Detained Sudanese Asylum Seeker Commits Sucide in Egypt

Detained Sudanese Asylum Seeker Commits Sucide in Egypt

01-05-2006, 02:22 AM


Post: #1
Title: Detained Sudanese Asylum Seeker Commits Sucide in Egypt
Author: A/Magid Bob
Date: 01-05-2006, 02:22 AM
Parent: #0

Confirmed News comming from Cairo indicate that Emanuel Joseph, a detained Sudanese asylum seeker at Shabeen Al-Koum has committed sucide to protest his and others forcible repatriation to the Sudan. Emanuel has been detained in the wake of the Cairo massacre with approximately 200 fellow asylum seekers. The news are still trickling out of Cairo inspite of a stringent blackout imposed by the Egyptian security. This is adding to the abominable record of the Egyptian security. We also hold the Cairo office of the UNCHR fully responsible for this tragic loss of life.