Re: السودان ينسحب من الترشيح لرئاسه الأتحاد الأفريقي
Author: أبو ساندرا
Date: 01-24-2006, 06:01 AM
Parent: #1

يا هالة خشمك فيهو السكر
التحية لإفريقيا الحرة أبية
والعقبى أن يفعلها شعبنا
ويرفض رئاسة البشير
حتى لفريق كورة

مع إحترامي لكافة الفرق
إلا الفريق
الأصبح مشير

Post: #8
Title: Re: السودان ينسحب من الترشيح لرئاسه الأتحاد الأفريقي
Author: hala alahmadi
Date: 01-24-2006, 06:46 AM
Parent: #6

many thanks

Bashir Hassan Bashir
Abo Sandra
for your contribution
and comments

A BIG SALUTE to all human rights defenders
civil society organizations and also those African leaders
who did respond and put the interest of Darfurian people above everything else


Post: #9
Title: Re: السودان ينسحب من الترشيح لرئاسه الأتحاد الأفريقي
Author: shammashi
Date: 01-24-2006, 06:52 AM
Parent: #8

الزول دا كان قايل الاتحاد الأفريقي دا ياهو فريق كوبر وللا شنو.

والحقيقة أن السودان لم يسحب الترشيح إنما أجبر على ذلك.

يعني بالواضح كدي

البشير دق الدلجة

Post: #10
Title: Re: السودان ينسحب من الترشيح لرئاسه الأتحاد الأفريقي
Author: hala alahmadi
Date: 01-24-2006, 07:00 AM
Parent: #9

Quote: الزول دا كان قايل الاتحاد الأفريقي دا ياهو فريق كوبر وللا شنو.

i hope you are not referring to the title of the post; I have only translated the news headline

والحقيقة أن السودان لم يسحب الترشيح إنما أجبر على ذلك.

يعني بالواضح كدي

البشير دق الدلجة.

indeed; that what has happened in fact

thank you Shammashi .. for passing by

and putting smile in my face

Post: #11
Title: Re: السودان ينسحب من الترشيح لرئاسه الأتحاد الأفريقي
Author: Tara
Date: 01-24-2006, 07:26 AM
Parent: #10

Quote: التحية لكل الفاعلين فى كل بقاع الارض،
هؤلاء الذين انحازوا لضميرهم ولبوا نداء مسؤليتهم الاخلاقية والتاريخية.

هالة .. تحياتي

Post: #12
Title: Re: السودان ينسحب من الترشيح لرئاسه الأتحاد الأفريقي
Author: hala alahmadi
Date: 01-24-2006, 07:52 AM
Parent: #11

Quote: Quote: التحية لكل الفاعلين فى كل بقاع الارض،
هؤلاء الذين انحازوا لضميرهم ولبوا نداء مسؤليتهم الاخلاقية والتاريخية.

indeed we thank all of them .. wherever they are
their activism yielded its fruit
we salute them all
hope the work continues until women of Darfur and all Darfurians are safe

greetings Tara .. many thanks for passing by

Post: #13
Title: Re: السودان ينسحب من الترشيح لرئاسه الأتحاد الأفريقي
Author: charles deng
Date: 01-24-2006, 09:55 AM
Parent: #12

Dear Hala
Thank you for the good news. It seems if that dictator al-Bashir had became the chairman of the AU, many of us would have been at a loss as to where to turn to.

Post: #14
Title: Re: السودان ينسحب من الترشيح لرئاسه الأتحاد الأفريقي
Author: hala alahmadi
Date: 01-24-2006, 10:16 AM

Dear Charles

the AU made the wise and right decision
otherwise it would have been another catastrophe; and we don’t need more

my regards to you

Post: #15
Title: Re: السودان ينسحب من الترشيح لرئاسه الأتحاد الأفريقي
Author: hala alahmadi
Date: 01-24-2006, 10:55 AM
Parent: #14

Sudan has got the African message - minister
Tuesday 24 January 2006 15:30

Jan 24, 2006 - KHARTOUM

Sudan is expected to show progress in ending the violence in its western region of Darfur before it takes the chair of the 53-nation African Union, a Sudanese minister said Tuesday

"The writing was clear on the wall right from day one that Africa was not going to give the leadership to Sudan simply because of Darfur,"
said Minister from Cabinet Affairs Deng Alor, who hails from southern Sudan.

African leaders on Tuesday named Congo to head the AU but agreed that Sudan would take over in 2007 as they wrapped up a two-day summit in Khartoum that was overshadowed by disagreement over the AU leadership.

