Support a Concerted International Protest Against Killing and Meyhem in Egypt

Support a Concerted International Protest Against Killing and Meyhem in Egypt

01-05-2006, 02:41 AM


Post: #1
Title: Support a Concerted International Protest Against Killing and Meyhem in Egypt
Author: A/Magid Bob
Date: 01-05-2006, 02:41 AM
Parent: #0

A Call to Sudanese Communities in the Diaspora!

Suggested list of Governments, organizations and individuals to be addressed . Please, add, omit or change and endorse.

To: The United Nations Secretary General – New York
To: His Excellence the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt – Cairo
To: His Excellence the President of the Sudan – Cairo
To: The United States Department of the State – Washington, D. C.
To: The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees – Geneva
To: The Secretary General of the Arab League - Cairo
To: The Secretary General of the African Union – Addis Ababa
To: The Members of the Egyptian People’s Parliament – Cairo
To: The Members of Parliament of the Sudan – Khartoum
To: The Minister of the Interior in the Arab Republic of Egypt – Cairo
To: The International Jurist Organization – Washington, D. C.
To: The United States Physicians for Human Rights
To: Human Rights Watch – Washington
To: Amnesty International – London
To: The Egyptian Human Rights Organization – Cairo
To: The Sudanese Human Rights Organization – Khartoum
To: Alayaam Newspaper – Khartoum
To: Alray Alaam Newspaper – Khartoum
To: Alsahafa Newspaper – Khartoum


DRAFT Memorandum :

On the eve of the New Year and the commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of Sudan’s independence, the Egyptian security forces brutally attacked defenseless Sudanese asylum seekers. It is evident from the large number of dead and seriously wounded that the security forces deliberately resorted to excessive force with the intent to cause death and mayhem. So far initial reports confirmed seven children and a pregnant woman and a handicapped man were crushed to death under the boots and clubs of the attacking force. The number of dead is steadily rising. Hundreds are not yet accounted for. The victims were defenseless, peaceful who do not pose any threat to the law or the tranquility of the Egyptian society. This represented a dark day in the annals of Egyptian – Sudanese relations. As much as the Egyptian people continue to treasure the memory of their martyrs Fellahin in Dinshwai village decades ago, so will the Sudanese people for ever cherish the memory of their fallen daughters and sons brutally butchered at Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud Square. Furthermore, this unscrupulous brutality by Egyptian security forces has tarnished the image of Egypt internationally and damaged its chances of seeking a permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council.
This massacre was universally condemned by the United Nations Secretary General, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, human rights organizations and Egyptian members of Parliament and the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights. Sudanese communities all over the world deplored in the strongest terms this massacre. We are gravely concerned about the inhuman treatment imprisonment of hundreds of these asylum seekers.

In the name of all Sudanese communities and human rights advocates in the United States and Canada, we demand the following:

1 . We condemn in the strongest terms the lack of serious handling of the predicament of the Sudanese asylum seekers leading to senseless loss of lives, serious injuries;
2. We demand the immediate halt to forced repatriation plan hatched by the Egyptian in collusion with the Sudanese government. This would represent a flagrant violation of the International Charter for the protection of asylum seekers.
3. We call on the UNCHR to set up an independent commission to investigate the mishandling of the Sudanese asylum seekers applications by its office in Cairo;
4. We call on the UNCHR to speed up the consideration of each case of asylum in order to put an end to this prolonged suffering of thousands of Sudanese asylum seekers;
We demand that the rights of these asylum seekers and their families to litigate and to seek reparation be preserved.
4. We demand a full account of the deceased, wounded, detained and hundreds of people who are still unaccounted for;
5. We demand the immediate release of the detainees as well as returning their confiscated personal possession;
6. We demand a cessation of the malicious campaign designed by the security organs to stir hatred and resentment towards Sudanese asylum seekers; portraying them as carriers of malignant diseases or as performers of lewd acts in public squares, or simply as dirty undesirables.
In view of the failure of both Egyptian and Sudanese to fulfill their obligations to their citizen we call upon the civil society in Egypt and the Sudan to support the cause of the Sudanese asylum seekers and to render every possible assistance;

We offer our heartfelt condolences to the families of the deceased and express our sympathy with the inured and detainees.

Our heartfelt gratitude is due to members of Parliament and the human rights organization in Egypt .

Signed: Date: …………

Post: #2
Title: Re: Support a Concerted International Protest Against Killing and Meyhem in Egypt
Author: Kostawi
Date: 01-20-2006, 09:33 PM
Parent: #1


Post: #3
Title: Re: Support a Concerted International Protest Against Killing and Meyhem in Egypt
Author: Mohamed Elgadi
Date: 01-21-2006, 12:33 PM
Parent: #1


Thanks Ya Doctor...

I will get back to this important call... I believe we should coordinate the ongoing efforts already going on here in the East Coast especially in MA, NJ, NYC, PA, DC


Mohamed Elgadi