Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese

Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese

11-04-2018, 10:30 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=499&msg=1541367017&rn=28

Post: #1
Title: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: توفيق عيسى مكي
Date: 11-04-2018, 10:30 PM
Parent: #0

09:30 PM November, 04 2018

سودانيز اون لاين
توفيق عيسى مكي-
رابط مختصر

4 /11 / 2018

Transparency Trading Services Est
Sudaway applications
Advanced Transparency Studios
I would like to explain the meaning of the application of Android service and application of Android production and know the difference between them ....

First, in the field of applications of Androids service was called for the need when certain countries reached degrees where they needed to be served by the easiest way as a kind of luxury and prosperity, spread these services among developed countries economically as the right of their people to enjoy their success and rest after the trouble of the huge production work done by

As for the applications of Androids production, the second is the applications that help increase the production, marketing and production of the whole country is suitable for developing countries, which started at a steady pace to build its economy on the basis of scientific sound and these applications are used in the sectors produced real scientific methods using the latest technology of modern technology In information technology and its practical use on the ground


Surprised in a country like Sudan lies under very deadly economic conditions and the edges of the total collapse surrounded by each side sets up very large areas of modern technological technology to relax without fatigue and narrow and achieve the most basic necessities in the areas of its economy faltering and spread the applications of electronic and electronic taxi and electronic teacher and the trainee At the same time, the applications of production do not find any interest either from the state or from the people or from those who consider the owners of science to be economists, media professionals or the private sector concerned,


For example, our application of agriculture can increase the farmer's production to ten times very easily and market its production at a very profitable price andleave production to any location in the cheapest ways and the farmer is fully aware of the analysis of the properties of land and the best time t and different between all the options of irrigation and e-fertilizer and irrigation ...o grow any product through agricultural scientific expertise global and local and be aware of the size of the crop Which will be planted in all regions of the Sudan and the world and is among all options
Sudanese minds are big minds and sophisticated but ....

The Ministry of Information and Communications has failed to play its most important role in raising awareness of its productive society and raising awareness among these ministers about the importance of these roles, which could restore Sudan to its leading role and engulf its efforts in covering school courses, festivals and politics. Politicians, artists or users are corrupt in the sense of the word

Post: #2
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: توفيق عيسى مكي
Date: 11-04-2018, 10:37 PM
Parent: #1

We try to have people find some facts about us in the form of daily messages on our pages at Social Media

Post: #3
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: توفيق عيسى مكي
Date: 11-04-2018, 10:44 PM
Parent: #2

We send these messages in several languages
We want to communicate our voice to express the whole world to show us how we work

Post: #4
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: توفيق عيسى مكي
Date: 11-04-2018, 10:48 PM
Parent: #3

We will try as much as possible to forward some of these messages to this platform whenever we send a message

Post: #5
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: توفيق عيسى مكي
Date: 11-05-2018, 01:09 PM
Parent: #4

Transparency Trading Services Est
Sudaway applications
Advanced Transparency Studios
All of what we say is the design and preparation of the first application of the giant Sudaway applications group. We are starting from the first. Actually, what is the question of Sahala because these applications are a new shift in the heart of our economy. This is the most important event in our economic and commercial days. We chose the most difficult track we see. A kind of impossible, but our will never knows the impossible, absolutely and inevitably ...
We will not disclose the impact of this event and let the people evaluate in practice to know and know what we say and control accompanied by the lack of our material potential and the lack of moral support even from close associates and ignore the officials in our country and the concerns of the world platforms interested in this modern technology that our country has this very advanced thought in his children and seriousness and honesty in light of Data that the whole world knows about the passing of the Sudan in the case of economic collapse that explodes every day to the worst and the holocaust of every useful work
Applications such as e-Taxi applications, educational services and e-marketing applications are one of the easiest and most cost-effective, as most of them are imported and processed in the form of ready-made imported molds from abroad which are applied in Sudan after proving their success of the last century in most countries. Of the types of technological backwardness compared to the use of modern technologies in the extension of commercial or economic information in ways that are easy to use but remain the lesson in the use of raising production and productivity from the basics of the economic process through all activities until the return of capital profits And exclusive high value with the latest
We really suffer in the translation of ideas to reality drawn by the program of production and we find great hardship, but we move forward Yes slowly but at the end and about to translate this effort to the reality we will enjoy the success and success of all members of our people in Sudan in various sectors
I love you all ..
We adore ...
It is a feeling that we find encouragement even from a child of my own
We see all of you as a great moral support

Post: #6
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: توفيق عيسى مكي
Date: 11-05-2018, 01:13 PM
Parent: #5

We have great thought and hope the world understands us and stands with us

Post: #7
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: توفيق عيسى مكي
Date: 11-05-2018, 01:20 PM
Parent: #6

Centrify these messages in all languages ​​and all platforms in the world to show people how the Sudanese think

Post: #8
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: توفيق عيسى مكي
Date: 11-06-2018, 03:23 PM
Parent: #7


Post: #9
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: توفيق عيسى مكي
Date: 11-22-2018, 07:25 PM
Parent: #8

Transparency Trading Services Est
Sudaway applications
Advanced Transparency Studios
The thought of the creative youth in building the Transparency Foundation did not disappoint at all times. The groups that are present at the time are those who built the information bank on their own. They also planned, implemented and continued. The organization has laid out frameworks, constants and boundaries for them to work freely and from the experience of great, we put headers and titles to work in. Our role was not only supervisory, awareness and guidance, they had the largest area in the building and they had the closest vision to deliver the goals of the institution, which are our support, which we rely on despite the frequent replacement and renewal of the worker, where we found them a group with us and completed the completed with the same vigor and faith in black Nothing is calculated for us, but we paved the way for them to offer something real and useful for their country
Today, they want to build a new structure that goes along with the stage of managing a new direction. In order to achieve this, they began to attract a number of programmers to overcome the shortage they saw in finding a real income that would be spent on them. And insert what we did not think to do and it was our intention to buy them ready templates to work in
And we also gave them the way to spread them to think using the best and latest means and gave them full freedom in that with our commitment to harness our relations and experiences and thank God this work of the Sudan has made us solid ties of solid for the benefit and the best of our country we trust in their commitment to do all of us to the next stages and we preach the establishment of our conference or forum Which we have been advocating for them, we are closer to its creation and people will see their actions and their great horizons and seriousn
And the greater their horizons and the seriousness of what they want and what we want as an institution already as well as those who polarize closer to the deployment of our applications all in a shorter time than short


Transparency is transparent for those who follow us ...

