Did u ever go inside psychatric patient mind???? have a look to it

Did u ever go inside psychatric patient mind???? have a look to it

02-02-2003, 09:20 AM

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Post: #1
Title: Did u ever go inside psychatric patient mind???? have a look to it
Author: layon
Date: 02-02-2003, 09:20 AM
Parent: #0

The following first person account of schizophrenia, written by a young women(by her self) ,evabourate some features of her world with her disorder.......
have a look as a humen being to her ...read carfuly every single word...may be u can feel and understand her more...


Can i ever forget that iam schizophrenic???? iam a gost within my self,aspirit no one knows , long time ago when we locked us up forever ,perhaps they were so wrong. what good is physical freedom if the humen feelings are trapped ,unable to escape???

The most wearing aspect of schizo is the battle that goes on inside my mind&head in which can conflicts become irresolvable. iam so ambivalent that my mind can divide on a subject & those two parts subdivide over and over until my mind feels like it is in piceces and im totaly disorganized.

At other times i feel like iam trapped inside my head, banging against it walls, trying despretely to escape while my lips can ulter only nonsense.
Recently, my mind has played tricks on myself, creating the people inside my head who sometimes come out to have me and to meet me. they surrounding me in my room, hide behind trees and under snow outside. they scream at me in my room and devise plane to break my spirit. the voices come and go , but the people are alwayes there , alwayes real....

Life for most schizophrenics is anightmare full of fears and douts about reality , they have adistorted view of that most profound questions of how they retate to world around them.
Boundries become unclear and other people are fightening and not to be trusted. thus they made things which could bring relife closeness to other people is shunned as something horrible and dangerous......

Living day to day is a challenge , because its just simply hard for schizophrenia to live a world that is troble to some to them . my fears are so intense that i do most things i must pass through a "wall of herror" that stands between myself and my goal. leaving the house ,talking to some one , or taking a walk can creat panic , simply because i do not feel part of the world.
its a forigen place to me. since my childhood i have felt like an out sider looking in . schizophrenic is not just a illness , its a way of life and it is a life constantly disrupted by symptoms.......

Iam suffering.... , the best source of relief is other people who are patient enough to help me through my time of UNRELITY......


Post: #2
Title: Re: Did u ever go inside psychatric patient mind???? have a look to it
Author: Yara
Date: 02-02-2003, 11:29 AM
Parent: #1

thanks for this short interesting piece....
if you know the book title, or the writer would you please tell us??
i found the srtories of the mind very facinating...
may be reading such stories will help us to be more open minded ...
and when we are more open minded ,we will be able to understand each other more ...and (hopfuly) making us better human beings{non judgmental and respect each others personal space } and this will make our life easier....
thnaks again and waiting for more info...

Post: #3
Title: Re: Did u ever go inside psychatric patient mind???? have a look to it
Author: layon
Date: 02-05-2003, 04:11 PM

dear yara....

sorry for the late reply coz i had some pro in my pc.
and im glad to hear that u like these kind of real stories which improve our human communication ..trying to understand how and why we think like that is the first step to accept each other as it is .
about the prevouis artical, it was given to me without further information about the auther while i was student . but i have other story in same felid ( psycatric patient)with further information about the auther and sources,i will write it as soon as possiale and i hope u like it.

with my regards

Post: #4
Title: Re: Did u ever go inside psychatric patient mind???? have a look to it
Author: Yara
Date: 02-05-2003, 09:01 PM
Parent: #3

thanks for your relpy..glade your computer is ok!!!

i will be waiting to hear info about the other book!!!
meanwhile you can find out about this one also about psychatric patients......
it is a very nice book titled {veronika decides to die} by Paulo Coelho brazilian i think? it was my first time to read anything for him, i liked it tooo much ,that i already started the next book {the alchemist}....
his way of telling the story is very interesting
try him if you find one of his books ..

i agree with what you said about being able to understand the other when you read about the mind..and how it works... it dose tell us things about ourselves more than it dose tell about the others really.....and it just make you think 100 times before you judge anybody....

thanks from yara