مشروع عقوبات الامم المتحدة علي الذهب السوداني علي اجندة مجلس الامن (مبروك للمناضلين)

مشروع عقوبات الامم المتحدة علي الذهب السوداني علي اجندة مجلس الامن (مبروك للمناضلين)

02-10-2016, 02:03 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=490&msg=1455066237&rn=8

Post: #1
Title: مشروع عقوبات الامم المتحدة علي الذهب السوداني علي اجندة مجلس الامن (مبروك للمناضلين)
Author: عبدالمجيد صالح
Date: 02-10-2016, 02:03 AM
Parent: #0

01:03 AM Feb, 10 2016

سودانيز اون لاين
عبدالمجيد صالح-
رابط مختصر

نعم للمزيد من العقوبات علي الحكومة السودانية
لابد للظلم ان ينجلي ولابد للنظام ان يرحل
ولكن قيل قديماً :( يموت جوعاً من ينتظر مائدة القدر)
لا شك فيه ان حكومة البشير قد بطشت بالشعب السوداني بطشاً شديداً واوصلته مرحلة صعبه جداً , وزادت من البطش مرتين لشعوب الهامش في دارفور وجبال النوبة والنيل الازرق وبقية المناطق الاخري .
ونري الان بام اعيننا ماذا يجري في دارفور في جبل مرة انها ابادة ممنهجة لشعب الفور العزل .
وصحيح ان المجتمع الدولي يمكن ان يصمت بعض الشي ولكن مازال هنالك ناشطون يعملون ليل نهار من اجل احكام الخناق علي الحكومة السودانية وايصالها الي مرحلة النهاية
والشكر لهم علي هذا العمل الجبار

ادناه خبر عن مشروع قرار في مجلس الامن لعمل عقوبات منتج الذهب و علي الحكومة السودانية
مجرد وصول الموضوع الي مجلس الامن في الامم المتحدة لهو انجاز كبير

سوف يناقش المجلس في جلسته ليوم غدا الاربعاء 10 فبراير مشروع قرار لتجديد عمل بعثة عمل الخبراء الخاصة بالعقوبات علي الحكومة السودانية وسوف يناقش ايضا موضوع العقوبات علي منتج الذهب السوداني والذي تستخدمه الحكومة السودانية في اشعال الحرب في دارفور وجبال النوبة والنيل الازرق
الرابط ادناه للخبر


Post: #2
Title: Re: مشروع عقوبات الامم المتحدة علي الذهب السو
Author: عبدالمجيد صالح
Date: 02-10-2016, 02:08 AM
Parent: #1


posted on TUE 9 FEB 2016 4:07 PM

Council to Vote on Sudan Sanctions Draft Resolution

Tomorrow (10 February), the Security Council is scheduled to vote on a draft resolution renewing the Panel of Experts of the 1591 Sudan Sanctions Committee until 12 March 2017. The draft in blue expresses the Council’s intention to take appropriate action regarding further extension of the mandate of the Panel of Experts by 13 February 2017. It further requests that the Panel provide a mid-term update to the Sanctions Committee no later than 12 August 2016 and that it submit a final report to the Council by 13 January 2017.

Otherwise, the text is identical to last year’s resolution on the Sudan Panel of Experts (S/RES/2200). The US, the penholder, had made an effort to incorporate new language reflecting some of the recent findings in the final report of the Sudan Sanctions Committee’s Panel of Experts, which had yet to be made public at press time. However, some Council members found the new language controversial when the initial draft was circulated in late January. Following two rounds of negotiations among Council members, and a series of bilateral exchanges between the penholder and some members that resulted in revised language, Council members still remained divided. As a result, the penholder decided to revert to the language of last year’s resolution and put the fifth version of the draft into blue yesterday evening (8 February).

The main sticking point related to language regarding the gold trade in Darfur. Early versions of the draft resolution emphasised that profits from the illicit trade in gold and other natural resources in Darfur may constitute a threat to stability in Darfur and the region. This language appeared to be largely based on the content of the Sudan Panel of Experts’ final report that recommended designating for sanctions those individuals and entities who threaten the peace and stability in Darfur through illegal levies on prospectors, and others engaged in artisanal gold mining and the illegal exploitation and trafficking of natural resources, including gold.