We love ...

In order to do so, our lives depend on them ...

Understanding the beloved people of our country ..

Post: #10
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: Deng
Date: 11-24-2018, 09:29 AM
Parent: #9

بصراحة الانجليزي ده فضيحة

بنصحك بأن تسحب هذا البوست فورا.

Post: #11
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: توفيق عيسى مكي
Date: 11-24-2018, 09:43 AM
Parent: #10

اها زمان لما اهلك كانو بيجو اهو بفلقونا بالدراب الزي ده
لكن نحن سريع بنفهمهم وما بنعيرهم ده من ادبنا الشديد كسودانيين كلنا ...
بمعرفتنا للناس البنكتب ليهم ومعاشرتهم في بلادهم بفهمونا بوضوح جدا وده المطلوب العبرة مافي اللغة بل الافكار البنحملها وده برضو الاتعلمناه منهم

Post: #12
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: توفيق عيسى مكي
Date: 11-24-2018, 10:57 AM
Parent: #11

اها تاني نعمل كده ...
نجيبو مترجم بالعربية كدة
مثال توضيحي :
why market interest information
لماذا الاهتمام بسوق المعلومة :
That the spirit of the times and the most important features is the speed of delivery of information to the point of
You need at the right time and in the manner that you want without
Fuss in the large research and the many choices futile and details
That do not the considerable need it and we need to a high degree of transparency
Absolute neutrality as a principle of action and clarity in all ways Tec
Available modern technologies

ان روح العصر واهم سماته هو سرعة توصيل المعلومة للجهة
التي تحتاجها في الوقت المناسب وبالكيفية التي تريدها دون
العناء في كثرة البحث والاختيارات العديدة الغير مجدية والتفاصيل
التي لا حوجة اليها ونحتاج لذلك لقدر عالي من الشفافية
المطلقة والحيادية كمبدأ للعمل والوضوح بكافة سبل التكنلوجيا
الحديثة المتاحة والتقنيات الحديثة

Post: #13
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: إدريس البدري
Date: 11-24-2018, 11:02 AM
Parent: #11

يمكن تكون الفكرة كويسة
لكن الانجليزي كعب شديد ودراب جد

خليهو يكون في مستوى الافكار

والله من واء القصد

Post: #14
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: توفيق عيسى مكي
Date: 11-24-2018, 11:11 AM
Parent: #13

نحن ما جهات رسمية ولا قولنا يخضع لبروتكولات ورسميات لاننا في الأصل مؤسسة اهلية سودانية ودي واحدة من اجتهاداتنا لتوصيل رسالتنا للعالم من حولنا ...
وما جاهلين بمعاملات العالم الرسمي والشعبي وعشنا برة كتير وجات ايام شهر كامل الواحد ما اتكلم فيها كلمة عربية الا في صلاتنا او افكارنا الفي داخل قلوبنا
وبخبرة بنعرف كيف نوصل رسالتنا

Post: #15
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: Deng
Date: 11-24-2018, 11:14 AM
Parent: #14

بطل فلهمة فارغة وأسحب البوست الاضحوكة ده.

Post: #16
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: Biraima M Adam
Date: 11-24-2018, 11:19 AM
Parent: #13

Quote: the applications of production do not find any interest either from the state or from the people or from those who consider the owners of science to be economists, media professionals or the private sector concerned,

Keep the hard work

I am very profound of the great efforts you put to progress our country in terms of technology. In economic, there is something called a law of natural return; also called a Tipping Point. Consider a case when someone weighing a pound of sugar on the balance, at some point the weight will be equal on both sides, now, if you add a single drop of sugar on one side I will turn the balance - that is a tipping point. Knowledge works in the same way, keep accumulating knowledge little by little, at some point you will reach a tipping point

Best of all good luck

Post: #17
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: توفيق عيسى مكي
Date: 11-24-2018, 12:05 PM
Parent: #16

Keep the hard work

Thanking my brother Prima, I really need moral support and useful advice
Thank you so much

Post: #18
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: توفيق عيسى مكي
Date: 11-24-2018, 02:59 PM
Parent: #17

تعرف يا دينق عندنا ناس عربي جوبا فصيح بالنسبة لكلامهم في اعتي المنابر وهم وزراء ومسؤلين كبار كمان عندنا دبلوماسيين ولدي بتكلم انجليزي احسن منهم ...
ومحل ما يتكلموا هنا ولا برة السودان
الناس تهلل ليهم وتحب درابهم موت ...
نجي نحن نقول انفورميشن انفاونديشن يطلعوا ليك مليون نيشن غلط
التقول بقت علينا بس

Post: #19
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: توفيق عيسى مكي
Date: 11-24-2018, 03:08 PM
Parent: #18

الحاجة التانية لما بنخاطب العالم بنخاطبه من وين ده السؤال
من رواكيب اسواق المحاصيل والبورصات
زرايب الماشية زي ركوبي الدفار المليان بقر وحمير شفت كيف
او عند حقول البرسيم واطراف المحاور وكماين الطوب
ما عندنا برجع عالي ننطلق منه ونبث رسالتنا زي ناس الاتصالات ووزارة الاعلام
ولا معانا بروفسرات شغالين معانا
بس كلنا ما جاهلين وقارين جامعات القراية الزمان كمان وياهي لغتنا

Post: #20
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: توفيق عيسى مكي
Date: 11-28-2018, 11:56 PM
Parent: #19

Transparency Trading Services Est
Sudaway applications
Advanced Transparency Studios
We hear from the Sudanese government agencies like the rest of the people at a time when the world around us is interacting with us. It has to take its place among the folds of world thought which is not fooled by false fictional media circles, but by the work that gives results that benefit all humanity as we do now, even if we were working underground, and for the international interest and interest are able to reach us even if we do not seek to recommend We thought for them to understand the minds of those who want to work in such thinking and devise and plan

