Sudanese brain drain

Sudanese brain drain

11-25-2016, 10:24 AM


Post: #1
Title: Sudanese brain drain
Author: الشيخ محمد ودالكباشي
Date: 11-25-2016, 10:24 AM
Parent: #0

09:24 AM November, 25 2016 سودانيز اون لاين
الشيخ محمد ودالكباشي-السودان
رابط مختصر
Brain drain or the migration of scientists is the term given to the migration of scientists and specialists in various branches of science from one country to another request for higher salaries or seek conditions of life or thought best. In the management Intellect we -called rotation of the employment or career leave. Usually the brain drain will be from developing countries to developed countries, if the rate of lost skilled labor (scientists and experts specialists) was high in any country, it will lead to a gap in knowledge and science known from Scientist to other, and it can create impact in economic planning and the foundations of the economy, it can impact on its outputs According to results of a study that I had been prepared with Prof. Abusin in the year 2014 on the migration of the most important brains (university professors), a study published on economic magazine in the University of Sudan on the link:ØŸid=1350andchk=5cd0ba4819ac28efd3b963865dc8ee5d
We found that the turnover ratio of scientists and Experts is very high rates in SUDAN
by Dr. Elsheikh

Post: #3
Title: Re: Sudanese brain drain
Author: الشيخ محمد ودالكباشي
Date: 11-25-2016, 08:43 PM
Parent: #1

many educated or professional people leave a particular place or profession and move to another one that gives them better pay or living conditions the departure of educated or professional people from one country, economic sector, or field for another usually for better pay or living conditions