The language linking the gold trade to instability in Darfur caused deep divisions among members. The US, the UK and others believe that the illicit trade in gold is a driver of conflict in Darfur. However, China, Russia and some elected members opposed the new references. They do not agree that the illicit gold trade is a significant factor in fueling the conflict, and they appeared to be worried that linking it to instability in Darfur and the region could open the door to additional targeted sanctions, which they believe would be counterproductive. As a compromise, the penholder proposed more concise language in which the Council would have merely expressed concern at the findings of the Panel of Experts regarding armed groups’ control of artisanal gold mines in Darfur. This would have avoided directly stating that the illicit trade in gold, as well as other natural resources, is a threat to stability in Darfur and the region, which is a listing criterion for targeted sanctions in Darfur. However, this more concise formulation was also unsatisfactory to some members, with Russia apparently maintaining that “expressing concern” at the Panel’s findings on gold smuggling would validate these findings, findings that some Council members refuted.

By reverting to agreed language from last year’s resolution, this year’s resolution does not reflect efforts to incorporate recent developments. For example, members had negotiated new text referring to the cessation of hostilities unilaterally declared by the government of Sudan and the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF), an umbrella group of rebel movements. Russia maintained that this was problematic, given that the Sudan Liberation Army - Abdul Wahid (SLA-AW), a member of the SRF, continued to engage in fighting with government forces. Russia proposed that the text be changed to welcome the declaration of the cessation of hostilities by some elements of the SRF. As a result, the penultimate version of the draft referenced by name members of the SRF in Darfur (i.e. the Justice and Equality Movement and the SLA-Minni Minawi), other than the SLA-AW, in relation to the cessation of hostilities. However, this reference has been excluded from the final version in blue, as has been updated language on the security situation that required compromises, given the reversion to agreed language from last year.

Council dynamics on Darfur continue to be difficult. The tensions among Council members negotiating this draft resolution were similar to those experienced during negotiations on a draft press statement circulated by the UK, following Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Hervé Ladsous’s 25 January briefing to the Council. It appears that the intention of that draft was to express concern at the upsurge in fighting in the Jebel Marra area and to welcome efforts to promote a political settlement in Darfur. However, different views on how to apportion responsibility for the security situation in Darfur and how to reference the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur, among other issues, have prevented Council members from reaching consensus on the draft, and thus have prevented that press statement from being issued.

Post: #3
Title: Re: مشروع عقوبات الامم المتحدة علي الذهب السو
Author: عبدالمجيد صالح
Date: 02-10-2016, 02:11 AM
Parent: #2

هذه اللغة هي بيت القصيد

The main sticking point related to language regarding the gold trade in Darfur. Early versions of the draft resolution emphasised that profits from the illicit trade in gold and other natural resources in Darfur may constitute a threat to stability in Darfur and the region. This language appeared to be largely based on the content of the Sudan Panel of Experts’ final report that recommended designating for sanctions those individuals and entities who threaten the peace and stability in Darfur through illegal levies on prospectors, and others engaged in artisanal gold mining and the illegal exploitation and trafficking of natural resources, including gold.

Post: #4
Title: Re: مشروع عقوبات الامم المتحدة علي الذهب السو
Author: عبدالمجيد صالح
Date: 02-10-2016, 02:17 AM
Parent: #3

ارباح الذهب ربما تستخدمها الحكومة السودانية لتهديد الاستقرار في دارفور

Early versions of the draft resolution emphasised that profits from the illicit trade in gold and other natural resources in Darfur may constitute a threat to stability in Darfur and the region.

Post: #5
Title: Re: مشروع عقوبات الامم المتحدة علي الذهب السو
Author: عبدالمجيد صالح
Date: 02-10-2016, 02:34 AM
Parent: #3

ولان موضوع العقوبات ليس بالشي الهين ويترتب عليه توابع عدة فان المجتمع الدولي واعضاء مجلس الامن في الامم المتحدة قبل ان يوقعو علي اي عقوبات يبحثون عن الموضوع بالبحوث والدراسات المستقلة المؤكدة

هنا الباحثة الزميلة اكشايا كومار الباحثة السابقة في مشروع كفاية لمنع الابادة الجماعية والباحثة الحالية في منظمة هيومان رايتس وتش بالولايات المتحدة قامت بكتابة بحث ممتاز عن معدن الذهب وكيف ان الحكومة السودانية تستخدم عوائده لدعم الحرب في دارفور

البحث في الرابط ادناه


Post: #6
Title: Re: مشروع عقوبات الامم المتحدة علي الذهب السو
Author: عبدالمجيد صالح
Date: 02-10-2016, 02:41 AM
Parent: #3

البحث كاملا

Fool's Gold: The Case for Scrutinizing Sudan's Conflict Gold Trade



Post: #7
Title: Re: مشروع عقوبات الامم المتحدة علي الذهب السو
Author: Mohamed Yassin Khalifa
Date: 02-10-2016, 03:46 AM
Parent: #6

الليلة الجماعة ما بينومو يا مجيد!