The Transparency Foundation for Commercial Services today said a giant and very large, with what the world needs in the beginning, a civil institution, which is very special derived from the strength of its own resources, no custody of it is an advantage calculated by the civilized world all accounts for this advantage served us the conditions to get it is the basis of truth and truth As we offer them and the basis of confidence in what we broadcast from our platforms to all of our messages without fatigue or hardship as we devoted all our efforts in building our information bank and our sites and pages through Alsushal Media and the construction of commercial databases of Sudan is the largest in the world
We have not used our international relations and it is very large and wide so far and we will not need it. We thought we could come to the world without any effort and our five giant applications are still locked in a country that does not know its interest well. Working inside the Sudanese deep in our beloved country. Home and death in it is a certificate

We did not give our secret to anyone to take advantage of it. Even the company that designs our applications does not know about us except the scripts that enable it todraw one of the applications as main titles only, and we kept all the ideology of operation and spread to the world as well as official Sudanese authorities do not know not only what we want to know, With us one day the speed of the pace of our development and policies of substitution and constant change in our times worked with us or stuck to us was its goal that no one can know the secret of our explosion Yes, we are blowing dozens of explosions every day in the world of information technology in Sudan and can not control us at all
Our love for our country made us more careful

We love our country great love

And the people of our country

We thank those who follow us today from outside the Sudan

It is our promise ... to be as you would like to be

Post: #21
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: توفيق عيسى مكي
Date: 12-05-2018, 00:49 AM
Parent: #20

Transparency Trading Services Est
Sudaway applications
Advanced Transparency Studios

Someday, soon the Sudanese will realize that they have been very late in their interest in the value of what we send messages through our available means or carry a message towards our own. If they were slightly pissed off in some of the impact we have made during our lifetime in the worlds of our economies and trade, And we appreciated the great love of our country to give them a little of what we have a lot in the aspects of our economy and our trade does not enumerate what we have achieved is a lot because we do not want fame or thanks, but all that we hope and we appreciate the appreciation of this sweeping love of our country and our exchange of joint work in the interest of our beloved country
We have constants that we have built on and corrected in most of the distortions of the management of our economy and our trade stems from the great experience of our very successful tug around the world. First of all for the money, we said, with determination, a return to the gold system in which stability and a complete stop to smuggle our most important goods today and follow the example of all the countries that are proud of their economic success Close to what we are suffering today and became great forces in the world today to return to the system of gold.
As well as our guidance for the establishment of an electronic commodity exchange and electronic ####l exchange under the supervision of the State and the private sector concerned and be a front and address to us commercially, killing and ending all the problems we exported from our agricultural, animal and mineral resources, which is very easy we went a very long way despite the lack of our material potential and possess an integrated ideology And an understanding full of experience and able through the transfer of our country for a lot of good and we have
wetechnology have all the linkage to all parties interested in it, benefitting from our huge relations and our ideas and experiences in which we lived outside Sudan easily can be reversed and applied and detailed in keeping with our simplicity in the And for us to use the technology of information
One of thusefulnesse successes attributed to us and we are very proud of the establishment of a market for commercial information in Sudan

As well as building the largest commercial information bank on Sudan in the world

As well as building the largest commercial database on Sudan

Well so many and very many

It is our love for our country that makes us explode every

day with

Post: #22
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: توفيق عيسى مكي
Date: 12-05-2018, 07:15 PM
Parent: #21

Advertising Jobs for programmers half volunteer
Transparency Trading Services Est
Sudaway applications
Advanced Transparency Studios
We draw the attention of those interested in us a very important announcement regarding the opening of the software department within our office in Khartoum, who would like to join this section of Sudanese programmers to speed up to join the constellation through which the Foundation The largest work in the field of software is in the interest of making the biggest leap in the use of technology for the benefit of production

Our offices Khartoum North Bahr Abu Al Fadhel Plaza
Tel : +249991023881

Post: #23
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: توفيق عيسى مكي
Date: 12-07-2018, 01:16 PM
Parent: #22

Advertising Jobs

Yesterday we announced the need for programmers to build a programming branch in our organization and that our work at this stage requires that it is a semi-voluntary work to serve the Sudan, where we meet some of the material needs and equipment. This is a great opportunity for those who want to prove their uniforms and serve their country
office in Khartoum Bahari
You can inquire by calling these numbers as in yesterday's announcement

+ 249901064251

Possible to give indicators:

Building platforms for international electronic exchanges for our Sudanese commodities

And also programming technology and harnessing to increase production

As well as providing technical support to all of our institutions in the public and private sector and with a fee that the institution waives to them as an additional incentive

We have very excellent relations with the Ministry of Information and Communications and the National Information Center as well as the whole commercial and economic base in Sudan

The Corporation owns the largest commercial information bank on Sudan in all the world as well as the largest commercial database of Sudanese civil and is an excellent opportunity for all programmers in Sudan as well as from outside the Sudan

Post: #24
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: توفيق عيسى مكي
Date: 12-18-2018, 07:06 PM
Parent: #23

Transparency Trading Services Est
Sudaway applications
Advanced Transparency Studios
The bleeding of the human being to our economic and commercial community of Sudan, the completion of the establishment of the design department in our institution and we consider this a significant shift in the work that we seek, especially that the objectives of the work of this section is limited to pay the work of production exclusively according to the need of our country and our general direction.
Using the products of this section where the engineers of programming from the holder of the doctorate and those who have a broad horizon of knowledge and experience and faith in Sudan and what he needs specifically and marketing experts and experiences of great productivity will contribute to promotional campaigns, media and advertising and the establishment of sites and the deployment of applications on the android and the design of tools internal and external work and until the completion of access Our equipment from Japan to complete the activities of our advanced studios, we offer our country this very important activity and this important service and thank TIM who accepted this exam in the spirit of faith in the right of our country and the concepts of our institution and its endeavors

Information is an important element in our lives and say today is the most important and in this way in the field of Sudanese trade we have the initiative to establish the largest commercial information bank on Sudan in the non-governmental world and through our examination we like to send small messages from today reveal and show the size of our real potential and give an example and a lot What is raised about the volume of our exports, we see very weak the size of the wealth we have and practically show you the size of our exports as an example for 2014, according to the Central Bank of Sudan:
Al-Dahab: $ 146,398 million
Live livestock: $ 957 million
Sesame $ 466 million
Clover $ 66 million
Gum arabic $ 59 million
Leather suede 37 million
Cotton $ 34 million
Crickets $ 18 million
The meat is $ 19 million
Watermelon love $ 16 million
Salted leather 6 million
Peanuts 6 million
Corn $ 5 million
The $ 5 million mullet
$ 3 million
Fodder $ 1 million
Plastic scrap 798 thousand dollars
Iron Scrap 595 thousand dollars
Charcoal 374 thousand dollars
Fish 361 thousand dollars
Oils of all kinds 303 thousand dollars
The timber 253 thousand dollars
Salt 140 thousand dollars
The $ 97,000 Shamar

