If I don't have U, I don't know what i'm gonna do:(

If I don't have U, I don't know what i'm gonna do:(

02-24-2003, 09:43 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=5&msg=1046076209&rn=1

Post: #1
Title: If I don't have U, I don't know what i'm gonna do:(
Author: zaytoona
Date: 02-24-2003, 09:43 AM
Parent: #0

How would u feel, if I closed my doors in your face?
And if I ran ahead and picked up my pace?
What if I left you, and lost you in the maze?
Without a shore, without a place?…
how would it be, if you ran to my arms, and were met by the walls, u built between us?
Will you find it hard and burry your face between your hands in a rush?? Or do as I did, pretend you are strong, and sweep the tears away in a swift short brush? …..
and what would you do, if I were no more so true?
Will you shed as many tears as I did??
Will you cry me as much as I cried you?
Or will you rest, and think that all has happened for the best?


u r a gift, woven by the hands of god
u r a god, woven by the hands of luv

u r a scoop, givin everything its taste
u r a word, making every sentence great


under a tree, beneath a starlit night,
ur luv, complements the scene

between ur hands, lost in vast emotion,
between ur heaviness n z grass,......
ur breath help ease the pain


sliding down, into ur endless compassion
lost in a crowed, driven by the force of passion

ur angelic eyes, captivate my dreams
ur hasty smiles, wildely unleash my reins
ur tender feelings, make me change my means

But indespite temptation, i fight back desires
scared u'd leave my heart broken like others

In the end, i have none, but one request,
don't burn the wood, if u can't put down fires

Post: #2
Title: Together, We.... Make A Whole...
Author: zaytoona
Date: 03-01-2003, 10:35 AM

Don't bring me down,
and of my luv, don't make a clown,

sendin you a msg of despair,
today, i want to make it clear,
don't bring me down,....please.... don't bring me down

you'v just said 'bout enough
and all i'm asking... is just ur luv,
so wutz hard 'bout it, that u r wanderin away, with a reddish flush

should'v thought twice, before giving my heart away
i knew u'd crush it,...with the cruel games u play
but i trusted in ur promise, that u wont let me down

Foolish whispers, foolish games, foolish lies
never seen before footage of your game, now comes through you eyes
but still i wonder, why did u let me down???

uplifting my strength...pickin up the pieces to mend my heart
raising blown away emotions, heading for a new start.

Like a body n its reflection in a mirror,
The feeling of relief after despair n horror...
Together, we make a whole... one that's gr8 and might

Me n u, meld in an endless sky of resemblance, i'm z darkness complemented by z stars that u light

A candle meltin to give z sweet, sensual scent,...
Warm soothin waters, runnin down my spine,..the tingling feeling of youth n vitality... That's what u r to me...my guidin light

The cry of a preacher in a moment of submission,...
The burst of emotion in a kiss of passion,....
The awakening, the movement, the stirr of my soul,..
To me, you are my courage, my strength, my pride

For this, i make the statement, of luv n loyality,...
will it ever change? ...i wouldn't think @ all,
because me and u, ..... WE make a whole
