Elsheikh Elamin Site - Arabic Version ONLINE

Elsheikh Elamin Site - Arabic Version ONLINE

03-26-2003, 06:24 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=5&msg=1048699460&rn=2

Post: #1
Title: Elsheikh Elamin Site - Arabic Version ONLINE
Author: Ahmed Elsharif
Date: 03-26-2003, 06:24 PM
Parent: #0

The arabic version of Elshiekh Elamin website is almost done. It's now online.

Here is the link:

The site is compatible with Explorer 6 and above with a screen resolution of 1024 by 768 for optimum results.

you can read more about the technical side of the project in Sudadev on this link.

I appreciate so much if u comment on the this project.

Ahmed Elsharif
Elsharif Zone
Sudanese Student Organization

Post: #2
Title: Re: Elsheikh Elamin Site - Arabic Version ONLINE
Author: Bakhaf
Date: 03-26-2003, 07:49 PM
Parent: #1

اسمع ده موش شيخ الامين - شيخ طرب وشيخ الجكس
والله غايتو ماعارف الواحد لو داير يجكس والزي منه ما عليه الا
ان يمشي لحوليه هزا الرجل في بيت المال
شيخ شنو ده بالله البيدخل السينما عشان يحضر فيلم تايتنك

Post: #3
Title: Re: Elsheikh Elamin Site - Arabic Version ONLINE
Author: Ahmed Elsharif
Date: 03-26-2003, 08:11 PM


I didn't ask about ur idea of the man!! I wanted comments about the technical performance of the website. As for Sheikh Elamin I don't know him personally. I was contacted to create this project as a professional web developer and designer.

As a professional I'm not interested in my clients' personal lives. This is not of my business!

Hope to hear right comments in the future about the site performance

Ahmed Elsharif

Post: #7
Title: Re: Elsheikh Elamin Site - Arabic Version ONLINE
Author: raheemsudani
Date: 03-27-2003, 06:52 PM

احي حليك ظريف وكلماتك خير شوارعية. ايه دا!!!!!

Post: #4
Title: Re: Elsheikh Elamin Site - Arabic Version ONLINE
Author: Omer Abdalla
Date: 03-26-2003, 09:54 PM
Parent: #1

Dear Ahmad
This is an excellent and well executed web design. The selection of colors, the use of flash, and the integration of the discussion forum which blends very well with the rest of the project, are all of professioal quality. Performance is very good but since I am accessing the site from a T-3 line I don't think my judgement here will be of great value.
I congratulate you and your collegues for a job well done.
As for the content, of course that's something else as you pointed out, and perhaps the built-in discussion forum will be the right place for it, once the site is operational.
I noticed that you used an IP address instead of a domain name. I hope you provide the later when it's available.

Post: #5
Title: Re: Elsheikh Elamin Site - Arabic Version ONLINE
Author: Ahmed Elsharif
Date: 03-26-2003, 11:03 PM
Parent: #4

Dear Omer,

Thanks for your valuable comments. I appreciate it. I'm glad that the performance was acceptable to u.

The domain name will be working within the next week (www.sh-elamin.com ), untill then u can use the IP address.

Thanks again and wish u the best.

Ahmed Elsharif

Post: #6
Title: Re: Elsheikh Elamin Site - Arabic Version ONLINE
Author: Ahmed Elsharif
Date: 03-27-2003, 06:30 PM
Parent: #5


Post: #8
Title: Re: Elsheikh Elamin Site - Arabic Version ONLINE
Author: Bakhaf
Date: 03-28-2003, 00:37 AM
Parent: #6

الظاهر انا اتحدثت خارج عن الموضوع
طيب ياسيدي انا ما زوول متخصص في الحاجات دي لكن برضو شغل
تمام ولكنه خالي من الموضوع
يعني الزوول العامل فيها شيخ ده اخير منه اولاد الشوارع
وانا ماجبت حاجه من عندي امشي شوف براك وبعدين قابلني

شغلك تمام يازوول

Post: #9
Title: Re: Elsheikh Elamin Site - Arabic Version ONLINE
Author: Sudnawi
Date: 03-28-2003, 05:30 AM
Parent: #5


As always, elegant design.. very professional. The site performs very well on DSL connection (may be you wanna test it on a 56k modem as most users in sudan don't have access to DSL). You probably know about this but just in case, microsoft has a web stress tool that simulates many requests directed at a given website.. check it
out at

I won't comment on the content as i have an aversion to the whole sufi thing.

One last thing: if you click a hyperlink that is 'embedded' in the text, it opens another window inside the allready open one displaying the side menu twice. i don't think you wanted it that way but i might be mistaken.



Post: #10
Title: Re: Elsheikh Elamin Site - Arabic Version ONLINE
Author: Ahmed Elsharif
Date: 03-29-2003, 06:37 AM
Parent: #9

I appreciate ur contribution and respect everyone's opinions.


Thanks for the valuable information.By the way what kind of browser 're u using, so that i can check the site on it. I used the web stress tool and it gave acceptable results.

Again thank u for the evaluation.

Ahmed Elsharif

Post: #11
Title: Re: Elsheikh Elamin Site - Arabic Version ONLINE
Author: Abdel Aati
Date: 03-29-2003, 08:45 AM
Parent: #10

Ahmed ,

i am ipressed with you work(s), it is really professional.

i hope i would come with more comments soon.


Post: #12
Title: Re: Elsheikh Elamin Site - Arabic Version ONLINE
Author: Sudnawi
Date: 03-29-2003, 04:28 PM
Parent: #10

IE 6.0

Post: #13
Title: Re: Elsheikh Elamin Site - Arabic Version ONLINE
Author: Ahmed Elsharif
Date: 03-29-2003, 07:48 PM
Parent: #12

I appreciate ur contribution. Glad u like the project.

when u click on any link a new section is loaded with new side menu. The effect is intended.


Post: #14
Title: Re: Elsheikh Elamin Site - Arabic Version ONLINE
Author: Ahmed Elsharif
Date: 04-02-2003, 10:48 AM
Parent: #12

I hope to hear more comments about the technical performance. Your opinions are highly appreciated. I thank every body who commented so far.
