من أجل إطلاق سراح سامي الحاج: رسالة مفتوحة للرئيس بوش..

من أجل إطلاق سراح سامي الحاج: رسالة مفتوحة للرئيس بوش..

01-11-2006, 06:57 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=50&msg=1137002261&rn=2

Post: #1
Title: من أجل إطلاق سراح سامي الحاج: رسالة مفتوحة للرئيس بوش..
Author: nadus2000
Date: 01-11-2006, 06:57 PM
Parent: #0

نأمل من جميع الإخوة والأخوات هنا أن يرسلوا هذه الرسالة إلى العنوان الإلكتروني للرئيس الأمريكي أو لأي من العناوين الموضحة أدناه.
كما نرجو توزيعها على أكبر عدد من الأصدقاء.

Dear recipients of this message!

If you sympathize with the Sudanese TV cameraman, Mr. Sami al-Hajj, we call on you to do something to help him.

1. You may copy/paste the below message as a document and send it by electronic mail, or print it out and send it by ordinary mail or fax to President George W. Bush to urge him and his Government to release Mr. Sami al-Hajj.
2. Please use polite language in your message. (Thank you)
3. Write your name and the date of the message at the end.
4. Organizations, web sites and mail groups sympathizing with Mr. Sami are kindly requested to pass this message to their members and readers.
5. All individuals and groups are kindly requested to make a wide-scale distribution of this message.
6. Appeals are to be sent to the following addresses and numbers:

A. By post mail:
The Honourable George W. Bush
The President of the United States
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington DC 20500
United States of America

B.Or by e-mail:

[Red][email protected]

Kindly inform Friends of Humanity International about your message by mailing a copy of it to [email protected]

C.Appeals might also be sent by fax to the office of President G. Bush, to
Fax: # 00 1 202-456-2461


For more information please contact us at:
Hirschstettnerstrasse 19-21/D00, 1220 Vienna, Austria
Tel: 0043 1 2028501 or (Mobile) 0043 650 660 2220

Fax: 0043 1 2028547

E-Mail: [email protected]

[R]( Message )

President George W. Bush
Washington DC 20500

Dear President,

I feel deeply concerned about the detention of the Sudanese TV cameraman, Sami Muhy al-Din al-Hajj, at the Bagram prison in Afghanistan and at the jails of Guantanamo Base, for the fifth year without any legal charge.

My concern about detaining and torturing Mr. Sami al-Hajj by the American authorities would fade away once the American Government fulfills justice by releasing Sami and sending him back to his wife and children.

Thank you for your understanding.

Please accept my highest esteem and consideration

(Name and Date)[/R]

Post: #2
Title: Re: من أجل إطلاق سراح سامي الحاج: رسالة مفتوحة للرئيس بوش..
Author: الطيب بشير
Date: 01-11-2006, 09:43 PM
Parent: #1



Eid Mubarak 4 U

Post: #3
Title: Re: من أجل إطلاق سراح سامي الحاج: رسالة مفتوحة للرئيس بوش..
Author: nadus2000
Date: 02-07-2006, 02:26 AM

الصديق الجميل الطيب البشير

ومازال سامي يقبع في زنازين الظلم،
وبوش يتساءل "لماذا يكرهوننا"