And we note that the total does not exceed 3 billion dollars and we think it is very small size of Qatar, such as the Sudan annual needs more than the weak and we give sizes to our products and return above what is already low if we compare ourselves to any country enough to Egypt only return from tourism exceeds all our revenues from our exports and income Suez Canal We do not compare ourselves, of course, with the exports of all the countries around us, especially Arab Petroleum, to make sure that the countries overcome their export sales to any one commodity only, more than one billion dollars in totals, several billion dollars
We know the size of the tragedy we live in and the size of the controlled intervention of the regional political interventions and the circumstances of our besieged decades. However, we did not move a finger, the volume of our exports is very low, and we do not do anything that breaks all this siege. The Sudanese citizen is patient and patient, but it is the best possible solution. bright

You are a beautiful thankful and grateful that you gave us space with you to think together

And you of us all love, for you are our people, and we are of you


Post: #25
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: توفيق عيسى مكي
Date: 12-28-2018, 07:54 PM
Parent: #24

Transparency Trading Services Est
Sudaway applications
Advanced Transparency Studios
We differ in the way we deal with change. There is no doubt that the state of the country has reached a stage where fundamental changes must be made in all aspects of our lives, and most importantly, the changes in our economy and our trade are not driven by political revolution. He does whatever he wants, even if it is the people's turn to the street who refuse to protect them or cause bloody events at the end of which there is lasting stability and real growth, as happened in Rwanda. This does not concern us much, but we interact with it within the limits of preserving our country's stability and preserving the blood of our children.
Our approach to change stems from the re-building of the fundamentals of our economy from sound bases and sound foundations using the latest technology of the world and using the latest technologies, including the most important information technology and expansion, we have been working in this for five years without interruption, believing that we carry the most important message in Our beloved Soudna did not care about the lack of our material resources and the state's blocking of us every way that could push us forward and ignore those who act for their own lack of appreciation for the value of what we do and deliberately deviate from the international platforms which we believe do not want good for us as long as the political summit that governs us do not agree with them And that they support them to facilitate their interests
Is our approach to change and will be a school for the people around us to be loyal in my country because we will avoid the Sudan many possible losses and that was the goal of what we seek then only desire to have the power to own wealth much or not completely work hard and sincerely to our country without tireless or stop know the meaning of slogans raised We tried all the prisons without any results, but on the contrary, we entered the prisons of the whole world. We were involved in all the fighters and resistance men with their different ideologies and goals. We lived in exile and we knew the meanings of the revolution and what could be gained. We will know where our strength lies and how much it is and how we use it best
Is our approach to change, we do not fear anything at all and we are working in silence and the will of the Venezuelan and certainly we will reach the desired goals what gains we have gained so far:
We have the basics of the organized business (information bank, applications, websites, communication platforms, etc.)
We have become instead of every few months we acquire people with us today every day we gain people in our class ...
The awareness that we have broadcasted in many of our intellectuals is beginning to show its impact. Today, many of us have a parallel sadness with the same idea according to the time of application.
Today we have become a monument and a very large entity that can not be bypassed
We carry love to our country and the people of our country without borders
28 . 12 .2018

Post: #26
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: توفيق عيسى مكي
Date: 12-28-2018, 07:59 PM
Parent: #25

الرسالة دي لم نزلت صفحتنا في الفيس خلال ساعة زمن قروها 15 الف ...
نعم الناس بقت تعي ما نبثه لهم بوعي كبير الحمد لله ...

Post: #27
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: Adil Ali
Date: 12-28-2018, 09:07 PM
Parent: #26

أكيد بتكون قريت كتاب "كيف تتعلم الإنجليزية في اسبوع"
والله انت ما تفقه طز من سبحان الله !!
أهدأ ومد كرعينك على قدر لحافك المهترئ !

Post: #28
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: توفيق عيسى مكي
Date: 12-28-2018, 09:56 PM
Parent: #27

اعيد ليك كلامي القلته لاخونا السطحي الزيك امكن يكون عندك حبة فهم :
((الحاجة التانية لما بنخاطب العالم بنخاطبه من وين ده السؤال
من رواكيب اسواق المحاصيل والبورصات
زرايب الماشية زي ركوبي الدفار المليان بقر وحمير شفت كيف
او عند حقول البرسيم واطراف المحاور وكماين الطوب
ما عندنا برجع عالي ننطلق منه ونبث رسالتنا زي ناس الاتصالات ووزارة الاعلام
ولا معانا بروفسرات شغالين معانا
بس كلنا ما جاهلين وقارين جامعات القراية الزمان كمان وياهي لغتنا ))
اها فهمت حاجة ولا اكرر واعيد ليك
بالمناسبة انا الجامعة قريتها بره السودان دي حاجة ..
وزرت بلاد كتيرة في العالم ..
واتعاملت بملايين الدولارات مع رجال اعمال باي لغة تخطر على بالك يا جاهل
احكي ليك حاجة : مرة راكب تاكسي مع واحد لاهو بتكلم عربي او انجليزي ولا انا بعرف لغته لمدة ساعتين متواصلات اقسم بالله اتونسنا كل واحد بلغته لاننا بنتكلم لغة واحدة لمن وصلنا هو بتكلم برطانتو وبفهمه وانا بتكلم عربي وبفهمني ومن غير لغة اشارة فالداير اقوله ... ياخ ما تفلقنا وتتنقع علينا يقرفك قرف toz يا boz يا وهم

Post: #29
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: توفيق عيسى مكي
Date: 01-05-2019, 11:16 AM