Sudan’s bid to head the pan-continental group had failed to win unanimous support because of the conflict in Darfur, where the AU is mediating peace talks and has deployed a 7,000-strong peacekeeping force.

"I think that was the clear message to Sudan, that if you put your house in order, we will have no problem with you," said Alor.

"I think that is what we are going to do. We are going to put our house in order, solve our problems so that come 2007 we take the lead."

Khartoum last year signed an historic deal to end 21 years of war in the south but the conflict in Darfur has continued, claiming some 300,000 lives and displacing two million people since 2003.

Sudanese Information Minister Zahawi Ibrahim Malik denied there was a link between the situation in Darfur and the AU decision to postpone in effect the Sudanese AU presidency until 2007.

"This is a decision taken by African leaders," said Malik.

"We want to solve it (Darfur) as a Sudan problem. We are ready to do whatever we need to do. But the problem is our problem," he said.


Post: #16
Title: Re: السودان ينسحب من الترشيح لرئاسه الأتحاد الأفريقي
Author: luai
Date: 01-24-2006, 11:33 AM
Parent: #1

يعني الرئاسة منحت للكنغو ذات السجل الممتاز في حقوق الانسان والديمقراطية !!
اي هراء وضحك على الذقون هذا ..؟ من من هؤلاء القادة جميعهم من يستحق الرئاسة بالمعايير التي تقال الان ؟
من كان بيته من زجاج فمن الافضل ان لا يرمي الاخرين بالحجارة ...
اي متابع يدرك ان السبب الرئيسي لعدم اختيار السودان هذا العام هو الضغوط الدولية المكثفة التي مورست على القمة ..وانصياع قادة القمة لارادة الضغوط .

الامر غير مفرح كثير بالتاكيد ..اذ سيتولى السودان الرئاسة القادمة وسيكون الرئيس ايضا عمر البشير وحينها لا ندري ..هل ستكون انتفت ذات الاسباب التي قيلت الان ؟
ام ان الامر كل الامر مجرد مهزلة سخيفة ومعركة من غير معترك ...

Post: #17
Title: Re: السودان ينسحب من الترشيح لرئاسه الأتحاد الأفريقي
Author: Adil Isaac
Date: 01-24-2006, 11:50 AM
Parent: #16

Well done to all human rights activists!!And congratulations to all decent human beings in Sudan. the matter is simple, the man is "wanted2 and can only be president of the union of dictators of the world as he topped the league of the worst dictoators in the world for the second year

thanks Hala


Post: #18
Title: Re: السودان ينسحب من الترشيح لرئاسه الأتحاد الأفريقي
Author: hala alahmadi
Date: 01-24-2006, 12:02 PM
Parent: #16

Salam Luai

you sound disappointed and angry

no wonder.. after the post you posted on all this fancy preparation and the money spent to manipulate Africans, to give the presidency to Sudan

for your information .. the issue here is not which African country record is clear of human rights violation.. . rather it is a CONFILCT OF INTEREST

Sudan (under the rule of the current president) can’t become the president of the AU; a Union whose troops are peace keepers in Darfur where atrocities has not stopped. Congo was not among the nominees, actually there wasn’t any other country. The tradition has been whoever host the summit takes the leadership

for Sudan (again under the rule of the current president) to be the host and fails in taking the leadership;it is indeed scandalous

it was sweet and fair politics

Post: #19
Title: Re: السودان ينسحب من الترشيح لرئاسه الأتحاد الأفريقي
Author: Shao Dorsheed
Date: 01-24-2006, 12:45 PM
Parent: #1

Quote: اي هراء وضحك على الذقون هذا )

Are there any left to be laughed at!!!1

Post: #20
Title: Re: السودان ينسحب من الترشيح لرئاسه الأتحاد الأفريقي
Author: عبد الغفار عبد الله المهدى
Date: 01-24-2006, 05:05 PM
Parent: #1

والله ضحكتنى
ولو كان الحكومة القاتله دى فازت بهذا المنصب كان دى تكون علامه من علامات الساعه
حلوه ينسحب
القيزان ديل اجمل حاجه فيهم بعرفوا بخدروا كويس وهسع فاكرين هم السنه الجايه حيراسو الاتحاد
ممكن هم يا ربى يكون لسع قاعدين لسنة الفين وسبعه ممكن
الله اعلم
البلد الما فيها تمساح يقدل فيها...................