was Gddafi out of his mind!?

was Gddafi out of his mind!?

03-05-2003, 10:21 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=5&msg=1046856093&rn=0

Post: #1
Title: was Gddafi out of his mind!?
Author: manubia
Date: 03-05-2003, 10:21 AM

وقال القذافي ان استمرار بلاده عضوا في الجامعة العربية في الفترة السابقة كان بسبب «غياب مجموعة من الحقائق الجغرافية والديمغرافية في حين اننا في الاساس دولة افريقية»
that was Ghazzafi talking to the arab journalists after the unsuccessful(as usual)Arab summit,
i wish Sudan would take the same approtch,and i thing we are the ones who should have been more vunerable to such(big changes) than Libya,

Post: #2
Title: Re: was Gddafi out of his mind!?
Author: المسافر
Date: 03-05-2003, 10:43 AM
Parent: #1

القذافي هو صاحب المقولة
:إن الجهل سينتهي عندما يقدم كل شئ على حقيقته
فهل قدم إليه الأمر على حقيقته بعد إن غابت منه الحقائق
حسب اعتقادي إذا وضعت ميزان مقولته الشهيرة إن الجهل باقي إذا لم يقدم لنا الحقائق التي كانت غائبة عنه طوال جزء كبير من القرن الماضي

Post: #3
Title: Re: was Gddafi out of his mind!?
Author: manubia
Date: 03-07-2003, 10:44 AM
Parent: #2

hi my friend almusafir,,i wasn't pressing my pont about Lybia,.i was talikg about sudan,so please if you want to depate ,concentrate on Sudan,i was saying that this kind of bold approaches should have originated from Sudan,given the misrable arab situation and stands,blus some other reasons ,i will give you the space te spacwe to debate about
by the way,nice pic,my freind