لو حضرتا الجلسة عليك الله كلمني....

ده شمار حار!

Post: #8
Title: Re: مشروع عقوبات الامم المتحدة علي الذهب السو
Author: الطيب عثمان يوسف
Date: 02-10-2016, 04:39 AM
Parent: #7

Quote: الليلة الجماعة ما بينومو يا مجيد!

*** ود الباوقة ضارب لي تلفون الساعة 3 ص عشان اتأكد من الخبر !

Post: #9
Title: Re: مشروع عقوبات الامم المتحدة علي الذهب السو
Author: عبدالمجيد صالح
Date: 02-11-2016, 01:10 AM

عقبال النظر في قطاع الاتصالات كمان عشان تاني ما يقدرو يتنفسو في القروش القاعدة تكتل اهلنا في دارفور وجبال النوبة والنيل الازرق

Post: #10
Title: Re: مشروع عقوبات الامم المتحدة علي الذهب السو
Author: اسامة الامام
Date: 02-11-2016, 01:26 AM
Parent: #9

الصمغ ،،،،،،. الصمووووووووووووغ
الصمغ يا أبوي

مع التحايا. للجميع

Post: #11
Title: Re: مشروع عقوبات الامم المتحدة علي الذهب السو
Author: عبدالمجيد صالح
Date: 02-11-2016, 02:00 AM
Parent: #10


الليلة الجماعة ما بينومو يا مجيد!

لو حضرتا الجلسة عليك الله كلمني....

ده شمار حار!

محمد ياسين سلامات

سهر الجداد ولا نومو , ما ينوم لسا الجاي تقيل

بعدين شغل ناس حسن حركة (حركتك جبانة) حرك الشغل شديد والان في عدة سيناريوهات لعقوبات جديدة

الدهب , الصمغ العربي , الاتصالات والبترول

Post: #12
Title: Re: مشروع عقوبات الامم المتحدة علي الذهب السو
Author: عبدالمجيد صالح
Date: 02-11-2016, 02:06 AM
Parent: #10


*** ود الباوقة ضارب لي تلفون الساعة 3 ص عشان اتأكد من الخبر !

سلامات استاذ الطيب عثمان يوسف

قول ل ود الباوقة الجاي ورا , الدهب , الاتصالات , البترول , الصمغ العربي وحاجات تانية ويمكن حظر سفر المسئولين الي اوربا وكدا
الناس دي ياما تشوف شغل في الايام الجاية

تعبو الناس شديد خلينا نتعبهم شوية

خليهم يستعدو , قتلو ارواح بريئة في مناطق الهامش وارواح الناس دي ما بتروح ساي

علي وعلي اعدائي زي ما قال شمسون الجبار

Post: #13
Title: Re: مشروع عقوبات الامم المتحدة علي الذهب السو
Author: عبدالمجيد صالح
Date: 02-11-2016, 02:09 AM
Parent: #10

Quote: الصمغ ،،،،،،. الصمووووووووووووغ
الصمغ يا أبوي

سلامات اسامة الامام

الصمغ العربي والبترول والاتصالات كلها جاية في السكة

خليهم يصبرو شوية

في كلام تحت تحت عن حظر شامل لدخول المسئولين الي اوربا

ديل مجرمين والمجرم يستاهل يتسجن

لسا الكتير جاي ورا

Post: #14
Title: Re: مشروع عقوبات الامم المتحدة علي الذهب السو
Author: اسامة الامام
Date: 02-11-2016, 02:44 AM
Parent: #13

Quote: سلامات اسامة الامام 

الصمغ العربي والبترول والاتصالات كلها جاية في السكة

خليهم يصبرو شوية 

في كلام تحت تحت عن حظر شامل لدخول المسئولين الي اوربا 

ديل مجرمين والمجرم يستاهل يتسجن 

لسا الكتير جاي ورا

عبدالمجيد يا اخوي كيف حالك

انت يا زول بي صحك
امربكة شنو البجي منها خير
ويرتجي منها امل والذي منو
دونك العراق وما فعلت به وكبت الزوغة

الشئ التاني
الصمغ دا هو الحاجة الوحيدة المستثنا من الحصار الظالم علي امتنا السودانية

تفتكر علشان خاطر حباب عيون العونكوليب ولا شنو
والله الذي لا اله الا هو
ستنا امريكا دي مقتنننننعة انو حصارا دا لا علي حكومة السجم دي ولا شتين
والحكومة تغني شرق ولا هماها
بس المواطن المسكين دا المطحون
وواقع بين شقي الرحي
حكومة سجمانة ومعارضة اسجم