مؤسسة الشفافية للخدمات التجارية
ترنسبيرنسي للخدمات
تطبيقات Sudaway
استديوهات الشفافية المتطورة
لن تتحقق طفرات كبيرة الا تحت نظام شمولي قمعي يحمل برنامج اقتصادي طموح فيتحول الناس من الانشغال بالسياسة للانشغال بالانتاج حتى تصل الدول لمعدلات عالية من النموء والوفورات والنجاحات الاقتصادية من بعد ذلك يمكن ان يتم اشراك الجميع بمختلف ايدلوجياتهم وفكرهم في خلق التعايش الآمن والمشاركة من الجميع في ادارة النهضة او الطفرة التي حدثت كتطبيق نظام ديمقراطي يسع الجميع ولا يتم ذلك بالقطع الا بثورة شبابية تحمل فكر وايدلوجية جديدة لم تكن من قبل موجودة كشرط اساسي يلتف حولها جميع الشباب الرافض لكل ما هو موجود واضعا نصب اعينه على مقومات نهضة جميع الامم التي تتلخص في 1- الحرية 2- العلم 3- القيم الانسانية والاخلاق 4- العمل والانتاجية 5- المرونة

سعيدين في مؤسسة الشفافية بانضمام نخبة من الشباب لركبنا وتحملهم زمام المبادرة والمباشرة الفورية لما هم مقتنعين به ان ينهض ببلادنا منخطين كل الحواجز التي وقفت في طريقنا ببساطة جدا فدائما عنصر الشباب مليئ بالطموح والارادة والحب الكبير لسوداننا وفي سبيل ذلك لأن الزمن زمنهم هم اقدر لخلق برامج طموحة تبشر بمستقبل مشرق مستفيدين بخبراتنا وتوجيهاتنا ونصائحنا التي لا تخرج عن ما اكتسبناه من خلال مسيرتنا في العمل التجاري داخل وخارج السودان لسنين طويلة جدا واحتكاكنا الكبير في سنوات سابقة باساسيات الاقتصاد العالمي وتجارب الدول والامم التي نهضت قبلنا ولم نجد عناء في دفعهم لاستخدام التكنلوجيا وعلوم التقنيات الحديثة لانهم هم بارعين اكثر منا فيها وهي حياتهم اكثر منا

تم انشاء قسم التجارة الاكترونية بنجاح واليوم يمارس عمله كذلك قسم الانتاج الاعلامي والبرامجي بكافة معيناته واجهزته التي كنا ننتظرها ان تأتينا بعد ان يتوفر لنا المال والظروف من دولة اليابان التي حجزنا فيها ما نحتاجه وكذلك قسم التصميم البرمجة الذي ضم فيه شباب صغير يحمل اعلى درجات العلم كالدكتوارة وكذلك قسم التحليل الاحصائي الذي ابدت بعض الكوادر العربية والسودانية الاستعداد للانتاج فيه باحدث تقنيات هؤلاء الشباب لم يأتوا بالاقسام اولا بل اتوا بالعمل وطلبيات العمل اولا ليضمنوا استمراريتهم ومقدرتهم

من الغباء ان ننتظر الدعم الحكومي مثل دعم لجنة المحتوي الرقمي بوزارة الاعلام والاتصالات فمثل هذه الدعومات تذهب ضمن منظومة فساد يعاني منها السودان فلو كان امر القائمين على نشر التقنيات الحديثة ينصب لمصلحة الانتاج من سنين كانت رأت اطروحاتنا النور اقلاها طبيقاتنا الخمسة العملاقة ذات الطابع الانتاجي الصرف باحدث ما وصلت له تكنلوجيا العصر او قام مؤتمرنا الذي بشرنا به قبل عامين او استفادت الدولة نفسها من بنكنا المعلوماتي الذي يعد اكبر بنك معلوماتي تجاري واقتصادي عن السودان في كل العالم والاستفادة اللا محدودة لاكبر قاعدة بيانات تجارية اقتصادية سودانية تعد اهم وسيلة لاي جهة تريد ان تفجر نهضتها اقتصاديا هم غير جادين ونحن فوق الجدية نسبقهم بارادة العمل ننزله بارض الواقع واقعا مبشرا بالكثير بمجهود شباب في حبهم للسودان لا يخافون الا الله

خمسة سنوات هي عمر مسيرتنا وضعنا فيها برنامج طموح لنهضة بلادنا حققنا مكاسب لا تحصى ولا تعد تغلغلنا داخل كل المجتمعات السودانية بفكرنا وعملنا وقوة ارادتنا واثرنا واضح وضوح الشمس ان كان الناس يروننا في الاسافير والسوشال ميديا واجهزة الاعلام فاغلبهم يعرفون ان هذا انعكاس لاعمال حقيقية جرت في ارض الواقع السوداني عبر مسيرة خمسة سنوات من العمل المتواصل بايدي شباب طموح فيهم من كنا اول سلمته للعمل وفيهم من آمن بالفكرة وظل تحت الطلب ينفذ كل ما يوكل اليه حتى صار استافنا العامل من كثرته لا يسعه مكان او مكتبنا الصغير في الخرطوم بحري فكل مجموعة شباب صارت لنا مكتب اضافي يعمل لنا من مكانه

ليس لنا توجه سياسي سوي الحب الكبير لسوداننا وانسانه
دائما نرحب بالمنضمين لمسيرتنا والمؤمنين بالسودان اولا واخيرا
ودائما نكن لكم الود والحب الكبير
5 يناير 2019

Post: #30
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: Deng
Date: 01-05-2019, 11:42 AM
Parent: #29

لا للأحتيال على الناس.

# سقطت سقطت يا كيزان"

Post: #31
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: توفيق عيسى مكي
Date: 01-05-2019, 02:55 PM
Parent: #30

يا ايها الكافرون .. لا اعبد ما تعبدون ..
فهمت يا ابو جهل ...

Post: #32
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: Deng
Date: 01-05-2019, 03:12 PM
Parent: #31

وماذا ومن تعبد أنت؟

#تسقط بس#

Post: #33
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: توفيق عيسى مكي
Date: 01-05-2019, 03:53 PM
Parent: #32

انا امير .. من أمر .. انما الروح من أمر ربي ...
وقد جعلت ابو لهب يتلفت جهلا ...

