نتائج أولية مبشرة: مصل جديد يبعث الأمل في علاج الإيدز- فاينانشيال تايمز

نتائج أولية مبشرة: مصل جديد يبعث الأمل في علاج الإيدز- فاينانشيال تايمز

07-27-2017, 01:02 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=490&msg=1501156958&rn=3

Post: #1
Title: نتائج أولية مبشرة: مصل جديد يبعث الأمل في علاج الإيدز- فاينانشيال تايمز
Author: hassan bashir
Date: 07-27-2017, 01:02 PM
Parent: #0

12:02 PM July, 27 2017

سودانيز اون لاين
hassan bashir-
رابط مختصر

New vaccine enters the battle against Aids

A new Aids vaccine will begin large-scale trials in southern Africa at the end of this year, in what is hoped will be a breakthrough in the 30-year scientific battle against the disease.

Promising early clinical data on the vaccine, developed by Johnson and Johnson with the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), were released at the International Aids Society conference in Paris on Monday.

The experimental “Ad26 mosaic” will be the second vaccine to undergo tests by thousands of African volunteers of its effectiveness at preventing infection with HIV, the virus that causes Aids.

Researchers will compare infection rates between people who receive the active vaccine and a placebo jab. The first vaccine, called HVTN 702 and also funded by NIH, began a trial in South Africa last November with 5,400 people.

“A safe and effective HIV vaccine would be a powerful tool to reduce new HIV infections worldwide and help bring about a durable end to the HIV/Aids pandemic,” said Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the NIH agency responsible for Aids research.

“By exploring multiple promising avenues of vaccine development, we expand our opportunities to achieve these goals.”

The new vaccine is based on mosaic technology that combines immune-stimulating proteins from four different HIV strains, representing different types of virus from around the world. An important reason why HIV vaccine development has been so difficult is the variability of the virus, as well as its rapid rate of genetic mutation and the unusual way it attacks the human immune system.

The Ad26 mosaic vaccine delivers its four immunogens to human cells through an adenovirus (common cold virus) that is genetically engineered to cause infection but not illness. The first clinical trial results, reported in Paris, showed that Ad26 is safe and elicited a strong immune response to the different HIV strains in 400 healthy volunteers.

The next step is to organise a trial across several different countries in southern Africa, with the enrolment of 2,600 women set to begin late this year. Each volunteer will receive four injections of the experimental vaccine.

“A new optimism has emerged that we will find an HIV vaccine in our lifetime,” said Paul Stoffels, JandJ chief scientist. “The results from today’s study add to that optimism and we look forward to . . . the next stage of clinical testing.”

Even a vaccine that is 50 per cent effective, preventing infection in half the people who would otherwise have been infected with HIV, could have a huge impact on the Aids pandemic, he added.

The World Health Organization estimates that about 37m people worldwide are living with HIV. Last year 1.8m people became newly infected with the virus and 1m died from Aids-related disease.

Results from another clinical trial, published in the Lancet and reported at the Paris meeting, suggest that long-acting injections of antiviral drugs, administered every four or eight weeks, may provide an alternative to daily pills. A combination of JandJ’s rilpivirine and cabotegravir from Viiv, GlaxoSmithKline’s Aids subsidiary, suppressed HIV infection in 268 patients as effectively as conventional oral therapy for almost two years.

The two drugs were chosen because they attack the virus in different, complementary ways and last in the body for longer than most anti-HIV drugs. If further clinical trials confirm safety and efficacy, “long-acting antiviral injections may represent the next revolution in HIV therapy by providing an option that circumvents the burden of daily dosing”, said David Margolis of Viiv, the study’s lead author.

Post: #2
Title: Re: نتائج أولية مبشرة: مصل جديد يبعث الأمل في �
Author: محمد البشرى الخضر
Date: 07-27-2017, 03:10 PM
Parent: #1

تحياتي حسن بشير
قرأت قبل فترة بوست لدكتورة زميلة عن تطوير لقاح ضد الايدز و اجراء اختبارات برضو في افريقيا
تساءلت عن مدى اخلاقية فكرةتعريض مجموعات من البشر لفيروس الإيدز لتنبين كيفية عمل ومدى فاعلية اللقاح!
الآن نفس التساؤل يطرح نفسه لإختبار فاعلية اللقاح يجب تعريض موضوع الإختبار للفايرس عمدا
اي نعم هم متطوعين لكن برضو يظل السؤال قائم

Post: #3
Title: Re: نتائج أولية مبشرة: مصل جديد يبعث الأمل في �
Author: hassan bashir
Date: 07-27-2017, 05:22 PM
Parent: #2

تساؤل منطقي اخي العزيز محمد. الغريبة انو الغرب فيه معارضة قوية لاستخدام حيوانات في تجارب تصنيع المستحضرات وونواد التجميل لكن انسان أفريقيا ما عندو وجيع

Post: #4
Title: Re: نتائج أولية مبشرة: مصل جديد يبعث الأمل في �
Author: عبدالعزيز الفاضلابى
Date: 07-27-2017, 07:05 PM

Quote: اي نعم هم متطوعين لكن برضو يظل السؤال قائم

معايير الاخلاق تختلف من مجتمع الى آخر. ماتراه انت غير أخلاقى يراه غيرك اخلاقى وتختلف الاسباب حسب القيم المجتمعية.
صحيح هناك قيم قد تكون مشتركة لكن تجد بعض الموازنات قد جعلت من تلك القيم قابلة للتجاوز عند البعض وغير قابلة عند البعض الآخر.
مثال ذلك قيمة الحرية الشخصية ,, وفى النهاية مثل تلك المسائل جدلية تجد من يناصرها ومن يقف ضدها وكلٌ له مسوِّغاته كعقوبة الإعدام مثلاً ,,
والطبيعة البشرية تجعل الاتفاق بشانها محال.

Post: #5
Title: Re: نتائج أولية مبشرة: مصل جديد يبعث الأمل في �
Author: Ahmed Alim
Date: 07-28-2017, 10:27 AM
Parent: #4

وهل ستسمح شركات الادوية بطرح دواء ناجع لمرض الأيدز
او السرطانات، وووو الخ؟؟ لا أعتقد! الشركات دي نفوذها قوى في كل
الحكومات الغربية وخاصة في أمريكا!

ببساطة .. لو الناس كلها اتعالجت الشركات دي حتبقى اوت في بزنس :)

تحياتي يا حافظ