بالله فكونا بلا امريكا بلا قرف
ربنا ينتقم منها محل ما تقبل بركة جاه الرسول ويشغلها في جلدا دا

مع كل الاحترام يا اخي الكريم

Post: #15
Title: Re: مشروع عقوبات الامم المتحدة علي الذهب السو
Author: عبدالمجيد صالح
Date: 02-11-2016, 02:51 AM
Parent: #14

خطاب قوي للسفيرة سامانثا بااول حول استخدام الذهب في الحرب في دارفور

Explanation of Vote at the Adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 2265 on Sudan Sanctions
02/10/2016 04:20 PM EST

Ambassador Samantha Power
U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations
U.S. Mission to the United Nations
New York City
February 10, 2016

Thank you so much, Mr. President. We welcome today’s resolution to extend the mandate of the UN’s Sudan sanctions Panel of Experts. Following a brief period of relative calm, the past few weeks have been marked by aerial bombardments and ground offensives carried out by the Government of Sudan in Jebel Mara. The United Nations has reported tens of thousands of civilians displaced and dire humanitarian conditions. Yet, the Security Council has been silent.

We have had a sanctions regime in place for 12 years – and yet we have not been able to muster consensus on a single designation since 2006.

We’ve had an arms embargo in place for 11 years, and year after year we receive report after report of arms flowing, illegally, into Darfur.

We have created a Panel of Experts to provide this kind of reporting. And, yet, when they do, a member of this Council blocks the report from being published because its findings are so disturbing.

Today’s resolution is a technical rollover, not because the Panel of Experts did not provide findings on how to respond better to the situation. Indeed, this Panel has provided a critical flow of information on the implementation of sanctions in Darfur. Its report provided information that could have better informed our decision-making. For example, this report catalogued numerous violations of the sanctions regime, underscoring the need for greater enforcement by all Member States. It also took note of recurring violations of humanitarian and human rights law. Yes, today’s resolution is a technical rollover because this Council could not agree on even modest attempts to address in this resolution this information on worrying developments in the Darfur region.

We are particularly concerned that the Council was unable to address the role of illicit trafficking in natural resources in fueling conflict. The nexus between gold trafficking and armed groups – as outlined by the Panel of Experts – is very well known. This Council has addressed, without controversy, the role of gold and natural resources in other conflicts, such as the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and even terrorism by ISIL. Today, the Council should have built upon the excellent international and regional initiatives underway in this field to tackle this problem in the Sudan context.

But because of the Panel’s reporting on this issue, a Panel’s report may never become public. And that is extremely concerning. We urge this Council, and those who value the integrity and transparency of the work of the Security Council and its committees, to allow for this report to be published as soon as possible. Some of the same Council members who speak in certain contexts of the need for transparency in sanctions regimes in theory – including in a forthcoming meeting of this Council – now seek to block publication of information related to a real sanctions regime in practice because they do not like its findings. We cannot make judgements about what should be transparent and what shouldn’t be on the basis of whether the information is convenient or inconvenient.

Finally, please let me reiterate that as penholder of this annual renewal, we take seriously our responsibility to consider the Panel’s findings and recommendations, and also the views of all of the members of this Council. Some of those views could not be reconciled with the facts, including the facts presented in the Panel of Experts report that is being blocked from publication. We look forward to continuing our discussion with colleagues on how best to increase transparency, reinforce compliance with Security Council resolutions, and respond to the findings of the Panel. Truly addressing the issues facing Darfur will require this Council to speak with one voice and to take meaningful steps to help advance peace. I thank you, Mr. President.


Post: #16
Title: Re: مشروع عقوبات الامم المتحدة علي الذهب السو
Author: عبدالمجيد صالح
Date: 02-11-2016, 02:58 AM
Parent: #15

بيت القصيد , نقطة مهمة في خطاب بااول

دور الذهب في اشعال الحرب في دارفور كما لعب الذهب دور فعال في دعم الجماعات الارهابية مثل داعش وغيرها

ليها صفقة امراة قوية

We are particularly concerned that the Council was unable to address the role of illicit trafficking in natural resources in fueling conflict. The nexus between gold trafficking and armed groups – as outlined by the Panel of Experts – is very well known. This Council has addressed, without controversy, the role of gold and natural resources in other conflicts, such as the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and even terrorism by ISIL. Today, the Council should have built upon the excellent international and regional initiatives underway in this field to tackle this problem in the Sudan context.