Post: #34
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: توفيق عيسى مكي
Date: 01-11-2019, 06:04 PM
Parent: #33

Transparency Trading Services Est
Sudaway applications
Advanced Transparency Studios
We will not wait for the outcome of violent confrontations and settling accounts between the secular Sudanese left and the Sudanese Islamic right to disrupt our project of change and the message that we have been carrying for five years. We have made a pledge not to get caught up in the power struggle in our country and to provide a role model for change in line with the will of modern change In all the civilized world with the data of this era of revolutions in information technology for the benefit of the economic renaissance and the use of modern technology tools only for production, not demolition and chaos, and the search for young people to the pilot projects strong change the concepts of the oldest politicians in our country Who have given so much to their backwardness and selfishness and forced them to withdraw quietly from the Sudanese political landscape
We have owned our information bank, which has become the largest commercial information bank on the Sudan in the world and we consider this as our first success in managing change, as well as the largest commercial database of Sudan, this was the basis from which we started and then several activities and platforms and real spread within the Sudanese economic community is not in the imagination And wish, but in the heart of the old markets and producing states and the presence and keeping abreast of what is happening here or in the economic and commercial world around us and we have acquired great Sudanese symbols in our class are contributing to us to draw a new world for our beloved Sudan
We also shed light on those who followed our march by establishing five technology-producing sections for our organization, after our web sites and our resorts on Alsushal Media:

1- Electronic commerce

2- Design and printing department

3. Programming and Technology Section

4- Department of Photography and Media Production

5. Statistical Analysis Section

It is our gift to our Sudan at the beginning of this year, which we believe will be a great year for the Sudan. We have patience, patience, patience and success.
The Transparency Foundation for Commercial Services has emerged from the depth of our real need for a boom in the fields of economy and trade and started its journey without ceasing to work hard and tired did not pay attention to the neglect of the state and the obstacles to its path and the non-response of economists Aqimi thinking and limited noncompliant in the Sudanese economic arena and trade, Zoe open minds understand what we are doing to him and participate in our support shy but we see that we are walking in the right way either the platforms of the world know that it awaits us with an unbelievable where we are but inevitably will be in the future days of economic interest in the world of Economic liberalization has become one of some blindness in their eyes due to our political situation unstable, we have to stabilize and provide what is best for our country, which we love
We thank all newly joined to our tour
A factor of success ....
Or a participant ....
Or support ...

Post: #35
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: توفيق عيسى مكي
Date: 01-12-2019, 07:28 AM
Parent: #34

مؤسسة الشفافية للخدمات التجارية
ترنسبيرنسي للخدمات
تطبيقات Sudaway
استديوهات الشفافية المتطورة
لن ننتظر ما تسفر عنه المواجهات العنيفة وتصفية الحسابات بين اليسار السوداني العلماني واليمين السوداني الاسلامي لنعطل مشروعنا للتغير والرسالة التي ظللنا نحملها من قبل خمس سنوات وقد قطعنا عهدا ان لا ننشغل بما يدور في صراع السلطة في بلادنا وان نقدم انموذجا قدوة للتغير يتواكب مع ارادة التغير الحديثة في كل العالم المتحضر بمعطيات ما يمتلكه هذا العصر من ثورات في تقانة المعلومات لما يفيد النهضة الاقتصادية واستخدام ادوات التكنلوجيا الحديثة فقط للانتاج وليس الهدم والفوضى وذلك بحث الشباب للاتيان بمشاريع رائدة قوية تغير من مفاهيم عجائز الساسة في بلادنا الذين اذونا كثيرا بتخلفهم وانانيتهم ونجبرهم على الانسحاب من المشهد السياسي السوداني بهدوء
امتلكنا بنكنا المعلوماتي الذي صار اكبر بنك معلوماتي تجاري عن السودان في العالم ونعتبر ذلك اولى نجاحاتنا في ادارة دفة التغيير كذلك ما يصحبه من اكبر قاعدة بيانات تجارية سودانية هذا كان الاساس الذي منه انطلقنا ثم كانت عدة فعاليات ومنصات وانتشار حقيقي داخل المجتمع الاقتصادي السوداني ليس في الخيال والتمني ولكن في قلب الاسواق العريقة والولايات المنتجة والحضور والمواكبة لما يجري هنا او في العالم الاقتصادي والتجاري حولنا واكتسبنا رموز سودانية عظيمة في صفنا اصبحت تساهم معنا في رسم عالم جديد لسوداننا الحبيب
نزف ايضا بشرانا للذين تابعوا مسيرتنا بانشاء خمسة اقسام منتجة تكنلوجيا لمؤسستنا من بعد مواقعنا على الشبكات العنكبوتية وقروباتنا على السوشال ميديا وهي :
1- التجارة الاكترونية
2- قسم التصميم والطباعة
3- قسم البرمجة والتقنية
4- قسم التصوير والانتاج الاعلامي
5- قسم التحليل الاحصائي
وهي هديتنا لسوداننا في مطلع هذا العام الذي نرى انه سيكون عام خير كبير للسودان فقد صبرنا بما يجب الصبر وسننال اجر صبرنا فلاح ونجاح باذن الله
مؤسسة الشفافية للخدمات التجارية خرجت من عمق احتياجنا الحقيقي لعمل طفرة في مجالي الاقتصاد والتجارة السوداني وبدأت مسيرتها دون توقف عمل دؤوب مرهق لم تلتفت لتجاهل الدولة لها العمد ووضع العراقيل لمسيرتها وعدم تجاوب الاقتصاديين العقيمي التفكير والمحدود الغير مواكب في الساحة الاقتصادية السودانية والتجارية وان كان مؤخرا بدأ بعض زوي العقول المتفتحة يتفهمون ما نعمل له ويشاركوننا دعما خجولا لكن نرى ذلك اننا نسير في الطريق الصحيح اما منصات العالم نعلم انها تترقبنا بعين لا تصدق ما نحن فيه ولكن حتما ستحتوينا في مقبل الايام فالمصلحة الاقتصادية في عالم متحرر اقتصاديا صارت واحدة بعض الغشاوة في اعينهم بفعل وضعنا السياسي المتضطرب فعلينا الثبات وتقديم ما هو افضل لبلادنا التي نحبها
نشكر جميع المنضمين حديثا لمسيرتنا
استافا عاملا ....
او مشاركا ....
او داعما ....

Post: #36
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: توفيق عيسى مكي
Date: 01-15-2019, 11:31 PM
Parent: #35

مؤسسة الشفافية للخدمات التجارية
ترنسبيرنسي للخدمات
تطبيقات Sudaway
استديوهات الشفافية المتطورة
من بعد سبعة او ثمانية سنوات يفيق بعض الناس لحال بلادهم وينتهجون نهجا ثوريا عنيفا لارادة التغير ويجبرون الناس ان يسيروا على كيفهم وعلى طريقتهم جبرا لسكتهم الثورية دون دراسة العواقب يتشبطون لأي منهج طالما كان ثوريا وان كان لا يتوافق مع الايدلوجية الاثنية للامة السودانية اللهم يروه فجرا للخلاص وكفى بعقلية جيل كان نائما نوما مخملي ثم صحى ثم وجد حقيقة حاله فانتفض فاندس في عمقه بعض اصحاب الاجندات وقادوه وسيروه كما يريدون تصفية لحسابات قديمة غاب عنهم انهم ان لم يتدخلوا او يثوروا لانتهى كل شيئ بهدوء فالبلاد اساسا في حالة انهيار تام لا تحتاج لبطولات مزيفة بل زادوه عمرا لا يستحقه وفقدنا بعض ابنائنا بطيش ثوري لا يصلح لغة في هذا القرن وهذا الزمان وبهذا وقد فتحوا الباب للأسوأ الذي كنا نخشاه فالوضع ما كان محتاج لضغائن وكره اكثر مما كان
نحن في مؤسسة الشفافية للخدمات التجارية من قبل خمسة سنوات وصلنا للذي وصلوه الناس الآن درسنا مفردات العصر الذي نعيش فيه وثقافته وادواته ووضعنا نهجا علميا عمليا يتناسب مع مستقبل بلادنا بطرق وادوات تسبقنا بعقد او عقدين من الزمان (درسنا علم الرجعية والتقدمية) فكان منهجنا في ارادة التغير تنصب في خلق الطفرة الاقتصادية والتجارية كل العالم اليوم يسمو اخلاقيا ومتسامحا ليس هناك زمنا للحقد والضغينة والكره بالمعني اهم مفردات عصرنا ان نضع العواطف جانبا ونحكم العقول ونتواكب بالسرعات العالية التي يتسابق بها العالم من حولنا ولم نجبر احدا ان يسلك منهجنا ولم نسير احدا مجبرا ان يؤمن بما نؤمن لقناعتنا ان التغيرات الجوهرية تحتاج لقدوة على ارض الواقع ناجحة تجبر الناس ان تنتهج نفس المنهج وتحقق نفس النجاحات ونفس الوفورات وبالتالي امر تغير رأس الحكم يتم تلقائيا دون حتى تدخل منا ونجنب بلادنا كثير من الفتن
نعلم جيدا ونعي ما فعلنا تجاه بلادنا خلال هذه الخمسة سنوات لم نكن يوما مؤسسة ربحية صرفة فلتحقيق الارباح يحتاج في عملنا هذا كان يحتاج لبناء قواعد لم تكن اصلا موجودة في خارطة اقتصاديات بلادنا فكان بنكنا المعلوماتي الاكبر عالميا فيما يخص المعلومة التجارية السودانية حجر الاساس الاول ومن بعده ترسيخ قيمة وجود سوق للمعلومة التجارية وقد كان فانتشرت المواقع التجارية والتطبيقات وكل اساسيات تكنلوجيا التقنية الحدثة المستخدمة الآن في العالم وهي مخاطبة الناس وقيادتها بنفس اللغة المتداولة عند العامة والمعرفة الدقيقة بالمزاج العام وتطويعه لمصلحة العولمة والتغلغل في العمق المجتمعي وكسب ثقته وهو ما عملناه دون ادنى عناء
نحن في مؤسسة الشفافية للخدمات التجارية يهمنا جدا ان نبين موقفنا من الاحداث التي تجري ببلادنا هذه الايام لنا طريقتنا في انتهاك ارادة التغير وقد عاصرنا كل ثوار العالم في كل معتقلاهم وسجونهم وعرفنا جيدا معنى اللجوء والتشرد عن تجربة وتخطينا مرحلة الحنق والحقد لدنيا السماح والعمل الجاد القوي الذي يفيد وظللنا نعمل خمسة سنوات دون انقطاع الى ان بدأت نجاحاتنا تظهر على ارض الواقع حب كبير لسوداننا كل من يحمل جنسية سوداني سواءا حاكما او محكوم هو هدفنا بهم جميعا يمكننا ان نصنع سودانا فوق كل الأمم
حبنا الكبير لمن فهمنا بوضح
حبنا الكبير لانسان بلادنا دون تحديد هوية او فكر
جميعهم لدينا واحد
وجل من لا يخطئ ولكن العبرة دائما بالنهايات السعيدة
16 يناير 2019
من صفحتنا في الفيس

Post: #37
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: توفيق عيسى مكي
Date: 01-26-2019, 09:18 AM
Parent: #36

Transparency Trading Services Est
Sudaway applications
Advanced Transparency Studios
When the high levels of the administration of our country change, whether the demise of those who rule our country now, or radical changes in all the leaders, which we are sure with complete certainty, are not suitable for the management of our country economically, commercially and productively, and have proved their failure. But we have overcome this view from our personal experience. They certainly do not care about the progress of our country and its development and they use all the dirty methods for every successful work for the good of our country as long as it was not derived from others and it is one of the problems that gave birth to many of our country's people and its result is what we see from the rejection and popular movement in the Sudanese street to ..

Our country is in dire need of agricultural and industrial productivity revolutions in the first place. Then there are revolutions in the field of public services, but services should be devoted to the purely productive revolution, in contrast with the Ministry of Information, Communications and Information Technology and the state itself in dealing with the renaissance of our country. Planning When we were expelled from the office of its minister before he understood we did not attend and even easier to understand we give real examples of our experience:
No1 : We started our work with the latest of the modern systems of economic renaissance. It is the building of an object that represents the main nerve of any renaissance. It is the field of information. In this way, we established the largest commercial information bank on Sudan and the largest Sudanese commercial database in the world. To establish a market for commercial information and we succeeded in doing so in isolation for the benefit of the private sector, which has produced positive results on the ground and they are now know nothing about him
Secondly, it is the most important thing in the order of our production applications. We intended them to help us believe that it will make a big leap in our production areas. I mean the giant Sudaway applications, for example in the field of agriculture after providing all the agricultural information for each interested, researcher and investor. After the registration of the user and give information about him and what he wants to give the application the best modern options to produce modern varieties of productivity is ten times what is produced that did not use the application and evidence of the best ways of irrigation and fertilization and tillage and harvesting and selling and do not like to explain more than that, The presence in these very modern applications Yes, we used Japanese technology in the field of agriculture, and will not disclose where we arrived with some Japanese companies, but our experience with our government Does not live up to any government that wants to develop from its production methods

We have our way of choosing what suits us in the jurisprudence of change in our country The world today is moving towards the inclusion of successful economic programs to lead the public policies of the state and thus are making the political changes and new systems of countries When Recep Tayyip Erdoğan took the city of Istanbul and found a city several billion and in a short time and several economic programs managed To create a surplus of several billions and if he was elected to lead Turkey to move out of its ranking 113 in the world's powerful economies to become the 13 today, yes, the change in programs is what we need today, and so we have sought in that six years, but a month of continuous work until today and when found A good environment will create boom in our country
It is our great love
Is what we owe him
That is why we will not lower it

Post: #38
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: توفيق عيسى مكي
Date: 01-26-2019, 09:20 AM
Parent: #37

مؤسسة الشفافية للخدمات التجارية
ترنسبيرنسي للخدمات
تطبيقات Sudaway
استديوهات الشفافية المتطورة
في حكم المؤكد عندما تتغير المستويات العليا في ادارة بلادنا سواءا بزوال من يحكمون بلادنا الآن او تغيرات جذرية في كل القيادات التي نحن متأكدين بيقين تام لا تصلح لادارة بلادنا اقتصاديا وتجاريا وانتاجيا وقد اثبتت فشلها فعلا ولكن تكابر بنينا رأينا هذا من تجربتنا الشخصية عندما تيقنا يقين تام انهم بالقطع لا يعنيهم كثيرا تقدم بلادنا وتطورها وانهم يستخدمون كل الاساليب القذرة لكل عمل ناجح لخير بلادنا طالما انه لم يكن نابعا من غيرهم وهي احدى المشاكل التي ولدت الغبن لكثير من ابناء بلادنا وكانت نتيجتها هي ما نشاهده من رفض وحراك شعبي في الشارع السوداني اليوم
بلادنا في حوجة ماسة لثورات انتاجية زراعية وصناعية في المقام الاول ثم من بعد ذلك ثورات في مجال الخدمات العامة الا ان تكون خدمات تنصب لمصلحة الثورة الانتاجية البحتة وهو خلافنا مع وزارة الاعلام والاتصالات وتقنية المعلومات وخلافنا مع الدولة نفسها في تناول نهضة بلادنا كما حدث لنا مع وزارة التخطيط عندما طردنا من مكتب وزيرها قبل ان يفهم لم حضرنا وحتى نسهل الفهم نعطي امثلة حقيقية من واقع تجربتنا :
اولا : بدأنا عملنا باحدث ما توصلت له النظم الحديثة للنهضة الاقتصادية وهو بناء جسم يمثل العصب الاساسي لاي نهضة وهو مجال المعلومات وفي سبيل ذلك انشأنا اكبر بنك معلوماتي تجاري عن السودان واكبر قاعدة بيانات تجارية سودانية في العالم وعرضنا لهم سبل استخدامها فكان تجاهلنا ولم نكترس لهم فعملنا لتأسيس سوق للمعلومة التجارية ونجحنا في ذلك بمعزل عنهم حتى تستفيد منه قاعدة القطاع الخاص وهو عمل افرز نتائج ايجابية على ارض الواقع وهم للآن لا يعلمون عنه شيئا
ثانيا : وهي الاهم في امر تطبيقاتنا الانتاجية قصدناهم لمساعدتنا لايماننا بانها ستحدث طفرة كبيرة في مجالاتنا الانتاجية واقصد تطبيقات Sudaway العملاقة التي مثلا في مجال الزراعة بعد ان يقدم كل المعلومات الزراعية لكل مهتم وباحث ومستثمر الا انه تطبيق يقدم حزمة عملية في تطبيق اساليب الزراعة الحديثة تبدأ من بعد تسجيل المستخدم واعطاء معلومات عنه وما يريد ليعطية التطبيق افضل الخيارات المتطورة الحديثة لانتاج اصناف تكون انتاجيتها عشرة اضعاف ما ينتج ان لم يستخدم التطبيق ويدله على افضل سبل الري والتسميد والحرث والحصاد والبيع ولا نحب ان نفسر اكثر من ذلك لكنه موجود في هذه التطبيقات الحديثة جدا نعم استعنا بالتقنية اليابانية في مجال الزراعة ولن نفصح اين وصلنا مع بعض الشركات اليابانية ولكن كانت تجربتنا مع حكومتنا لا ترقى لاي حكومة تريد ان تطور من اساليب انتاجياتها
لنا طريقتنا في اختيار ما يناسبنا في فقه التغير في بلادنا العالم اليوم يتجه نحو ادراج البرامج الاقتصادية الناجحة لتقود السياسات العامة للدولة وبالتالي هي التي تصنع التغيرات السياسية والانظمة الجديدة للدول فعندما تولى رجب طيب اردغان بلدية استانبول وجدها مدينة عدة مليارات وفي زمن وجيز وبعدة برامج اقتصادية استطاع ان يخلق فائض عدة مليارات فكان ان تم انتخابه ليقود تركيا ليقفذ بها من ترتيبها 113 في اقتصاديات العالم القوية لتصبح ال 13 اليوم نعم التغير بالبرامج هو ما نحتاجه اليوم ولهذا سعينا في ذلك من ستة اعاوام الا شهر بعمل متواصل حتى اليوم ومتى ما وجدنا البيئة الصالحة سنخلق الطفرة في بلادنا
هي حبنا الكبير
هي ما ندين له
ولهذا لن نخزلها

25 يناير 2019

Post: #39
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: Deng
Date: 01-26-2019, 11:25 AM
Parent: #38

أنتهى زمن الإحتيال

Post: #40
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: توفيق عيسى مكي
Date: 01-26-2019, 12:35 PM
Parent: #39

بهناك غبي ...
وهنا بليد ..
وانا متاكد الجايي لو ..

Post: #41
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: Deng
Date: 01-26-2019, 01:32 PM
Parent: #40

لا للإحتيال

Post: #42
Title: Re: Letters of Transparency for Services to the Sudanese
Author: توفيق عيسى مكي
Date: 01-26-2019, 06:42 PM
Parent: #41

غبي وبليد ... وساكي التالتة ..